Bullying And Harassment In The Workplace



Literature Review: Annotated Bibliography & Outline

Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Chamisi Pastor

Liberty University

BMAL 501

July 28, 2018


This annotated bibliography discusses bullying and harassment in the workplace and its effects on performance, attitudes, and emotions. Most people, no matter the work industry, have experienced some form of bullying or harassment. There are not many laws or restrictions that deal with bullying, as it is often difficult to prove that it is happening. The workplace can be very stressful without bullying or harassment, but with its addition, it can make the workplace even more stressful. This bibliography will also examine the negative effects of bullying on an employee’s health. Workplace bullying can be negative and detrimental to one’s health and the organizational climate.

Keywords: bullying, workplace, health

Annotated Bibliography

Bernstein, A. (2017). A zero-tolerance approach to bullying in the workplace. Nursing & Residential Care19(12), 706-708. doi:10.12968/nrec.2017.19.12.706

This author of this article is a freelance writer and is qualified to discuss workplace bullying and harassment due to his extensive studying of the topic. This source fits in with the topic chosen to research as it examines why harassment and bullying are still significant workplace issues, despite increasing awareness on the topics. This source is helpful and is neither too broad nor too narrow. This research will fit into my research paper because it will describe how to root out bullying at care homes before it becomes a problem, as well as the laws and subjectivity of bullying.

Grynderup, M., Nabe-Nielsen, K., Lange, T., Conway, P., Bonde, J., Garde, A., & … Hansen, Å. M. (2017). The associations between workplace bullying, salivary cortisol, and long-term sickness absence: a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health171-11. doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4716-7

This article has multiple authors that contributed, and they discuss the correlation between workplace bullying and how it can lead to long-term sickness absence. The authors of this article are qualified to speak on this topic because they all work for different departments of health and science services. This source fits the topic, as it shows how bullying and harassment in the workplace affect health. This is a very helpful source and it is neither too broad nor too narrow. It will fit in the research paper because it will show what happens when employees are bullied or harassed in the workplace.

Hall, R., & Lewis, S. (2014). Managing Workplace Bullying and Social Media Policy: Implications for Employee Engagement. Academy of Business Research Journal1128-138.

The authors of this article are Reggie Hall and Sue Lewis, from Tarleton State University. They are qualified to speak on this subject as they are assistant professors in the department of management. This source fits the topic I’ve chosen to research as it discusses the how to manage workplace bullying and how social media plays into bullying and employee engagement. This article will be helpful in bringing in a technological aspect of bullying into the research. The article is not too broad or too narrow and will fit into my research paper by speaking on the social media piece of workplace harassment and bullying.

Hamblin, L. E., Essenmacher, L., Upfal, M. J., Russell, J., Luborsky, M., Ager, J., & Arnetz, J. E. (2015). Catalysts of worker-to-worker violence and incivility in hospitals. Journal of Clinical Nursing24(17/18), 2458-2467. doi:10.1111/jocn.12825

There are multiple authors of this article and they are all qualified to speak on this subject matter due to their different backgrounds working in various research departments. This source will fit the topic I have chosen to research as it discusses worker to worker violence and incivility in hospitals. It will be helpful to see how a different service industry deals with the subject of harassment and bullying without being too broad or too narrow of subject matter. This particular article and its research will fit into my research paper by offering another perspective on the aforementioned research topic.

Hoel, H., Lewis, D., & Einarsdottir, A. (2017). Debate: Bullying and harassment of lesbians, gay men and bisexual employees: findings from a representative British national study. Public Money & Management37(5), 312-314. doi:10.1080/09540962.2017.1328169

The authors of this article are Helge Hoel, Lewis Duncan, and Anna Einarsdottir. They are qualified to speak on this subject matter because they are a professor in Organizational Behavior and a recognized international expert on bullying, harassment and violence in the workplace, as Provost of the U.S. Naval War College and Associated Fellow of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, and a Senior Lecturer in the concerns discriminatory practices at work and promotion of inclusive organizational environments. This article will fit into the topic chosen because it describes another side of harassment and bullying. This article will be extremely helpful and is not too broad or narrow. This article will fit into my research paper because it offers the bullying and harassment perspective within the LGBTQ community.

Kemp, V. (2014). Antecedents, consequences and interventions for workplace bullying. Current Opinion in Psychiatry,27(5), 364-368. doi:10.1097/yco.0000000000000084

The author of this article is Vivien Kemp and she is qualified to speak on this subject because she is a research assistant at the Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Research Centre (CNMRC) in Australia. This source fits the topic of research chosen because it shows that the targets of workplace bullying may need psychiatric treatment; as a discipline, therefore psychiatrists may benefit from a deeper understanding of the nature of workplace bullying and its sequelae. This source will be extremely helpful in this research paper. It will not be too broad or too narrow of an article. This will fit into my research paper by demonstrating that ongoing bullying and harassment can lead to the need of psychiatric help for victims.

King, B. (2018). Addressing the bullying and harassment of students with disabilities through school compliance to avoid litigation. Brigham Young University Education & Law Journal2018(1), 67-88.

The author of this article is Bryson King and he is qualified to speak on harassment and bullying in the workplace because he was a teaching assistant at Brigham Young University professors in the Department of History and the Department of Education and he researched assignments to supplement learning material and curriculum development. This source fits into the topic because it describes how schools can avoid litigation with the harassment and bullying of those with disabilities. This helpful source is not too broad or narrow, and it fits into the research paper due to the topic of those with disabilities being harassed or bullied.

McCormack, D., Djurkovic, N., Nsubuga-Kyobe, A., & Casimir, G. (2018). Workplace bullying. Employee Relations40(2), 264-280. doi:10.1108/ER-07-2016-0147

There are multiple authors of this article and they are qualified to speak on this subject matter because they are all subject matter experts in different aspects of workplace behavior. This article fits into my topic of research by defining workplace bullying using a sample of 125 schoolteachers in Uganda and self-report data downward workplace bullying obtained using the Negative Acts Questionnaire. This is a helpful source and it is not too narrow or too broad. This research will demonstrate how workplace bullying and harassment is not only prevalent in the United States, but it is also an international issue.

Neall, A. & Tuckey, M. (2014). A methodological review of research on the antecedents and consequences of workplace harassment. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology87(2), 225-257.

The authors of this article are Annabelle Neall and Michelle Tuckey. These two women are qualified to speak on this subject matter as they are a research associate and associate professor of research at the University of South Australia, respectively. This source fits the research because it discusses the consequences of workplace harassment. This source is very helpful and not too broad or too narrow. This will fit the research paper because it which focuses on the antecedents, consequences, or process of diverse forms of workplace harassment (e.g., bullying, abusive supervision, mobbing, and victimization), were systematically analyzed for methodological content.

Olsen, E., Bjaalid, G., & Mikkelsen, A. (2017). Work climate and the mediating role of workplace bullying related to job performance, job satisfaction, and work ability: A study among hospital nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing73(11), 2709-2719. doi:10.1111/jan.13337

Epsen Olsen, Gunhild Bjaalid, and Aslaug Mikkelsen are the authors of this article. They are qualified to speak on this subject as they are all professors at the University of Stavanger working in various behavioral and psychology research departments. This source fits the topic as it examines how the work climate affects everything. This article is not too broad and not too narrow, and it is very helpful. This article will fit into the research paper as its aim to increase understanding of workplace bullying and its relation to work climate and different outcomes among nurses. Examine a proposed bullying model including both job resource and job demands, as well as nurse outcomes reflected in job performance, job satisfaction, and work ability.

Sansone, R. & Sansone, L. (2015). Workplace bullying: A tale of adverse consequences. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience12(1/2), 32-37.

The authors of this article are Randy Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry & Internal Medicine at Wright State University American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Psychiatry) and Lori Sansone a family physician affiliated with Wright Patterson Medical Center. They are highly qualified doctors and are perfect to speak on this matter. This source is very helpful and not too broad or too narrow. This topic fits in and will fit the research paper as it explores the adverse ways that workplace bullying affects the mental capacity of men and women and how it can lead to a very detrimental ending.

Tomkowicz, S. & Fiorentino, S. (2017). Status-blind harassment and the Faragher model: A comprehensive managerial response to workplace bullying. Southern Law Journal27(1), 1-34.

Dr. Sandra M. Tomkowicz is a Professor in the Management Department at West Chester University and Dr. Susan Fiorentino is Assistant Professor in the Management Department at West Chester and they have conducted numerous hours of research on management and behavior, so they are very qualified. This topic is helpful and is not too broad or too narrow. This source fits my research topic and will fit into my research paper by examining how managers should react and respond to workplace bullying. The article focuses on the workplace harassment and morbidity in the U.S. and enactment of managerial and legal responses for combatting the same. Topics discussed include issues of health risk factors and morbidity in the workplace.

Vickers, M. (2014). Towards Reducing the Harm: Workplace Bullying as Workplace Corruption—A Critical Review. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 26(2), 95-113. doi:10.1007/s10672-013-9231-0

The author of this article is Margaret Vickers and she is qualified to speak on this subject because she is an Emeritus Professor, Centre for Educational Research (SoE) at Western Sydney University. This source is not too broad or too narrow and it will be helpful in the construction of my research paper. The source fits the topic and will fit into my research paper because it discusses how workplace bullying and workplace corruption are both disturbing workplace phenomena. It also shows that despite considerable research into both, there remains insufficient understanding of either, including scant recognition that, at times, they may intersect.

Vishwakarma, A., Mishra, V., & Kumar, S. (2018). Workplace bullying: A noxious treatment for employee mental health. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing9(5), 730-734.

The authors of this article are Amit Vishwakarma, Visheshta Mishra, & Sandeep Kumar and they are all qualified and affiliated with Banaras Hindu University. This article is not too broad or too narrow and it will be very helpful in my research paper. This article fits the topic of my research paper and will fit into the research paper. The article discusses how workplace harassment affects the light, passion, humor, personality and others intellectual properties of many employees, until recently it has been relatively ignored in the ocean of organizational psychology literature. First, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between workplace bullying and mental health. Secondly, effect of workplace bullying behavior on employee behavior and his deviant behavior in social relation.

Yamada, D. (2015). Workplace bullying and the law: U.S. legislative developments 2013-15. Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal19(1), 49-59.

The author of this article is David Yamada and he is highly qualified Professor of Law & Director, New Workplace Institute. This source is not too broad or narrow and it will be helpful in my research of the topic of harassment and bullying. This article fits the topic and will fit into my research paper just fine. The article discusses bullying and harassment the U.S. laws concerning them during the years of 2013-2015. This source examines the significant legislative developments concerning workplace bullying at the state levels in the US is presented.

Literature Review Outline

I. Introduction

a. The topic of the literature review is workplace bullying and harassment and how it affects performance, attitudes, and emotions. Workplace bullying is repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators. Examining the interactive effects of gender on workplace bullying helps to provide a better understanding of the potential influence of gender in bullying scenarios (McCormack, Djurkovic, Nsubuga-Kyobe, & Casimir, 2018). This topic is very important to research study because workplace bullying is known to happen, but it has not declined, instead it seems to be rising.

b. The themes and trends from the readings and research is that workplace bullying is negative (Glaso, L., & Notelaters, G., 2012, p. 362). The articles show that bullying behaviors involve a range of negative behaviors directed at a target. These behaviors are often convert and non-verbal, and can be task related or personal attacks (Northhcott, R., 2011, p. 14).

II. Theme One

a. The themes are recognizing the behaviors of bullying. Verbal behaviors are Persistent complaining: ugly speech, which is unbecoming and unprofessional, arguing; a more aggressive form of complaining which serves to anger all those involved. Personal abuse, which are remarks to demean someone’s person. No personified abuse, which are angry remarks directed at the general work environment. Negative sarcasm at the expense of coworkers, leadership, or the general workplace area (Olmstead, J., 2013, p. 54).

Nonverbal behaviors which are actions demanding repeated instructions from a supervisor to complete a task. Purposefully not participating in actions that require teamwork. Injecting tension into the workplace, sometimes termed Passive aggression (Olmstead, J., 2013, p. 54).

b. Sub-theme- Job satisfaction, work related depression, psychological well-being as it relates to workplace bullying (Devonish, D., 2013, p. 630).

i. Job satisfaction and wellbeing have an important role in the relationship between workplace bullying and employee performance (Devonish, D., 2013, p. 641)

ii. Several studies have verified that increased stress and mental distress are possible psychological aftermaths of workplace bullying even up to two years later. Investigators have also identified sleep disturbances, major depression, mood, and anxiety (Sansone, R., & Sansone, L., 2015, p. 32).

iii. The connection between workplace bullying and deterioration in mental health, increased levels of self-reported stress, various psychosomatic conditions, lessened self-confidence and increased sick leave (Oxenstierna, G. et al, 2012, p. 180).

c. Sub-theme-Workplace bullying as Workplace Corruption

i. Misuse of organizational resources. Such as but not limited to resources that are informational, technological, policy and procedural, financial, temporal, structural, physical, and/or human (Vickers, M., 2013, p. 102)

ii. Misuse of informational resources is a form of workplace corruption that includes improper use of, or attempts to improperly use, any organizational resources (Vickers, M., 2013, p. 102)

iii. Misuse of human resources which include blocking employment opportunities such as higher duty opportunities, promotions, and senior roles (Vickers, M., 2013, p. 102)

d. Sub-theme-How gender and races are differently perceived when they are bullied.

i. The social construction of gender affects the frequency, duration, and type of bullying that women experience (Gilbert, J.A., et al, 2013, p. 80)

ii. Asian, African-American, and Hispanic groups indicted higher levels of workplace bullying than whites (Gilbert, J.A., et al, 2013, p. 80)

iii. Women have a narrower band of acceptable behaviors than men (Gilbert, J.A., et al, 2013, p. 80)

III. Theme B. Effects of Workplace bullying on job productivity and personnel

a. Sub-theme-Impact on productivity

i. Absenteeism, turnover, higher insurance premiums and litigation are but a few harmful impacts of workplace bullying on productivity (Chekwa, & Thomas, 2013, p. 46).

ii. Studies show that bulling in the workplace is associated with lower job satisfaction (Glaso, & Notelaers, 2012, p. 361).

iii. The consequences are severe in dealing with workplace bullying in relation to intention to leave an organization

IV. Theme C. Recognizing Workplace Bullying

c. Sub-theme-define workplace bullying

i. The repeated nature of a behavior overtime, the negative impact it has on the targeted person, the difficulty the target person has in defending themselves, and the perpetrator uses their power to psychologically destabilize the target. Thus bullying is a deliberate series of actions with the malicious intent to do harm (Kemp, v., 2014, 365).

ii. Workplace bullying is harassment, mobbing, scapegoating, social exclusion, humiliation, workplace abuse and workplace mistreatment (Kemp, v., 2014, 365).

iii. Workplace bullying is the repeated, unreasonable actions of individuals or a group directed towards an employee, which are intended to intimidate, degrade, humiliate, or undermine or create a risk to the health or safety of the employee (Longton, S., 2014, 243).

V. Conclusion and Recommendations

a. What are the contributions of the literature to understanding the work?

The literature in the journal articles were informative and aided in the scope of the research that was presented with concise facts and information. The readings sought to inform the reader on Workplace bullying in all forms and aspects presented. In each article the purpose of the works were clearly defined and laid the foundation for the studies conducted.

b. What are the overall strengths?

The strengths of the literature are that the research seeks to provide much needed knowledge on the subject of workplace bullying. The research attempted to acknowledge that workplace bullying is real and the issue should not be ignored in the workplace.

c. What are the weaknesses?

The weaknesses in the research and was stated clearly several times is that there is no clear defined definition of workplace bullying. The concept is made of theories.

d. What might be missing?

In the literature, there was a lack of evidence of clear defined laws to

help end the effects of workplace bullying. In addition to the lack of support in the legal since more studies are needed to draw additional conclusive information to support the need to end bullying in the workplace. As stated earlier the literature on work place bullying is in desperate need of a clearly defined meaning of workplace bullying.

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