business contract for yard cleaning

  • Directions: This assignment is worth 100 points and requires that you have a partner. In the discussion area find someone in the class who needs a good or service that you provide, or someone who provides a good or service that you need. Write out a contract with them, making sure to include all important terms. Be sure to follow the links below for ideas on your contract. My suggestion to you is that you both turn in the same contract in the Dropbox instead of turning in one contract for both of you, even though both names are on it. You may use other contracts that you find on the internet or in books as a starting point. Some common contracts are: sales contracts or service contracts. You might want to read a little more about contract interpretation. Keep in mind that the contract does not necessarily have to be long, as long as it includes all the important points that you have agreed upon.
  • Length: Approximately 2-3 pages (double-spaced in either Times New Roman 14-point font or Courier New 12-point font-length will vary depending on the subject matter of the contract)

Grading Rubric- Contract

Elements of Contract


Introduction (Parties/Date)


Recitals(Background/Basis for Contract)


Agreement of the Parties


Body: (below)



Subject Matter of Contract


Operative Provisions




Statutory or Case Law Requirements (Boiler Plate)


Signature of Parties (virtual)


Total Points


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