Case Study

Choose two of the four topics as listed below: Decontamination Principles, Sterilization Methods, Preparation of Medical Equipment and Supplies, and Inventory Control and Distribution Systems. Once the two case studies are chosen, answer the questions using your own words and address the conflict or issue with a solution specific to the topics chosen. You can utilize your text or other credible sources to build a thorough paper that contains at least six main ideas with supporting details regarding the topic chosen and a minimum of three credible references. The paper must be written in APA or MLA format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Please refer to rubric regarding specific grading criteria.

1. Decontamination Principles: Dr. Frankie is a prestigious neurosurgeon

at Glory Medical Center. During the last week, the surgical technician

in the operating room has noticed that dirty instruments have made it

into the OR. The technician finally decides to consult with the supervisor

because the incident has now occurred three days in a row. What issue

has occurred, and what may be the cause of this/these errors? What

might the sterile processing department have to do to resolve this issue?

Explain the decontamination process. What extra efforts can be made to

ensure that clean instruments are delivered to the surgical suite?

2. Sterilization Methods: Kristine, a technician in the sterile processing

department, has noticed that after sterilization at least two out of

every four loads sterilized for the day are moist. She has consulted with

her supervisor on effective ways in which she could troubleshoot the

concerns with wet loads, because it has now affected the department’s

work efficiency and quality control. Why might the loads be wet? What

solutions can Kristine apply to ensure that the processed instrument sets

aren’t moist? Define a wet load. Discuss how this issue can affect both

the operating room and the sterile processing department. How should

Kristine handle the wet packages to ensure quality control?

3. Preparation of Medical Equipment and Supplies: Over the last

month, the operating room has received rigid containers without

filters, assembled instruments in sterilized sets, and closed versus

open packaged and processed instruments. Why are all three of these

occurrences an issue? Discuss the instrument preparation process.

What can the sterile processing technician do to ensure that all items

are prepared and packaged correctly? What might the operating room

staff have to do if items are received closed, assembled, or without the

appropriate filters, chemical indicators, etc.? How can it affect the patient

if those items are used?

4. Inventory Control and Distribution: The sterile processing department

at Hershey-Chocolate Medical Center has an excessive amount of

inventory. Discuss what issues or concerns may occur due to this

excessive inventory. What inventory system may work well for their

department? Discuss at least four types of inventory systems and how

each could initiate a more controlled environment of inventory for the

facility. How can distribution be affected by excessive inventory?

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