Case Study

Due Date: 01/06/2019

Time: 11:00 am Darwin Time (NT)

Words: 2500 words (Excluding References)

Reference style: APA 6th edition (Both In-text referencing and reference list is mandatory)

References: Minimum 12-14 references required. Among which 3 should be from the book (Payne, M (2014) Modern Social Work Theory Palgrave MacMillan) and 6 from the suggested readings. The rest should be from good journal articles.

Name: Essay / Case Study analysis

Choose 1 case study to base your essay/case study analysis on (From the file named “Case Studies – Choose 1 for Final Assignment”)

In your essay you will analyse the case study and critically evaluate the theoretical approach and intervention/s that you would use as a social work practitioner working with this scenario.

Support your ideas and proposed approaches to practice using your learning in this Unit. You can choose one or more of the theoretical models learned throughout this course to prepare your essay. For example: Strengths Based Approaches, Attachment Theory, Systems/Ecological approach and Anti-Oppressive practice.

Your essay should include consideration of:

• The social work/practitioner role and the likely organisational context of the service/s involved in the case study.

• Who is your primary client and consideration their significant others (e.g carers, extended family, friends, peers) when working in partnership in this case.

• What are your initial thoughts about the case study and what you would take into consideration preparing to work with the people in the case study?

• How do theory and models of practice help you to understand the situation?

• How does your understanding of theory and models of practice influence the approach you might take with the case study. Outline how you would work with the people in this scenario.

• Critically evaluate your chosen approach to working with the client using literature


Assessment Criteria: The essay will be marked following the criteria below

Analysis/Argument (60%)

· Demonstrated understanding of key concepts, theories or perspectives covered within the unit learning materials in respect to application to the case study (e.g. Strengths Based Practice; Attachment Theory; Trauma Informed Practice; Ecological Systems theory; Anti-Oppressive Practice etc.)

· Application of concepts reflecting critical analysis of the case study and chosen practice approach.

· Use of clear framework in response to the case study and assessment task

· Key concepts, debates and issues identified

· Critical reflection on the topics

· Topics are discussed in adequate depth and use sources and literature relevant to topic

· Evidence of wide reading


Structure/Organisation (20%)

· A clear essay structure has been used to put forward a central argument in response to all elements of the assessment task. The essay reflects sound use of paragraphs with a logical flow between sections.


Clarity of Expression (10%)

· Correct spelling/punctuation, sound sentence structure and succinct writing. Written expression clearly conveys meaning.


Adherence to Academic Writing Style including references (10%)

· Sound use of literature throughout. References are correctly and consistently presented. Sources are adequately acknowledged. A minimum of 10 references is required for this assessment.


Book: The learnings from the book should reflect throughout your essay. Minimum 3 references should be used from the book. Correct referencing style should be maintained according to CDU referencing guide. For example, page number, paragraph, and different author’s citation in the book.

Name: Payne, M (2014) Modern Social Work Theory Palgrave MacMillan

Website of the book:


Password: Swk313@cdu

Suggested Readings: Minimum 6 references from the suggested reading list should be used.

· Connolly, M., & Harms, L. (2015). Systems theories (Chapter 3), Connolly, M. & Harms, L. (2015) Social work: From theory to practice (Second ed.). Cambridge ; Port Melbourne, vic.: Cambridge university press.

· Howe, D. (2009) Systemic and ecological approaches(Chapter 14). A brief introduction to social work theory. Basingstoke. England

· Roberts, J., Abu‐Baker, K., Diez Fernández, C., Chong Garcia, N., Fredman, G., Kamya, H., … Zevallos Vega, R. (2014). Up Close: Family Therapy Challenges and Innovations Around the World. Family Process, 53(3), 544-576.

· Tudge, J., Mokrova, I., Hatfield, B., & Karnik, R. (2009). Uses and Misuses of Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory of Human Development. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 1(4), 198-210.

· Geldard, D. & Geldard, K. (2012) Combining skills to facilitate the change process (Chapter 2 ) in Geldard, D. & Geldard, K (2012) Basic personal counselling: A training manual for counsellors (7th ed) Pearson Australia. Frenches Forrest.

· Roose, R., Roets, G., Van Houte, S., Vandenhole, W., & Reynaert, D. (2013). From parental engagement to the engagement of social work services: Discussing reductionist and democratic forms of partnership with families. Child & Family Social Work, 18(4), 449-457. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2012.00864.x

· Maidment, J., & Egan, R. (2016). Practice skills in social work and welfare: More than just common sense. Allen & Unwin.

· Healy, K., & EBook Library. (2014). A dynamic model of practice (Chapter 2) in Healy, K. (2014) Social work theories in context : Creating frameworks for practice (2nd ed.).

· Saleebey, D. (2006) The Strength perspective in social work practice. 7th Edition. Published Pearson

· Gray, Mel. (2011). Back to basics: A critique of the strengths perspective in social work. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 92(1), 5-11. DOI: 10.1606/1044-3894.4054

· Dominelli, L. (2009) People who misuse substances : addictions or responses to difficult life circumstances and relationships? (Chapter 7) Dominelli, L. (2009). Introducing social work Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA: Polity.

· Wendt, S & Seymour, S (2009) Applying Post-structuralist ideas to empowerment: Implications for social work education. Social Work Education: The International Journal 29 (6) pp. 670-682, DOI: 10.1080/02615470903342093

· Buchanan, F. (2013). A critical analysis of the use of attachment theory in cases of domestic violence. Critical Social Work 14(2). University of Windsor. Canada.

· Knight, C. (2015). Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: Practice Considerations and Challenges. Clinical Social Work Journal, 43(1), 25-37. DOI: 10.1007/s10615-014-0481-6

· Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2007). Critical reflection and direct practice (Chapter 11). Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2007) Practising critical reflection a resource handbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

· Weld, N. (2011) Working with emotion (Chapter 4). Weld, Nicki. (2011) A Practical Guide to Transformative Supervision for the Helping Professions Amplifying Insight. London ; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, 2012.


Teacher’s Notes: This must be followed strictly

· Please define key terms and theories and connect them with your case study

· Use good references to make your views and suggestions connect with the assignment

· While doing critical analysis, don’t just define the terms. Use examples to connect the case study with your analysis.

· Make sure your sentences make good sense and are grammatically correct

· Avoid plagiarism

· If you are working out how to incorporate critical analysis through the section “critically evaluate your chosen approach to working with the client using literature” the following might be useful:


Critical analysis of the theories generally fits here. In addition to this consider the specific details of the case study and your overall approach – are there any other complexities for practice that need to be considered that might influence how these theories may/may not suit or other factors that influence the imagined outcomes of the intervention and/or your choice of theory. Critical evaluation is broad – essentially students need to build a clear argument during the course of the essay for their chosen approach. The next stage of evaluation would then reflect some awareness of the complexity of the relationship between theories and practice (e.g. some of the content from Module 1, 2 & 6, the various parts of the integrated framework – not just the formal theory).

· One of the most common questions I get about this assignment is whether first or third person should be used. Either is fine – as this is an essay that requires you to imagine you are in the role of the worker you may use first person language to articulate your practice ideas for the case study (etc. “I would”). If you are more comfortable writing in third person (“the worker would…”) that is fine too.

· Please go through all the power point slides. Learnings from there should also reflect throughout your essay.

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