Python Code Assignment Help

Python Code Assignment Help

I need help with this project and I am very lost here.  Can anyone with coding knowledge and knows how to integrat C++ and Python please help?  The faster I receive this the better the tip will be.  If no one knows how to integrate these language and offer working code, please do not bother bidding.  I will attach put in the directions below and also load the starter/wrapper code in the attachments.  Also the input list is provided , but can provide the link if necessary.  Thanks.


You are doing a fantastic job at Chada Tech in your new role as a junior developer, and you exceeded expectations in your last assignment for Airgead Banking. Since your team is impressed with your work, they have given you another, more complex assignment. Some of the code for this project has already been completed by a senior developer on your team. Because this work will require you to use both C++ and Python, the senior developer has given you the code to begin linking between C++ and Python. Your task is to build an item-tracking program for the Corner Grocer, which should incorporate all of their requested functionality.

The Corner Grocer needs a program that analyzes the text records they generate throughout the day. These records list items purchased in chronological order from the time the store opens to the time it closes. They are interested in rearranging their produce section and need to know how often items are purchased so they can create the most effective layout for their customers. The program that the Corner Grocer is asking you to create should address the following three requirements for a given text-based input file that contains a list of purchased items for a single day:

  1. Produce a list of all items purchased in a given day along with the number of times each item was purchased.
  2. Produce a number representing how many times a specific item was purchased in a given day.
  3. Produce a text-based histogram listing all items purchased in a given day, along with a representation of the number of times each item was purchased.

As you complete this work, your manager at Chada Tech is interested to see your thought process regarding how you use the different programming languages, C++ and Python. To help explain your rationale, you will also complete a written explanation of your code’s design and functionality.


One of Python’s strengths is its ability to search through text and process large amounts of data, so that programming language will be used to manage internal functions of the program you create. Alternatively, C++ will be used to interface with users who are interested in using the prototype tracking program.

Grocery Tracking Program
Begin with a Visual Studio project file that has been set up correctly to work with both C++ and Python, as you have done in a previous module. Remember to be sure you are working in Release mode, rather than Debug mode. Then add the CS210_Starter_CPP_Code and CS210_Starter_PY_Code files, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to their appropriate tabs within the project file so that C++ and Python will be able to effectively communicate with one another. After you have begun to code, you will also wish to access the CS210_Project_Three_Input_File, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to check the functionality and output of your work.

As you work, continue checking your code’s syntax to ensure your code will run. Note that when you compile your code, you will be able to tell if this is successful overall because it will produce an error message for any issues regarding syntax. Some common syntax errors are missing a semicolon, calling a function that does not exist, not closing an open bracket, or using double quotes and not closing them in a string, among others.

  1. Use C++ to develop a menu display that asks users what they would like to do. Include options for each of the three requirements outlined in the scenario and number them 1, 2, and 3. You should also include an option 4 to exit the program. All of your code needs to effectively validate user input.
  2. Create code to determine the number of times each individual item appears. Here you will be addressing the first requirement from the scenario to produce a list of all items purchased in a given day along with the number of times each item was purchased. Note that each grocery item is represented by a word in the input file. Reference the following to help guide how you can break down the coding work.
    • Write C++ code for when a user selects option 1 from the menu. Select and apply a C++ function to call the appropriate Python function, which will display the number of times each item (or word) appears.
    • Write Python code to calculate the frequency of every word that appears from the input file. It is recommended that you build off the code you have already been given for this work.
    • Use Python to display the final result of items and their corresponding numeric value on the screen.
  3. Create code to determine the frequency of a specific item. Here you will be addressing the second requirement from the scenario to produce a number representing how many times a specific item was purchased in a given day. Remember an item is represented by a word and its frequency is the number of times that word appears in the input file. Reference the following to help guide how you can break down the coding work.
    1. Use C++ to validate user input for option 2 in the menu. Prompt a user to input the item, or word, they wish to look for. Write a C++ function to take the user’s input and pass it to Python.
    2. Write Python code to return the frequency of a specific word. It will be useful to build off the code you just wrote to address the first requirement. You can use the logic you wrote but modify it to return just one value; this should be a fairly simple change (about one line). Next, instead of displaying the result on the screen from Python, return a numeric value for the frequency of the specific word to C++.
    3. Write a C++ function to display the value returned from Python. Remember, this should be displayed on the screen in C++. We recommend reviewing the C++ functions that have already been provided to you for this work.
  4. Create code to graphically display a data file as a text-based histogram. Here you will be addressing the third requirement from the scenario: to produce a text-based histogram listing all items purchased in a given day, along with a representation of the number of times each item was purchased. Reference the following to help guide how you can break down the coding work:
    1. Use C++ to validate user input for option 3 in the menu. Then have C++ prompt Python to execute its relevant function.
    2. Write a Python function that reads an input file (CS210_Project_Three_Input_File, which is linked in the Supporting Materials section) and then creates a file, which contains the words and their frequencies. The file that you create should be named frequency.dat, which needs to be specified in your C++ code and in your Python code. Note that you may wish to refer to work you completed in a previous assignment where you practiced reading and writing to a file. Some of your code from that work may be useful to reuse or manipulate here. The frequency.dat file should include every item (represented by a word) paired with the number of times that item appears in the input file. For example, the file might read as follows:
      • Potatoes 4
      • Pumpkins 5
      • Onions 3
    3. Write C++ code to read the frequency.dat file and display a histogram. Loop through the newly created file and read the name and frequency on each row. Then print the name, followed by asterisks or another special character to represent the numeric amount. The number of asterisks should equal the frequency read from the file. For example, if the file includes 4 potatoes, 5 pumpkins, and 3 onions then your text-based histogram may appear as represented below. However, you can alter the appearance or color of the histogram in any way you choose.
      • Potatoes ****
      • Pumpkins *****
      • Onions ***
  5. Apply industry standard best practices such as in-line comments and appropriate naming conventions to enhance readability and maintainability. Remember that you must demonstrate industry standard best practices in all your code to ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency. This includes the following:
    1. Using input validation and error handling to anticipate, detect, and respond to run-time and user errors (for example, make sure you have option 4 on your menu so users can exit the program)
    2. Inserting in-line comments to denote your changes and briefly describe the functionality of the code
    3. Using appropriate variable, parameter, and other naming conventions throughout your code

Programming Languages Explanation
Consider the coding work you have completed for the grocery-tracking program. You will now take the time to think more deeply regarding how you were able to combine two different programming languages, C++ and Python, to create a complete program. The following should be completed as a written explanation.

  1. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of using C++ in a coding project. Think about the user-focused portion of the grocery-tracking program you completed using C++. What control does this give you over the user interface? How does it allow you to use colors or formatting effectively?
  2. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of using Python in a coding project. Think about the analysis portions of the grocery-tracking program you completed using Python. How does Python allow you to deal with regular expressions? How is Python able to work through large amounts of data? What makes it efficient for this process?
  3. Discuss when two or more coding languages can effectively be combined in a project. Think about how C++ and Python’s different functions were able to support one another in the overall grocery-tracking program. How do the two function well together? What is another scenario where you may wish to use both? Then, consider what would happen if you added in a third language or switched Python or C++ for something else. In past courses, you have worked with Java as a possible example. What could another language add that would be unique or interesting? Could it help you do something more effectively or efficiently in the grocery-tracking program?
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UFO Sightings- Building Website Assignment HelP

Do certain areas have higher concentrations of sightings?

What is the most common shape of a sighting?

What is the average duration of a sighting?

Is there a higher concentration of sightings at night?

Data sets are here: (Century of data)Attached (April sightings 2020)

Sketch ideal visuals 

Bubble Map to view concentration levels of sightings (Leaflet)


Lollipop Chart to view the most common shapes of a sighting


Violin Chart to view the bins of duration for a sighting


Word Cloud of submitted summaries for each sighting (D3)



Your assignment should: 

Include A dashboard page with multiple charts that updates from the same data

Should include Json amCharts (

Must include some level of user-driven interaction(e.g, menus, dropdowns. textboxes)

Main web page with navbar (possible separate pages for charts as well)

Main page with a filter for selected dates/locations with a collective chart change

Main Chart on top of screen – Map of locations (Bubble)

Secondary chart below or beside Bubble: Amchart pictorial

(This chart will show how many sightings per period selected)

Filtered charts per date or location:

Violin, Lollipop, Word Cloud

A combination of web scraping and Leaflet or Plotly 

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Basic Charts


The Excel file accompanying this assignment (SuperDrugsPrescriptions) contains fictitious pharmaceutical sales information. Using this data, create a Tableau worksheet to answer each of the following questions:

FILE to use: SuperDrugsPrescriptions.xlsx


1. Exactly recreate the following visualization of the average prescription price over time:



2. Exactly recreate the following visualization of prescription quantity vs. profit. The color of each mark denotes the region, and the shape denotes the drug supplier:


Use the viz you just created to answer the following in a word document:


· What pharmacy and drug supplier represented the highest profit mark on this viz, across all regions?

· What pharmacy and drug supplier represented the highest profit mark on this viz in the East region?

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LAB 2 Assignment Help

LAB 2 Assignment Help

1. Question #2 – Page # 88, Use data P02_03.xlsx.

The file P02_03.xlsx contains data from a survey of 399

people regarding a government environmental policy.

a. Create a crosstabs and an associated column chart for

Gender versus Opinion. Express the counts as percentages

so that for either gender, the percentages add

to 100%. Discuss your findings. Specifically, do the

two genders tend to differ in their opinions about the

environmental policy?

b. Repeat part a with Age versus Opinion.

c. Recode Salary to be categorical with categories “Less

than $40K,” “Between $40K and $70K,” “Between $70K

and $100K,” and “Greater than $100K” (where you can

treat the breakpoints however you like). Then repeat

part a with this new Salary variable versus Opinion.

2.  Question #20 – Page #96, Use data P02_56.xlsx

The file P02_56.xlsx contains monthly values of indexes

that measure the amount of energy necessary to heat or cool

buildings due to outside temperatures. (See the explanation

in the Source sheet of the file.) These are reported for each

state in the United States and also for several regions, as

listed in the Locations sheet, from 1931 to 2000.

a. For each of the Heating Degree Days and Cooling

Degree Days sheets, create a new Season variable

with values “Winter,” “Spring,” “Summer,” and “Fall.”

Winter consists of December, January, and February;

Spring consists of March, April, and May; Summer

consists of June, July, and August; and Fall consists of

September, October, and November.

b. Find the mean, median, and standard deviation

of Heating Degree Days (HDD), broken down by


for the 48 contiguous states location (code

5999). (Ignore the first and last rows for the given location,

the ones that contain -9999, the code for missing


Also, create side-by-side box plots of HDD,

broken down by season. Comment on the results. Do they go in the direction you would expect? Do the

same for Cooling Degree Days (which has no missing data).

c. Repeat part b for California (code 0499).

d. Repeat part b for the New England group of states

(code 5801).

3.  Question #30 – Page #105, Use data P03_30.xlsx

rates of various currencies versus the U.S. dollar. It is of

interest to financial analysts and economists to see whether

exchange rates move together through time. You could find

the correlations between the exchange rates themselves,

but it is often more useful with time series data to check for

correlations between differences from day to day.

a. Create a column of differences for each currency.

b. Create a table of correlations between all of the original

variables. Then on the same sheet, create a second

table of correlations between the difference variables.

On this same sheet, enter two cutoff values, one positive

such as 0.6 and one negative such as 20.5, and

use conditional formatting to color all correlations (in

both tables) above the positive cutoff green and all

correlations below the negative cutoff red. Do it so

that the 1’s on the diagonal are not colored.

c. Based on the second table and your coloring, can you

conclude that these currencies tend to move together

in the same direction? If not, what can you conclude?

dRepeat part for Ratio2.

1. Question #49 – Page #125, Use data P03_22.xlsx

The file P03_22.xlsx lists financial data on movies

released from 1980 to 2011 with budgets of at least

$20 million.

a. Create three new variables, Ratio1, Ratio2, and

Decade. Ratio1 should be US Gross divided by


Ratio2 should be Worldwide Gross divided by

Budget, and Decade should list 1980s, 1990s, or

2000s, depending on the year of the release date.

If either US Gross or Worldwide Gross is listed as

“Unknown,” the corresponding ratio should be blank.

(Hint: For Decade, use the YEAR function to fill in a

new Year column. Then use a lookup table to populate

the Decade column.)

b. Use a pivot table to find counts of movies by various

distributors. Then go back to the data and create one

more column, Distributor New, which lists the distributor

for distributors with at least 30 movies and lists

Other for the rest. (Hint: Use a lookup table to populate

Distributor New, but also use an IF to fill in Other

where the distributor is missing.)

c. Create a pivot table and corresponding pivot chart

that shows average and standard deviation of Ratio1,

broken down by Distributor New, with Decade in the

Filters area. Comment on any

d. Repeat part for Ratio2.

1.  Question #63 – Page #129, Use data P03_63.xlsx

63. The file P03_63.xlsx contains financial data on 85

U.S. companies in the Computer and Electronic Product

Manufacturing sector (NAICS code 334) with 2009

earnings before taxes of at least $10,000. Each of these

companies listed R&D (research and development)

expenses on its income statement. Create a table of correlations

between all of the variables and use conditional

formatting to color green all correlations involving

R&D that are strongly positive or negative. (Use cutoff

values of your choice to define “strongly.”) Then create

scatterplots of R&D (Y axis) versus each of the other

most highly correlated variables. Comment on any patterns

you see in these scatterplots, including any obvious

outliers, and explain why (or if) it makes sense that

these variables are highly correlated with R&D. If there

are highly correlated variables with R&D, can you tell

which way the causality goes?

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Case Study: Appliance Warehouse Services Assignment Help

Case Study: Appliance Warehouse Services Assignment Help


Create a 3- to 4-page document (to submit in Blackboard) that includes the following:

  • Summary: Explain your overall approach to analyzing and addressing the needs of the new Appliance Warehouse Service Department. How did you ensure you met the implementation, integration, and maintenance needs of the new Appliance Warehouse Service Department business case?
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Design a WBS for the project of planning and implementing the new Service Department. Identify each task needed in order to implement the new Services Department. Include duration times. Refer to the Week 2 Discussion.
  • System Maintenance Plan: Include measures to implement corrective, adaptive, perfective, and preventive maintenance. Include recommendation to maintain the system either using in-house resources or to outsources it. Include pros and cons of both maintenance types.
  • Security Risks: Identify and explain potential security risks for the Service Department business case. Consider physical, network,application, file, user, and procedural types of security risks. Include the backup system method to be used.


Our system administrator was asking me about the security for SIM. You and I have not discussed this topic in depth. We need to do a risk assessment and look at all types of security issues: physical, network, application, file, user, and procedural.

Make a list of the security risks for all six security levels. We need to make sure that we don’t leave our new system vulnerable to attacks.

Also, what is the backup method to be used for SIM? Please explain why you’ve chosen this method.


As you well know, maintenance on any system is essential to fix mistakes, add enhancements, or maintain security. I was wondering what you were thinking for SIM’s ongoing maintenance plan. We are hoping that this system will last for the next 5 years. We will have to assume responsibility for maintenance if we build this system in-house. Do you think we should hire enough IT staff to maintain this system in-house or should we outsource it?

To help the company think this decision through, please make two lists for pros and cons of in-house maintenance vs. outsourced maintenance. Could you get this to me today?


Now that we have isolated the necessary features for an in-house built system, we need figure out if it will be economically feasible to build this software. Mae Roth has asked for the bottom-line numbers for this project. Not only do we need to tell her how much the system will cost to build, but she wants to know what the total cost of ownership would be if we use this system for the next 5 years. You will need give her the numbers in net present value. Since our IT team is unionized, their contract states that they will get a $3/hour raise each year for the next 5 years.

Assume that we will need 2 servers initially for this project. Also assume that we will have to replace these servers every two years.

In the spreadsheet that you create, show the initial build cost and the cost for years 2-5 of maintenance. Finally, give the NPV for the entire project.

After the cost feasibility is complete, Mae will finally decide between the pre-packaged software and an in-house build. Thanks for all your incredible work on this project!

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Linux Implementation Proposal: Client Response Memo Assignment Help

Faster Computing was impressed with your presentation. The company is interested in moving forward with the project, but the senior management team has responded to the presentation with the following questions and concerns:

(12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls.)

  • How will security be implemented in the Linux systems—both workstations and servers?

(10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.)

  • End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on Linux. How would activities such as web browsing work? How would they work with their previous Microsoft Office files?

(12.4.1: Document how IT controls are monitored.)

  • The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How are common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? How does logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows?

(2.3.2: Incorporate relevant evidence to support the position.)

  • Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was recommended. They would like to see comparisons between your recommendation and a couple of other popular options. What makes your recommendation the best option?

(10.1.3: Define the specifications of the required technologies.)

  • How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software?
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Network 206 Test homework help

Network 206 Test homework help

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) What additional information is contained in the 12-bit extended system ID of a BPDU? (Points : 6)

VLAN ID Host address MAC address Port ID

Question 2.2. (TCO 1) EIGRP is a _____. (Points : 6)

link-state routing protocol proprietary routing protocol protocol that works well in smaller networks statistical routing protocol

Question 3.3. (TCO 1) _____ is enabled by default. (Points : 6)

STP EtherChannel PortFast VLAN 100

Question 4.4. (TCO 2) How would you describe an EtherChannel implementation? (Points : 6)

EtherChannel supports between two to 10 separate links. It increases the chance of a spanning-tree loop. A trunked port can be part of an EtherChannel bundle. EtherChannel operates only at layer 2.

Question 5.5. (TCO 2) You have configured EtherChannel . Which command will display the group used? (Points : 6)

show interface port-channel3 show etherchannel summary show etherchannel port-channel show interface g0/1 etherchannel

Question 6.6. (TCO 2) The configuration of which other protocol can affect or cause problems with the EtherChannel configuration? (Points : 6)


Question 7.7. (TCO 3) _____ is a global organization that certifies the interoperability of 802.11 products from different vendors. (Points : 6)

FCC IEEE ITU-R Wi-Fi Alliance

Question 8.8. (TCO 3) A(n) _____ is used in enterprise deployments to manage groups of lightweight access points (Points : 6)

access point RADIUS authentication server WLAN controller Wireless switch

Question 9.9. (TCO 3) Which technology is used to increase the available bandwidth for the wireless network? (Points : 6)

MIMO Mixed mode OFDM WPS

Question 10.10. (TCO 4) Which OSPF state is reached when the network has converged? (Points : 6)

Converge Exchange Full Two-Way

Question 11.11. (TCO 4) _____ is a link-state routing protocol. (Points : 6)


Question 12.12. (TCO 4) Why would OSPF routing protocol authentication be enabled on a network? (Points : 6)

To activate IPsec for IPv6 To share routing information with neighbors in a secure manner To block unauthorized access to the router To activate LACP

Question 1.1. (TCO 4) How might one describe OSPF type 5 LSAs? (Points : 6)

They are used to update routes between OSPF areas. They are called autonomous system external LSA entries. They are called router link entries. They are used where there is an elected DR in multi-access networks.

Question 2.2. (TCO 4) How might one describe OSPF type 3 LSAs? (Points : 6)

They are used to update routes between OSPF areas. They are called autonomous system external LSA entries. They are called router link entries. They are used where there is an elected DR in multi-access networks.

Question 3.3. (TCO 5) EIGRP _____ packets have a need for specific information. (Points : 6)

Hello Query Update Reply

Question 4.4. (TCO 5) The EIGRP hello packets are sent using the _____ protocol? (Points : 6)

TCP reliable RTP UDP unreliable RTP

Question 5.5. (TCO 5) What is a benefit of EIGRP? (Points : 6)

It is an open standard. Automatic route summarization of all routes Quickly adapts to alternate routes for rapid convergence It does not use loopback addresses.

Question 6.6. (TCO 5) A network engineer issues the maximum-paths command to configure load balancing in EIGRP. Which CLI mode is he in? (Points : 6)

Privileged mode Global configuration mode Router configuration mode Interface configuration mode

Question 7.7. (TCO 5) The quad zero static default route _____. (Points : 6)

is not used with EIGRP should be configured on the router facing the ISP is distributed for IPv6 with the redistribute IPv6 static command is represented as

Question 8.8. (TCO 5) _____ is also called the bit bucket. (Points : 6)

Loopback Link-Local Null0 interface EIGRP process link

Question 9.9. (TCO 6) On Cisco routers, where is the IOS stored? (Points : 6)

Flash memory NVRAM ROM tftp server

Question 10.10. (TCO 6) What is the tftp server used for? (Points : 6)

It allows for management of the router from a remote location. It is required for VPN connectivity for workers who must travel. It is used as a backup location for the IOS. It holds the IOS license agreement.

1. (TCO 1) Name the characteristics which would more likely be considered in purchasing an access layer switch, as compared to buying switches that operate at the other layers of the Cisco hierarchical design model. (Points : 14)


Question 2.2. (TCO 2) What is a benefit of using the channel-group 2 mode passive interface configuration command? (Points : 14)


Question 3.3. (TCO 3) Describe in detail the WiGig standard, in your own words. (Points : 14)


Question 4.4. (TCO 4) What is the criteria for selecting the OSPF router ID that uniquely identifies a router in an OSPF domain? Explain the process of selecting the router ID. (Points : 14)


1. (TCO 4) In your own words, list and describe the four steps to implementing multi-area OSPF. (Points : 14)


Question 2.2. (TCO 5) What are the three default EIGEP ADs with the source of route. List them in the order of preferred administrative distance with the best AD first. (Points : 14)


Question 3.3. (TCO 5) Write all the necessary commands to support MD5 authentication of the CHG_Secure keychain with a key string of Pep$R5. You must also include the IOS command prompts in front of the commands. Assume that you are already in global config mode. Rtr1(config) # (Points : 14)


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Agriculture Insurance Conference Assignment

Agriculture Insurance Conference Assignment

Vaccination Schedule

Think of vaccines as a coat of armor for your child. To keep it shiny and strong, you have to make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date. Timely vaccinations help to prevent disease and keep your family and the community healthy. Some immunizations are given in a single shot, while others require a series of shots over a period of time.

Vaccines for children and teenagers are listed alphabetically below with their routinely recommended ages. Missed doses will be assessed by your child’s physician and given if necessary. Keep a personal record of all immunizations and bring it with you to each office visit.

Name of Vaccine When It’s Recommended Total Doses

Inactivated poliovirus (IPV) At 2, 4, 6 months, and 4-6 years 4

Chickenpox (varicella) At 12 months and 4-6 years 2

Tetanus and diphtheria (Td) At 11-12 years 1

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) At 2, 4, 6 and 12-15 months, and 4-6 years 5

Hepatitis A (HepA) At 12 and 18 months 3

Human papillomavirus (HPV) 3-dose series for girls at age 11-12 years 3

Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Live intranasal influenza Annually starting at age 2 years Annually

Inactivated influenza (flu shot) Annually starting at age 6 months Annually

Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) At 12 months and 4-6 years 2

Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Rotavirus (RV) At 2, 4, and 6 months 3


These recommendations are for generally healthy children and teenagers and are for information only. If your child has ongoing health problems, special health needs or risks, or if certain conditions run in your family, talk with your child’s physician. He or she may recommend additional vaccinations or schedules based on earlier immunizations and special health needs.


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Data Analytics Assignment

Data Analytics Assignment

3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 1/4

home / study / math / statistics and probability / statistics and probability solutions manuals / business analytics / 5th edition / chapter 4 / problem 8p

Business Analytics (5th Edition) See this solution in the app


A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regular brand and a light brand with 30% fewer calories. The company’s marketing department wants to verify that its traditional approach of appealing to local whitecollar workers with light beer commercials and appealing to local blue- collar workers with regular beer commercials is indeed a good strategy. A randomly selected group of 400 local workers are questioned about their beer-drinking preferences, and the data in the file P04_08.xlsx are obtained.

a. If a blue-collar worker is chosen at random from this group, what is the probability that he/she prefers light beer (to regular beer or no beer at all)?

b. If a white-collar worker is chosen at random from this group, what is the probability that he/she prefers light beer (to regular beer or no beer at all)?

c. If you restrict your attention to workers who like to drink beer, what is the probability that a randomly selected blue-collar worker prefers to drink light beer?

d. If you restrict your attention to workers who like to drink beer, what is the probability that a randomly selected white-collar worker prefers to drink light beer?

e. Does the company’s marketing strategy appear to be appropriate? Explain why or why not.

Step-by-step solution

The data for survey of local workers with regard to beer-drinking preferences is given below.


Here ‘W’ denotes white-collar workers and ‘B’ denotes blue-collar worker in ‘Type’ column. In ‘Preference’ column, ‘L’ denotes those workers who prefer to drink light beer, ‘R’ denotes those workers who prefer to drink regular beer and ‘N’ denotes those workers who prefer not to drink beer.


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3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 2/4

A pivot table has been created to show the counts of worker type for different drinking preferences of workers where the total number of workers surveyed is 400. The screenshot of the pivot table is given below.


a. From the pivot table given above the number of blue collar workers that prefer light beer is 111 and the total number of blue collar workers is 250. So the probability E of a randomly chosen blue collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,


b. From the pivot table given above the number of white collar workers that prefer light beer is 79 and the total number of white collar workers is 150. So the probability F of a randomly chosen white collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,


c. From the pivot table given above the number of blue collar workers that prefer light beer is 111 and the number of worker that drink beer is 371. So the probability G of a randomly chosen beer drinking worker being a blue collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,

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3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 3/4

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d. From the pivot table given above the number of white collar workers that prefer light beer is 79 and the number of worker that drink beer is 371. So the probability H of a randomly chosen beer drinking worker being a white collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,

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e. The company’s marketing strategy to target blue collar workers who drink regular beer and white collar worker who drink light beer is most appropriate, since these two type of workers comprise the largest segment in their two respective subgroups.


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Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio Assignment

Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio Assignment



Project Description:

You work with the Radio Advertisers Federation to promote the use of radio advertising. In this document, you provide a summary of research related to the weekly reach of various media sources, including tables describing the reach as well as the weekly hours most households spend with those sources. The summary will be distributed to various local advertisers as part of a mail merge process.


Start   Word. Download and open the file named Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio.docx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


Ensure that Ruler is shown and   that nonprinting characters are displayed. Move to the last page of the   document and type the following, beginning in the first cell of the blank row   at the bottom of the table:
24 RA Tablet 78.1


Move to the second blank   paragraph following the table. Draw a table approximately 6 inches wide and 3   1/2 inches tall. Draw one vertical grid line at approximately 3 inches from   the left to create two columns. Draw 5 horizontal grid lines to divide the   table into 6 approximately evenly spaced rows of about 1/2 inch each. Rows do   not have to be precisely spaced as you will distribute them later.


Erase the vertical gridline in the first row, so that the row includes only   one column. Ensure the insertion point is located in the first row and type Table 2 –   Weekly Hours (Average Watch or Listen Time). (Ensure that a space precedes   and follows the hyphen and do not type the period.) Press TAB and complete   the table as follows (do not press TAB at the end of the last entry):
Radio 25.7
TV 21.5
Smartphone 18.3
PC 10.7
Tablet 7.7


Select Table 2 and change the   font size of all text to 12 pt. Apply bold formatting to the first row in   Table 2. Delete the Category column in the first table. Insert a row above   the first row in Table 1 and type Table 1 – Weekly Reach of Media. (Ensure that a space precedes   and follows the hyphen and do not type the period.)


In Table 1, insert a row between   Hub and Insight. Type the following in the new row, ensuring that the new   entry is in Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Nielsen Smartphone  142.3


In Table 2, insert a blank row   above row 2. Type Source in the first cell of the new row and type Hours in the second cell. Apply bold   formatting to both cells. Select Table 2, ensure that the Table Tools Layout   tab is selected, and click Distribute Rows.


Select cells in the first column   of Table 1, from row 2 through the end of the table. Ensure that you do not   include text from row 1. Split the cells, making sure to deselect Merge cells before split. Type Source in cell 2 of row 2 in Table 1.   Complete the remaining cells in the second column as follows. (Type only   those shown in column 2 of the list below.)
PPM  30
Hub 87
Neilsen 82
Insight 26
RA 12


Insert a row below the last row   in Table 1. In the third column of the new row, type Total. Apply bold formatting to the   word Total and apply Align Center   Right alignment. In the next cell on the same row, enter a formula to sum all   cells in the column above. You do not need to select a number format.


Sort the rows containing media   sources in Table 1 (rows 3-7) by Column 3 in ascending order so that the   media sources are shown in alphabetical order. Do not include the heading   rows or the total row in the sort.


Insert a column to the right of   the last column in Table 1 and type Percentage of Total in the second row of the new   column. In the third row of the last column, type a formula that divides the   Households Reached value in the cell to the left by the Total in the last row   and then multiplies by 100 to convert the result to a percentage. The formula   is =d3/d8*100. Select a number format of   0.00%.


Include a formula in each cell   in the Percentage of Total column except for the last cell (on the Total   row), adjusting cell references in each formula to reflect the current row.   Apply Align Center alignment to all numeric entries in the last two columns.


Merge all cells in the first row   of Table 1 and ensure that the text is centered. Change the number of   households reached by TV to 197.5. Update the field in the last row of that column (the total) and   also update all fields in the last column to reflect that change.


At the first blank paragraph at   the beginning of the second page, insert text from Radio_Statistics.docx. In Table 1, apply a style of Grid Table 4   – Accent 3 (row 4, column 4 under Grid Tables). Deselect First Column in the   Table Style Options group to remove bold formatting from the first column.   Bold all cells in row 2 and apply Align Center alignment.


Center both tables horizontally   on the page. Select Table 2. Select a border style of Double solid lines, ½   pt, Accent 3 (row 3, column 4). Apply the border style to all borders.


Select row 1 of Table 2 and   apply a custom shading color of Red – 137, Green – 121, and Blue – 139.   Change the font color of all text in row 1 to White, Background 1 and ensure   that it is bold. Shade all remaining rows, including those on page 3, in Light   Gray, Background 2. Change the Pen Color to Black, Text 1, and drag the   border dividing row 1 from row 2 in Table 2.


Select the first two rows of   Table 2 and repeat the header rows so that they display at the top of the   table section that is currently shown on page 3. Include a caption below   Table 1 with the text Table 1: Household   Reach of Media Sources. (Do not type the period and ensure that a space follows the   colon.) Include a caption below Table 2 with the text Table 2: Average Weekly Hours. (Do not type the period and   ensure that a space follows the colon.) Modify the Caption style to include   center alignment with bold, italicized text.


Move to the end of the document   and press ENTER. Insert text from Ratings_Sources.docx.   Select all text from Ratings Source   to Whether   you select the paragraph mark following the URL is irrelevant; however, do   not select the blank paragraph on the following line. Convert the selected   text to a table, accepting all default settings. Apply a table style of Grid,   Table 4 (row 4, column 1 under Grid Tables) and add a caption below the new   table as Table 3: Major   Ratings Sources.   (Do not type a period.)


Begin a mail merge procedure,   selecting the Access database Source   Ratings.accdb as a recipient list. Note Mac users, select the text file Source Ratings.txt as a recipient   list.
Edit the recipient list to add the following record and respond affirmatively   when asked to update the recipient list:
Source ID  Company Guild Member
B9111 Insight False


Filter the recipient list to   select only those with a value of False in the Guild Member column. Replace [Company Name] in the last body paragraph on page 2 with the   merge field of Company. Be sure to   include the brackets in the text to be replaced.


Preview results and then finish   the merge, editing individual documents and merging all. Press CTRL+A to   select all of the merged document and copy the selection. Display Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio,   move the insertion point to the end of the document (after the last caption)   and insert a page break. Paste all copied text, resulting in a 7-page   document


Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio.docx. Close all other open documents without   saving. Submit   Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio.docx as directed.

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