Mastering Psychology

Mastering Psychology: Work Sample Analysis

(Mastering Psychology)


just the 700- 1000.

The Professional Work Samples section demonstrates your performance and mastery of Argosy University’s program outcomes/competencies for the Psychology major. Select 3-5 documents to serve as samples of your best work in the program. Together, they should illustrate your mastery of all the 7 program outcomes listed below. Examples of the type of work that would illustrate each outcome is provided below, as well. The 3-5 documents should be samples of your work that you completed in previous courses as an undergraduate student.

These outcomes are listed below, along with the assignments that could be included to demonstrate mastery of the outcome:

  • Cognitive abilities (critical thinking and information literacy): Assignments or projects that demonstrate problem solving, analysis, synthesis, appropriate use of information resources, etc.
  • Research skills: A copy of a research proposal, a survey developed, etc.
  • Communication skills (written and oral): A topic paper, presentation outline, or PowerPoint that demonstrates your written and oral communication skills.
  • Ethics & Diversity awareness: Papers that demonstrate your understanding and/or analysis of ethical and diversity issues in psychology.
  • Knowledge of foundations of the field: Assignments, papers, or projects that demonstrate your understanding of basic concepts, theories, and empirical findings in one or more of the domains of psychology, including biological, cognitive, developmental, personality, and social.
  • Knowledge of applied psychology: Assignments, papers, or projects from courses and/or an internship that demonstrates your ability to apply psychology to personal, social, and/or organizational problems.
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: PowerPoint presentations, videos of your presentations that demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively, appreciate diversity and cultural sensitivity and awareness of your impact on others.

Once you have assembled your work samples, you will write a 700-1000 word narrative to serve as a preface to the Professional Work Samples section. This narrative should consist of a clear and thoughtful analysis of how each work sample reveals your strengths and areas for improvement, according to each of the seven areas addressed in the program outcomes/competencies (listed above). Towards this purpose, you will complete the Student Self Appraisal of Learning first, and then use that to generate the preface . Make sure you also address how you intend to strengthen your competencies in all areas as you graduate onto the next step of your professional career. On which areas will you focus most and why?

This preface should also include an evaluation of the Psychology program as well as suggestions for the program that will enable it to help future Psychology majors develop these strengths and overcome these weaknesses in the future.

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Optimizing Healthcare Research Variables

Optimizing Healthcare Research Variables

Optimizing Healthcare Research Variables


When determining the appropriate variables to utilize for evidence based research practices, the researcher must take into account the aim of the study or what the study was seeking to define or hypothesize, the participants within the study, etc. (N.A., 2018). In the end, the study must ensure that it has reached the necessary variables that will allow it to propose the most optimal values and preferences for effective implementation from research to practice within the healthcare organization

The way you design your evaluation research will have a lot to do with how accurate and reliable your results are, and how well you can use them to improve your program or intervention. The design should be one that best addresses key threats to internal validity (whether the intervention caused the change) and external validity (the ability to generalize your results to other situations, communities, and populations) (Fawcett, 2017).

•Independent variables are the program itself and/or the methods or conditions that the researcher – in this case, you – wants to evaluate (Fawcett, 2017) They’re called variables because they can change – you might have chosen (and might still choose) other methods.  They’re independent because their existence doesn’t depend on whether something else occurs: you’ve chosen them, and they’ll stay consistent throughout the evaluation period. For my project, the independent variable would be the readmission rates of heart failure patients with in thirty days of discharge.

•Dependent variables are whatever may or may not change as a result of the presence of the independent variable(s) (Fawcett,2017). In an evaluation, your program or intervention is the independent variable.  (If you’re evaluating a number of different methods or conditions, each of them is an independent variable.)  Whatever you’re trying to change is the dependent variable.  (If you’re aiming at change in more than one behavior or outcome, each type of change is a different dependent variable.)  They’re called dependent variables because changes in them depend on the action of the independent variable…or something else. The dependent variables for my project would be increased discharge teaching, and follow up care for four weeks post discharge.


N.A. (2018). Professional Capstone and Practicum. Brain Mass. Retrieved from:

Fawcett, S. (2017). Selecting an Appropriate Design for the Evaluation. Community Tool Box. Retrieved from:

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Health Psychology 310 Final Research

Health Psychology 310 Final Research

(Health Psychology 310 Final Research)

you will analyze a modern health problem (e.g., obesity, cancer, HIV, alcohol abuse etc.) by describing the factors (e.g. biological, interpersonal, psychological) that contribute to the problem, what treatments are available to address the problem (interventions, medicine, therapy), and how adequate you believe these different treatments are (and why). You should narrow your topic to some specific population or aspect of the disease (e.g. colon cancer in adults or the dangers of nicotine use in developing nations). In essence this is an interactive literature review. Your project should include a clear introduction, explanation of the relevance of each example or research study you cite, and overall conclusion.

· You will first hand in a topic idea This should include the general idea; e.g. “We would like to present a project on breathing disorders in children” and a few facts on why you think this will be interesting “because x number of children die from asthma each year” or “research has shown that breathing problems in infancy severely affect brain development and IQ later in life.” Late ideas will not be accepted for credit.

· Along with your presentation you should include full APA style references for each article you cited . You must cite at least 8 peer-reviewed journal articles in the reference list you turn in with your project.

· You will hand in a one-page outline. This should include at least 5 of your ten references (see info below). Late outlines will be penalized 4 points per day.

· You will be given rating sheets during presentation days to rate other student’s presentations. This presentation sheet is worth 5 points, so be sure to attend class even when you are not presenting yourself!

· Your outline should include references in APA format! For suggestions see:

The APA style manual

· In addition to the basic requirements of the assignment, style, clarity, and presentation quality will be taken into consideration when grading.

· Remember if you quote someone, put it in quotes, and make sure to cite the author of the quote, and on what page it appears in the source from which it was obtained [e.g. “If you were a hot dog…” (Caray, 1996, p.1)] Copying or reading text word for word, or nearly word for word, from a source without properly citing it in such a manner is plagiarism. Failing to cite the source of an original idea not your own is also plagiarism. Gross negligence in omitting such citations will result in a 0 for the project, and possibly additional disciplinary action through the provost’s office.

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Assessment Of An Organization

Assessment of an Organization

(Assessment Of An Organization)

This assignment is a culmination of the work you began in Unit 4, when you were called on to select an organization in your community that provides counseling services to one or more diverse populations (for example, a community mental health clinic, college counseling center, or school) and arrange for an interview by phone or in person. Having collected information in order to assess the role of the organization and its staff in prevention, education, consultation, intervention, and advocacy, and if the agency itself reflects a multicultural environment, it is now time to gather your findings and create your paper.

Address the following in a 5–8 page paper, referring to the data you gather in the interview, your text and course readings, and at least two peer-reviewed articles:

•Describe the organization, including the following: ◾The organization and the diverse populations it serves, including the cost for services. Who is eligible for services? For example, could an illegal immigrant receive services? Someone without health insurance? Is it accessible to public transportation?

The organization’s role in prevention with respect to mental health and the diverse populations it serves. For example, does the organization provide public service announcements, screenings for depression, et cetera?

The organization’s role in education on mental health and wellness and the diverse populations it serves. For example, does the organization provide education for clients? To community organizations? To the general public? And if so, in what forms and which staff are responsible?

The organization’s role with respect to intervention and the diverse populations it serves. For example, is counseling provided to individuals, couples, families, groups? Is the counseling staff diverse? How do the cultural characteristics of the counselors compare to those of the clients? Do the counselors receive training on culturally competent practice at the organization?

The organization’s role with respect to consultation and the diverse populations it serves. For example, do the staff offer consultation services to other professionals in the community, such as medical personnel, law enforcement, school personnel?

The organization’s role with respect to advocacy for the diverse populations it serves. For example, do the staff or organization advocate for diverse populations relative to mental health issues at the community level? At the national level? With respect to public policy?

•Identify and discuss a public policy relevant to this organization and population.

•Consider the basic principles of social justice and the ways in which mental health agencies demonstrate cultural competence presented in Chapter 4 of the Sue and Sue text.

•How well does the organization you researched manifest cultural competence?

•Where would you place this organization on the continuum of cultural competence?

•Imagine you are hired on as a counselor with this organization upon graduation. ◾What would you see as your role in advocating for and enhancing the cultural proficiency of the organization?

◾What two or three changes with respect to the cultural competence of the organization would you most want to see as a counselor at this organization, and why?

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Building Safer Health System

To Err is Human: Building Safer Health System, assignment help

(Building Safer Health System)

Question description

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have 4 or more sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings

The origins of the CNL date back to 1999 when the Institute of Medicine (IOM) produced the report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System , which highlighted the large number of patient deaths that occurred as a result of avoidable medical errors.

In response to this and subsequent papers by the IOM, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing issued a White Paper on the Education and Role of the Clinical Nurse Leader™ . This paper identified an approach to strengthening nursing leadership at the “point at which care is delivered” to improve patient safety and strengthen the quality and outcomes of the care delivered

CNLs provide education to all the different professional groups they work with as they integrate evidence-based practice and change at the point of care. They are likely to liaise with the CNE as part of the unit leadership team when areas of educational need are identified and work with them to monitor and feedback on the effectiveness of the educational interventions provided by either CNEs or CNLs.

In their Transforming Practice, Transforming Care™ model for the clinician at the point of care, Monaghan and Swihart identified six elements of the CNL role, all of which are inter-related and need to be mastered:

· Leadership and change

· Interdisciplinary relationships

· Knowledge transfer

· Outcomes management

· Clinician at the point of care

· Professional development

Their role is not primarily as a direct caregiver but rather a facilitator of direct care. They work with the clinical staff who are involved in the care of the patients; provide support and assessment of patients who have complex healthcare, discharge, and rehabilitation needs; provide direction and delegation to care delivery for this group; make referrals when necessary; round with the medical and interdisciplinary teams; and coach and support the direct caregivers in their unit or environment of care.

While CNLs have a shared goal with every other healthcare worker in providing the best and safest care possible to their patients and clients they serve, they are also the final piece of the clinical puzzle to achieving them. As we continue to see their numbers grow and more of their successes reported, we will also see that they are indeed the guardians of quality care.

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Qualitative Differences Among Gender

Qualitative Differences Among Gender-Stereotyped Toys

(Qualitative Differences Among Gender)

Step 1: In your Learning Team, read and discuss the Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings.

As you discuss these articles, pay special attention to the following topics and issues:

  • Cultural      influences on toys

Write a one-paragraph summary of the main findings from these articles, as they relate to the bulleted topics and issues.

Step 2: Within your Learning Team, investigate popular toys on the market today. You can use the internet or visit a toy store to do this research. See if you can find toys that fall into the four categories above: those that may promote aggression; those that may promote pro-social behavior; those that seem to encourage or discourage gender stereotyping; and those that seem to encourage or discourage cultural differences and/or stereotyping. Identify and investigate a minimum of four toys; one from each category. Discuss your observations about these four categories. Use the questions below as guidance for your team’s analysis of the toys.

How do      toys influence behavior, self-concept, and identity?

  • What      did you observe concerning positive and negative gender stereotyping?
  • How      has your research on toys and gender influenced your views on the relative      influences of environment and heredity on gender and identity development      in children?
  • From      your review of the literature and your examination of actual toys on the      market, do you believe that some toys may increase the likelihood of      aggressive behavior in children?  Under what circumstances might this      occur?  Explain.
  • How      has your research on toys and aggression influenced your views on the      relative influences of environment and heredity on aggressive behavior in      children?
  • Do any      of the toys that you have examined promote stereotypes? Do any discourage      stereotypes? Explain.
  • Do any      of the toys reflect or indicate cultural and ethnic stereotypes? What      effect can you see this having on the development of self-concept and      identity?
  • How do      toys that promote pro-social behavior benefit development during      childhood?

Create a 2-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of your findings including detailed speakers notes. Your presentation should summarize the four or more toys you investigated and present your findings on how toys influence development.  Conclude your presentation with a discussion of the following:

After      evaluating toys, what would you advise parents concerning how toys can      influence the development of their children? What would you want them to      be aware of and why?

  • Have      your views about the relative influences of heredity and environment on      human development changed in any way?  For example, are there things      you once attributed to heredity that you now believe to be more strongly      influenced by the environment, or vice versa?
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Elderly Medication Management

Enhancing Depression Care: Elderly Medication Management

(Elderly Medication Management)

Advances in genetics and epigenetics have changed the traditional understanding of mood disorders, resulting in new evidence-based practices. In your role as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, it is essential for you to continually educate yourself on new findings and best practices in the field. For this Assignment, you consider best practices for assessing and treating adult and geriatric clients presenting with mood disorders.

Learning Objectives(Elderly Medication Management)

Students will:
  • Assess client factors and history to develop personalized plans of antidepressant therapy for adult and geriatric clients
  • Analyze factors that influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes in adult and geriatric clients requiring antidepressant therapy
  • Evaluate efficacy of treatment plans
  • Analyze ethical and legal implications related to prescribing antidepressant therapy to adult and geriatric clients

Examine Case Study: An Elderly Hispanic Man With Major Depressive Disorder. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

  • At each decision point stop to complete the following:
    • Decision #1
      • Which decision did you select?
      • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
      • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
      • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
    • Decision #2
      • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
      • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
      • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
    • Decision #3
      • Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
      • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
      • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
  • Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients.

Note: Support your rationale with a minimum of three academic resources. While you may use the course text to support your rationale, it will not count toward the resource requirement.

(Elderly Medication Management)

Review the following medications:

  • amitriptyline
  • bupropion
  • citalopram
  • clomipramine
  • desipramine
  • desvenlafaxine
  • doxepin
  • duloxetine
  • escitalopram
  • fluoxetine
  • fluvoxamine
  • imipramine
  • ketamine
  • mirtazapine
  • nortriptyline
  • paroxetine
  • selegiline
  • sertraline
  • trazodone
  • venlafaxine
  • vilazodone
  • vortioxetine

you can edit my work bellow, add more information  , and use same medication therapy. Plagiarism must be less than 15 %


Improving depression care for depressed older men is a public health priority because older men are less likely than older women to receive depression treatment and are also more likely to commit suicide .Depressive disorder causes a continuous feeling of worthlessness , hopelessness and unhappiness to the victim and loss of interest in what they used to enjoy doing, also call major depressive disorder (MDD) or clinical depression (Unützer & Park, 2012). 3 Depression is one of the most common mental health problem leading to disabling in older men (Unützer & Park, 2012). A Late-life depression (LLD), is referring to depression that recurs in old age (having begun earlier in life) and again late in life; this negatively affect patients cognitive impairment, functional impairment, and development of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia (Diniz & Reynolds, 2014).

3 Late-life depression (LLD is associated with burden of medical illnesses (especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular) and risk of death. Patients assessment for depression should be using a standard rating scale, and initiate effective treatment such as antidepressant medications or evidence-based psychotherapies and psychiatric follow up. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (Unützer & Park, 2012) can be an alternative for patients who are not improving. Antidepressants reduce the consequences of depression. 3 It is important to note that depressed adults may be at increased risk for antidepressant adverse effects. (Diniz & Reynolds, C. F. (2014). 3 This week paper focuses the identifying and treatment of late-life depression of an Elderly Hispanic Man with history of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Decision #1

1 Will start with Zoloft 25 mg orally daily

Reason for the Selection:

3 Assessment tool used is Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), patient score 52, which is an indication of severe depression. When choosing an antidepressant my treatment option is based on the best side effect profile and lowest risk of drug-drug interactions Wiese, (2011). Wellbutrin is an antidepressant, but can cause seizures and Effexor may increase blood pressure Wiese, (2011). Zoloft is one of the most effective and safest medication for the treatment of severe depression in adults (Flint & Rifat, 2013. My best option is Zoloft 25mg which is best choice because of harmless to the elder (Flint & Rifat, 2013). Antidepressant use in the elderly are thought to be due to changes in hepatic metabolism with aging, concurrent medical conditions, and drug-drug interactions (Wiese, B. 2011). 3 (Flint & Rifat, 2013).

Expected Results(Elderly Medication Management)

The patient should be able to improve within two weeks. Some signs should might be am improve in his work, exercise, hobbies, intellectual pursuits, as well improve sleep. 3When using Zoloft, the level of awareness should improve. It must be noted that the patient is back on track with motivation to follow his normal activities and relate well with associates (Flint & Rifat, 2013).

1 Differences between Expected Results and Actual Results

3 Expected outcome after the use of Zoloft 25mg is the patient will see improvement in his mental capability and importantly that there was no side effect of the medication.The patient revisited after four weeks on his follow up appointment and reported of a decrease in the symptoms, but with a complain of sexual dysfunction and insomnia. The difference in the expected result and the outcome may be reason out that the body of the patient is trying to adjust to the medication while solving the problem of MDD (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017).

1 Decision Point Two

Selected Decision: 1 Augmenting agent such as Wellbutrin XL 100 mg in morning

Reason for Selection

3 The added augmenting agent such as Wellbutrin XL150mg in morning was because the patient has some complain of having decrease sex drive, impotence, or difficulty in having an orgasm and sleep problem (insomnia). Bupropion is an antidepressant with excellent tolerability in elderly person improve depression, insomnia, somatic symptoms, work functioning, and certain quality-of-life measures in elderly depressed subjects with medical disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Though, patient verbalized decrease in the depression symptoms because of using Zoloft, but because of decrease sex drive and insomnia, Zoloft will be decrease to 12.5mg orally every day and continue to watch for side effects, like suicidal tendency in the elderly, and complain about ejaculatory and sexual dysfunction (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

Expected Results(Elderly Medication Management)

3 With the combination of using Wellbutrin and Zoloft, it is still expected to see the patient to continue to experience reduction in depression symptom. The therapeutic effect should be observable which will motivate and encourage the patient.

1 Differences between Expected Results and Actual Results

3 The expected outcome after four weeks visitation is that the therapeutic effect of the medication will be clear and no more report of adverse reaction, that shows patient is tolerating the medications as agree. The actual result was that the patient report that there was more reduction in the MDD symptom and improved in the side effect which is insomnia and sexual dysfunction.

Decision Selected

1 Decision Point Three

3 Selected Decision I will discontinue Zoloft 12.5mg orally daily and increase the dosage of Wellbutrin to 150mg XL every morning.

1 Reason for Selection

3 The desire result was not obtained in the second stage though the patient observe reduction in the symptom of MDD, but the resulting side effect is not reducing or eliminated. Wellbutrin XL can help to reduce depression and remove most of the side effect of Zoloft (Mangoni, & Jackson, 2004), also this will help attain therapeutic effect with his symptoms until his next appointment to evaluate response to therapy (Mangoni, & Jackson, 2004). The patient will have to be monitor closely because of the medication adjustment side effect, the suicidal tendency (Mangoni, & Jackson, 2004).

Expected Results

3 At this point the patient is anticipated to experience close to zero symptom of major depressive disorder without any side effect, the sleeping problem or insomnia, sexual dysfunction. He is also expected to have good interaction with neighbor and friends.

1 Differences between Expected Results and Actual Results

Wellbutrin 150mg XL, there is a solution in the treatment of the patient with MDD, (Laureate Education, 2016). 3 When the medication is working well with no side effect, patient will continue with Wellbutrin XL 150mg orally daily dose and will be re-evaluated during the next appointment, medication can be increase if there is a reduction in symptoms to achieved desired maximum therapeutic effect. The actual result from the patient is that the medication is achieving the therapeutic effect that is needed by the patient (Mangoni, & Jackson, 2004).

1 Impact of Ethical Considerations on Treatment Plan

3 Ethical Considerations on treatment plan of a psychiatry patients can be complicated which can arise from plan therapy. Addressing the side effects of medications should be the most important in the plan of this therapy which include suicidal tendencies, dosage adjustment and close monitoring for effects (Flint & Rifat, 2013. Some drugs can cause patients to have suicidal tendencies (Flint & Rifat, 2013. Ethically there are sometimes practitioner are being influence by the health insurance of the patient, that is it easier to have a claim for drug treatment than physical therapy, therefore the health professional will choose to go the route of drug treatment. In all consideration the beneficence and no maleficence principles must be observe, the best treatment and best drug that sooth the patient must be administered.


When treating patients, we must understand that some drugs are good for a patient but the side effect on the patient might be grave. A careful treatment and monitoring of patients is important for total healing (NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017).


4 American Psychiatric Association. (2013). 3 Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental

disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Note: 3 Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Diniz, B. 3 S., & Reynolds, C. F. (2014). 3 Major Depressive Disorder in Older Adults:

Benefits and Hazards of Prolonged Treatment. Drugs & Aging, 31(9), 661–669.

Flint, A. 3 J., & Rifat, S. L. (2013). 5 The effect of sequential antidepressant treatment on

geriatric depression. 3 Journal of affective disorders, 36(3), 95-105.

Laureate Education. (2016g). Case study: 1 An elderly Hispanic man with major depressive

disorder [Interactive media file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Mangoni, A. 3 A., & Jackson, S. H. D. (2004). 3 Age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and

pharmacodynamics: 3 basic principles and practical applications. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 57(1), 6–14. Retrieved from: 3

6 National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2017). 3 What Is Sertraline and What Does It

Treat? Retrieved from: 7

Unützer, J., & Park, M. (2012). 3 Older Adults with Severe, Treatment-Resistant

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Educational Advancements in Nursing

Educational Advancements in Nursing

(Educational Advancements in Nursing)

Question Description

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have 4 or more sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings

To meet the growing complexity of healthcare challenges, the majority of nurses will require enhancement of education to a baccalaureate level. Theories and frameworks are the foundation which guide nursing practice, education, and research. The baccalaureate education fosters critical thinking, and problem resolution, a solid base in a variety of basic sciences, and the ability to interpret and communicate data. The ADN and diploma nursing programs lack and in depth understanding of nursing theory, community health, professional development, patient education, finance and health care policy (Cherry, & Jacob, 2014).

Providing exemplary healthcare is achieved by having a well-educated nursing staff. Research has documented an increase in favorable patient outcomes, less medication errors, decreased sentinel events, and decrease in mortality rates. In the October 2012 issue of Medical Care , the study correlated improved outcomes due to Magnet hospital employment of highly qualified nurses, primarily baccalaureate nurses. A recent study titled, “Economic Evaluation of the 80% Baccalaureate Nurse Workforce Recommendation,” reflected substantial decrease in readmissions and reduction in length of stay due to baccalaureate nurses delivering the majority of the care.

These positive end results render a reduction in healthcare expenses and improvement in patient care. The AACN and other authorities have the belief that education profoundly influences the development of nursing aptitude and expertise. Patients are deserving of the best educated nurse. Employers are recognizing the benefits of higher level nursing education, they desire to hire the best educated entry level RN (AACN).Prior to pursuance of furthering my education to the BSN level, I felt that my 3 year diploma degree provided me with an adequate foundation to provide care in meeting patients’ needs at every level.

Not long after being immersed into the BSN program, I came to realize that my 3 year education was lacking in family and community and health promotion and illness prevention; learning about cultural competence and diversity; research; management; leadership, and statistics. My personal experience is reflective of a diploma program lacking the theory and tools to provide comprehensive education for management of a new diagnosis of diabetes. The hospital where I was previously employed, had a certified diabetes educator to provide the patient with home care diabetic education. In order to be an educator nurse at this hospital, a prerequisite of at least a BSN was required.

I was well versed in performing the technical skills to monitor and treat diabetes during hospitalization. moved to the Primary Care setting, seeing many patients with new diabetes diagnoses.  had not ever provided comprehensive education for home management of diabetes for a patient with a new diagnosis. felt inept in teaching patients about the disease process and home management. I spoke with my nurse manager, who holds a BSN degree and a certificate in diabetes education. She assisted in the gathering of patient resource and instruction material. She demonstrated the use of the home monitoring equipment and reviewed the course material with me, which instilled confidence in my additional education encounters.

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Discussion 2: Neurocognitive Disorders

Discussion 2: Neurocognitive Disorders

(Discussion 2: Neurocognitive Disorders)

Diagnosis of elderly clients may pose multiple challenges. Coupled with other symptoms from age and/or medical conditions, psychologists may encounter complications in making an accurate, differential diagnosis between neurocognitive disorders and psychological disorders. For example, as neurocognitive disorders involve a deficit or dysfunction in cognition, psychologists need eliminate alternate possibilities for the neurocognitive impairment to make an accurate diagnosis.

For this Discussion, consider various complications that may arise with diagnoses of elderly clients. Select one neurocognitive impairment (delirium, Alzheimer’s disease, or a vascular based neurocognitive disorder) and one psychological disorder and consider the factors that may influence an accurate differential diagnosis in elderly clients. Then, consider how medications for elderly clients may complicate an accurate diagnosis.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a description of the neurocognitive impairment and the psychological disorder you selected. Then describe three factors you must consider in making a differential diagnosis and explain why. Finally, explain how medications for elderly clients may complicate an accurate diagnosis.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and current literature.

·         American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders(5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

o    Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders

o    Disruptive, Impulse-Control

o    Conduct Disorders

o    Elimination Disorders

·         Paris, J. (2015). The intelligent clinician’s guide to the DSM-5 (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press..

·         Chapter 12, Neurodevelopmental and Disruptive Behavioral Disorders

·         Gresham, F. M., Watson, T. S., & Skinner, C. H. (2001). Functional behavioral assessment: Principles, procedures, and future directions. School Psychology Review, 30(2), 156–172. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

·         Grzadzinski, R., Huerta, M., & Lord, C. (2013). DSM-5 and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs): An opportunity for identifying ASD subtypes. Molecular Autism4(1), 1–6. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

·         Lord, C., & Jones, R. M. (2012). Annual Research Review: Re-thinking the classification of autism spectrum disorders. Journal Of Child Psychology & Psychiatry53(5), 490–509. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

·         Ozonoff, S. (2012). Editorial perspective: Autism spectrum disorders in DSM-5—An historical perspective and the need for change. Journal Of Child Psychology & Psychiatry53(10), 1092–1094. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

·         Volkmar, F. R., & Reichow, B. (2013). Autism in DSM-5: Progress and challenges. Molecular Autism4(1), 1–6. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


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Business Implementation Plan2

Business Implementation Plan2

(Business Implementation Plan2)

Question description

PLEASE FOLLOW RUBRIC EXACTLY AS SEEN IN ATTACHMENT I have also attached additional paper to help steer you in the right direction.

*The Company is “Chipotle Mexican Grill”

*The Service that should be implement throughout this paper is “The development of a delivery service with Man and Unman cars, as well as Drones to deliver food.”

Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual presentation for the product, service, or idea you have been developing throughout your MBA coursework.

In Milestone Four, you will submit a financial analysis and funding plan, which includes your analysis of the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of your analysis. Support your analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.

Critical Elements:

Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.

Include the following as part of your analysis:

o Budget o Assessment of assets and liabilities

o Anticipated sources of funding

o Associated costs of attaining that capital

Include relevant proforma financial reports:

o Sales forecasts

o Cash flow statements

o Income projections

o All other relevant reports specific to your concept or idea

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

(Level 1 heading) Critical Elements that need to be addressed in paper

Main Elements – Includes most of the main elements

Critical Thinking – Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples

Financial Analysis – Provides an analysis of projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point

Analysis Parts – Provides a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis

Financial Reports – Provides proforma financial reports including sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and other relevant reports specific to concept or idea

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