Sexual Harassment And Ethics

Sexual Harassment And Ethics

(Sexual Harassment And Ethics)

Sexual harassment is a profound violation of ethical principles, undermining dignity, respect, and equality. It encompasses unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Ethically, it contravenes the fundamental principle of treating others with fairness, respect, and integrity.

An ethical workplace must cultivate a culture of zero tolerance towards sexual harassment. This entails clear policies, comprehensive training, and robust mechanisms for reporting and addressing incidents. Organizations bear a responsibility to create safe environments where employees feel empowered to speak up without fear of retaliation.

Beyond legal obligations, addressing sexual harassment aligns with broader ethical imperatives of justice and human rights. It’s about recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual and ensuring their right to work free from discrimination and harassment.

Furthermore, ethical leadership plays a pivotal role in setting the tone and upholding standards of conduct. Leaders must lead by example, actively promote a culture of respect, and swiftly address any instances of misconduct.

Ultimately, combating sexual harassment isn’t just a legal obligation; it’s a moral imperative rooted in principles of fairness, equality, and human dignity. Ethical workplaces are not just about profitability but about fostering environments where everyone can thrive with dignity and respect.

(Sexual Harassment And Ethics)
A minimum of 350 words required.

Sexual harassment is an important issue. The APA Ethics Code specifically states that professionals should not engage in any type of sexual harassment, be it verbal or physical.

Imagine you are the clinical supervisor of a mental health/research center. One of your younger clinical employees, Jamie Johns (ABD), has come to you complaining that her supervisor, Dr. Worth, has crossed boundaries during their clinical supervision by asking Jamie about her sexual orientation. Jamie reports that Dr. Worth has made sexual comments to her while discussing cases.

Jamie states that Dr. Worth is going to tell you that Jamie was sexually involved with one of her clients. She has confronted Dr. Worth about this being a breach of the APA Ethics Code. She reports that Dr. Worth laughed at her for saying this and said that he knows that the clinical supervisor will believe him over a new student practitioner.

Jamie is very upset while reporting this to you. She explains that she has not done anything wrong and has followed the Ethics Code. She sees this not only as a personal attack but also as a professional violation by Dr. Worth.

What is happening in this situation? Clearly identify and address some of the potential conflicts in this case study. You might want to look at multicultural issues, personal issues, and other human relation areas. Have you ever witnessed or heard about a similar occurrence? (Please remember to only share what you are comfortable with in an appropriate, anonymous manner.) Did you have any specific thoughts or feelings about the event? If so, how has the information learned in this unit changed that viewpoint? What would you have done differently?

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SOCW 6051 Wk3 Assignment

SOCW 6051 Wk3 Assignment

(SOCW 6051 Wk3 Assignment)


Many marketing efforts perpetuate the gender stereotypes that are steeped in our culture. Two examples at attempts to maintain these stereotypes through advertising are the Bic Critsal For Her and the Easy Bake Oven. These two conceivably innocuous items triggered a flood of articles, petitions, and videos, denouncing their perceived underlying messages.

The first controversy that erupted surrounded the Bic Cristal For Her pen. This pen was created and packaged specifically for women to use. Several groups lashed out at Bic, calling their attempt to target women with “lady pens” sexist and demeaning. Its detractors felt the campaign was degrading and fed into stereotypes by highlighting the thin design and the use of pastel colors. The negative press was overwhelming, although the pens have remained on the market.

Consumers also targeted those responsible for marketing the Easy Bake Oven by sending a petition asking its parent company Hasbro to make the ovens in colors other than pink and purple. Thousands of individuals signed the petition asking for alternative oven colors after a teenage girl from New Jersey was angered that her younger brother would have no other option but to use an oven in the colors that are considered stereotypically female. It was argued that the colors supported the stereotypical view that only young girls would want to bake. The signers of the petition felt that young boys who might want to use the toy would be more likely to practice their baking skills if the color of the oven was gender neutral.

Consider these two stories and think about your own reactions to the responses to the advertising and merchandising of these items.

To prepare: the assigned resources and reflect on your experience with gender.

Submit a 2- to 4- page paper, in which you:

  • Identify specific messages about gender presented in the mass media.
  • Discuss messages about gender you have received from your family or cultural group.
  • Analyze how these messages have influenced your experience with gender.
  • Explain how you might address issues related to sexism in the mass media and diverse cultural beliefs about gender and gender roles in your social work practice.
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Integrating Theoretical Orientations2

Case Analysis – Integrating Theoretical Orientations2

(Integrating Theoretical Orientations2)

Prior to beginning this assignment, read the PSY650 Week Two Treatment Plan ,Preview the document Case  16: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Gorenstein and Comer  (2014), and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders in Hamblin and  Gross (2012).

Assess the evidence-based practices implemented in this case study by addressing the following issues:

  • Explain the connection between each theoretical orientation used by Dr. Remoc and the four interventions utilized in the case.
  • Consider Dr. Remoc’s utilization of two theoretical frameworks to  guide her treatment plan.  Assess the efficacy of integrating two  orientations based on the information presented in the case study.  Describe some potential problems with prescribing medication as the only  treatment option for children with ADHD.
  • Identify tasks and positive reinforcements that might be included in  Billy’s token economy chart given the behavior issues described in the  case. (There are articles in the recommended resources that may assist  you in this portion of the assignment.)
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the four treatment interventions  implemented by Dr. Remoc and support your statements with information  from the case and two to three peer-reviewed articles from the Ashford  University Library.
  • Recommend three additional treatment interventions that would be  appropriate in this case. Use information from the Hamblin and Gross  “Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders” chapter to help support your  recommendations. Justify your selections with information from the  case.

The Case Analysis

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Software Engineering Methodology

Software Engineering Methodology

(Software Engineering Methodology)

Question description

Individual Project

 Software Engineering Methodology

 Word document of 8–10 pages, including empty sections

Software Development Plan Document

This course is comprised of a series of individual project assignments that will also contribute to a group project due at the end of the course. Each week, you will complete a part of a software development plan, and you will share your results with your assigned group after your individual project has been graded. The group will integrate the projects into a group-developed version of the software development plan.

Your team will select a software engineering project that will cover the development process from conception to deployment. You are expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Select a development methodology to plan a real-life application.
  • Perform a trade-off analysis covering quality, features, cost, and time for rapid development.
  • Conduct requirements elicitation and documentation for the application.
  • Prepare a systems component design.
  • Organize a schedule that covers build, integration, and test of the application.
  • Conduct a risk assessment for the project.

Throughout this course, you will be working on a software development plan for the project that your team selects. You will not be developing the software, but you will work extensively with the concepts of good system-engineering practices during the creation of the plan. Additional information and the deliverables for each individual project will be provided in the assignment description for the project. The final deliverable is also known as the Final Key Assignment.

Project Selection

The first step will be to select a project as the target for your team’s software development plan. This project will be used as the basis for each of the individual project assignments throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines:

  • Nontrivial: The selected project should be large enough to allow reasonable exercise of the software development planning processes.
  • Domain Knowledge: Students in the team should be familiar enough with the organization or software category to allow focus on the planning tasks without significant time required for domain education.
  • Accessibility: Students in the team should have good access to the people and other information related to the organization or system because this will be an important part of the process.

After your instructor has assigned team members, your team should select a software development project that fits these requirements and submit a proposal to the instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first several days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given for project approval.


For the assignments in this course, your team will not be implementing the actual development project, but rather, you will be developing a comprehensive software development plan document. Your team’s first task in this process will be to select a project to use as the basis of your plan. You will also create the shell document for the final project deliverable that you will be working on during each unit. As your team proceeds through each project week, you will individually and collectively add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project delivery. Appropriate research should be conducted to support the analysis in your team’s plan, and assumptions may be made when necessary.

Note: To be clear, each individual will be creating a software development plan in fulfillment of the individual project assignments, and the team will also create a software development plan in fulfillment of the group project due at the end of the course.

Team Project Deliverables

  • Submit a project proposal to the instructor for approval.
  • After the individual projects are graded, team members should share their results with the team. The team should then integrate the results into the team’s version of the software development plan document. There is no submission for this part of the assignment until the end of the course.

Individual Project Deliverables

  • Software development plan document shell
    • Use Word
    • Title page
      • Course number and name
      • Project name
      • Student name
      • Date
    • Table of contents
      • Auto-generated TOC
      • Separate page
      • Maximum of 3 levels deep
      • Fields of TOC should be up-to-date before submitting
    • Section headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content, except for sections listed under new content below)
      • Project Outline
      • Development Methodology
      • Requirements
      • Design
      • Development and Testing
      • Project Schedule
      • Risk Analysis
  • New content
    • Project Outline
      • Brief description of the project
      • List of major issues to consider in the development of the application
      • Material taken from approved proposal submitted to instructor
      • Project must be approved by instructor
    • Development Methodology
      • Describe methodology that will be used for software development
      • Include justification of selected methodology and why it suits project well
  • Name the document yourname_SWE481_IP1.doc.
  • Submit the document for grading.
  • After the assignment has been graded, share your document with your team through the team area in the classroom. Your team should decide whether documents will be shared through the Discussion Board or through the file uploads in the team area.

The project that we selected is Online Retail Store that includes inventory tracking


Agile Model or Waterfall Model

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Data Mining

Data Mining

(Data Mining)

Question description

Perform data mining activities on two Excel data sets. Prepare a 5 page report of findings, including whether data sets accurately depict performance, the use of data sampling methods in strategic decision making, and conclusions and recommendations about improving patient service and staff performance. Include in the report the analysis of the raw data in Excel data analysis tables.

Data Set 1: Clincial Performance

Data Set 2: Nursing Performance


As a Vila Health data analyst, you have been asked to work on a project related to customer satisfaction and nursing staff performance. You will analyze two datasets. One concerns clinic performance, specifically, patient wait times and office visit lengths. The other dataset is on nursing performance.

After analyzing these two datasets, you will compose a report for the clinic’s physicians based on your analysis.

Dataset 1: Clinic Performance

This first dataset contains raw data about clinic performance from a customer-service perspective. First, organize and analyze the raw data in Excel data analysis tables. You will include these tables in your report. Write your report about Dataset 1. Be sure to include these headings and address the bullets following each heading:

  • Accurate Depiction of Clinic Performance.
    • Explain whether the sample can accurately depict clinic performance, noting variations and patterns.
  • Data Sampling Methods and Strategic Decision Making.
    • Describe how to use data sampling methods in strategic decision making.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations About Clinic Physicians and Customer Service.
    • Draw conclusions about clinic physicians and customer service.
    • Make two recommendations for improving patient service based on your analysis.

Dataset 2: Nursing Staff Performance

Dataset 2 provides information on nursing staff performance on two tasks. The data show a decrease in nursing staff productivity at one Vila Health clinic in the past few months. Use the Nursing Data Worksheet and the Pivot Table Report, both contained in Dataset 2 Nursing Performance 2016, to perform data mining techniques to determine how nursing staff performed when completing Tasks 1 and 2. Organize and analyze the raw data in Excel data analysis tables. You will include these tables in your report.

Note: Be careful of filters. Be sure to check data from various years.

Write your report, including all of the following:

Data Mining Techniques to Evaluate Nursing Staff Performance on Tasks.

  • Explain how each of these data mining techniques can be used to evaluate nursing staff task performance:
    • Genetic algorithms.
    • Neural networks.
    • Predictive modeling.
    • Rule induction.
    • Decision trees.
    • K-Nearest neighbor.
  • Include examples of the use of each data mining technique in relation to the nursing data.

Data Mining and Strategic Decision Making.

  • Describe the use of data mining in strategic decision making.

Conclusions and Recommendations About Nursing Staff Performance.

  • Draw conclusions about nursing performance on tasks.
  • Create two recommendations for improving nursing performance.


Summarize the findings of your analysis of the two datasets. Draw conclusions about how the information from the datasets might be connected. For example, how might physician performance impact nursing tasks? Or what is the association between customer satisfaction and nursing task performance?

Resources: Data Collection

    • Horton, L. A. (2017). Calculating and reporting healthcare statistics (5th Rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available from the bookstore.
      • Chapter 12, “Basic Research Principles,” pages 283–307.
      • Chapter 13, “Inferential Statistics in Healthcare,” pages 309–320.
    • Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., & Hayter, M. (2014). Data collection and sampling in qualitative research: Does size matter? Journal of AdvancedNursing, 70(3), 473–475.
    • Kandola, D., Banner, D., O’Keefe-McCarthy, S., & Jassal, D. (2014). Sampling methods in cardiovascular nursing research: An overviewCanadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 24(3), 15–18.
    • Roberts, P. (2015). Data sampling for the right reasonsBusiness Intelligence Journal, 20(1), 33–38.
    Resources: Data Mining
      • Horton, L. A. (2017). Calculating and reporting healthcare statistics (5th Rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available from the bookstore.
        • Chapter 14, “Data Analytics,” pages 321–330.
      • Lismont, J., Janssens, A., Odnoletkova, I., Vanden Broucke, S., Caron, F., & Vanthienen, J. (2016). A guide for the application of analytics on healthcare processes: A dynamic view on patient pathways. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 77, 125–134.
      • Ullah, Z., Fayaz, M., & Iqbal, A. (2016). Critical analysis of data mining techniques on medical dataInternational Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 8(2), 42–48.
      • Data Mining | Transcript.
        • In under five minutes, this Capella media piece presents some basic assumptions about leading a data mining project.
        Resources: Data Presentation
          • Horton, L. A. (2017). Calculating and reporting healthcare statistics (5th Rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available from the bookstore.
            • Chapter 11, “Presentation of Data,” pages 245–281.
          • Ghazisaeidi, M., Safdari, R., Torabi, M., Mirzaee, M., Farzi, J., & Goodini, A. (2015). Development of performance dashboards in healthcare sector: Key practical issues. Acta Informatica Medica, 23(5), 317–321.
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Approach To Care Of Cancer

Approach To Care Of Cancer

(Approach To Care Of Cancer)

Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer. In addition, include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
  2. Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
  3. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the
rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


Explanation of the Diagnosis and Staging of Cancers is Provided.
An explanation of the diagnosis and staging of cancers is provided that is offered in a detailed manner, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

At Least Three Complications of Cancer are Identified With Comprehensive Discussion of Available Treatments:

More than three complications of cancer are identified with a comprehensive discussion of available treatments, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

Provides Recommendations to Address Physiological and Psychological Side Effects of Care.

Recommendations to address physiological and psychological side effects of care are offered in a detailed manner, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

Thesis Development and Purpose

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Paragraph Development and Transitions

There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Paper Format (1- inch margins; 12-point-font; double-spaced; Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier)

All format elements are correct.

Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment)

In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

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Health & Medicine Homework

Topic 1: Reflection, Health & Medicine Homework

(Health & Medicine Homework)

Question description

Think back upon your first topic question in Unit 1 and the four assignments you completed in this course. What do you believe about the influences of theory on nursing practice? What value do you place on using a model for practice as an advanced practice registered nurse? How has your philosophy of advanced practice nursing changed over the last nine weeks? Question should be 3-4 paragraphs and have 3 references please. (I attached the 3 papers I did for the class)

This is my topic 1 answer:

“A philosophy of science is a perspective-a lens, a way one views the world , and in the case of advance practice nurses, the viewpoint the nurse acts from in every encounter with a patient, family or group” (Butts & Rich, 2015, p.3). It is the responsibility of nurses to be able to view science from various perspectives, including scientist, providers, patients, family and the society in which they live (Butts & Rich, 2015, p.11).

As a nurse working in a large teaching institution, I have had the opportunity to work with many novice and quite experienced nurses. I observe them and reflect on myself as a somewhat seasoned nurse. There are many nurses that I work with that are from different countries, religious backgrounds and hold different value systems. As a Christian, Ghanaian nurse, at times I have to really evaluate situation without bias and understand what the patient, co-worker or family member needs from me as a nurse. An interesting article I read published on says it best, “we walk alongside the patient as they continue to interact with and “within” their environment (hospital or home, young body or old body, and spiritual realms) and we enhance their ability to interact with it “better” (Nurseinterupted, 2012).

Two years ago my sister passed away from a rare condition and I was no longer the nurse, I was the concerned family member. It really put things in perspective for me and I realized how vulnerable we all are when we are ill or caring for our sick family members. I observed all the nurses that cared for her and saw first-hand how important empathy and compassion from nursing can improve the patient’s outcome. “As patient advocates, APNs should identify patient preferences in an emphatic and non-paternalistic fashion in order to navigate, coordinate and facilitate multi-disciplinary and patient-centered treatment plans” (Guia-Rayos, 2014).


Butts, J., and Rich, K. (2015).Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Guia-Rayos, J. (2014, December 10). My Personal Philosophy of Advance Practice Nursing. Retrieved April 23, 2016, from

Personal Nursing Philosophy….Do you have one? (2012, August 23). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

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Pender’s Health Promotion Model

Middle Range Theory: Pender’s Health Promotion Model

(Pender’s Health Promotion Model)

Question description

Assignment 2: Nursing Theory Analysis Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to describe, evaluate and discuss application of a nursing grand or mid-range theory. This assignment also provides the learner an opportunity to connect theory and research to nursing phenomena. Learners will develop an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page and references) using APA style to address the elements listed below.

Theory/Author Name and Background

  1. Select a Grand or Mid-Range Theory that is appropriate to your practice setting.
  2. Describe the theorist’s background in detail and discuss how their experiences have impacted the theory development.
  3. Examine crucial references for the original and/or current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the selected theory.
  4. Identify the phenomenon of concern or problems addressed by the theory.

Theory Description

  1. Explain whether the theory uses deductive, inductive or retroductive reasoning. Provide evidence to support your conclusion.
  2. Describe the major concepts of the theory. How are they defined? (theoretically and/or operationally) Is the author consistent in the use of the concepts and other terms in the theory?
  3. Interpret how the concepts are defined. Implicitly or explicitly?
  4. Examine the relationships (propositions) among the major concepts.


  1. Identify explicit and implicit assumptions (values/beliefs) underlying the theory. On what assumptions does the theory build?
  2. Examine if the theory has a description of the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. If so, how are they explained in the theory? If the metapardigm is not explained, what elements do you see as relevant to the theory and why?
  3. Discuss the clarity of the theory. Did it have lucidness and consistency?


  1. Examine how the theory would guide nursing actions.
  2. Describe specifically how you can use this theory in your area of nursing (Practice, Education, Informatics or Administration).

APA Style/Format

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Assignment: Adaptive Response

Assignment: Adaptive Response

(Assignment: Adaptive Response)

As an advanced practice nurse, you will examine patients presenting with a variety of disorders. You must, therefore, understand how the body normally functions so that you can identify when it is reacting to changes. Often, when changes occur in body systems, the body reacts with compensatory mechanisms. These compensatory mechanisms, such as adaptive responses, might be signs and symptoms of alterations or underlying disorders. In the clinical setting, you use these responses, along with other patient factors, to lead you to a diagnosis.

Consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Jennifer is a 2-year-old female who presents with her mother. Mom is concerned because Jennifer has been “running a temperature” for the last 3 days. Mom says that Jennifer is usually healthy and has no significant medical history. She was in her usual state of good health until 3 days ago when she started to get fussy, would not eat her breakfast, and would not sit still for her favorite television cartoon. Since then she has had a fever off and on, anywhere between 101oF and today’s high of 103.2oF. Mom has been giving her ibuprofen, but when the fever went up to 103.2oF today, she felt that she should come in for evaluation. A physical examination reveals a height and weight appropriate 2-year-old female who appears acutely unwell.  Her skin is hot and dry. The tympanic membranes are slightly reddened on the periphery, but otherwise normal in appearance. The throat is erythematous with 4+ tonsils and diffuse exudates. Anterior cervical nodes are readily palpable and clearly tender to touch on the left side. The child indicates that her throat hurts “a lot” and it is painful to swallow. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 102.8oF, a pulse of 128 beats per minute, and a respiratory rate of 24 beats per minute.

Scenario 2:(Assignment: Adaptive Response)

Jack is a 27-year-old male who presents with redness and irritation of his hands. He reports that he has never had a problem like this before, but about 2 weeks ago he noticed that both his hands seemed to be really red and flaky. He denies any discomfort, stating that sometimes they feel “a little bit hot,” but otherwise they feel fine. He does not understand why they are so red. His wife told him that he might have an allergy and he should get some steroid cream. Jack has no known allergies and no significant medical history except for recurrent ear infections as a child. He denies any traumatic injury or known exposure to irritants. He is a maintenance engineer in a newspaper building and admits that he often works with abrasive solvents and chemicals. Normally he wears protective gloves, but lately they seem to be in short supply so sometimes he does not use them. He has exposed his hands to some of these cleaning fluids, but says that it never hurt and he always washed his hands when he was finished.

Scenario 3:

Martha is a 65-year-old woman who recently retired from her job as an administrative assistant at a local hospital. Her medical history is significant for hypertension, which has been controlled for years with hydrochlorothiazide. She reports that lately she is having a lot of trouble sleeping, she occasionally feels like she has a “racing heartbeat,” and she is losing her appetite. She emphasizes that she is not hungry like she used to be. The only significant change that has occurred lately in her life is that her 87-year-old mother moved into her home a few years ago. Mom had always been healthy, but she fell down a flight of stairs and broke her hip. Her recovery was a difficult one, as she has lost a lot of mobility and independence and needs to rely on her daughter for assistance with activities of daily living. Martha says it is not the retirement she dreamed about, but she is an only child and is happy to care for her mother. Mom wakes up early in the morning, likes to bathe every day, and has always eaten 5 small meals daily. Martha has to put a lot of time into caring for her mother, so it is almost a “blessing” that Martha is sleeping and eating less. She is worried about her own health though and wants to know why, at her age, she suddenly needs less sleep.

To Prepare(Assignment: Adaptive Response)

· Review the three scenarios, as well as Chapter 6 in the Huether and McCance text.

· Identify the pathophysiology of the disorders presented in each of the three scenarios, including their associated alterations. Consider the adaptive responses to the alterations.

· Construct a mind map for the disorder described on the Scenario 1: Consider the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the disorder, as well as any adaptive responses to alterations.

To Complete

Write a 2- to 3-page paper excluding the title page, reference page and Mind Map that addresses the following:

· For each of the three scenarios explain the pathophysiology, associated alterations and the patients’ adaptive responses to the alterations caused by the disease processes.  You are required to discuss all three scenarios within the paper component of this assignment.

· Construct one mind map on the disorder described on Scenario 1. Your Mind Map must include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the disorder, as well as any adaptive responses to alterations.

Instructor Requirements

As advanced practice nurses, we are scholars, nurse researchers and scientists. As such, please use Peer-Reviewed scholarly articles and websites designed for health professionals (not designed for patients) for your references. Students should be using the original citation in Up to Date and go to that literature as a reference. The following are examples (not all inclusive) of resources/websites deemed inadmissible for scholarly reference:

  1. Up to Date (must use original articles from Up to Date as a resource)
  2. Wikipedia
  3. non healthcare professionals section
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Family Crisis: Nursing Interventions

Family Crisis: Nursing Interventions

(Family Crisis: Nursing Interventions)

Please Do A Comment Base In These Answer In APA Format. Write 130 Words At Least In Each Comment.

Comment 1

This situation impacts every individual; Susie, her family and elderly and chronically ill mother. Along with that, nurses should provide information about community resources to Susie and her family to facilitate in providing care. To assist this family in overcoming with changing situation, nurses can use the family structural theory to identify current interaction patterns, behavior, and activities of the family. During the family assessment, the nurse should focus on family roles, capacity to face changes, illness, or crisis. So that nurse can provide family teaching about role changes that need to be made by each family member. For instance, Susie has to look after her three school-aged children and chronically ill elderly mother as well which can be her mother and keep the family functioning.

Nurses should assist Mrs. Jones in coping with her illness and new family too. Susie’s Children should also encourage to be involved in the family discussion to adapt and face the changing situation.

The developmental theory can be used in this family simultaneously by assessing the new responsibilities in various aspects of progress and success in caring the elderly mother by Susie and her family. As family enters in the new developmental stage, it presents opportunities for health promotion and intervention as the family moves through new stages as a result of the event (Huerta, 2013).

Health education as well is an important factor in helping this family to prepare for the role changes by providing education in caring chronically ill elderly mother with focusing on safety, nutrition, infection, and bedsore. In addition, nurses need to provide education on other resources such as obtaining services required to assist in caring the elderly and provide information to Susie, her family, and mother as the coping mechanism which helps to enhance health promotion.

Comment 2

Basically, such cases of child abuse, domestic violence among other evil things are on the verge of increase in our families all across the world. Research has proved it that majority of families are facing hard times in sorting out their family issues, something which has majorly contributed to increased cases of abuse. Medical practitioners also have brought out the fact behind their worries relating to the same issue (Yawn, Yawn, & Uden, 1992). Most of the cases they handle in the daily operations are related to either child abuse or any kind of domestic violence. Certain known characteristics are utilized by these medical practitioners in the health sector to investigate and come to a conclusion that the client is actually a victim of the same issue in question.

In the case where anyone has been facing any kind of abuse may it be physical or emotional, they will exhibit characteristics which will speak it loud and reveal the abnormality of their situation. To start with, for child abuse, the child will show signs of fear even in the presence of the service provider; he or she will have a sense of uncomfortable, they will feel lonely even in the presence of their less caring parents. Also, they will exhibit such behaviors like being worried as their abusers are still a threat to them, difficulties to understand concepts when it comes to class work, less interaction with others and difficulties in communication and lastly, they will face a lot of struggle ensuring good relationships with the same abusive parents. For elder people, they will almost exhibit the same characteristics but in a way slightly different from children since they are in a better position to control their emotions (Malley-Morrison, & Hines, 2004). As a healthcare facility, we have put in place certain frameworks enable victims of either domestic or child abuse to feel free and report the issue for solutions to be achieved. To start with, we have majored in creation of awareness of the rights of each citizen and provoking them not to feel ashamed about the same, but to be free and share them with the necessary bodies, also, we have as well done our investigations on any victim presented to clearly identify the extent of the matter and pretend any future occurrence by taking the necessary measures.

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