Help in nursing assignment

Help in nursing assignment

(Help in nursing assignment)

Question description

Follow the instructions provided in “Critique of Research Studies Instructions.”

When turning in the final submission, please arrange the elements in the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Critique of Research Studies Instructions


Complete a critique of the quantitative and qualitative articles that were submitted in Topic 3.

This assignment will be completed in three parts. Refer to the information below as a guide to the information that should be included in each part.

Follow the guidelines for the quantitative and qualitative article critiques in Box 5.2: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Quantitative Research Report, and Box 5.3: Guide to an Overall Critique of a Qualitative Research Report, in Chapter 5 of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook.

1.Utilize a central heading to indicate that what follows is the critique of the articles.

2.The side headings of the critique for each article should follow the headings in Box 5.2 and Box 5.3 in Chapter 5 of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook.

3.Note that within these basic guidelines, there are additional references to Detailed Critiquing Guidelines found in additional boxes in other chapters of the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook focused on the various elements of a research study report. Use these to expand the research study and to learn specific terminology appropriate to the critique of research.

When turning in the final submission, please put the elements in the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (which should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).

Critique of Research Studies – Part 1: Due Topic 4

For Part 1 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

Quantitative Qualitative
Title Title
Abstract Abstract
Introduction Introduction
oStatement of the problem oStatement of the problem
oHypotheses or research questions oResearch questions
oLiterature review oLiterature review
oConceptual/Theoretical framework oConceptual underpinnings


Critique of Research Studies – Part 2: Due Topic 6

For Part 2 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

Quantitative Qualitative
Method Method
oProtection of human rights oProtection of participants’ rights
oResearch design oResearch design and research tradition
oPopulation and sample oSample and setting
oData collection and measurement oData collection
oProcedures oProcedures
oEnhancement of trustworthiness

Critique of Research Studies – Part 3: Due Topic 8

For Part 3 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

Quantitative Qualitative
Results Results
oData analysis oData analysis
oReliability and validity oTheoretical integrations
Discussion Discussion
oInterpretation of findings oInterpretation of the findings
oImplications/Recommendations oImplications/Recommendations
Global Issues Global Issues
oPresentation oPresentation
oResearcher credibility oResearcher credibility
oSummary assessment oSummary assessment
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The Literature Review Process

Discussion—The Literature Review Process

(The Literature Review Process)

As the community assessment is completed and the statement of the health problem is clearly stated and appropriately quantified using the available epidemiologic tools, one must now start looking at an adequate and suited intervention or policy to address the particular public health problem. The availability of scientific literature is an invaluable source of information to begin searching for the most ideal and best-suited intervention, program, or policy to specifically address the targeted objectives emanating from the community assessment.

Because of the considerable amount of scientific literature, a systematic approach to literature searching is imperative to locate credible, high-quality evidence as efficiently and exhaustively as possible. To be systematic, a guide must be applied to aid in what literature is important, where to search for related literature, how to find evidence-based literature, and how to organize the results of a search.

In your analysis and evaluation of the three related peer-reviewed scientific articles for Week 3 Project, please share with your peers any difficulties, strategies, or techniques that you developed, discovered, or utilized to simplify or enhance the literature review process.

The steps for reviewing the Scientific Literature and Organizing Information are listed below. Please note that you do not need to follow the same order.

  • Review the issue statement and purpose of the search
  • Select a bibliographic database
  • Identify key words
  • Conduct the search
  • Refine the search
  • Select and organize documents for review
  • Abstract pertinent information from each document
  • Summarize and apply the literature review

If you found that some sections of the literature review process were more difficult compared to some other steps, please talk about this difficulty in this discussion thread.

Provide reasons or evidence in support of your responses.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words.

By the due date assigned, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through the end of the week, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Consider commenting on their difficulties and your thoughts for suggestions or resolutions.

Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Reviewed the issue statement and purpose of the search.
  • Selected a bibliographic database.
  • Identified key words.
  • Conducted the search.
  • Refined the search.
  • Selected and organized documents for review.
  • Abstracted pertinent information from each document.
  • Summarized and applied the literature review.
  • Shared with peers any difficulties, strategies, or techniques that you developed, discovered, or utilized to simplify or enhance the literature review process.
  • Responses demonstrated in-depth research and analysis.
  • Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.
  • Commented on the postings of at least two peers.

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  • Week 4 DiscussionTunde Akinmoladun posted Oct 17, 2018 3:22 PMSubscribeClass,
    This week, you will discuss literature review and the importance of it in research,and the the dos and don’ts of it. Enjoy the week discussing this.

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Application of theory paper4

Application of theory paper4

(Application of theory paper4)

Question description

Application of Theory Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize one strategy for the application of a specific nursing theory to resolving a problem or issue of nursing practice in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, a student will demonstrate the ability to:

(CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)

(CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO3, 7, 10)

(CO#4) Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO4, 7)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 6

Total Points Possible:  325


Description of the Assignment: (Application of theory paper4)


  1. Introduction to the paper includes a few general statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice. For example, why would one pick a nursing theory to solve a practice problem? Would a grand, middle-range, or practice theory be best? Does the writer have any experience in using nursing theory this way? In addition, a brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory and information on the sections of the paper are provided. The selected nursing theory can be a grand theory, a middle-range theory, or a practice theory.
  2. Description of the problem/issue for which strategies will be developed. The problem to be resolved must be in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy. Scholarly evidence (in the form of a literature review) supporting the issue is included. The problem/issue could be local to one’s specific practice setting. For example, the setting might be a nursing unit, a nursing-education program, an informatics department, or a health-policy unit of a consulting firm. The problem/issue needs to be something that a nursing theory can impact, whether it solves the actual problem/issue or enables people affected by the problem/issue to deal with it. It is best if the problem/issue is from real life – something the writer of the paper has dealt with or is currently engaged in.Some examples (these are fictitious examples)
    1. A nursing unit has experienced rapid turnover of professional staff, including several nurse managers. A new nurse manager from outside of the nursing unit is appointed.
    2. Informatics nurse specialists face a lot of resistance from all healthcare professionals to implementation of a computer-based order entry program. The implementation date will not be changed.
    3. A nurse educator is assigned to take over a large class of undergraduate nursing students, with a mix of young adults and adults returning for a second degree. The subject is difficult, students have not been doing well, and frustration and tempers are impeding group work.
    4. A health-policy nurse specialist works for a consulting firm that lobbies on behalf of many healthcare professions. Within the specialist’s work unit, there is much debate over the pros and cons of various policies being proposed for attention in the coming year.
  3. Applying concepts and principles from the selected theory, one strategy for resolving the identified issue is described in depthDetails on how the theory would be applied are included (consider: who, what, when, where, and how). Rationales for the strategy as well as evidence from scholarly literature are included. One ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed. Expected outcome(s) from implementing the strategy are proposed.
  4. Concluding statements include new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained by writing the paper

Format and Special Instructions

  1. Paper length: 6 pages minimum; 8 pages maximum, excluding title page and reference page. Points will be deducted for not meeting these requirements.
  2. The textbook required for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
  3. A minimum of 3 scholarly references are used. References must be current – no older than 5 years, unless a valid rationale is provided. Consult with the course instructor about using an older source.
  4. Title page, body of paper, and reference page(s) must be in APA format as presented in the 6th edition of the manual
  5. Ideas and information from readings and other sources must be cited and cited correctly.
  6. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual
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SDN security research

SDN security research

(SDN security research)

Can you help me in doing research about SDN security

Question description

First, I need to fix the attach file.. you can see a notes on it and also need to look at this requirement:
1 – Organize your folders as specified in the instructions. (-5)

2 – Related work is short, you need to provide more information about the work preseneted in the papers and provide a clear critique about the work presented itself, not about the writing of the paper. (-10)

3 – Your motivations are not enough and not clear, what is still missing that your paper will provide? Why this issue still need to be studies. (-5)

4 – Grammar and writing need to be revised. You are encouraged to visit the writing center. (-5)

5 – What are your research questions? (-5)

Please see my comments on the paper.

and this what it was required:

For this part of your term paper, you need to start your writing.

A. Start by putting together an Introduction section.

In this section you need to include the following:

Start with at least one paragraph discussing the field/area of study in general (for instance, if your area is on cloud computing, then start with a discussion of what cloud computing is and why it is important)
Then, add at least one paragraph discussing the issues in this field and what your paper’s focus and what is to be presented in this paper.
Later, end of this section by adding a paragraph listing your paper’s organization such as: “Our paper is organized as the following, in section II we will discuss the related work, which is followed by the problem statement in section III . . . and so forth).
B. After the Introduction section, you need to have the Related Work section:

In this section, you need to briefly discuss the related work (articles that are related to your specific research topic).
Your related work should include recently published work (2012 – 2017).
Since your working on a Survey then you need to present enough work to discuss previous research in the field of study (minimum of 7 – 10 papers) (please refer to the materials on wiring a Survey paper).
For each related work, you need to highlight:
the authors focus,
their contributions and motivations behind their work
and briefly discuss their work or proposed scheme(s).
After discussing the scheme, you need to critique their work to emphasize the motivations behind “your” work.
C. Motivation section discussing your motivations behind your work.

In this section you need to address your research questions, what drove you to work on this research and what makes this survey different from other surveys in the field. (Hint: refer to your critiques from the related work section as these are going to be related to your motivations).
Please note that you need to use your own words in writing the papers. Please do not copy-paste any section from other papers.


Make sure you use the reference correctly through your text. And Include the references section at the end of your writing.

An easy way to include references in your paper is to use Bibtex format. Note that, each publisher has a section on the papers page that allows you to export the citation in different formats and normally they list the exact format on how the article has to be cited.

You can refer to this tutorial on how to use Bibtex in your Latex document:

Term paper Latex Template:

Note that, you need to use the given

Term-paper – to write your paper, please refer to the Term paper section for more information on writing using LaTeX.
What to turn in:

A zipped folder including the following:
Latex package folder: Your LaTeX package, including your PDF version of your paper (Please rename the files in the package).
Papers folder: All the articles that were addressed in your writing.
All submissions should be through the project’s link. Nothing will be accepted though email.

Grading policy:

Oveerview of the area of study (5)
What is going to be presented in the paper (5)
Paper organization (5)
Related work:
# of releated work
for each related work:
The authors’ focus (2)
Author’s contributions and motivations (2)
Brefly discuss the work presented in this related work (2)
Cretique (4)
Clearly present your esearch questions (5)
Clearly discuss your motivations and what makes this survey different (5)
List of papers (10)
Grammar and flow of writing (10)

according to the requirement fix this. and you can look at the attachment to see the related work. also, I have talk about only 2 paper , I need at least 5

if you look at the related work in the paper you will see that I have worked on only 2 related work. I need to talk at least about 5

related worked attached at dropbox.…

length : It doesn’t matter, as long as you fix all the requirements

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Case Study: HIV

Case Study: HIV

(Case Study: HIV)

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a global health challenge affecting millions worldwide. The virus primarily targets the immune system’s CD4 cells, weakening the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases. Transmission occurs through unprotected sexual contact, contaminated blood transfusions, sharing needles, or from mother to child during childbirth or breastfeeding.

Upon infection, individuals may experience flu-like symptoms, followed by a long asymptomatic period. Over time, HIV can progress to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) if untreated, leading to severe immune suppression and opportunistic infections.

The management of HIV involves antiretroviral therapy (ART) which suppresses viral replication, maintaining CD4 counts and preventing disease progression. Access to ART has transformed HIV from a fatal condition to a chronic, manageable disease in many parts of the world.

Despite progress, challenges persist, including stigma, access to treatment, and prevention efforts. Ongoing research aims to develop an effective vaccine and cure. Public health interventions promoting testing, education, and safe practices remain crucial in the global fight against HIV.

Case Study: HIV

Linda is a 28-year-old female in a discordant relationship with her boyfriend of 1 year. Linda is 12 weeks pregnant based on her last menstrual period. She is engaged in HIV-care and is naïve to antiretroviral therapy (ART) because her CD4 cell count is 538 per mm3 and viral load is 8,300. No tobacco, alcohol, or illegal or illicit drug use.

Physical examination: Normal, healthy 28-year-old gravid female. She is overweight with a body mass index of 28.2.

Laboratory and other tests: Genotype is pan-sensitive without HIV mutations. Ultrasound at her 2-day follow-up estimates she is 15 weeks pregnant.

Assignment Questions

  1. What are the Public Health Service Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents guidelines for HIV-positive pregnant females regarding starting ART? What antiretroviral medications are recommended as first line?  Which drugs should be avoided?  Provide a rationale for all answers.
  2. What education does Linda need regarding her medication?
  3. Are there any risks to the baby during labor?
  4. What should be done for the baby at birth if he/she tests positive for HIV? What will the providers need to do in terms of monitoring the baby?


  • Prepare and submit a 3-4 page paper [total] in length (not including APA format).
  • Answer all the questions above.
  • Support your position with examples.
  • Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.
  • Submit the following documents to the Submit Assignments/Assessments area:
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Research Article Review

Research Article Review

(Research Article Review)

Question description


Through this assignment, the student will:

1.  Conduct a systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidence related to a nursing problem (CO 1); Student is to use the CCN library for search.

2.  Critique a peer-reviewed study, indicating the research question, sample, design of study, data collection method, findings, and limitations of each (CO 2, CO 4,)

3.  Summarize the research article and evaluate the significance to nursing.  (CO 3).

4.  Please remember this assignment can be sent to Turnitin Week One draft box for review. If you wait until late Sunday night to submit, you may not receive your feedback in time if you need to make changes. Final submission must be in the Week 6 Assignment Dropbox and student will not receive Turnitin results. Please read the announcement on the Turnitin information.

5.  Article must be from CCN Library and student is required to document working permalink to article.

Preparing the Paper

Conduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem that you identified in Week 2, Discussion questions. Select one most recent peer-reviewed study that describes original research in a single study.

Analyze the article and provide the following information in brief format: research question the study; type of sample and number of participants; research design of the study, findings of the study; and limitations of the study. Summarize the importance to nursing.

The estimated length of this paper is four (4) pages, excluding the title page and References page. Summarize the results of the study as outlined below:

1.  Write a brief introduction to your paper, however do not label it as an “Introduction” in accordance with the rules of APA scholarly writing.

2.  State the research question for this study in a paragraph.

3.  Describe the research design of this study.

4.  Explain how the sample was selected and include the number of participants. Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate, and defend your answer why or why not.

5.  Describe the data collection method(s) including who collected data, what tools were used, and other pertinent information.

6.  Identify the limitations of the study, and describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies.

7.  Describe the findings reported in the study. What is the answer to the research question based on these findings? If the study fails to answer the research question, what do you believe is the reason?

8.  Summarize the article. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice? Please provide the rationale for your answer.

9.  List your references, formatted in APA style, On the References page. Guidelines and a sample paper on APA may be found under Course Home in the Course Resources link. Follow the guidelines for writing professional papers using APA formatting as described in the 6th edition of the manual.

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Corporate Law

Corporate Law

(Corporate Law)

Question description

For this assignment, you will need to conduct legal research in the LEXIS/NEXIS database.

Jennifer Jones owns a business called Maid4U, which provides residential cleaning services. Two women, Grace and Hope, hand out fliers for Maid4U to prospective customers. They choose where and when to distribute the fliers, which have a coupon entitling the customer to a 50% discount for their first cleaning service. Each flier contains a code indicating whether it was received from Faith and Hope. The only compensation that Faith and Hope receive from Maid4U is a flat fee of $20 for each coupon that a new customer redeems for their first house cleaning service.

When a new customer calls Maid4U to arrange for cleaning services, Jennifer goes out to see their home and gives them a price quote for weekly cleaning services. If the price is acceptable, the client signs a contract for weekly cleaning services. Jennifer then contacts April, Mae, or June and schedules one of them to clean the house each week at the requested dates and times. Each week that the house is cleaned, Jennifer splits the fee collected with the cleaner (April, Mae, or June) 50-50. Each cleaner was trained by Jennifer and must clean the homes according to the instructions of the owner and Jennifer. Jennifer usually stops by the home at the end of each cleaning to inspect it and make sure that work is performed in a satisfactory manner. Each cleaner uses their own supplies and equipment, as well as their own personal vehicle or public transportation for traveling to and from the clients’ homes.

Jennifer has come to your law firm after receiving notice from the Internal Revenue Service that she is being audited for failing to withhold and pay Social Security taxes for Grace, Hope, April, Mae, and June. Your supervising partner has requested that you draft a memo that (1) explains the criteria that the IRS uses to determine whether or not someone is considered an employee for purposes of taxation, (2) analyzes whether Grace, Hope, April, Mae, and June meet the criteria for employee status, and (3) predicts the likely outcome of the audit.

Your memo should be 3-4 pages in length. Incorporate at least 5 different law review journal articles and/or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Format citations and references per Harvard Blue Book rules.

Please make sure there are at least 5 law review articles, statutes, or court opinions cited in the work!!

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Ethical Legal Dilemma: Advanced Practice

Case Study Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice Nursing,

health and medicine homework help

(Ethical Legal Dilemma: Advanced Practice)

Question description

Question description

MN506_Unit04_Assignment_Introduction (1).docx

BasicTemplate_to_Use (2).docx

MN506: Unit 4 Assignment

Case Study

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

MN506-1: Apply theoretical frameworks and concepts to ethical dilemmas in the advanced practice role.

PC 2.3: Demonstrate integrity through the application of relevant codes of conduct and social responsibility within one’s profession.

Please take a moment to watch this Assignment Introduction, or read the presentation transcript.


Create an ethical legal decision-making dilemma involving an advanced practice nurse in the field of education, informatics, administration, or a nurse practitioner. Apply relevant codes of conduct that apply to the practice of nursing and your chosen field.

Include one ethical principle and one law that could be violated and whether the violation would constitute a civil or criminal act based on facts.

Construct a decision that demonstrates integrity and that would prevent violation of the ethical principle and prevent the law from being violated.

Describe the legal principles and laws that apply to the ethical dilemma.

Support the legal issues with prior legal cases or state or federal statutes.

Analyze the differences between ethical and legal reasoning and apply an ethical-legal reasoning model in the case study to create a basis for a solution to the ethical-legal dilemma.

List three recommendations that will resolve advanced practice nurses’ moral distress in the dilemma you have presented.

Based on the issue you presented and the rules of the law, apply the laws to your case and come up with a conclusion.


This is a fact-based Assignment that will not include your opinion.

This will require research and support for what is written.

The Assignment should be in your words after reading the scholarly and fact-based publications and have proper citations. There should be no quotations. The professor wants to hear your voice as a masters trained nurse.


In the Unit 2 topic 1 Discussion, you will choose an ethical-legal dilemma that would cause the advanced practice nurse moral distress. You will write the introductory paragraphs for the Unit 4 Assignment in the Unit 2 topic 1 Discussion Board and post it for your peers to comment on.

You will continue working on the topic you have chosen and submit the paper using the most recent version of APA format. A template is provided in the left navigation of the course room for the paper. The paper should have a minimum of seven citations and some of these should be case law or applicable statutes. The Kaplan Library has Westlaw Campus Research database where you can find case laws that relate to your topic. The APA Manual and the textbook have instructions on legal formatting.

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business & finance homework help

Personal Finance Case and Complete a Personal Finance Plan According To Rubric,

business and finance homework help

(business & finance homework help)

Question description

The purpose of this assignment is to provide a “hands on” experience to synthesize the personal finance concepts that you have learned throughout the semester by applying them to a “real life” individual or family. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Read the Personal Financial Case assigned to you.
  • Each financial planning case encompasses a variety of ages, situations, and financial challenges to analyze. Feel free to add additional assumptions to the case as long as they are realistic for the situation and described in your report.
  • Review the Financial Case Study Scoring Sheet to learn the criteria for grading this assignment.
  • Prepare a written report of no more than five pages (double-spaced, double between paragraphs) about the case study and your analysis and recommendations.


  • A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual or family’s financial situation
  • Correction of any misinformation that the individual or family has about financial topics
  • Comments about the individual or family’s cash flow
  • Comments about emotional issues related to the individual or family’s financial situation
  • Calculations of the savings required to reach financial goals
  • 3 to 5 recommended action steps to improve the individual or family’s financial situation
  • Recommended financial products such as bank accounts, insurance policies, and mutual funds (real products found through research).
  • Available resources that can assist the individual or family to improve their finances
  • Any other information that you feel is useful and germane to the case
  • References for source materials used to analyze the case (feel free to use your textbooks, class notes, Web sites, financial publications, and other resources to assist in your analysis). APA format throughout, including a cover page with your name and section on it.
    (business & finance homework help)
Financial Case Study Scoring Sheet

Name: Case #

Identification of the Family’s Financial Problems: Maximum Points to be Awarded
Evidence of logical structure and organization in the analysis of the financial case study. 10 points
Thoroughness, correctness, and depth of understanding of the personal finance issues in the case. 10 points
Understanding of the relationship of the immediate problems in the case to the family’s short-, medium-, and long-term financial security. 10 points
Solution to the Family’s Financial Problems:
Creativity, innovativeness, and feasibility of the proposed solution(s). 15 points
Clarity of the proposed short-, medium-, and long-term courses of action. 15 points
Completeness of the documentation of research and information sources. 10 points
Overall Quality of the Paper
Logical organization and structure of the paper 10 points
Professionalism and style of paper, including additional research and attachments to the paper 10 points
Overall effectiveness and persuasiveness of the analysis 10 points
Total Points Awarded 100 total points


PERSONAL FINANCE CASE #13(business & finance homework help)

Joe and Pat Ise, 56 and 55, are rethinking their retirement plans. Originally they had planned to retire this fall and move two hours west to Pennsylvania, where the cost of living is cheaper. Both presently commute over an hour a day to Bergen County and New York City, respectively, and their long commutes are taking their toll. They get up at 4:30 every workday to arrive at work on time. The couple has one adult child, age 27, who is married and living on his own.

The problem is that the value of the Ise’s retirement investment portfolio has been substantially reduced during the past two years. Three years ago, they had $520,000 saved and today their portfolio is worth $395,000, despite steady deposits over the last two years.

The Ises admit to making all the classic investment mistakes: investing too much in the technology sector and employer stock in Joe’s 401(k) plan, not carefully researching investments by reading annual reports and prospectuses, relying on “water cooler tips,” and selling in a panic when the stock market tumbled. “We should have stayed in bonds or CDs,” says Joe, “but we got greedy.”

Even with their recent losses, the Ises have an impressive $758,000 net worth. Their assets include $50,000 in CDs, $30,000 in a bank money market deposit account; $120,000 in eleven growth mutual funds; $117,000 in Pat’s 401(k); $105,000 in Joe’s 401(k); $53,000 in IRAs; two cars worth $28,000; a $300,000 house; and $50,000 of personal property. Their debts include $8,000 owed on five credit cards; a $72,000 mortgage balance; and a $15,000 home equity loan.

Neither spouse has any other retirement benefits (e.g., company pension). Joe’s company has just stopped matching 401(k) deposits due to a downturn in business and halted all health coverage for retirees. Pat’s company matches up to 3% of her pay in her 401(k) plan and charges retirees $500 per month for health coverage.

Together, the Ises earn $147,000. Joe is skilled in antique auto restoration and has been itching to start a small business after retirement. To date, he has simply been too busy. He currently has a client, however, who will pay him $15,000 this year to restore a car and is willing to wait for as long as it takes to finish.

The couple has adequate property insurance, a $1 million umbrella liability policy, $500,000 of term life insurance apiece, and disability insurance that provides each with a $3,000 monthly income benefit. They are currently considering the purchase of long-term care insurance.

The Ises also have a will that names their son as beneficiary and Joe’s brother as executor. Joe’s brother is very ill, however, with advanced stage prostate cancer so they are considering other options. No contingent executor or beneficiary is presently named.

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Florence Nightingale Nursing Theory

Florence Nightingale Nursing Theory Rough draft

(Florence Nightingale Nursing Theory)

Question description

  1. The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing Theory Comparison paper in APA format. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft, which are listed below. This will give you an opportunity for feedback from your instructor before you submit your final draft during week 7.
    Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.

    • After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

    Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

    • After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

    The following should be included:

    1. An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories
    2. Background of the theories
    3. Philosophical underpinnings of the theories
    4. Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships
    5. Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability
    6. Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice
    7. Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting
    8. Parsimony
    9. Conclusion/summary
    10. References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA format

    The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA format must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA format is also required.Recommended: Before you begin, review A Pocket Style Manual (APA) and the Writing Resources area of the Student Resources tab.Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)Points Possible: 100

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