Heritage Assessment

Heritage Assessment

The heritage assessment tool is a valuable instrument used to evaluate an individual’s cultural background and its influence on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors. It enables healthcare providers to deliver culturally competent care by understanding the unique perspectives and needs of diverse populations.

One significant aspect of the heritage assessment is its focus on three key areas: cultural beliefs and values, health traditions and practices, and communication styles. By examining these aspects, healthcare professionals can tailor their approach to patient care, ensuring it aligns with the patient’s cultural background and preferences.

Moreover, the heritage assessment promotes respect for cultural diversity and fosters a deeper understanding of the role culture plays in shaping health outcomes. It helps healthcare providers recognize potential barriers to care, such as language barriers or mistrust of Western medicine, and develop strategies to address them effectively.


  1. Spector, R. E. (2000). Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness (5th ed.). Prentice Hall.
  2. Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2016). Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care (7th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  3. Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services: A Model of Care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 181–184. https://doi.org/10.1177/104365960201300302

The learning activity and corresponding assignment in this topic requires students to perform a heritage assessment with families selected by students from their local communities.

Click on http://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/663/679611/box_6_1.pdf in order to access the “Assessment Tool.”

Interview three families from different cultures. One family should be from your own culture. Compare the differences in health traditions between these cultures.

Assess the three families using the “Heritage Assessment Tool.” In 1,000-1,500 words, discuss the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment to evaluate the needs of families and develop plans for health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration. Include the following:

  1. Perform a heritage assessment on three families. One of these families should be from your own culture.
  2. Complete the “Heritage Assessment Tool” for each of the three families interviewed and submit the three assessments to: RNBSNclientcare@gcu.edu. You are not required to include the tool in your LoudCloud submission.
  3. Identify common health traditions based on cultural heritage. Evaluate and discuss how the families subscribe to these traditions and practices. Address health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration as they relate to your assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Cente

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PSYCHOLOGY: Theories Of Inquiry

PSYCHOLOGY: Theories Of Inquiry

(PSYCHOLOGY: Theories Of Inquiry)

Unit 1

Due 08/03/17

The mind-body problem in psychology has been discussed consistently since Plato. Discuss Dewey’s approach to understanding experience using Heidegger’s conception of mind and body and any relation to Heidegger’s approach to ontology? In what way does Husserl’s concept of ontology relate to the ideas of Dewey and Heidegger?


Focus on Research:

Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums. Select one of the forums that you believe may be of value to you given your dissertation field of interest. Identify the forum topic you selected, and summarize the contents of the existing forum posts for that topic. Why do you believe this forum may be helpful to you? How might interaction in the DC forums be a meaningful activity during your dissertation process? Explain.



1. Peering Into the Foundations of Inquiry: An Ontology of Conscious Experience Along Husserlian Lines

Vernon, R. F. (2005). Peering into the foundations of inquiry: An ontology of conscious experience along Husserlian lines. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 25(2), 280-300. doi:10.1037/h0091263



2. Philosophy of Phenomenology: How Understanding Aids Research

Converse, M. (2012). Philosophy of phenomenology: How understanding aids research. Nurse Researcher, 20(1), 28-32.



3. The Humanistic Psychology–Positive Psychology Divide: Contrasts in Philosophical Foundations

Waterman, A. S. (2013). The humanistic psychology–positive psychology divide: Contrasts in philosophical foundations. American Psychologist, 68(3), 124-133. doi:10.1037/a0032168



4. The Ontological Reversal: A Figure of Thought of Importance for Science Education

Dahlin, B. (2003). The Ontological Reversal: A figure of thought of importance for science education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 47(1), 77.



5. The Question of the Living Body in Heidegger’s Analytic of Dasein

Ciocan, C. (2008). The question of the living body in Heidegger’s analytic of Dasein. Research in Phenomenology, 38(1), 72-89.



6. The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology

Dewey, J. (1896). The reflex arc concept in psychology. Psychological Review, 3(4), 357-370. doi:10.1037/h0070405



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Sociology of Medicine and Health

SOCY B360 – Sociology of Medicine and Health

(Sociology of Medicine and Health)

Research Paper Instructions

SOCY B360 – Sociology of Medicine and Health

Spring 2018-Teixeira


The purpose of the research paper is to give each student the opportunity to demonstrate

that they can investigate the effects of social factors on health. The goal of the assignment

is to strengthen scientific thinking and writing. The objective is for each student to write

an objective, logical, fact-based paper using evidence from high quality scientific

research sources.

Option 1

Investigate the effects of one social factor on one specific disease — example,

gender and lung cancer. Thesis: gender is a significant causal factor in lung

cancer morbidity and mortality. (This is not a factual example.)

Option 2(Sociology of Medicine and Health)

Investigate the relationship between one specific disease and multiple social factors

— example, stroke and the three social factors with the greatest impact on stroke

mortality or morbidity or both. Thesis: age, race, and gender have the greatest

social impact on mortality due to stroke. (This is not a factual example.)

Option 3

Investigate the relationship between one social factor and three different diseases that

are related with the chosen social factor — example, three main causes of death for

women. Thesis: lung cancer, heart disease, and influenza are three leading causes

of death among women. (This is not a factual example.)

Option 4

Investigate one social factor and one or more health occupations— example,

gender differences among nurses and physicians. Thesis: Changes in the

proportion of men and women who are nurses and physicians are more reflective

of changes in gender roles than in health professions. (This is not a factual


Option 5(Sociology of Medicine and Health)

Investigate social differences in health or illness behavior— example, gender and

age differences in health services utilization. Thesis: during childhood and after age

50, differences in health services utilization for men and women are similar, but

during the middle years women use health services much more than men. (This is

not a factual example.)

Option 6

Investigate something more adventurous. Must be approved in advance.


The Major Social Factors

 Social class—the most common set of categories or attributes for social

class are: upper class, upper-middle, lower-middle, working class, and

lower class (see Chapter 3);

 Gender (see Chapter 4);

 Race/ethnicity (see Chapter 4); a very good example of racial categories is

shown in Table 4-5, page 85 in Cockerham.

 Age (see Chapter 4).

Your Paper Must Have A Thesis!

Your research paper must have a thesis. At the beginning of the paper, you must state

your research thesis. It can be part of a short introductory paragraph or it can stand alone.

The following explanations include materials that are courtesy of Empire State College,

Online Writing Center.(Sociology of Medicine and Health)


Research Topic

When you start working on your paper, you begin by selecting a topic. A topic is what

the essay or research paper is about. It provides a focus for your writing. Choose an

appropriate topic or issue for your research, one that actually can be researched. Many

topics can be found in your textbook. Example: “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Research Question(Sociology of Medicine and Health)

The next step in developing a thesis is to formulate a research question. Start by listing all

of the questions that you’d like answered yourself. (This assumes you are curious about

the topic!) Choose the best question, one that is neither too broad nor too narrow. In the

early stages of your research, you can use a search engine to learn about the question and

explore what high quality sources are available. Sometimes the number of sources you

find will help you discover whether your research question is too broad, too narrow.

Example: “Why have ADHD diagnoses risen so rapidly in recent years?”

Research Thesis

A research thesis is your proposed answer to your research question, which you

finalize only after completing the research. (It’s okay to modify and revise the

working thesis as you research more about the topic or issue.) Thesis example:

“The rise of A.D.H.D. diagnoses coincided with more available knowledge about

the disease among physicians, other healthcare professionals, teachers, and


I will be glad to help you as you work your way toward your thesis, especially with topic

selection and research question development.

Your Analysis

You may approach your thesis as a question that needs to be answered or as a statement

that needs evidence to support it. Either way, your task is to compile factual evidence that

supports or refutes your thesis or helps you answer your question. You should include

statistics showing the importance or lack of importance of other social factors or other

diseases, as the case may be. Scientific papers are honest about evidence, presenting facts

that both support and refute the thesis or hypothesis.

You should think critically about your thesis and ask yourself, Why does this happen or

not happen? What causes this difference or lack of difference? Include answers to these

critical thinking questions in your paper.

Remember, we are looking for social causes, not biological ones. I don’t want a research

paper on the microbiology or genetics of cancer.

Grading Rubric for the Paper

Your paper will be graded on both the extent to which it draws upon concepts developed

in the course and the extent to which it does so with clear writing and appropriate

documentation. The paper will be graded using the criteria and point system shown in the


Required Elements for the Paper

• Your paper should be about 5 pages in length, single-spaced, using a 10-12 point font,

with one-inch margins. If you prefer to double-space your pages, just double the

length requirement.

• Your name

• The name/number of the course

• Date

• Title of the paper

• The body of the paper that incorporates a set of headings that shows the logical

organization of the paper.

• Citations in the body of the paper for all sources of information using the American

Psychological Association style. This is the style used by your textbook. No

footnotes. I will accept MLA style, as well.

• A list at the end of the paper of all references cited. Not a bibliography of all the

sources you used to write the paper.

• Please number your pages.

• Do not save your document as an HTML, HTM, or .wps file.

• When you save your document, title it with your last name, course number, and

assignment number. Example, YourlastnameSOCYB123ResearchPaper.

• Submit your paper in the Assignments area of Blackboard.

Writing the Paper

We assume that the required English courses you have taken have given you solid

preparation for the writing assignments in this course. Since I am not an English

instructor and this is not an English course, I won’t try to teach you how to write.

4(Sociology of Medicine and Health)

However, if I find that your writing skills are too weak to complete the assignments, I

will refer you to USCB on-campus resources for help


Most students need to sharpen their writing

skills and there are many web-based resources to support your self-help. One of the best

is the Purdue University Online Writing Lab at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ where you

will find assistance with English grammar, with writing skills, such as developing an

outline, and with APA Formatting and Style.

Use An Outline And Headings

An outline shows the logical organization of your paper with a set of headings. These

headings are like those used in bold print in the main sections of the chapters of our

textbook and the journal articles you will use.

What Goes in the Paper

The main ingredient of your paper should be factual information and statistics from high

quality sources. Your opinions about the topic or those of anyone else without substantial

scientific evidence are not relevant and should not be included in the paper. You may use

as evidence the statements of qualified experts, but you must make sure those sources are


I want you to apply skeptical, critical thinking to everything you read. You should make

the author(s) work hard to convince you that they have the best evidence and the best

reasoning, as I will make you work hard to convince me.

High Quality Web-based Sources

Medical sociology has relevant journals to which you should give priority. The USCB

online journal database offers access to full-text copies of many of these journals via the

online database indicated. See link to USCB database proxy below.

Peer Reviewed Journals(Sociology of Medicine and Health)

American Journal of Sociology — JSTOR

American Sociological Review — JSTOR

Social Forces — Academic Search Premier

Journal of Health and Social Behavior — JSTOR

Social Science and Medicine — ScienceDirect

American Journal of Public Health — Academic Search Premier

American Journal of Epidemiology — MEDLINE

At least one of your cited references must come from a journal in the USCB online

library database, which can be accessed here using your USCB login and password:


When you login you will see a long list of online databases. Always search for full-text

articles. If you need additional help with on-ground or online research, please use the

USCB library staff or let me know.

5(Sociology of Medicine and Health)

If you are looking for a particular journal, search for it on “Search Full Text Finder.”

Other High Quality Sources

In addition to articles from the USCB online journal database, the following list includes

examples of reputable governmental and other high quality sources. In some areas of

sociology, these sources will be more appropriate than academic journals.

 CIA World Factbook — https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-worldfactbook/index.html

— provides high quality detailed data on every country in the world,

allowing good country-to-country comparisons.

 US Census Bureau — www.census.gov

 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – www.cdc.gov & https://data.cdc.gov/

 US Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

https://www.cdc.gov/brfss/data_tools.htm or https://sortablestats.cdc.gov/#/

 National Center for Health Statistics — www.cdc.gov/nchs or


 State Health Data Index (The Kaiser Foundation)– www.statehealthfacts.org

 America’s Health Rankings state profiles -https://www.americashealthrankings.org/

 South Carolina Community Assessment Network –


 South Carolina Health and Demographics Section — http://rfa.sc.gov/

 SC Kids Count — https://scchildren.org/research/kids-count-south-carolina/

Poor Quality Sources

To me, one of the main differences between a high school-level research paper and a

college-level paper is that college-level papers do not have encyclopedias as direct

sources. If your topic is something you don’t know much about, an online encyclopedia

can help you learn enough to get started. But do not use sources such as Wikipedia.com,

Britainica.com, about.com, or Encarta.com as cited references in your research paper. I

will return as Incomplete any research paper that has these kinds of sources.

Questionable Sources: Foundations, Advocacy Organizations and Non-Profits

Many advocacy organizations provide source information and statistics. You must “vet”

this kind of source to make sure that the evidence you gather from it is reliable. (Vet

means “To examine carefully; to subject to thorough appraisal; to evaluate”

(dictionary.reference.com) Some sources that you will find are not governmental or

academic but still can be trusted to provide reliable data and information. Example are

the Population Reference Bureau (www.prb.org) and the National Coalition on Health

Care (www.nchc.org). The way to tell if a source like this is reliable is to click the link

for information about the organization. In the case of PRB, a quick scan of the senior

staff members show that they are experienced demographers with backgrounds in highly

respected organizations. An example of an advocacy organization is the Center for

Immigration Studies (www.cis.org), which appears to have a strong political agenda of

reducing immigration into the US. This is not a good example of a high quality, objective


source. If you must use material from questionable sources, be very cautious when

making generalizations from their information.

Questionable Sources: News Media

Some news media are less guilty of hype than others, but all of them want to attract

attention and they have learned that conflict and controversy sell. Even the New York

Times, the Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and the BBC, which tend to be

more fact-based in their news coverage, still must be read skeptically. Most media outlets

exaggerate, present incomplete information, and even misrepresent. You should always

attempt to verify information from the media. If you can’t verify by going to the original

source, you must be very cautious about making generalizations from this information.

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Complete Leadership Implementation Plan

Complete Leadership Implementation Plan, assignment help

(Complete Leadership Implementation Plan)

Question description

The Organization the Paper Topic is On is: Leadership Albany, GA, you can google this organization (If you feel you can find a better suited organization let me know before starting the paper)

This paper is very important…I need an excellent grade on this paper…Also there should be NO copied content…If you do a great job on this paper I’ll also assign you the Power Point assignment that goes with this paper. Please follow the instructions for this paper very closely!!!! Less than 10% for the content checker.

Public Sector Organizational Transformational Leadership Implementation Plan


All of the readings for PAD 785 provide you with information relating to leadership styles. Your project for this course is to create a transformational implementation plan for an area of an organization. The organization must be part of the public sector, and you may use the organization you are employed in, or another organization that you have information on. Your plan should identify the issues that need to be transformed in the organization, the framework/model of the organization, the mission of the organization, your vision for the organization and the appropriate leadership styles and theories required to implement the change.
Additionally you should identify the goals, and the various components of the plan such as diversity management components, the managerial and leadership strategies required for plan implementation, necessary feedback mechanisms and if the framework of the organization will undergo a change what will the new framework become.

For example, if you were to do this project on the MPA program here at Central Michigan University you would be reviewing the program and the leadership styles within the program, the department of Political Science and Public Administration, the Dean of the College in which the department and program are located and possibly the leadership of the university overall.

Some questions to consider in the plan would be: Who will be responsible for what once the plan is in place? Who will lead the change and in what style?  Why is that style appropriate for your plan? Who will the change impact (stakeholders and players)? Who and/or what organizations will be needed to assist in the change? What are the core values or mission statement of the organization? What are the goals for the plan, when will they be implemented and who will implement them?

Please see the rubric related to the final version of this assignment. Below is a list of some of the components needed in the plan.
• Provided an executive summary of your plan, You will do this component last, but it should come first in your final document.
• Identify within the plan the reason for the need for the change (diagnosis), the actors/stakeholders involved in the process, all partners needed in regards to collaboration, accountability issues.
• Identify core values (ethical) and mission statements of organization and appropriately integrate plan into said values.
• Timing and other mechanical needs addressed.
• Identify costs of the plan and its implementation.
• Clearly identified applicable leadership theories utilized to transform the organization.
• Differentiate between leadership and management roles in the plan.
• Identify and discuss the implementation of the diversity management components in plan.
• Provide information on feedback mechanisms.
• Responsible decision making is identified and applied to the plan.
• Sustainability and needs to sustain change are addressed.
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Ethical And Professional Issues

Ethical And Professional Issues In Psychology Testing

(Ethical And Professional Issues)

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read the required textbook chapters and articles for this week.

Create a PowerPoint presentation with 16 to 20 slides (not including the title and reference slides) entitled Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Testing. Your presentation must provide 2 to 3 slides for each of the required topics and include appropriate citations of your referenced sources. Separate reference slides, which follow APA formatting guidelines for a References page, must be included at the end of the presentation. You must create your own template and organize your presentation in the sequence provided. Do not use a font smaller than 20 pt. You are encouraged to insert relevant figures and graphics. Make sure to appropriately cite any images you use. If you include a table or figure from a journal article, cite it according to APA guidelines. The notes section of each slide must include the text for oral comments you would make while presentating the materials to a live audience.

References must be cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For assistance with creating a visually engaging and readable presentation, you may review Garr Reynolds’s tips for creating presentations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

The presentation must cover each of the following topics in the order presented below.

The Ethical and Social Implications of Testing

·         Provide an overview and brief evaluation of the ethical and social implications of psychological assessment.

Professional Responsibilities

·         Describe the responsibilities of both test publishers and test users.

Testing Individuals Representing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

·         Analyze and describe issues related to the testing of cultural and linguistic minorities.


·         Explain the common sources of measurement error and how measurement error can impact reliability.


·         Create a diagram or figure to compare the types of validity discussed in the textbook.

·         Describe the extravalidity concerns related to testing.

·         Review the articles by Fergus (2013), Kosson, et al. (2013) and Mathieu, Hare, Jones, Babiak, & Neumann (2013). Analyze the information presented in these articles on factor analysis and describe how it is used to validate the constructs of the instruments.

Clinical Versus Statistical Prediction

·         Compare clinical and statistical prediction of mental health decisions based on the work of Ægisdóttir, et al. (2006) and Grove & Lloyd (2006).

Application One: An Ethical and Professional Quandry

·         Select one of the Ethical and Professional Quandries in Testing from Case Exhibit 1.2 in your textbook and describe the ethical issues specific to the scenario you selected. Include an analysis of the relevant principles from Standard 9 in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

·         Taking on the role of the psychologist or counselor in the chosen scenario, describe how you might respond to the challenge you selected and provide a brief rationale for your decision.

Application Two: Evidence-Based Medicine

·         Summarize Youngstrom’s (2013) recommendations for linking assessment directly to clinical decision making in evidence-based medicine.

·         Elaborate on each of Youngstrom’s recommendations by providing practical examples that illustrate the relevance of the recommendations in a clinical setting.

Application Three: Selecting Valid Instruments

·         Create a research hypothesis or brief clinical case scenario in which you must select an instrument to measure intolerance for uncertainty.

·         Use the information in the Fergus (2013) article to support which measure to use.

The presentation

·         Must consist of 16 to 20 slides (not including title and reference slides) that are formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

·         Must include a separate title slide with the following:

o    Title of presentation

o    Student’s name

o    Course name and number

o    Instructor’s name

o    Date submitted

·         Must use the assigned chapters in the course text, Standard 9 from the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, and the 3 required peer-reviewed articles assigned for Week One.

·         Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

·         Must include separate reference slides formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



Gregory, R. J. (2014). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

·         Chapter 1: Applications and Consequences of Psychological Testing

·         Chapter 3: Norms and Reliability

·         Chapter 4: Validity and Test Development


Ægisdóttir, S., White, M. J., Spengler, P. M., Maugherman, A. S., Anderson, L. A., Cook, R. S., Nichols, C. N.,…Rush, J. D. (2006). The meta-analysis of clinical judgment project: Fifty-six years of accumulated research on clinical versus statistical predictionThe Counseling Psychologist, 34(3), 341-382. doi:10.1177/0011000005285875

·         The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the Sage Journals database in the Ashford University Library. The authors of this article analyzed data from 67 studies and provide recommendations about when and under what conditions counseling psychologists might use statistical formulas as well as when they can rely on clinical methods.

Grove, W. M., & Lloyd, M. (2006). Meehl’s contribution to clinical versus statistical predictionJournal of Abnormal Psychology, 115(2), 192-194. doi: 10.1037/0021-843X.115.2.192

·         The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. The authors provide an introduction to the concepts of statistical and clinical prediction. They also review the contributions of Paul E. Meehl’s work on this controversial topic.

Youngstrom, E. A. (2013). Future directions in psychological assessment: Combining evidence-based medicine innovations with psychology’s historical strengths to enhance utility. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology42(1), 139-159. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2012.736358.

·         The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. The author presents an approach to clinical practice in which the evidence-based medicine (EBM) perspective is integrated with psychological assessment practices to enhance clinical decision making.



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Project Management – Business management

Project Management – Business management homework help

(Project Management – Business management)

Question description

Due Week 6 and worth 150 points

This assignment consists of two (2) parts: a project schedule, and a written response. You must submit both parts as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the part of the assignment it is written for.

Part A: Project Schedule

(Submit as one [1] Microsoft Project file)

  1. In Assignment 2, you developed a project plan. Now, using the information from your project proposal, create a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule.Your project must include the following criteria:
    • The project must consist of at least twenty-five (25) tasks.
    • Each task must contain a start date, a finish date, and have main staffing and non-staffing resources assigned.
    • Assume that your work activities are completed during normal weekdays (no weekend work) under normal conditions (8 hours per day).
    • In terms of holidays, you can assume no work will be done the following days: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Good Monday, Friday before Memorial Day, Memorial Day, the business day before Independence Day, Independence Day, the Friday before Labor Day, Labor Day, the day before Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving), the business day before Christmas, Christmas Day, the business day after Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.

Part B: Written Response(Project Management – Business management)

(Submit as a Microsoft Word file)

Write a one to two (1-2) page response in which you:

  1. Analyze your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float. Specifically, be sure to answer the following:
    • When will the project be completed?
    • What is the critical path for the project?
    • How much slack / float is in your project? What activities have the greatest slack / float?
  2. Summarize the recommendations or improvements you would make to your project schedule. Specifically, be sure to answer the following:
    • Identify the top three (3) activities that you believe could impact the project completion date.
    • What additional activities would you add to this project to make it more complete, from a project management viewpoint?
  3. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length

    Using the assignment that that I uploaded complete the rewquired parts of this assignment due..Along with e rubric that I have provided below to help with any questions you may have about what is required to get an A on this assignment. The Exemplary column is the one to go by for an A on the assignment.

    Points: 150

    Assignment 4: Project Schedule



    Below 60% F

    Meets Minimum Expectations

    60-69% D


    70-79% C


    80-89% B


    90-100% A

    Part A: Project Schedule

    1a. Using the information from your project proposal, create a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule which addresses the stated criteria.

    Weight: 55%

    Did not submit or incompletelycreated a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule which addresses the stated criteria.

    Insufficientlycreated a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule which addresses the stated criteria.

    Partiallycreated a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule which addresses the stated criteria.

    Satisfactorilycreated a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule which addresses the stated criteria.

    Thoroughlycreated a multi-level work breakdown structure (WBS) and detailed project schedule which addresses the stated criteria.

    Part B: Written Response

    1b. Analyze your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float.

    Weight: 20%

    Did not submit or incompletelyanalyzed your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float.

    Insufficientlyanalyzed your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float.

    Partiallyanalyzed your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float.

    Satisfactorilyanalyzed your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float.

    Thoroughlyanalyzed your project in terms of project completion, critical path, and slack / float.

    2b. Summarize the recommendations or improvements you would make to your project schedule.

    Weight: 20%

    Did not submit or incompletelysummarized the recommend-ations or improvements you would make to your project schedule.

    Insufficiently summarized the recommend-ations or improvements you would make to your project schedule.

    Partially summarized the recommend-ations or improvements you would make to your project schedule.

    Satisfactorily summarized the recommend-ations or improvements you would make to your project schedule.

    Thoroughly summarized the recommend-ations or improvements you would make to your project schedule.

    3b. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting.

    Weight: 5%

    More than 8 errors present

    7-8 errors present

    5-6 errors present

    3-4 errors present

    0-2 errors pr

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To Be/Not To Be Civil?

To Be or Not to be civil? That is the Question!

(To Be/Not To Be Civil?)

View these two videos for examples of classroom and nursing incivility:(To Be/Not To Be Civil?)

  1. Video presentation for example Incivility in the classroom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3LDJHl8PoQ
  2. Video presentation for examples of incivility in nursing



Assignment:(To Be/Not To Be Civil?)

Now that you have discovered what incivility is, let’s review therapeutic communication techniques by viewing the video link on the study.com website:


Choose one scholarly, peer-reviewed   on incivility in the nursing workplace or the classroom. Write a one to two-page summary, using APA 6th edition writing mechanics, of your article. Add three of your personal thoughts or insights (in a few sentences) at the end of your summary. It could be something you have experienced at school or work or saw happen in a classroom or work situation. Finally, give some thought as to how you would manage this situation (remember therapeutic communication techniques): Would you feel comfortable reporting these uncivil actions?; who would you report it to?; if the situation happened to you, would you use productive confrontation to address the person who was uncivil?; if you have been uncivil, what are your plans to change your behaviors?; and what therapeutic communication techniques would be best to use in this situation? You can add anything else you might like to address concerning incivility. Please in-text cite your reference/s and add them to a reference list at the end of the paper in APA 6th format.

Hopefully, you will be able to help advocate for courteous behaviors from here on out in your career. It is critical that we all RESPECT each other!

Additional resources to review (optional):

Weber Shandwick article web link: http://www.webershandwick.com/uploads/news/files/Civility_2010_SocialMediaImplications.pdf


Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2017). Incivility. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/incivility

Weber Shandwick. (2010). Civility 2010: Social media implications. Retrieved from: http://www.webershandwick.com/uploads/news/files/Civility_2010_SocialMediaImplications.pdf

This assignment should be 3-4 pages, including the Title and Reference Page, in APA format (including your citations and references).

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:


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Grading Rubric

Module 1 Written Assignment – To Be or Not to Be Civil? That is the Question!

Scoring Rubric:(To Be/Not To Be Civil?)Criteria


Submitted a one page summary with three of your personal thoughts or insights


Write another page with your thoughts as to how you would manage this situation (Remember therapeutic communication techniques):


Discusses the following

  1. Would you feel comfortable reporting these uncivil actions?
  2. Who would you report it to?
  3. If the situation happened to you, would you use productive confrontation to address the person who was uncivil?
  4. If you have been uncivil, what are your plans to change your behaviors?
  5. What therapeutic communication techniques would be best to use in this situation?


Included TWO web resources. Followed APA format.




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Psychological Treatment Plan2

Psychological Treatment Plan2

(Psychological Treatment Plan2)

It is recommended that students review the e-book The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Jongsma, Peterson, & Bruce, 2014) for additional assistance in completing this assignment.  Clinical and counseling psychologists utilize treatment plans to document a client’s progress toward short- and long-term goals. The content within psychological treatment plans varies depending on the clinical setting.

The clinician’s theoretical orientation, evidenced-based practices, and the client’s needs are taken into account when developing and implementing a treatment plan. Typically, the client’s presenting problem(s), behaviorally defined symptom(s), goals, objectives, and interventions determined by the clinician are included within a treatment plan.  To understand the treatment planning process, students will assume the role of a clinical or counseling psychologist and develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on the same case study utilized for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in PSY645. A minimum of five peer-reviewed resources must be used to support the recommendations made within the plan. The Psychological Treatment Plan must include the headings and content outlined below.  Behaviorally Defined Symptoms

•Define the client’s presenting problem(s) and provide a diagnostic impression.

•Identify how the problem(s) is/are evidenced in the client’s behavior.

•List the client’s cognitive and behavioral symptoms.  Long-Term Goal

•Generate a long-term treatment goal that represents the desired outcome for the client. ◦This goal should be broad and does not need to be measureable.   Short-Term Objectives

•Generate a minimum of three short-term objectives for attaining the long-term goal. ◦Each objective should be stated in behaviorally measureable language. Subjective or vague objectives are not acceptable. For example, it should be stated that the objective will be accomplished by a specific date or that a specific symptom will be reduced by a certain percentage.   Interventions •Identify at least one intervention for achieving each of the short-term objectives.

•Compare a minimum of three evidence-based theoretical orientations from which appropriate interventions can be selected for the client.

•Explain the connection between the theoretical orientation and corresponding intervention selected.

•Provide a rationale for the integration of multiple theoretical orientations within this treatment plan.

•Identify two to three treatment modalities (e.g., individual, couple, family, group, etc.) that would be appropriate for use with the client.  It is a best practice to include outside providers (e.g., psychiatrists, medical doctors, nutritionists, social workers, holistic practitioners, etc.) in the intervention planning process to build a support network that will assist the client in the achievement of treatment goals.  Evaluation

•List the anticipated outcomes of each proposed treatment intervention based on scholarly literature. ◦Be sure to take into account the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, external stressors, and cultural factors (e.g., gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in the evaluation.

•Provide an assessment of the efficacy of evidence-based intervention options.  Ethics

•Analyze and describe potential ethical dilemmas that may arise while implementing this treatment plan.

•Cite specific ethical principles and any applicable law(s) for resolving the ethical dilemma(s).  The Psychological Treatment Plan

•Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

•Must include a separate title page with the following: ◦Title of paper ◦Student’s name ◦Course name and number ◦Instructor’s name ◦Date submitted

•Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.

•Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

•Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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Developing Evidence-Based Practice

Developing an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Project Question

(Developing Evidence-Based Practice)

Consider issues related to your nursing practice. What stands out to you about your specialty area? What questions or concerns do you think are especially in need of attention? Why? How would you most like to contribute to the knowledge base of your profession?

The EBP Project provides a significant opportunity for furthering the nursing profession. Formulating a specific, applicable question is a necessary first step for developing your project. The question defines the focus of the EBP Project and guides your selection of research methods and tools. Think about aspects of your specialty area and begin to formulate a question that relates to your nursing practice.

The primary purpose of this Discussion is to provide a forum in which you and your colleagues can support each other in cultivating a practice-related question.

To prepare:

  • Develop      your EBP Project question using the PICO (patient group, issue      or intervention, comparison, outcome) method as described in Chapter 2      of Clinical Research for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (p.      29) and other resources. Depending on your specialty area, you may modify      the PICO method as necessary to be appropriate for your target population.
  • Begin      to complete the “Literature Review Matrix,” reviewing at least four to six      research articles relevant to your specialty area and      your EBP Project question. Note any areas of difficulty that you      encounter, as well as any strategies or insights that might be beneficial      to others.
  • Reflect      on the information presented in the McCurry, Revell, and Roy article      listed in the Learning Resources.
  • What      questions or concerns, if any, do you have about how to develop your      project question and/or expand your expertise in your specialty area?

By tomorrow 08/28/18 10pm write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 scholarly references from the list of required readings below. Answer the questions as numbered below:

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) Share your project question, as you have developed it thus far (Write the questions exactly as the PIICOT Template provided in the attached file area).

2) Discuss salient elements that inform your project question: theory, current research, nursing practice, and specialty knowledge.

3) Pose any questions or concerns you may have related to developing your project question or literature review. You may also include any other issues related to expanding your expertise within your specialty area.

Required Readings

Terry, A. J. (2018). Clinical research for the doctor of nursing practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 2, “Developing the Researchable Problem”

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/dnp/Essentials.pdf

Jeffs, L., Beswick, S., Lo, J., Campbell, H., Ferris, E., & Sidani, S. (2013). Defining what evidence is, linking it to patient outcomes, and making it relevant to practice: Insight from clinical nurses. Applied Nursing Research, 26, 105-109. 

McCurry, M. K., Revell, S. M. H., & Roy, C. (2009). Knowledge for the good of the individual and society: Linking philosophy, disciplinary goals, theory, and practice. Nursing Philosophy, 11(1), 42–52.

Melnyk, B.M., Fineout-Overhold, E., Stillwell, S.B., & Williamson, K.M. (2010). Evidence-based practice step-by-step: The seven steps of evidence-based practice. American Journal of Nursing, 110(1), 51-53.

Stillwell, S. B., Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B. M., & Williamson, K. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice, step by step: Asking the clinical question: A key step in evidence-based practice. American Journal of Nursing, 110(3), 58–61.

Tschannen, D., Aebersold, M., Kocan, M., Lundy, F., & Potempa, K. (2015). Improving patient care through student leadership in team quality improvement projects. Journal Nursing Care Quality, 30(2), 181-186. 

Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. (2017) Bloom’s Taxonomy Retrieved from https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/

Yensen, J. (2013). PICO Search Strategies. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 17 (3). Available at


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Integrating Theories1

Integrating Theories1

(Integrating Theories1)


Integrating Theories

In this course, we have studied various approaches to therapy and explored the utility of each orientation with reference to the client.  For this assignment, take the perspective of a therapist working with clients. This will help you honestly assess your own development and more objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using an integrative approach to counseling. Answer each of the following questions thoroughly and provide examples where requested to substantiate your points.

  1. Do you think therapists should focus on becoming an expert in one particular counseling approach or should they try to become proficient in more than one approach? Provide an explanation for your answer and illustrate them with examples.
  2. Identify what the three most important characteristics of a successful counselor you consider to be. Describe how these characteristics can be developed or strengthened?
  3. Identify and describe some of the characteristics (from question 2) that are best developed in the counseling process with clients?  Support your points with examples? Identify and describe some areas of personal or professional development that would potentially be unethical for the counselor to develop in the counseling process with clients? Explain your rationale in detail and give examples.
  4. What are some of your own personal motivations and characteristics that may help or hinder you as a counselor (identify at least two)?
  5. What areas of your own personal and professional development need the most development before you will feel prepared to be an effective counselor (identify at least three)?
  6. What are two advantages and two disadvantages of practicing within the framework of one specific theory as opposed to developing a more integrative approach consisting of several therapies? Give a detailed description and rationale for both sides.
  7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of practicing within an integrated framework?
  8. Explain at least two techniques you would use in your treatment and describe how you would integrate these techniques in a therapy session.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head, an abstract and a reference page. The body of the paper should be no less than 6 and no longer than 8 pages in length. Submit your response to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox by Monday, May 23, 2016.(Integrating Theories1)

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Explained whether it is preferable to have an expertise in one counseling approach vs. multiple approaches with supporting examples.
Described at least three important characteristics of a successful counselor with suggestions of how each could be developed?
Described at least one characteristic that could be developed in the counseling process with clients and at least one that would be potentially unethical to develop in therapy with clients with supporting examples for each.
Identifies at least two personal motivations and characteristics and explained benefit or hindrance for each.
Identified and explained at least three areas of personal or professional development for being an effective counselor.
Described advantages and disadvantages of practicing from one specific theory vs. developing a more integrative approach.
Described advantages/disadvantages of practicing from an integrative framework
Identified the therapeutic approaches student would use as a therapist and described the techniques that would be integrated as a treatment approach
Style (8 points):  Tone, Audience, Word Choice
Organization (16 points):  Introduction, Transitions, Conclusion
Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, Spelling, Sentence structure
APA Elements (24 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations
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