Sandra Lombardino assignment

Sandra Lombardino assignment, social science homework help

(Sandra Lombardino assignment)

Question description

Using the ecomap you created as a resource, discuss the following topics about Sandra and her family:

  1. Provide a one paragraph history about Sandra’s life to this point.
  2. Explain whether Sandra is in Integrity or Despair as defined by Erik Erikson in his Theory of Psychosocial Development. Explore how this transition crisis may be resolved by a HSP conducting a life review with Sandra.
  3. Using Sandra’s ecomap, describe what systems (influences) are causing the most stress and negative influence on Sandra’s behavior and decision making.
  4. Considering Stress Theory, what are some recommendations a HSP could make to Sandra to help her cope with her trauma/stress that may help her meet her goal of a long life expectancy?
  5. If you were working with Sandra and she provided consent to contact her family, do you believe that involving her adult children would make a positive impact to her family system? Explain why or why not.
  6. What role could Sandra’s adult children play in helping Sandra cope with her trauma/stress?
  7. Name one human services agency that serves older adults that may provide assistance to Sandra and her family. Explain how this agency would specifically help Sandra and her family with their current stressors.
  8. Considering all you have learned in HN144, what are some best practice approaches that a human service professional could use to help a multigenerational family experiencing a negative environment?

Your paper should be 8 complete paragraphs, resulting in approximately 2–3 pages of text in addition to the cover page and the final reference page. It also should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Your Assignment should be double-spaced, using a 12 point Times New Roman font.

Your Assignment should include a cover page and a final reference page where you cite your course text and any other sources you choose to include in the paper. The only required source is your text.

You can explore the Kaplan Library or credible Internet sites for additional sources, but the text is your primary source of support. Your opinions also are valued, but it is important to keep in mind that your main objective in completing this project is to illustrate your knowledge of the course material.

Citing Sources

It is important to always attribute credit to the proper sources when relying on the text, articles, websites, or other sources. You must credit your work when you:

  • Summarize concepts and theories that you learned in the text, articles, or internet sources.
  • Use others’ ideas, theories, and concepts in constructing Discussion topic responses or completing Assignments.
  • Use direct quotes in the context of your paper (when quoting directly, you must use quotation marks).

Your Assignment must be your original work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to review the Syllabus in terms of what constitutes plagiarism.

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Statistical Decisions Model

Statistical Decisions Model

(Statistical Decisions Model)

It is clear from the material in this course that descriptive and inferential statistics play a critical role in research in the behavioral and social sciences. Since you will further your education via coursework and application in your respective fields, it is important to reflect on the knowledge you have gained and its applicability to your future in your chosen profession. Utilizing all that you have learned and been exposed to in this course, write a paper or presentation providing an overview of your knowledge of basic and inferential statistics, specifically discussing how you would go about deciding upon the appropriate statistical tests to use for a study.

Include the following in your assignment:

  • Create and present a decision tree, outline, or other model that includes a series of questions to help someone decide what statistical test is appropriate for a study. Consider the number, type, and scale of measurement of the variables, as well as what you may want to know about the variables (e.g., relationship, difference, etc.). This may be presented as a chart, table, mindmap, or other visual representation, or simply formatted as an outline.
  • Explain the steps involved in the model and how you created this model for making statistical decisions. What were the easiest and most difficult parts of this process?
  • Describe two different studies of interest to you. (Note: Neither study should be one that you focused on in any of the assignments during the course.) Include the following in the description:
    • Research Question – List the research question for each study.
    • Hypotheses – List the statistical notation and written explanations for the null and alternative hypotheses for each study.
    • Variables – Identify the variables and each of their attributes: discrete or continuous, quantitative or categorical, scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and independent or dependent.
  • Demonstrate how you would utilize the statistical decisions model you created to choose the appropriate, specific test(s) for each study. What is your conclusion using this model? Did the model lead you to the correct test(s)? If not, how do you know and what changes might need to be made to the model?
  • Why might a statistical decisions model be useful in statistics and research methods? What are its limitations?
  • What did you learn or gain from creating this model and applying it to the study of interest? How might you use this model in the future?

The format for this presentation can take the form of a paper. The paper should be a minimum of 2100 to 2800 words long (excluding title and references pages) and include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references page. APA formatting should be used for the paper. Utilize at least four resources for this paper, which should be cited accordingly. You can use PowerPoint, video presentation with visual aids, or other format preapproved by the instructor.

Point Value: 15 Points
Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3




1. How does the employees’ motivation affect the organization Productivity?

In this research there are two main variables that is independent variable which in this case are the motivational factors to employees which include favorable working environment, compensation strategy, business culture and the management strategy. The dependent variable in this study is the organization productivity. The best effective scale for measuring these variables is ordinal scale basically because some variables have more impacts than the others.

2. What are the factors that affect the patient’s reaction to treatment?

The variables in these case include the type of medication, the lifestyle of the patient and the degree of the effect of the health condition has affected the patient. These variables have different effect on the patient’s reaction to treatment, the variables are categorical in nature. In this case the most effective measurement scale is the ordinal scale as well (Celli, Decramer, Wedzicha, Wilson, Agustí, Criner & Vogelmeier, 2015).

3. Does increase in gun ownership affect the crime level in the society?

This question has several variables that increase in criminal related deaths, criminal activities, assault cases. A rational scale level of measurement can be used in this research because of the nature of these variables. The variables depict some categorical characteristics they have different degrees of impact to the dependent variable in the question.

4. How does the school environment affect the student performance?

The security level in the school, the type of rules and the consequences of going against the rules and the level of strictness of the teacher in the school are the main variables in the research question. The rules and regulations is can be grouped into some category as well as the level of strictness of the teachers another subordinate staff, in this case the best scale of measurement to be used is the ordinal scale. The variables also have some categorical characteristics they are not numerical.

5. What is the probability that randomly selected teenager watches movie over three time in a week?

The possibility or the variables in this case is that the student watches three times, less, or even more in a week. In this case the main scales of measurement will be internal level, this is basically because they can be quantified but the decimal or rather the zero point is not relevant to the study or rather is meaningless (Pratt, 2015).

6. Is there any relationship between the traffic congestion and the price of fuel? 

The research questions in this has only one variable of interest which is the fuel prices which may or may not affect the traffic congestion. This is a question that is meant towards finding the if there is relationship between the variables in the study. The level of measurement in this case is therefore ordinal scale. The data in this case may have some continuous characteristics.

7. Is there any relationship between gender and student performance in statistics and science subjects?

The variables in this case will be the average performance of the students in the subjects of focus, they will be categorized according to their gender. These variables can actually be measured using the ratio level of measurements by some mathematical operations. In this case an average will be calculated of both genders performance on the subjects being studied. The data in this study will depict some continuous characteristics.

8. How does the training frequency affect muscle growth for body builders?

The variables in this case are time, the intensity of training and the diet. These are the three basic factors that affect muscle growth. These variables can be measured using some interval level of scale because they affect muscle growth differently in body builders. This scale will be giving some difference in categories in the manner they affect the dependent variable here which is muscle growth. The data in this case will be analyzed mathematically and so will give some discrete results (Sahin, Serdar, Serteser, Unsal & Ozpinar, 2018).

9. What is the relationship between mortality rates and poverty level?

This research question is intended to establish the existence of any relationship between the mortality rates within a population and the poverty level of that population. The variables in these case will be poverty and death rate which will be measured using the ordinal level scale because it will be giving the degree to which these variables affect each other. The variables in this case will be having some continuous characteristics because they rise and fall at some level.

10. How does technological development impact learning in schools?

This research question has two directions, that is, the dependent variable may affect the independent in two ways either positively or negatively. The variables in this case will include the teaching techniques used by the teachers, the accessibility of the learning materials and so on this will have some positive impact on the learning processes. These variables will be measured using the ordinal level scale because they will be categorized and rated on the impact they have on the subject of study.


Pratt, M. G. (2015). Crafting and Selecting Research Questions and Contexts in Qualitative Research. Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research: Innovative Pathways and Methods, 177.

Celli, B. R., Decramer, M., Wedzicha, J. A., Wilson, K. C., Agustí, A., Criner, G. J., … & Vogelmeier, C. (2015). An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society statement: research questions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 191(7), e4-e27.

Sahin, O. N., Serdar, M., Serteser, M., Unsal, I., & Ozpinar, A. (2018). Vitamin D levels and parathyroid hormone variations of children living in a subtropical climate: a data mining study. Italian journal of pediatrics, 44(1), 40.



Required Text

Sukal, M. (2013). Research methods: Applying statistics in research. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Chapter 12: Choosing an Appropriate Statistical Test

Recommended References

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author.

Cengage Learning (2005). Statistics Workshops. Available from: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Choosing the Correct Statistical Test

MicrOsiris. (n.d.).The decision tree for statistics. Adapted from Andrews, Klem, Davidson, O’Malley, and Rodgers, A guide for selecting statistical techniques for analyzing social science data (2nd ed.).Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Trochim, W. M. K. (2006). Selecting statistics. In Research methods knowledge base (2nd ed.).Retrieved from Web Center for Social Research Methods Web

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WebQuest: Cost of Healthcare

Group Assignment: WebQuest: Cost of Healthcare, health and medicine homework help

(WebQuest: Cost of Healthcare)

Question description

Group Assignment: WebQuest

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:


  • Assess the legislative and policy-making strategies specific to scope of practice and nursing roles that influence health care services and practice.
  • Utilize advocacy skills to foster participation of nursing in the development and implementation of health policy.

Overview of Assignment

Please take a moment to watch this Assignment Introduction, or read the presentation transcript.


Within your group, you will work to create a WebQuest. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented assignment. Look at sample WebQuests (search online) to see how creative you can be. The format is divided into sections or independent pages. Think of each section as a section on a paper.

For your WebQuest presentation, you will choose a problem that is a public policy issue. You will define the health care problem. You may be working in a certain clinical area and may see a need for more research or alternatives to treatment options. The problem may be a professional problem that you as an advance practice nurse are encountering in terms of autonomy or reimbursement for your services. It could be a workplace safety issue or a management issue. It could be a general societal problem that needs to be brought to the attention of the legislators.

Your WebQuest Presentation:

  • Most of the information for your WebQuest will come from the Web. However, you are expected to use the Kaplan Library to supplement the information that you find on the Web.
  • You must also use a minimum of three graphics or images to illustrate your points. The graphics can go on any of the pages in the WebQuest and you can use more if you like. The graphics do not substitute for the text that is to explain each section.
  • You are expected to use analysis in each of the sections and provide details and explanations in each area. The Web resources are to validate what your position or argument is.
  • You will use this WebQuest PowerPoint template to build your WebQuest. Before you begin your work however, watch this video to learn how to edit the template to create your unique WebQuest.

Movenote Presentation(WebQuest: Cost of Healthcare)

In one section of your WebQuest, you will include a link to a Movenote presentation that you create. Movenote is an online tool that allows you to combine slides (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Prezi slides) and video, displayed as an inset. The video will be of you, on camera, as you narrate. In this way, you can combine the two, presenting your ideas in video as you display your slides. Be sure to review How to Use Movenote for Your Assignment Presentationbefore you begin.

In your Movenote presentation, you will give a 5-minute talk with slides, as if you were speaking at a press conference delivering your message to a politician or to the community as a whole about what you have identified as the problem. Your presentation should explain why your identified problem needs to be addressed.

The following should be incorporated in your WebQuest: The two that I bolded are the ones that I need the most information placed on the others I do not thank you.

  • The health care problem/public policy issue
  • A link to your Movenote presentation
  • A transcript of the Movenote presentation
  • What the government’s response to this problem has been previously (i.e., what has been done in terms of laws, rules, regulations, or programs; if the issue has never been addressed, you will discuss what needs to be done)
  • Your assessment of the legislative and policy-making strategies that influence health care services
  • Your proposed bill, either on the state or federal level, advancing your proposed change
  • Why these changes are important and a discussion of what opportunities nurses have to become involved in the design of this program
  • Your advice on how the program can be implemented
  • A summary of the Project
  • The credits page

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Home.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format.
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Assignment 3: Substance Use Disorders

Assignment 3: Substance Use Disorders

Assignment 3: Substance Use Disorders

Read the following two case scenarios:

Initially, Jose used cocaine only on the weekends when he was out with friends. But now he uses it every day, even when alone. Jose spends nearly his entire paycheck on his cocaine use. His wife is threatening to divorce him, and he is close to being fired from his job for underperforming. Yet, he continues to use cocaine.

Steven suffers from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder.  In order to help him focus better at work, Steven’s doctor prescribed Adderall (amphetamine).  Initially, Steven noticed an improvement in his concentration at work.  After he had been taking Adderall for 6 months, however, recently he is starting to feel his concentration slipping again. He mentioned this to his doctor, and his doctor increased the dosage Steven was taking.  He has also noticed that if he forgets to take his medicine, he is very tired, feels depressed, and has trouble sleeping.

Based on your readings, what is your viewpoint regarding Jose’s and Steven’s substance use? Keep the following questions in mind while writing the paper:

  • What category of substances do cocaine and amphetamine fall under, and what are the implications of this category on the body?  Be sure to give the classification, DEA schedule, and physical effects.
  • How is a substance use disorder diagnosed?
  • Is Jose’s behavior evidence of a substance use disorder? Give a clear and thorough rationale for your response.
  • Is Steven’s behavior evidence of a substance use disorder? Give a clear and thorough rationale for your response.

Before responding to the questions, read the information on this Web site:

Submit a two-three page paper in Microsoft Word to your M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Wednesday, May 11, 2016. As appropriate, using APA style, cite the online course, the textbook, the NIDA website and other credible sources to substantiate the points you are making.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Classify cocaine and amphetamine correctly and explain how that specific classification affects the body.
Explain how substance use disorder is diagnosed.
Correctly determine whether Jose’s and Steven’s behaviors are indicative of substance use disorder.
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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Business Implementation Plan

Business Implementation Plan

(Business Implementation Plan)

Question description

PLEASE FOLLOW RUBRIC EXACTLY AS SEEN IN ATTACHMENT I have also attached additional paper to help steer you in the right direction.

*The Company is “Chipotle Mexican Grill”

*The Service that should be implement throughout this paper is “The development of a delivery service with Man and Unman cars, as well as Drones to deliver food.”

In Milestone One, you will submit the justification for your idea or concept. You will connect entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship with organization change and survival. This milestone lays the foundation for the rest of the project by outlining the justification of an idea or concept. Ultimately, the justification in this milestone will provide much of the reasoning that decision makers will use to determine if they will fund your idea or concept.

Critical Elements:

Rationale: Lay out the rationale for the idea or concept.

Problem or Opportunity: Identify the problem or opportunity that the idea or concept addresses.

Market: Analyze the market for the product or service.

Competition: Analyze the key features that set the product or service apart from the competition.

Company: Explain how the concept fits with the mission, vision, and priorities of the company implementing the product or service.

Innovation: Discuss how or why the product or service is innovative.

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must contain all of the elements listed above. It should be 5 to 8 pages in length (excluding the title page and references) using 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. You may include summary pictures, charts, graphs, or other explanatory diagrams as needed to successfully explain the concept and implementation, but should use appendices for detailed supporting documentation. Your paper should follow APA guidelines. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

(Level 1 heading) Critical Elements that need to be addressed in paper

Main Elements – Includes most of the main elements

Critical Thinking – Provides logical conclusions and defends with examples

Rationale – Provides rationale and thoroughly defends it

Problem or Opportunity – Identifies the problem or opportunity and includes a detailed description of how the idea or concept addresses the problem or opportunity

Market – Analyzes the market for the product or service and quantifies market size

Competition – Analyzes key features, outlines how these meet unmet customer needs, and explains how the key features set the product or service apart from the competition

Company – Explains how the concept fits with the mission, vision, and priorities of the company implementing the product or service, and connects this information with long term organizational strategy

Innovation – Discusses how or why the product is innovative and situates the product or service within the implementing company’s larger product or service portfolio

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Foundations Of Mental Health Counseling

Foundations Of Mental Health Counseling – Professional Development Project

(Foundations Of Mental Health Counseling)

I need this back by Thursday January 25, 2018 at 2pm.

I’m in the state of Georgia

My journey into counseling is based on my mom being diagnosed with mental illness when I was five years old. Me being in foster care and living with different family members and experiencing every form of abuse from the age of 5 until 18. I had anger issues and I was passive aggressive. I used comedy as a way to take the focus off me but it was mostly in school towards those who offended me.  As an adult I went through a process of forgiving which lead me to wanting to help others.

PC 6106 Foundations of Mental Health Counseling

Required Assignment 1:  (200 pts)

Description of RA 1:Professional Development Project

In this assignment, you will develop a professional development plan and submit a 6-7 page reflection on the process.

Professional Development Project

Students will (1) interview a licensed professional counselor (i.e., not a social worker, marriage and family therapist, psychologist, case manager) currently practicing in the field about their position, responsibilities, credentials, training, involvement in the profession, specialty area, job market, self-care strategies, and advice to you as a counselor-in-training; (2) explore the ACA website, in terms of benefits, structure and content; and (3) identify licensing requirements (e.g., exams, hours, training) for the state in which you plan to acquire your license (i.e., contact the state/review the website) and certifications you plan to acquire (e.g., Registered Play Therapist, Nationally Certified Counselor); (4) describe your journey into counseling (“Why Am I Here?”).

The professional development project reflection paper should be 6-7 double-spaced pages: (a) summarize interview (including interviewee demographic contact information) and what you learned about the profession from the interview(2 pgs.), (b) review benefits of ACA membership (1/2-1 pg.), (c) summarize the licensure requirements in your state and create a plan and timeline for acquiring your professional counseling license and any additional certifications (2 pgs.), and (d) describe your unique path to the decision to becoming a counselor (“Why Am I Here”) (2 pgs.).

Your final product will be a 6-7 page Word document written in APA format. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

RA 1 Grading Criteria

CACREP Core Standards: 2.F.1.d; 2.F.1.f; 2.F.1.h;

CMHC Standards: 5.C.2.a; 5.C.2.k


Assignment Components


Max Points


Select a licensed professional   counselor

Selected a licensed   professional counselor, described interviewee’s professional background and   rationale for selecting interviewee.

/12 pts.


Interview a licensed professional   counselor

Gathered information   about interviewee’s position, responsibilities, credentials, training,   involvement in the profession, specialty area, job market, self-care   strategies, and advice to counselors-in-training. Demonstrated meaningful   reflection on interview experience and described relevance to experience as a   counselor-in-training.

/60 pts


Explore the ACA website, in terms   of benefits, structure and content

Reviewed and described purpose of   ACA and benefits of ACA membership.

/24 pts.


Identify licensing   requirements and certifications

Created a plan for   acquiring professional counseling license using current licensure board   requirements and cited appropriately; included timeline with projected dates   for completion of process. Described specialty areas of interest, additional   training required and certification process.

/32 pts.


Why Am I Here?   (reflection)

Described personal journey into the field of counseling.   Included: First time the student considered counseling as a career, how life   experiences prepared the student to become a counselor, attributes possessed   that will make the student an effective counselor, etc.

Must include two   sources from peer-reviewed journals, cited correctly, and included in a   reference list.

/48 pts


Academic Writing


Write in a clear,   concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate   representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate   spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Written in a clear,   concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in   appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and   displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly   sources aligns with specified assignment requirements.

/24 pts



/ 200 pts.

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A Public Health Imperative

A Public Health Imperative: Addressing Gun Violence

(A Public Health Imperative)

Gun violence is a pressing public health crisis demanding urgent attention. Each year, it claims thousands of lives and inflicts immeasurable suffering on families and communities. It encompasses not only mass shootings but also suicides, homicides, and accidental deaths.

Effective solutions must go beyond mere political debate; they require comprehensive strategies rooted in evidence-based policies and public health interventions. This includes universal background checks, restricting access to high-capacity magazines and assault weapons, implementing red flag laws, and investing in community-based violence prevention programs.

Furthermore, addressing the underlying factors contributing to gun violence, such as poverty, inadequate mental health support, and systemic inequalities, is crucial. Collaborative efforts involving policymakers, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, educators, and community leaders are essential for meaningful progress.

By treating gun violence as a public health imperative, we can save lives, mitigate trauma, and build safer and healthier communities for all.

(A Public Health Imperative)

Select a public health issue and write a 1,000-word policy brief that provides a brief summary of the issue, options to solve the issue, and the best way to solve this issue. Write on a public health issue GUN VOILENCE  from one of the following American Public Health Association websites: Climate Change ( or

Follow this outline when writing the policy brief:

1. Identify issue.

2. Background information – (a) Population effected; (b) Local, state or national level; and (c) Evidence about the issues supported by resources

3. Problem statement.

4. Suggestions for addressing the issue (solutions) – (a) Including necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator); and (b) Include budget or funding considerations, if applicable

5. Impact on the Health Care Delivery System

Include Four peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.

Prepare this assignment a APA Style Guide, NO PLAGIARISM.

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literature review paper writing , writing homework help

literature review paper writing , writing homework help

(literature review paper writing)

Question description

Hello there,

please check the information bellow:

literature review paper writing, 7 full pages + another resource page i already have ( 5 scholarly journals, attach bellow ) as a resource it need to be done with in the time range given 13 H

The writing literature review about my topic which “ How does the violence against nurses in the public health hospitals affect stress and productivity “ . note : my discipline is Healthcare Management administration

I already have the 5 scholarly journals articles about my topic use all of them please

Write abstract

An abstract is a 200 words paragraph that provides readers with a quick overview of your essay or report and its organization. It should express your thesis (or central idea) and your key points; it should also suggest any implications or applications of the research you discuss in the paper.

Your abstract should read like an overview of your paper, not a proposal for what you intended to study or accomplish. Avoid beginning your sentences with phrases like, “This essay will examine…” or “In this research paper I will attempt to prove…”

Body: ( 6 full pages ) ==} Introduction -thesis-, Methods , Results ,Discussion , Conclusion and recommendations ( please see pictures to have more explaining for each one .

– Read the articles and look for points of comparison, contrast, agreement, disagreement, and/or departure. Perhaps all are addressing the same issue, but suggest different methods of resolving it, or perhaps all use the same method, but work with different populations, or perhaps several authors differ majorly in terms of perspective and argument. Reading with an eye for such things will give you a sense of how to approach outlining and writing your paper.

– Synthesis is a key aspect of the literature review. It is best not to cover each article individually. Instead, establish a series of topics and points across the paper, and discuss each article in regards to that point (a “point by point” structure). It’s fine to provide a summary of each article at the outset of your paper, but you should soon move away from covering each one individually.

– For citation: use the authors name in context : ex smith (2010)argue that …..

References page for 5 articles (APA style)

Please see in the attachment: you will find an example of a literature review paper and the 5 scholarly journals articles pdf along side the requirement doc,

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Assessment of Depression

Discussion:Assessment of Depression

(Assessment of Depression)

Although there has recently been a deluge of media highlighting various prescription drugs for treatment of depression and anxiety, there remains a lack of understanding about mental health, in general. Further, stigma often is attached to seeking professional help for mental health issues.

Depression is a disorder that people often do not realize they are experiencing. The symptoms of depression can vary from person to person (i.e., weight gain vs. weight loss, loss of sleep vs. increased sleep), which can also make it difficult to diagnose. Many people experience times of sadness, including waking up feeling down for no apparent reason. These feelings are not unusual and come with the ups and downs of life.

As a professional, understanding the criteria for depression and comorbid diseases is part of a comprehensive assessment. Depression and anxiety can precede other mental health and physical issues and can also be a result of those issues. Clarifying the progression of the presenting problem will enable you to establish a well-informed treatment plan and intervention.

For this Discussion, review the course-specific case study for Miranda in this week’s resources. As you review and analyze this case, remind yourself of the need for a comprehensive assessment that does not focus on the perceived deficits. You will read and then consider the responses of the professionals involved in the case. While reviewing their varied responses, consider their possible biases and how they have chosen to focus on the presenting problem and the client’s situation.

· Post the depression scale you located, summarize how it is used, and describe the target population. 

· Describe how you might apply this assessment to the course-specific case study of Miranda and include any additional questions you would ask Miranda to assess her level of depression. 

· Then, identify the red flags that might cause concern and/or indicate significant depression. 

· Finally, identify a scale that can be used to assess risk for suicide.

References (use 2 or more)

Congress, E. (2013). Assessment of adults. In M. Holosko, C. Dulmus, & K. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 125–145). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Cowger, C. D. (1994). Assessing client strengths: Clinical assessment for client empowerment. Social Work, 39(3), 262–268.

Mental Measurements Yearbook. (n.d.). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

· Mental Health Diagnosis in Social Work: The Case of Miranda (pp. 7–9)

Note: Depending on your concentration, you may not receive a case study book until a later term. Therefore, if you did not receive a copy of Social Work Case Studies: Concentration Year in your previous course, use the linked PDF provided here. If you did receive the book referenced above, you may find the cases there or use the PDF.

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Psychological Assessment Report

Psychological Assessment Report

(Psychological Assessment Report)

Psychological assessment reports are written by psychology professionals who work in a variety of settings. In addition, professionals in many different subfields within psychology, education and health must be able to read, understand and apply information provided in psychological assessment reports in order to effectively serve their clients. For your Final Assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of psychological assessment by applying the information you have learned throughout this course in the interpretation and write up of a psychological assessment report.   Your Final Project will be based on one of the case information/data tables that have been provided in the course.  The three cases consist of one adolescent assessment, one adult assessment, and one geriatric assessment.  It is expected that your Week Five final project case will be the same case that you selected in Week Two and that you incorporate feedback provided to you by your instructor on the Week Two assignment when developing your final project. To complete this assignment, you will choose the client from the list below which you chose for your Week Two assignment.

Timothy Childers (Adolescent Male)

Mr. Kyle Jones (Adult Male Personal Injury Case)

Mr. Jeremiah Smith (Geriatric Male Case)

As you write up your assessment report you will be taking on the role of a clinician who is conducting an assessment and providing treatment recommendations for the client that you choose from the list provided. You must use the information provided in case history and identify the most salient information that belongs in each section. Do not simply copy and paste the information provided. You must make a professional judgment about which information is the most important information to include in the psychological report and where to include that information in your report. Your assessment report must follow the format below and it must include each of the sections and their headings listed below:

I. Identifying Information
Within this section, you will record basic information on your client including the person’s name, sex, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, handedness, and occupation or grade level. For the purposes of this assignment, you are free to create any relevant demographic information that is not explicitly stated in the case scenario. All information you create must be consistent with the information provided and any conclusions you draw in subsequent sections of your paper.

II. Reason for Referral
Within this section describe the referral source and the purpose of the assessment. The information you provide in this section must justify the decision to conduct a formal psychological assessment based and must model ethically and professionally responsible assessment practices.

III. Current Symptoms/Presenting Concerns
The information in this section of the report would typically come from an interview with the client and family (if applicable, e.g., if the client is a child or person with suspected dementia).  You must use the information provided in case history to identify the most salient information that belongs in this section. Choose information to include in this section based on the consistency with the reason for referral and purpose for testing. Here is where you will apply your methodological and theoretical assessment formulations of the client that will justify the decision to conduct a psychological evaluation on this client.(Psychological Assessment Report)

IV. Psychosocial History (complete each of the sections below based on the information in the case you selected)

  • Educational history
  • Occupational history
  • Medical history (including substance use/abuse)
  • Psychiatric history
  • Social history

V.  Interpretation of the Results
In this section explain your interpretation of the results in the data table provided for the case you selected.   Utilize the information available and create appropriate subheadings to organize the results.   For example, if your data table contains information on intelligence and achievement, then you should create appropriate subheadings to organize your findings in this section of the report. Create a sufficient number of subheadings to allow you to provide interpretations for all assessment instruments administered. If you have more than one measure of a particular psychological construct (e.g., personality and emotional functioning), present your interpretations of all measures that apply to that construct under the same subheading.

VI. Diagnostic Impressions
Based on the history provided and interpretation of test results, use the DSM-5 to provide a diagnosis (or diagnoses) for the client in a manner that demonstrates the ethical and professional use of assessment results.  You must justify your diagnostic conclusions based on your knowledge of the validity and reliability of the assessment instruments.  If there are multiple potential diagnoses to consider, then these must be explained and justified as well.   Also include information about alternative diagnoses and why these were not chosen.

VII. Recommendations
Within this section, provide treatment recommendations for the client based on the diagnosis and information about the client’s current living situation.  Develop recommendations that are evidence-based and include peer-reviewed articles that support your choice(s).

The Assignment:

  • Must be 5 to 7 single-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of assignment
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least 5 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed articles published in the last 10 years from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page and reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
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