Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography

Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography

(Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography)

This assignment is designed to help you start gathering information for your final paper.

Part 1

Select a population for your final paper. You can select one of the following approved sample populations:

Victims of:

  • Physical abuse trauma
  • Sexual abuse trauma
  • Workplace violence
  • Domestic violence victimization
  • Natural disaster trauma (interested in post-Katrina issues)
  • Military or war trauma (on soldiers and their families)
  • Refugee trauma
  • Crime victims (you can be specific about the type of crime, like robberies or vandalism)
  • Hate crime victims

If  you have a population that may be relevant and is not included in this  list, please e-mail your instructor to see if it might be considered for  this assignment.

Present this information in the form of a 1-page Microsoft Word document. In your document, state the following:

  • Your name
  • Your proposed population
  • What  draws you to that population (previous experience, previous contact  with the target victim population, or target traumatic experience)
  • The particular issues you would like to explore and the reason for selecting these issues

Click here to access the template.

Module #: Assignment #

Student Name:


(Note: at least 6 of 8 references from peer-reviewed journals or professional publications)


Reference # 1: (use the correct APA style for the citation)

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population (2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:(Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography)

Reference # 2: (use the correct APA style for the citation):

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population
(2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:

Reference # 3: (use the correct APA style for the citation):

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population
(2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:

Reference # 4: (use the correct APA style for the citation):

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population
(2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:

Reference # 5: (use the correct APA style for the citation):

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population
(2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:

Reference # 6: (use the correct APA style for the citation):

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population
(2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:

Reference # 7: (use the correct APA style for the citation):

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population
(2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:(Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography)

Reference # 8: (use the correct APA style for the citation):

Abstract from the reference:

Description of how this reference material addresses your selected population
(2 sentences):

Keyword searches and database navigation:

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The Ethics Of Mandated Treatment

The Ethics Of Mandated Treatment

(The Ethics Of Mandated Treatment)

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week. The use of mandated, or legally coerced, treatment is widespread. Yet research demonstrating the efficacy of this type of treatment is limited, and mandating mental health treatment is one of the most contested issues in the field of psychology. To justify the continued use of mandated treatment, policymakers, practitioners, and researchers are obligated to demonstrate the effectiveness and limitations of such treatment programs.

You have been called in to consult on cases that may require mandated treatment. After reviewing the PSY699 The ethics of mandated treatment scenarios (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., choose two to discuss in your initial post. Begin your research with the required resources for this week. Using the specific situations presented in each of the scenarios you have chosen, conduct further research to help inform your recommendations for each individual. A minimum of one resource per scenario, beyond those already required for the assignment, must be included in your initial post.

In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to present your recommendations as to whether or not treatment should be mandated for the individuals in each of the scenarios. As you write your recommendations, be certain to provide insights into the following questions.

  • What are the ethical principles and implications raised by legally mandating clients into treatment?
  • What evidence exists regarding the effectiveness of treatment with and without coercion for this type of situation?
  • What would be the challenges in evaluating the effectiveness of mandated treatment?
  • How might mandated treatment impact your clinical decision making as the mental health professional assigned to these cases?
  • What client factors might limit or augment the potential benefits of treatment if it were mandated?

Integrating concepts from your research and the required readings, offer insights across different content domains as to why you have reached these conclusions. Explain how you used the APA Ethical Code of Conduct to guide your decisions. Evaluate the generalizability of your specific research findings to the situations presented and provide a rationale as to why this research supports your recommendations.

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Week 4 – Interactive Assignmen

Week 4 – Interactive Assignmen

(Week 4 – Interactive Assignmen)

Grand Rounds

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please view the required video PSY645 Grand RoundsPresentation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.; read Chapters 15, 20, and the Classes (or Names) of Medications That Can Cause Mental Disorders appendix in DSM-5 Made Easy: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis; read Chapter 1 of DSM-5: Handbook of Differential Diagnosis; and read Section 4: Privacy and Confidentiality (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. from the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments.

To view the written transcript, please click here.

Mental health professionals hold grand rounds events to maintain their current knowledge of health care practices and to consult with colleagues on particularly difficult cases. During these professional events, mental health professionals sometimes present a case and seek feedback from peers regarding conceptualization and treatment of a patient’s problems. This interactive assignment is an opportunity to simulate a grand rounds event.
For your initial post in this forum, you will provide written feedback regarding your colleague’s presentation and questions. Your post must include the following:

  • Provide an evaluation of the degree to which the presenter followed the ethical standards outlined in Section 4 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. of the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments.
    • Highlight the relevant information from the patient’s history you will use to inform your conceptualization of the patient’s problems and diagnosis.
    • Provide an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and presenting problems within the context of a theoretical orientation that seems to be most appropriate for the situation. Be sure to indicate which theory you are using for your evaluation and provide a justification for your choice. To get the most out of this assignment, you are encouraged to use the same theoretical orientation from which you chose to write your Week Two Initial Assessment discussion’s guided response.
    • Provide a diagnosis for the patient based on one of the diagnostic manuals available (e.g., DSM-5, Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, etc.). Justify your choice of this diagnostic manual.
    • Describe at least one evidence-based and one non-evidence-based treatment option for this diagnosis. Compare the benefits and costs of these treatment options.
    • Based on specific theoretical and historical perspectives, provide questions for your colleagues seeking their thoughts and feedback.
    • Pose appropriate questions that may help refine the diagnostic impression of this patient.
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The Literature Review And Research Hypothesis

The Literature Review And Research Hypothesis

(The Literature Review And Research Hypothesis)

Module 1 – SLP

The Research Question, and Research Hypothesis

The SLP for this course is designed to allow you to apply the research concepts and principles introduced throughout this course to a “real-world” health problem. As such, you will be asked to devise your own research question, to use the empirical literature to identify knowledge gaps in the field with regard to that research question, formulate a corresponding research hypothesis, propose an appropriate study design for testing that research hypothesis, and devise a sampling and recruitment plan to strengthen the generalizability of your study’s findings. In Module 4, you will upload a final paper consisting of all of these elements.

Your Task for this Assignment:

After reading the background materials for this module, select one of the following research topics and derive a corresponding research question and hypothesis.

Next, write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you identify your research question and hypothesis.

In devising your research question, apply the “Attributes of a ‘Good’ Research Question.” Your paper should clearly delineate the extent to which each of the following criteria has been satisfied:

  • Relevance
  • Novelty
  • Focus
  • Consisting of two core concepts (at minimum)
  • Feasibility

A hypothesis should:

  1. Be stated clearly and concisely
  2. Express the relationship between two or more variables
  3. Be testable
  4. Be based upon theory and/or clinical experience

Research Topic:

  • Obesity and Diabetes Risk

SLP Assignment Expectations

  • You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings. (required reading is attached below)
  • Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding.
  • In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read all required background materials.
  • Cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list.
  • Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been addressed clearly and completely.
  • Your assignment will not be graded until you have submitted an Originality Report with a Similarity Index (SI) score <20% (excluding direct quotes, quoted assignment instructions, and references). Papers not meeting this requirement by the end of the session will receive a score of 0 (grade of F). Do keep in mind that papers with a lower SI score may be returned for revisions.  For example, if one paragraph accounting for only 10% of a paper is cut and pasted, the paper could be returned for revision, despite the low SI score.  Please use the report and your SI score as a guide to improve the originality of your work.

Length: 2-3 pages typed, double-spaced.

Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information.

[1] Select a specific therapy type (e.g., gene therapy, chemotherapy, etc.).

(The Literature Review And Research Hypothesis)

The Research Question, and Research Hypothesis

Required Reading

Available via ProQuest:

Blazer, D. G. (2007). Religious beliefs, practices and mental health outcomes: What is the research question? The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15(4), 269-72.

Chien, A., Coker, T., Choi, L., Slora, E., Bodnar, P., Weiley, V., . . . Johnson, J. (2006). What do pediatric primary care providers think are important research questions? A perspective from PROS providers. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 6(6), 352-5.

Farrugia, P., Petrisor, B., Farrokhyar, F., & Bhandari, M. (2010). Research questions, hypotheses and objectives. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 53(4), 278-281.

Newton, J. T., Bower, E. J., & Williams, A. C. (2004). Research in primary dental care part 2: Developing a research question. British Dental Journal, 196(10), 605-8.

Available via the Internet

Sparkling Psychology Star (2013, December 22). How to write hypotheses. Retrieved from

The Doctoral Journey (June, 2013). Developing a Quantitative Research Plan: Research Question. Retrieved from

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Characteristics And Influence

Characteristics And Influence

(Characteristics And Influence)

Try to imagine what it must have been like to elect a national leader before the days of television or even radio. Consider Abraham Lincoln, who ranks among the greatest U.S. presidents. Although he is famous for many of his speeches, relatively few people in the 1860s would ever have heard him speak. Most would not know what his voice sounded like and what impression his words made as he spoke. Many would have seen his image but not know what he was like in person and the impact of his physical presence. Despite how we honor Lincoln today, he was not nearly as popular when he was president. There were plenty of critics who did not see him as competent. Consider one factor—Lincoln’s appearance. If you knew little else about him, how would his photo influence your view of him?

Contrast that experience to what we know today. All forms of media cover the U.S. presidential elections. You get constant opportunities to evaluate firsthand a presidential or vice presidential candidate’s characteristics as a communicator and qualities as a leader. As you examined through the reading in the text, those characteristics include social attractiveness, authority, and credibility. And those same characteristics also apply to other people in our lives and inform how we pay attention to them and how they influence our thinking and actions.

For this Assignment, you will explore the characteristics of a communicator and how source factors in persuasion influence your views of a speaker and the person’s words and ideas. You will analyze a national presidential or vice presidential debate for your response to the two candidates, with emphasis on your judgment of their credibility.

To prepare:

  • Select one of the following U.S. presidential or vice presidential debates as the focus of your assignment:
  • John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon: September 26, 1960
  • George H. W. Bush and Geraldine Ferraro: October 11, 1984
  • Barack Obama and John McCain: September 26, 2008
  • Access the media link related to your chosen presidential or vice-presidential debate in the Learning Resources to view the debate. (You are not required to watch the entire debate.) Access the associated transcript for reference in citing examples from the debate.
  • Review the Week 4 reading in the text, paying particular attention to the relevant information in Chapter 8. For example, note core characteristics and biases of persuaders.

By Day 7(Characteristics And Influence)

Submit a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe examples from the debate that exemplify the core characteristics of the debaters.
  • Explain the role of context in the debate.
  • Describe the debaters’ biases.
  • Explain the impact of the debaters’ social attractiveness on your analysis.
  • Based on your analysis, rate each participant on a scale of 1–5; 1 for not credible and 5 for highly credible. Support your rating with information from the Week 4 Learning Resources and the specific debate.
  • Evaluate your biases for or against each candidate, and explain how they informed your rating of the person.
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Using Evaluation Tools for Quality Improvement Efforts

Using Evaluation Tools for Quality Improvement Efforts

Discussion: Using Evaluation Tools to Assess Quality Improvement Efforts

Like most other things in life, outcomes are the bottom line with respect to measurement of success along the path of quality improvement. However, without a careful analysis of the link between access, process, and structure of care, improvements in outcomes seem unattainable.—Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, & Shabot, 2013In this Discussion, you consider how to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the results of quality improvement initiatives. In addition, you discuss the significance of evaluation and how you, as a nurse leader-manager, can contribute in an organization to the large-scale goal of facilitating quality improvement.

To prepare:Review methods for measuring and evaluating quality improvement efforts presented in the Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to how and why it is important to measure outcomes.Select one evaluation tool and analyze its benefits and relevance for the quality improvement plan you are developing for your Course Project.Consider how you, as a nurse leader-manager, can use the results from the evaluation to support the organization’s overarching goals for quality improvement.

By Day 3 Post a brief description of the evaluation tool that you selected. Explain the benefits of applying this tool as part of your quality improvement plan in the Course Project. Also explain how you could use the results from the evaluation to support the organization’s overarching goals for quality improvement.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional resources.

Required ReadingsHickey, J. V., & Brosnan, C. A. (2017). Evaluation  of health care quality in for DNPs (2nd  ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.Review Chapter 3, “Conceptual Models for Evaluation in Advanced Nursing Practice” (pp. 61-86) (assigned in Week 3)Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations, Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.Review Chapter 8, “Quantifying the Quality Performance Gaps” (pp. 161–177) (assigned in Week 6)                  The authors focus on performance measures with particular focus on the relationship between financial and quality performance.                  Review Chapter 9, “Closing the Gaps” (pp. 179–194) (assigned in Week 7)                  This chapter explains how to utilize data collected during the evaluation stage in order to improve the quality of health care.                 Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.Retrieved from This report outlines the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) six aims to improve the quality of health care. Review this information through the lens of evaluation. (Assigned in a previous week.)

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Reducing Intergroup Conflict

Reducing Intergroup Conflict

(Reducing Intergroup Conflict)

Research suggests a number of strategies to reduce intergroup conflict. To further explore these strategies, in addition to readings in your text, read the following article paying particular attention to pages 588 to 593. Hewstone, M., Rubin, M., & Willis, H. (2002). Intergroup bias. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 575-604.

You are a counselor in a detention center for delinquent adolescent boys. Your current project is to devise a way to reduce intergroup conflict that has been escalating between the boys at the center, many of whom were active in local gangs.

    • Discuss in detail the concepts that lead to the intergroup conflict, such as stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. How have these attitudes and behaviors created and perpetuated the ongoing conflict?


    • Discuss the different strategies to reduce intergroup conflict found in your text and the Hewstone article.


    • Looking back at the course discuss 2 to 3 additional concepts that could be applied in helping a person overcome these negative attitudes and behaviors.


  • Keeping these strategies and concepts in mind, what activities and/or programs can you create that will help these boys overcome this conflict and learn to work together, respect each other, and come to see each other’s differences as valuable. Briefly summarize each program/strategy in 2 to 3 sentences each in preparation for part 2 of this project.

Answer the above points in a 3- to 4-page paper. Your paper should be double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head, an abstract, and a reference page.

(Reducing Intergroup Conflict)

Part 2:

Create a 4- to 8-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title and reference slides) to present to the board of directors for the detention center that will cover the following:

    • A detailed outline of each of the 3 to 4 programs/strategies that you would like to put into place at the center.


  • Discuss for each program/strategy why you believe it will be effective within the context of your detention center.

By Saturday, May 3, 2014 deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Discusses the concepts that lead to the intergroup conflict and how behaviors created and perpetuated the ongoing conflict.
Discusses the different strategies to reduce intergroup conflict and cites relevant resources for the text and the Hewstone article.
Discusses 2 to 3 additional concepts that could be applied to overcoming the negative attitudes and behaviors.
Develops and summarizes 3 to 4 activities and/or programs that can be implemented.
Create a 4- to 8-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title and reference slides) to present to the board of directors for the detention center that will cover the following:

  • A detailed outline of each of the 3 to 4 programs/strategies that you would like to put into place at the center. (40 points)
  • Discuss why you believe each program/strategy will be effective within the context of your detention center. (28 points)
Standard presentation components:

  • Organization (16 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion.
  • Style (8 points): Tone, audience, and word choice.
  • Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
  • APA Elements (24 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style.

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Case Studies For Doctoral Learners

Case Studies For Doctoral Learners

(Case Studies For Doctoral Learners)

According to General Colin Powell, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand” (as cited by Harari, 2002).

Assignment Preparation

For this assignment, imagine that you are the manager of a health care organization confronting numerous issues potentially affecting the provision of safe, high-quality health care practices. You have decided to focus first on the issue that has particular relevance to your area of specialization or professional goals, or that presents a situation you might expect to encounter in your leadership role. As you consider an appropriate course of action to address this issue, you have decided to begin by searching the case study literature with the intention of possibly gaining insight into the actions of other health care leaders who have dealt with similar issues and may have provided a sound solution to the problem or issues he or she faced.

A colleague with whom you have spoken about this has recommended the Buchbinder, Shanks, and Buchbinder text, Cases in Health Care Management as an excellent case study reference.

For your convenience, Appendix B lists all cases by topic (Leadership; Quality/Patient Safety; Finance; Healthcare Professionals/Human Resources; Health Disparities/Cultural Competence; Ethics/Law/Conflict of Interest; Crossing the Line/Fraud) and by primary and secondary settings.

In the Buchbinder, Shanks, and Buchbinder text, locate two case studies that are most closely aligned with the issue(s) you have decided to address. In addition, be sure that your selected case studies will enable you to

· Evaluate the effectiveness of different leadership approaches in facilitating collaborative professional relationships across disciplines.

· Evaluate health care leaders’ ability to communicate effectively.

· Analyze the role of communication in both creating and resolving a problem in health care leadership.

· Evaluate how effectively leaders address any issues involving ethical practice, diversity or inclusion.

· Evaluate health care leaders’ ability to manage and prioritize leadership responsibilities to resolve issues.

Note: The case studies in the text may not supply all of the information you may need. In such cases, you should consider a variety of possibilities and infer plausible conclusions.(Case Studies For Doctoral Learners)

Assignment Instructions

Complete the following steps:

1. Include a title page, abstract, and reference page.

o An APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] and the associated APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] are linked in Resources to help you in writing and formatting your paper. Format your work per these documents.

2. Include on your cover page the titles of the case studies you have chosen. For example, your title could read: “Demonstrating Effective Leadership: Case 82 – When Yes Means No and Case 83 – Emergency Divert Status.”

o Include the case study in your references and use in-text citations when appropriate.

3. In the body of the paper, begin by briefly summarizing the facts surrounding the case studies. After you identify who the leaders are and the issues they are faced with, analyze the factors that you believe contributed to each issue.

o Note: In graduate level writing, you should minimize the use of direct quotes. Lengthy quotes do not count toward assignment minimums. It is your interpretation of the material and its application to practice that is assessed.

o Remember, the case studies may not supply all of the information you may need. In such cases, you should consider a variety of possibilities and infer plausible conclusions. However, please be sure to identify any speculations that you make as such.

o An excellent tool for analyzing factors that contribute to a problem is the Fishbone Diagram, linked in the Resources. Use of this tool is highly recommended, but it is optional, and you will not hand in your diagram with this assignment.

4. Compare and contrast the leadership approaches or styles these leaders use. Analyze how the approaches or styles make these leaders more or less effective in building interprofessional relationships across disciplines within the organization. Based on your analysis, determine how likely it will be that these leaders will be able to build and maintain such relationships with other communities and leaders outside their organization. Support your analysis with citations and appropriate APA references to peer-reviewed journals or scholarly sources.

5. Analyze how well these leaders communicate, verbally or in writing. Analyze the role of communication and communication strategies in both creating and resolving the issues presented in the case study.

6. Summarize and analyze how well the leaders managed professional responsibilities and priorities to resolve the issue in the case. What lessons could you take away from this case that could be applied by other leaders?

7. Summarize and evaluate how effectively the leaders addressed any issues involving ethical practice, diversity or inclusion in the case. What key lessons do these cases provide for leaders? Use examples to clarify and support your ideas.(Case Studies For Doctoral Learners)

Submission Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

· Written communication: Write coherently to support central ideas, in appropriate format, and with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

· Length of paper: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page, abstract, and reference page.

· References: At least four different resources (peer-reviewed journals or other scholarly resource, assigned unit readings, and the like).

· APA formatting:

o Include a properly formatted title page, abstract, and reference page.

o An APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] and the associated APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] are linked in Resources to help you in writing and formatting your paper. Format your work per these documents.

o Apply correct formatting to all in-text citations and references.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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APA Form Substantial Respond

APA Form Substantial Respond

APA Form Substantial Respond

1-I like these questions!  Our hospital does have drills but we have not had an “active shooter” drill yet.  We talk about it within our department but not as an entire hospital yet.  They have set up emergency response communication via  text messaging and they have used that a few times but not for anything catastrophic.  The topic makes me sick and sad as this is becoming our reality and that this is becoming a part of life.

I did perform CPR on a Grandfather who was attending “”Disney on Ice” at our huge arena.  It was a snowy night and I got there early.  I was on the level above when I saw him go down and heard the screams from family.  Not many people there yet.  By the time I had gotten down to the level where he was seemed like an eternity.  He was pulse less and blue.  I did do CPR and continued until EMS arrived.  He did die at the hospital and I later found out if was from a pulmonary embolism.  The family was very thankful and obviously devastated.

I have been called several times from the stands at my girls sporting events to help with injuries or emergnecies as most of us as nurses have been.

RProfile PictureKim 5 Re:Re:T

2-enjoyed reading your post and also feel like the tertiary prevention phase is very important in the recovery phase. This is the phase that will help individuals long term . The aftermath of the 2010 Haitian earthquake was devastating it is at this phase focus can be put on prevention measures such s counseling, chronic disease rehabilitation, services for housing and any type long term maintenance.

MProfile PictureKim 5 Re:Comp

3-I can definitely identify with compassion fatigue. I am a mental health nurse and each night I clock in I have the privilege of being a listening ear for someone who feels that life is hopeless. Sometimes I am able to lift spirits sometime not. What I try to do is take my time away so regardless of how much they call me stating staffing is low I don’t come in. During that time off I go  do to the gym, spend time with my family and most importantly worship,  pray and praise my Lord.

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Communication Analysis Paper

Communication Analysis Paper

(Communication Analysis Paper)


Performance reviews can be a difficult experience for anyone to go through. In this assignment, you will recall a performance review or a performance-related discussion that you experienced at work. You will critically analyze that experience, focusing on the verbal communication, effective listening, and conflict resolution aspects of the experience.


For this assignment, you are to reflect on a time when you had a performance review or any sort of work-related performance discussion with your manager. Then, write a 5- to 6-page paper addressing the following items:

  1. Describe your experience regarding the performance discussion.
  2. Explain proven and effective ways to listen appropriately, resolve conflict, and negotiate. Support your response with sources from professional literature. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). You may find that the Lynda.Com “Having Difficult Conversations” course will be especially helpful as you prepare this assignment. The “Having Difficult Conversations” course is available in the AUO library holdings. The direct link was included earlier in this module on the Relationship Development lecture page.
  3. Assess yourself on your effectiveness.
  4. Assess yourself on your effectiveness in listening, conflict resolution, and negotiation.
  5. Identify two to three areas of improvement in any category.
  6. Create a plan for developing yourself in those areas. The plan may include:
    • Teaming with a classmate or mentor to help guide improvement
    • Creating a focus for improvement and an attainable goal
    • Identifying how the goal will be measured for success
    • Assessing success and reevaluating the goal

Submission Details:(Communication Analysis Paper)

  • By Week 3, Day 7, prepare a 5- to 6-page paper. Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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