Colonialism and Neutral Parties Essay

Colonialism and Neutral Parties Essay

PSYC 420 (Colonialism and Neutral Parties Essay)

Essay Topics


Essay 1 – Module/Week 2:

Topic: Epistemology Define epistemology and describe the 3 models of how certain we are that our perceptions mirror reality. Which position do you hold, and why? What are the different methods of knowing (see Entwistle chapter 5)? What are the limitations of these (or any) methods of knowing? What methods of knowing are appropriate for Christians, and why?


Essay 2 – Module/Week 3:

Topic: Philosophical Anthropology Define philosophical anthropology and compare the psychological and theological understandings of philosophical anthropology. Identify several distinct contributions offered by psychology that are absent (not offered in detail) from Christian theology. Identify several distinct contributions offered by Christian theology that are absent (or not offered in detail) from psychology. Are psychological and theological perspectives on philosophical anthropology ultimately opposed to and irreconcilable with each other, or can they be reconciled? Defend your answer.


Essay 3 – Module/Week 4:

Topic: Enemies and Spies


Choose 1 of the 2 prompts below on which to comment.


1. Entwistle asserts: “those with whom we disagree often have things to teach us… [we must] ask ourselves what is to be learned and appreciated” from those with whom we disagree. Identify at least 3 things that you appreciate/can learn from those who hold the secular combatants’ or Christian combatants’ versions of the Enemies model.

2. After reading chapter 9 and watching the Antagonism video, what concerns, if any, do you have about the influence of secular assumptions on the field of psychology? What concerns, if any, do you have about the claims and counsel of the nouthetic counseling movement? (Colonialism and Neutral Parties Essay)


Essay 4 – Module/ Week 5: (Colonialism and Neutral Parties Essay)

Topic: Colonialism and Neutral Partiesm


Choose 1 of the 2 prompts below on which to comment.


1. The Colonialist model ostensibly recognizes the value of psychology, but it does not typically result in deep engagement with the findings or methods of psychology. How might this be applied to a topic such as eating disorders or depression? What would be some of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?


2. Entwistle distinguishes between scriptural authority and theological interpretation. Do you agree? Why might this distinction be important? Support your view with an example.


Essay 5 Module/Week 6:


Topic: Allies and Transformational Psychology


Choose 1 of the 2 prompts below on which to comment.


1. Entwistle noted that “theological reflection typically focuses more on God’s workings in the world,” while “psychological reflection typically focuses more on the workings of God’s world.” What implications does this have for the relationship between psychology and Christianity?

2. Kepler saw astronomers as “priests of Almighty God” who have “the honour of standing guard…at the door of the shrine at whose high altar Copernicus performs divine service.” How might this sentiment apply to all of us who study the book of God’s Works? How can we heed Kepler’s warning to “not consider the glory of our intellects, but the glory of God” in our academic and disciplinary pursuits?

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Psychology Homework Help

Psychology Homework Help

Write a paper of two pages, double-spaced, 12 font. (Psychology Homework Help)


Discuss what you learnt this semester in Psychology 101 in terms of how it will help you in achieving satisfaction in life. This is in particular reference to love and work. No research is necessary. This paper is focusing on your own self-reflection.

No spelling and grammar errors allowed.


Course Goals Overall:

A. Course objectives:

Upon Completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. define the fundamental concepts associated with each of the course’s major topics

2. identify the advantages and disadvantages of the various research methods used to study animal and human behavior and mental processes

3. apply major theoretical perspectives and/or data derived from psychological research to maximize self-management, self-improvement, and/or resolve personal, relational, social and/or workplace situations (Psychology Homework Help)

4. analyze psychological information found  in  print, information technology, film, television, radio, and other resources by evaluating the authenticity, timeliness, relevance and validity of that information

explain the ethical considerations that govern psychological research with humans and animals and in conducting psychotherapy

5. demonstrate the skills of accessing, evaluating, and communicating current research pertaining to psychology topics by engaging in class discussions, individual or collaborative presentations, and/or written assignments that are well organized, cohesive and logical

6. explain how psychological data and theories have continually evolved and why that requires the ability to pursue lifelong learning

7. analyze and evaluate the role of diverse cultural, international, and global perspectives in the formation of differences in behavior, attitudes, and perceptions

8. analyze and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as learners

B. Major Topics:

Topics addressed in PSYC 101, Introduction to Psychology, will include:

1. The evolution of modern psychology

2. Research methods and ethical issues in psychology

3. The sub-fields of psychology

4. Biological bases of behavior and mental process

5. Sensation and perception

6. States of consciousness

7. Basic principles of learning

8. Memory

9. Cognition, language and intelligence

10. Human development

11. Motivation and emotion

12. Personality theories and assessment

13. Stress: its causes, effects and control

14. Psychological disorders: their nature and causes

15. Prevention and treatment of mental disorders

16. Social psychology

17. The nature of cultural and gender diversity in the human experience

C. Rationale: PSYC 101 provides an excellent introduction into the world of professional psychology. In that Psychology is the study of human behavior, I sincerely hope that you, the student, will find much of what you learn to have personal relevance. I will do my best to help make the bridge between classroom academics and the reality of your own life. Even if you never take another psychology course, I hope you will take with you what you learned in this course and apply it to your own real world life. The knowledge you gain will surely help you become better in your interactions with parents, children, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, employers and employees. I will do my best to demonstrate how what we study in this course is relevant to what you encounter in the world outside the classroom. (Psychology Homework Help)

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Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party

Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party

1. Meeting and diagnosing the guests of an imagined party (10 points) (Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party)

Meet and Diagnose:

2. The invitation contains a description and picture of each guest.

3. Each guest has some type of personality disorder (must be a personality disorder). 

4. Read over the descriptions carefully as your task is to try and diagnose each guest. chapters 9-12

5. After reading the material, SEE ATTACHED WORD DOC called “party guest diagnosis.”

6. Fill out your diagnosis sheet and submit the completed form

Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party (chapter 9-12 in text book)

There are two parts to this assignment:

1. Meeting and diagnosing the guests of an imagined party (10 points) (Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party)

Meet and Diagnose:

1. The invitation contains a description and picture of each guest.

2. Each guest has some type of personality disorder (must be a personality disorder). 

3. Read over the descriptions carefully as your task is to try and diagnose each guest.

4. After reading the material, SEE ATTACHED WORD DOC called “party guest diagnosis.”

5. Fill out your diagnosis sheet and submit the completed form

You must submit your diagnoses before participating in the discussion. You will receive one point for each correct diagnosis.

Click on the links below to view documents.

·  Party Guest Diagnosis Click for more options    – Word Document (11 KB)

·  You Are Invited to Disorderd Party Click for more options    – Word Document (1.74 MB)


You are invited to PSY 430’s 

Disordered Party!

Imagine a party in which all of the guests have some type of personality disorder. Well, you have been invited to one. Your task will be (1) first meet all of the invited guests and (2) try to determine which guest has what type of disorder.



Harold: No one knew why Harold showed up because he never comes to social gatherings because they make him uncomfortable. But here he was. He started talking to me about how he could tell what other people were going to say before they actually said anything. Then he talked about his confusion over the washing instructions on his new jeans. “The instructions said ‘wash before using’ but does that mean I should wash them before I wear them the first time, or do they need to be washed each time before I wear them?”

Kate: Kate burst into the party and instantly became the center of attention. She was wearing a very revealing dress and with sweeping arm gestures and exaggerated bravado, boasted about her leading role in a local play. During a private conversation, another guest asked her about the rumors that she was having problems at work. In a dramatic outburst of anger, she proclaimed that her job was marvelous and that everyone adored her. Shortly thereafter, while drinking her third Vodka, she fainted and had to be taken home.


Ashton: He spent the entire evening taking about his recent trip to France, his new Porsche, and how he was about to become the wealthiest man in the world. Everyone around him seemed bored, but he just kept right on talking. When a guest turned and started to walk away he said “You don’t want to listen because you are going nowhere.” He refused to apologize even when we knew he hurt her feelings. He said “I know I am more talented that everyone in this room, it isn’t my fault that upsets her.”


Karen showed up to the party drunk and continued to drink the entire evening. Talking loudly and laughing, she flirted with many of the guys and expressed her “deep affection” for them. On a number of occasions she disappeared for almost half an hour, each time with a different guy. After a hostile argument with one of them, because he took “too long” in fetching her drink, she locked herself in the bathroom and said she was going to kill herself. We encouraged her to go home but she didn’t want to be alone.

(Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party)

Nate: Nate showed up to the party at exactly 7:00. He immediately re-arranged things on the table and talked mostly about new technology and finances. He avoided answering any questions about his personal life or his feelings. He left promptly at 9:00 saying that he had work to do.


John: He arrived “fashionably late” with his new lady friend and was friendly and charming. He then lit up a joint and refused to put it out even though we asked him to. He told us a story about an accident he was in. “I was pulling out of a parking lot really fast and smacked this other car. The lady started screaming at me. Crap, it was just a dent. I gave her a fake phone number and told her my insurance would take care of it. Hell, I don’t have insurance. People can make such a big deal out of nothing.”

Jack: Jack spent 10 minutes watching us through the window before coming in. Once inside, he seemed a bit uncomfortable. I tried to make him feel at ease, but he looked guarded and distrustful. Other guests became uncomfortable with his habit of “reading between the lines” and finding something wrong with everything anyone said or did. He seemed to be picking fights with people. He didn’t stay long…..


Lisa: She came to the party with her girlfriend and was glued to her all night. It was annoying because she asked her girlfriend permission to do everything (“I have to use the restroom, is that ok?”). She never disagreed with anything anyone had to say and went out of her way to please everyone. She constantly sought advice from the other guests about everything. “I have a tooth problem, what do you think I should do”? (Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party)

Lilly: Lilly didn’t show up for the party even though she had said that she really wanted to and agreed to bring the ice. I was not happy about the thought of serving warm drinks so I had another friend run out to get some after guests began to arrive.

Jason: He was not invited to the party. Even though he works in our office, none of us really knows him because he hardly ever talks. He doesn’t seem to care if you like him or not and spends his entire day alone in the stock room. I think he spends all of his time alone reading and watching movies.


Woah, now that was a fun party!


Now that you have met my guests, it is time to diagnose. Use the information presented in your text and PowerPoint presentation to make your diagnosis. Complete your diagnosis before you enter the threaded discussion. We will use this information as the basis of our discussion. After filling out your Guest Diagnosis sheet, submit the document in the drop box titled “party.” You will receive one point for each correct diagnosis. After you submit your diagnoses, enter the discussion. (Week Three Assignment: Disordered Party)


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Phi 103 Counterargument Paper Assignment Help

Phi 103 Counterargument Paper Assignment Help

Counterargument Paper


This paper assignment expands upon your Week One Assignment and prepares you for the Final Paper. The expansion is to learn to improve one’s argument after investigating and fairly representing the opposite point of view. The main new tasks are to revise your previous argument created in Week One, to present a counterargument (an argument for a contrary conclusion), and to develop an objection to your original argument. (Phi 103 Counterargument Paper Assignment Help)


Here are the steps to prepare to write the counterargument paper:


  • Begin reviewing your previous paper paying particular attention to suggestions for improvement made by your instructor.
  • Revise your argument, improving it as much as possible, accounting for any suggestions and in light of further material you have learned in the course. If your argument is inductive, make sure that it is strong. If your argument is deductive, make sure that it is valid.
  • Construct what you take to be the strongest possible argument for a conclusion contrary to the one you argued for in your Week One paper. This is your counterargument. This should be based on careful thought and appropriate research.
  • Consider the primary points of disagreement between the point of view of your original argument and that of the counterargument.
  • Think about what you take to be the strongest objection to your original argument and how you might answer the objection while being fair to both sides. Search in the Ashford University Library for quality academic sources that support some aspect of your argument or counterargument. (Phi 103 Counterargument Paper Assignment Help)


In your paper,


  • Present a revised argument in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line.
  • Present a counterargument in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line.
  • Provide support for each premise of your counterargument. Clarify the meaning of the premise and supporting evidence for the premise.
    • Pay special attention to those premises that could be seen as controversial. Evidence may include academic research sources, supporting arguments, or other ways of demonstrating the truth of the premise (for more ideas about how to support the truth of premises take a look at the instructor guidance for this week). This section should include at least one scholarly research source. For guidance about how to develop a conclusion see the Ashford Writing Center’s Introductions and Conclusions.
  • Explain how the conclusion of the counterargument follows from its premises. [One paragraph]
  • Discuss the primary points of disagreement between sincere and intelligent proponents of both sides. [One to two paragraphs]
    • For example, you might list any premises or background assumptions on which you think such proponents would disagree and briefly state what you see as the source of the disagreement, you could give a brief explanation of any reasoning that you think each side would find objectionable, or you could do a combination of these.
  • Present the best objectionto your original argument. Clearly indicate what part of the argument your objection is aimed at, and provide a paragraph of supporting evidence for the objection. Reference at least one scholarly research source. [One to two paragraphs]
    • See the “Practicing Effective Criticism” section of Chapter 9 of your primary textbook for more information about how to present an objection. (Phi 103 Counterargument Paper Assignment Help)


For further instruction on how to create arguments, see the How to Construct a Valid Main Argument and Tips for Creating an Inductively Strong Argument documents as well as the video Constructing Valid Arguments.


For an example of how to complete this paper, take a look at the following Week Three Annotated Example. Let your instructor know if you have questions about how to complete this paper. (Phi 103 Counterargument Paper Assignment Help)



The Counterargument Paper


  • Must be 500 to 800 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (for more information about using APA style, take a look at the APA Essay Checklist for Students webpage).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (for more information about how to create an APA reference list, take a look at the APA References List webpage).
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. (Phi 103 Counterargument Paper Assignment Help)


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Comprehensive Analysis Of Case Study

Comprehensive Analysis Of Case Study

Comprehensive Analysis of Case Study

In this assignment, you will compile your previous assignments, which you will revise to incorporate new insights as well as feedback from your instructor. In addition, you will assess your strengths and weaknesses as a human services leader based on your course readings. Finally, you will create a professional development plan for yourself. Prior to doing so, review the course project description to ensure that you meet each requirement. Refer to the helpful Campus links in Resources as needed.


  • Turnitin: Submit your assignment to Turnitin and upload your Report of Similarity with your assignment.
  • Font: Use 12-point Times or Times New Roman, double-spaced type.
  • Writing: Writing should be clear, organized, and free of errors; it should also follow professional standards.
  • Research: Use at least 10 academic and professional sources to support your work.
  • Length: Your paper should be approximately 10 pages, not including cover or reference pages.
  • Format: Follow all current edition APA style and format requirements.


Comprehensive Analysis of Case Study Scoring Guide

Due Date: Unit 9  Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.

Summarize analysis and recommendations for a practice situation. 16% Does not summarize analysis and recommendations for a practice situation. Incompletely summarizes analysis and recommendations for a practice situation. Summarizes analysis and recommendations for a practice situation. Summarizes analysis and recommendations for a practice situation, comparing pros and cons of potential solutions.
Analyze the qualities of a good leader in the human services field. 17% Does not analyze the qualities of a good leader in the human services field. Identifies the qualities of a good leader in the human services field. Analyzes the qualities of a good leader in the human services field. Analyzes the qualities of a good leader in the human services field, including suggested criteria for evaluating these qualities in individuals.
Analyze the importance of collaboration in human services delivery and ways to handle conflict in collaborative groups.  17% Does not analyze the importance of collaboration in human services delivery and ways to handle conflict in collaborative groups. Describes the importance of collaboration in human services delivery. Analyzes the importance of collaboration in human services delivery and ways to handle conflict in collaborative groups. Analyzes the importance of collaboration in human services delivery and ways to handle conflict in collaborative groups, providing real-world examples.
Evaluate the role of ethics and diversity in human services, including the role of the practitioner in supporting ethical standards and diversity. 17% Does not evaluate the role of ethics and diversity in human services, including the role of the practitioner in supporting ethical standards and diversity. Describes the role of ethics and diversity in human services. Evaluates the role of ethics and diversity in human services, including the role of the practitioner in supporting ethical standards and diversity. Evaluates the role of ethics and diversity in human services, including the role of the practitioner in supporting ethical standards and diversity and suggesting criteria for evaluating practitioner effectiveness.
Assess personal strengths and development needs in regard to human services leadership, including a plan for professional development.  17% Does not assess personal strengths and development needs in regard to human services leadership, including a plan for professional development. Assesses personal strengths and development needs in regard to human services leadership but does not include a plan for professional development. Assesses personal strengths and development needs in regard to human services leadership, including a plan for professional development. Assesses personal strengths and development needs in regard to human services leadership, including a plan for professional development and specific resources to be used.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others consistent with the expectations for human services professionals. 16% Does not communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others consistent with expectations for human services professionals. Inconsistently communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others. Falls short of meeting the expectations for human services professionals. Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others consistent with the expectations for human services professionals. Clearly, consistently and concisely communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others consistent with expectations for human services professionals.
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Confidentiality homework help

Confidentiality homework help

Discussion1: Confidentiality

One of the most important concepts in clinical practice and group work is confidentiality. All members of the group sign an informed consent form in order to address the rules and parameters of the group sessions. The rules regarding confidentiality are stated in one section of the form. Although every member must sign this agreement, ensuring that all information shared in the group remains confidential can be difficult. As the group leader, the clinical social worker is responsible for developing strategies so that all members feel safe to share.

For this Discussion, review the “Working With Groups: Latino Patients Living With HIV/AIDS” case study.

· Post strategies you might prefer to use to ensure confidentiality in a treatment group for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. 

· Describe how informed consent addresses confidentiality in a group setting. 

· How does confidentiality in a group differ from confidentiality in individual counseling? 

· Also, discuss how you would address a breach of confidentiality in the group.

References (use 3 or more)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].

“Working With Groups: Latino Patients Living With HIV/AIDS” (pp. 39–41)

Himalhoch, S., Medoff, D. R., & Oyeniyi, G. (2007). Efficacy of group psychotherapy to reduce depressive symptoms among HIV-infected individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 21(10), 732–739.

Lasky, G. B., & Riva, M. T. (2006). Confidentiality and privileged communication in group psychotherapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 56(4), 455–476.

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Working With Groups: Latino Patients Living WithHIV/AIDS

The support group discussed here was created to address the unique needs of a vulnerable population receiving services at an outpatient interdisciplinary comprehensive care center. The center’s mission was to provide medical and psychosocial services to adult patients living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH). Both patients and providers at the center expressed a need for a group to address the needs of the center’s Latino population. At the time the group was created, 36% of the center’s population identified as Latino, and 25% of this cohort identified Spanish as their primary language. The purpose of the group was twofold: 1) to reduce the social isolation felt by Latino patients at the center and 2) to create a culturally sensitive environment where Latino patients could explore common medical and psychosocial issues faced by PLWH within a cultural context.

Planning for the group consisted of 1) defining a format for the group, 2) recruiting appropriate members, and 3) building an appropriate group composition. When considering the format of the group, I thought about structure, time, place, and language. The group was designated a closed group in that new patients were not admitted once the initial membership was determined. The group was held in the center’s conference room, which was furnished with comfortable seating around a large conference table so that members were visible to each other during group sessions. The group met once a week for 90-minute sessions during which 60 minutes were spent on open discussion and the last 30 minutes were spent on having lunch. Given the importance of food in the Latino culture, I thought members would appreciate the opportunity to share a meal with their peers. I decided to designate the group as Spanish-speaking so that all sessions were held in Spanish. This offered members not only a sense of comfort and an opportunity to explore issues in their native tongue, but it also addressed the language barrier that often isolates Latino PLWH.

I used several strategies to recruit members. I hung flyers throughout the center, and I informed my colleagues about the group during interdisciplinary staff meetings. Referrals ultimately came from physicians, social workers, and even administrative staff who had developed relationships with patients at the center. When considering group composition, I focused on creating balance in group size and the characteristics of individual members. I worked to create a group with enough members so that discussions would be fruitful and differing opinions could be presented, but at the same time, individual members would have an opportunity to discuss their unique feelings, thoughts, and opinions. When it came to member characteristics, I strove to create a balance between homogeneity and heterogeneity across such domains as age, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc. The goal was to create a group where no member felt isolated by uniqueness while simultaneously promoting diversity between members. Prior to being admitted to the group, potential members were interviewed/screened in person or by phone. The focus of these interviews was to 1) assess the patient’s ability to communicate in Spanish, 2) describe the purpose of the group, 3) discuss individual expectations for the group, and 4) answer questions about group process and function. A total of 15 patients were referred. Four declined to participate before the group started and two did not show up after the first session. Of the remaining nine members, three were women and six were men. All of the men had a significant history of intravenous drug use (IVDU). Two of the men identified as gay, one identified as bisexual, and three considered themselves to be heterosexual. All of the women were heterosexual, identified a risk factor of unprotected heterosexual sex, and denied a history of IVDU. Members’ ages ranged from 36 to 60.

The group ran successfully for 18 months. Throughout the life of the group, several recurrent themes were discussed, including 1) stigma of HIV and homosexuality, 2) disclosure of HIV status, 3) safer sex practices, 4) adherence to HIV treatment, and 5) the doctor–patient relationship. Each of these themes was discussed within a cultural context giving light to issues such as familialism, collectivism, simpatia, machismo (gender roles), and Latino culture’s tendency to rely on a folk model of medicine.

As in most groups, certain members adopted roles within the group. For example, Anna, a 46-year-old female member, adopted the role of the “silent member.” She repeatedly came to sessions and sat in silence, only responding when she was prompted by direct questions from me or other members. The challenge with Anna was that as this behavior continued, other members tended to ignore her and leave her out of the discussion. In turn, it became my role to try to engage Anna as much as possible and draw her into the discussion. Another example is Diego, a 60-year-old male, who adopted the role of the “help-rejecting complainer.” Throughout group sessions, Diego repeatedly presented a problem or issue and engaged the entire group by asking for help. When members responded with suggestions or solutions, he came up with a myriad of excuses why none of them would work. I will admit I was not successful at altering Diego’s behavior in any way. I attempted to point out the pattern, and I tried to ask other members how it felt to constantly have their input rejected, but nothing seemed to work. Group members did express frustration and boredom with Diego. This was manifested in their body language and during group sessions when Diego was not present. When members spoke about Diego in his absence, I always encouraged them to bring these issues to his attention when he was present, but members were not able to do this because they were fearful of hurting his feelings.

Ultimately, the group served as an arena for mutual support and commonality. Group members forged relationships with peers with whom they would not have had contact in the absence of the group. They also had the opportunity to reflect on their illness and personal experiences within a safe and culturally sensitive environment. While a scientific evaluation of the group was not performed, I witnessed and members reported positive outcomes from the experience.

Discussion 2: Week 4 Blog

Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog.

Post a blog post that includes:

· An explanation of potential challenges for assessment during your field education experience at a military mental health clinic

· An explanation of personal action plans you might take to address assessment in your field education experience at a military mental health clinic

References (use 2 or more)

Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Chapter 6, “Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Individuals and Families” (pp. 117-154)

Savaya, R., & Gardner, F. (2012). Critical reflection to identify gaps between espoused theory and theory-in-use. Social Work, 57(2), 145–154.

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Psychology Discussion homework help

Psychology Discussion homework help

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resources on your own before you bid. You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation regarding treatment. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas. Remember to use scholarly research from peer-reviewed articles that is current. Sources such as Wikipedia,, PsychCentral, and similar sites are never acceptable. Please follow the instructions to get full credit for the discussion. I need this completed by 09/07/20 at 5pm.

Discussion – Week 2

Developing the Classification System of Disorders

If you were to give a box of 100 different photographs to 10 people and ask them to sort them into groups, it is very unlikely that all 10 people will sort them into the exact same groups. However, if you were to give them a series of questions or a classification system to use, the chances that all 10 people sort them exactly the same increases depending on the specificity of the system and the knowledge of those sorting the implements.

This is not unlike what has occurred in the process of classifying mental disorders. A system that provides enough specificity to appropriately classify a large variety of mental disorders while also attempting to include all of the possible symptoms, many of which can change over time, is a daunting task when used by a variety of specialists, doctors, and other professionals with varied experience, cultures, expertise, and beliefs. The DSM has undergone many transformations since it was first published in 1952. Many of these changes occurred because the uses for the DSM changed. However, the greatest changes began with the use of extensive empirical research to guide the creation of the classification system and its continued revisions.

In this Discussion, you will explore the development history of the DSM system. In addition, you will consider the impact the classification system has had on diagnosed populations.

To prepare for the Discussion:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources.

· Consider how the APA developed the classification system of disorders for the DSM.

· From a historical perspective, consider whether the diagnosis of mental health disorders has led to better outcomes or marginalization of diagnosed populations.

By Day 3

Post a response to the following prompts:

  • Provide a brief summary of the process of development      of the DSM system of diagnosis.
  • Share something that surprised you about the      development of the DSM-5.
  • Describe one example of how the classification system      of disorders in the DSM-5 has marginalized or      pathologized diagnosed populations historically or currently.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Required Resources

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

  • Section      III, “Cultural Formulation”
  • Appendix, “Glossary of Cultural Concepts of      Distress”

Kress, V. E., & Paylo, M. J. (2019). Treating those with mental disorders: A comprehensive approach to case conceptualization and treatment (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

  • Chapter 2, “Real World Treatment Planning:      Systems, Culture, and Ethics”

Hargett, B. (2020). Disparities in diagnoses: Considering racial and ethnic youth groups. North Carolina Medical Journal, 81(2), 126-129. doi:10.18043/ncm.81.2.126


Toscano, M. E., & Maynard, E. (2014). Understanding the link: “Homosexuality,” gender identity, and the DSMJournal of LGBT Issues in Counseling8(3), 248–263. doi:10.1080/15538605.2014.897296

Aftab, A. (2019). Social misuse of disorder designation, part 1: Conceptual defenses. Psychiatric Times. Retrieved from

American Psychiatric Association. (n.d.). DSM history. Retrieved December 10, 2019, from

Spiegel, A. (2004). The dictionary of disorder: How one man revolutionized psychiatry. The New Yorker. Retrieved from

Required Media

Walden University (Producer). (2019c). Social misuse of diagnosis: Pathologizing marginalized populations. Minneapolis, MN: Author.

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Philosophy 1301 homework help

Philosophy 1301 homework help

Unit 3 Study Questions:

Below you will find a list of study questions to help you prepare for the Unit 3 Test. Please carefully review these questions before, during, and after you read (and re-read, and re-read) the textbook chapters. The test questions will cover the same content as the study questions (although they may be worded differently).

Chapter 7

  1. Nietzsche announces the death of God in a parable      about

a. A madman holding a lantern

b. A lonely prophet walking the earth

c. Jesus

d. A desert hermit living in a cave

The madman’s proclamation that “God is dead” refers to the fact that

a. He has found incontrovertible proof that God never really existed in the first place

b. God has temporarily withdrawn Himself from the world, only to return at the end of time

c. People have ceased to believe in God

d. None of the above

3. The madman finds the death of God to be so terrifying because

a. All of his contemporaries are grief-stricken at the sudden disappearance of God, and do not know how to recover from this frightening piece of news

b. Without God human life is devoid of any intrinsic purpose, value, and meaning

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

4. Shakespeare’s Macbeth says that life “is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” This would be an example of

a. Theism

b. Virtue ethics

c. Hedonism

d. Nihilism

5. “Life itself is essentially appropriation, injury, conquest of the strange and weak, suppression, severity…and at the least…exploitation.” Nietzsche here refers explicitly to

a. The Will to Power

b. Slave Morality

c. Judeo-Christianity

d. The German people

6. Each of the following is a characteristic of an aristocratic society EXCEPT:

a. They come into being through conquest

b. Master Morality

c. They are the embodiment of will-to-power

d. They champion full equality among all members of society

7. Master morality is to slave morality as

a. nobility is to baseness

b. higher is to lower

c. affirmation of life is to negation of life

d. All of the above

8. The “good” of master morality is to the “good” of slave morality as

a. Noble is to despicable

b. Mediocrity is to excellence

c. Despicable is to noble

d. Rare is to exceptional

9. The “evil” of slave morality is to the “bad” of master morality as

a. cowardly is to heroic

b. lover is to beloved

c. self-glorification is to resentment

d. mediocrity is to excellence

10. The “good” of master morality is to the “evil” of slave morality as

a. resentment is to honor

b. hero is to coward

c. base is to noble

d. They are one and the same thing

11. According to Nietzsche, the modern liberal democratic ideal

a. encourages slavishness

b. is the only honorable value to be found in Judeo-Christianity

c. is embraced by master morality

d. is shunned by slave morality

12. Nihilism is the belief that

a. God is evil

b. Nothingness is an illusion of the mind

c. If we remain ignorant we will annihilate ourselves

d. The world is meaningless

13. According to Nietzsche, the slavish individual expresses _________ for the noble types.

a. admiration

b. resentment

c. a feeling of kinship

d. affection

14. According to Nietzsche, slave morality originates from

a. a feeling of superiority

b. the need for slaves to survive

c. economic inequality

d. faith in a higher power

15. According to Nietzsche, master morality originates from

a. the aristocratic man’s spontaneous self-glorification

b. resentment toward other aristocratic men

c. the need to combat low self-esteem

d. a will to the denial of life

Chapter 8

1. Ortega can best be described as

a. a nihilist

b. an elitist

c. a feminist

d. an egalitarian

2. According to Ortega, the masses have begun to insinuate themselves in each of the following areas EXCEPT:

a. politics

b. education

c. the priesthood

d. the arts

3. According to Ortega, the phenomenon of the “masses” as a concentrated group gaining power and influence in all sectors of society

a. is nothing new

b. is consistent with the rise of fascism in Spain

c. is a recent phenomenon

d. is a cause for great celebration

4. Each of the following is true about the mass man EXCEPT:

a. he is the “average” man

b. he belongs exclusively to the working class

c. he is comfortable in his mediocrity

d. he is not particularly ambitious

5. Each of the following is true about the “select individual” EXCEPT:

a. he snobbishly believes that he is simply superior to everyone else

b. he sets very high standards for himself

c. he assigns himself great tasks

d. his presence is not limited to any particular socio-economic stratum of society

6. The select individual is to the mass man

a. as higher is to lower

b. as rare is to common

c. as noble is to vulgar

d. all of the above

7. Before the advent of the “crowd phenomenon,” artistic, political, and intellectual enterprises were directed by

a. anybody who wanted to take part

b. only those who were select individuals

c. only those who were qualified or at least thought to be qualified

d. all of the above

8. According to Ortega, hyperdemocracy 

a. is a threat to liberal democracy

b. is the mass man’s way of imposing itself on the rest of society

c. is the mass man’s way of stifling human excellence

d. all of the above

9. Each of the following is a characteristic of the “select individual” EXCEPT:

a. judges himself against a high standard.

b. complacency

c. qualified for intellectual, aesthetic, and political endeavors

d. runs the risk of being crushed under the weight of the mass

Chapter 9

1. Sartre’s phrase “existence precedes essence” means that

a. God created man as a “blank slate” on which he can make his own essence.

b. Man created God in his own image

c. Man first has an essence, and then he confers on himself existence

d. Man exists in a godless universe, without any determinate nature or essence: he creates his own essence through his actions.

2. According to Sartre, when you choose how to live, you are choosing

a. for your loved ones

b. for all mankind

c. for nobody but oneself

d. none of the above

3. In Sartre’s view, the existentialist finds the fact that God does not exist

a. deeply distressing

b. liberating

c. insignificant

d. absurd to the point of being comical

4. Sartre argues that when he speaks of anguish, he is referring to

a. the feeling of having been abandoned by God

b. the fact that we are not responsible for our actions

c. man’s feeling of total and deep responsibility for all mankind

d. all of the above

5. According to Sartre, each human being is the sum total of his/her

a. hopes

b. actions

c. beliefs

d. ambitions

6. Sartre argues that when he speaks of forlornness, he means that

a. We are not responsible for our actions

b. We can never truly understand human nature

c. God does not exist, so we must face all of the consequences of this

d. all of the above.

7. Sartre criticizes certain atheists in the 1880s that wanted to create an atheist ethics on the grounds that

a. without God, there can be no a priori standard of good to which everyone is bound to conform.

b. there can be no salvation without embracing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

c. atheists are generally very immoral people

d. none of the above

8. Sartre argues that when he speaks of despair, he means that

a. when one chooses, one chooses for oneself only

b. one should reckon only with what depends on our will

c. life is a tale told by an idiot

d. all of the above

9. According to Sartre, the value of one’s feeling is determined by

a. the way one feels

b. what one believes

c. the way one acts

d. all of the above

10. Each of the following is true for Sartre EXCEPT:

a. You are the sum total of your hopes and dreams

b. Responsibility for one’s actions involves being responsible for everyone

c. Man’s situation is characterized by anguishforlornness, and despair

d. We are condemned to be free

Chapter 10

1. According to Dalrymple in the “Frivolity of Evil” essay, human beings are predisposed to commit evil.


2. According to Dalrymple in the “Frivolity of Evil” essay, “depression” and “unhappiness” are one and the same.


3. According to Dalrymple in the “Frivolity of Evil” essay, the Welfare State’s policies promote a sense of gratitude and civic and personal responsibility in the citizenry.


4. According to Dalrymple in the “How—and How Not—to Love Mankind” essay, both Marx and Turgenev displayed a deep and abiding interest in the individual lives and fates of real human beings.


5. According to Dalrymple in the “How—and How Not—to Love Mankind” essay, there is a temptation, particularly within the intelligentsia, to suppose that one’s virtue is proportional to one’s hatred of vice.


6. According to Dalrymple in “What We Have to Lose,” civilization does not require that that human beings practice self-control with respect to their appetites and desires.


7. According to Dalrymple in “What We Have to Lose,” human civilization is impervious to decay or destruction.


8. According to Dalrymple in “What We Have to Lose,” barbarism triumphs wherever civilized human beings do nothing.


9. According to Dalrymple in “The Roads to Serfdom,” socialist thinkers are correct in their assumption that, because humanity has made so much technical progress, everything—including problems of production and consumption—must be susceptible to human control.


10. According to Dalrymple in “The Roads to Serfdom,” collectivist or socialist ideology undermines personal responsibility and encourages uniformity of behavior and taste.


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Psychology interview test help

Psychology interview test help

1) Which of the following multicultural communication standards and sensitivities could be integrated into non-FtF clinical interviewing?



b.Familial Piety c.Spirituality


e.All of these



2) Which of the following will determine whether family or individual therapy is the treatment of choice?


a.Theoretical orientation

b.Research evidence

c.Always follow the client’s lead on this

d. Both A and B

e.Both B and C


3) The main goal in a family opening is to get everyone in the family to ?


a. Complete a genogram

b. Make direct eye contact with you

c. Answer basic questions about family functioning, expectations, and hopes

d. Smile or laugh

e. Provide each other constructive criticism


4) Using the wishes and goals technique, clinicians can obtain goals from young clients in which of the following areas?

a. Family change

b. School change

c. Self-change

d. All of these

e. B and C


5) Madelyn is in an intake interview with a parent and child. The parent begins listing the child’s problems. What should Madelyn do?

a. Gently limit the parent to listing a maximum of one goal

b. Gently limit the parent to listing a maximum of three goals

c. Gently limit the parent to listing a maximum of five goals

d. Place no limits on the problem list or goal setting

e. Ask the parent, “How would you like it if your child decided to list all your problems?


6)  Which of the following is at the heart of ethical and effective clinical interviewing?

a. A good Internet connection

b. A professional relationship built on interpersonal communication

c. A psychoanalytic theory

d. The payment fee for services


7) Which of the following is considered a family for the purposes of family therapy?

a. Children and their kinship system

b. Gay and Lesbian couples with children

c. A biologically-related family of procreation

d. Children in co-parenting situations

e. All of these


8) What sort of countertransference reactions are clinicians likely to have toward children?

a. Withdrawal

b. Over-identification

c. Regressive

d. Both A and B

e. Both B and C


9) A mother and daughter receiving therapy together to improve their relationship would be most aptly referred to as

a. Family Therapy

b. Couple Therapy

c. Relationship enhancement therapy

d. Mediation.

e. None of these


10)  Undershooting involves:

a. Intentionally overstating the client’s main message

b. Intentionally emphasizing or amplifying the healthy side of the client’s ambivalence

c. Strengthening the healthy side of the client’s ambivalence

d. Using microphones and recordings in an interview for playback and review

e. None of these



Which of the following is most consistent with Carl Rogers’s view on what therapist qualities help clients make changes in therapy?

a. Therapist listening skills

b. Therapist empathy skills

c. Therapist attitudes

d. Therapist listening behavior

e. None of these


12) Which of the following is considered the general solution to many online interviewing and counseling problems?

a. A challenge question

b. An adequate informed consent process

c. Secure sockets

d. Having a Facebook accounts

e. Moving toward virtual communities, like Second Life.


13) Reflective techniques help clients see to:

a. Their own ambivalence

b. Client resistance to paying for psychotherapy

c. None of these

d. Help clients establish goals

e. Support client’s own resistance


14)  Which of the following is/are a key issue for most couples?

a. Money

b. Sex

c. Commitment

d. All of these

e. Only A and C


15)  Traditionally, signs of client resistance included:

a. Talking too much

b. Talking too little

c. Being unprepared for psychotherapy

d. All of the these

e. Only A and B


16)  Which of the following is true regarding confidentiality with child or adolescent clients?

a. Parents should hear everything their child has to say

b. Confidentiality should be discussed separately with young clients and with their caretakers

c. Confidentiality should be discussed at the beginning of the first session with parents/caretakers and children

d. Confidentiality need not be discussed with very young children

e. None of these


17)  The purpose of Adler’s “The Question” is:

a. To help clients understand their lives

b. To identify what forces make it easier for clients to give up their maladaptive behavior

c. To uncover the purpose of specific motive for sustaining specific unhealthy behaviors

d. All of these

e. A and C


18)   When is the best time to use a challenge question?

a. At the beginning of each session

b. Halfway through each session

c. At the end of each session

d. You should use a challenge question multiple times throughout the session

e. None of these


19)  When working with clients who may be lying, it’s important for therapists to use which of the following principles?

a. Ignore the possibility of deceit and proceed as usual

b. Tell the client, “I believe you.”

c. Let your client know that you’re keeping an open mind about his or her truthfulnes, but avoid becoming a judge who must determine whether the client is telling the truth

d. Directly tell the client, “I don’t believe what you’re saying.”

e. Any of these would be appropriate


20) When minority people insert themselves into the online or internet culture, it’s safe to conclude

a. They’ve given up their cultural identity

b. They’re hoping to move into the universal internet culture

c. They probably still retain cultural practices that online counselors should be sensitive to

d. They’re trying to escape from cultural oppression

e. Both B and D


21)  In the text it is emphasized that resistance can emanate from:

a.The client

b. The therapist

c. The situation

d. All of these

e. Only A and B


22)  What are the most important closing tasks with young clients?

a. Summarizing your understanding of the problem areas

b. Making connections between the problems and possible counseling interventions

c. Confronting young clients about taking responsibility for their behaviors

d. All of the above

e. Only A and B

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Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help

this assignment is due today in 8 hours…… must have done in 8 hours…… no late work

Sociology homework…..

Read/Browse Chapter 1  ( book is attached)

Instructions for assignment:

weekly journal will be 1-2 pages and will include 2 sources in the media that relate to the reading that week. The purpose of this assignment, which will continue throughout the semester, is to encourage you to think in a sociological manner and learn to apply sociology and social problems theory to events in everyday life. You should learn to integrate the ideas we discuss in class and start to regard aspects of society critically.

Each journal entry should be dated, typed, single-spaced and include citations.For each journal entry you should include the following:

Choose 1 or more concepts or themes from the chapter. Define the concept or theme in your own words.

Locate 2 items in the media (e.g., news source, journal or magazine article, working paper, video, television show, or blog) that link to the concept/theme. Summarize the connection or the significance of each source to the concept/theme from the textbook.

Critical analysis (you may consider the following questions: how is the social problem is being framed [person vs. structure blame]; are there any solutions proposed and by whom; is there anything not considered in the source that should be; does the information in the source contradict the text; etc.).

Bibliographic information about the source (e.g., title, author, publication).Your entries should be critical and academically enlightening. They also should reflect a sociological perspective. You should provide evidence from the material you are analyzing to support your ideas and have some connection to the text. These journals are not formal essays, but they should still follow an organizational structure. Therefore, they should contain an introductory paragraph, a body consisting of two to three paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.  Since you will be using course content and outside sources, you will need to cite the source of your information.  Please use the American Psychological Association (APA) formatting.  This is the format most frequently used by all of the social sciences.  You may cite sources at the bottom of your journal response, instead of on a separate page.

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