homework help For PROJECT – Implementing an Online Shopping System with Use of the Decorator, Strategy, and Command Patterns

homework help For PROJECT – Implementing an Online Shopping System with Use of the Decorator, Strategy, and Command Patterns

PROJECT – Implementing an Online Shopping System with Use of the Decorator, Strategy, and Command Patterns

(and more!)



You are to design and implement an Amazon.com-like online shopping system. You may include actual features of Amazon (e.g., Prime customers), or you may include your own features. The capabilities of the system MUST INCLUDE the following:


· generation of a receipt of some kind for all of the orders placed, and the

inclusion of items on the receipt that are a result of the particular items

purchased (by use of the Decorator design pattern).


· the use of the Command design pattern for implementation of the

overall command-driven aspect of the system.


· the use of the Strategy design pattern for any part of the system the

demonstrates its appropriate use

In addition, utilize any other design patterns that can be appropriately applied. Be creative in the features supported by the inclusion of such design patterns. For example, the Decorator design pattern can be used for any situation in which there are various combinations of behavior that cannot be determined until runtime (not just the printing of a receipt). For example, the total amount of an order may utilimately be based on (a) the items ordered, (b) the shipping option selected, (c) whether a preferred (“prime”) customer or not, (d) whether you have any credit from previous purchases/returns, (e) whether you are purchasing items that are currently on sale, (f) whether the purchase of a given item gives you a free associated item, etc. The same is true of the Strategy pattern, it can be used in any situation in which a section of code (algorithm) can vary, and especially if it can be judged that it may vary in the future.




Materials are provided giving details on the design and example use of the Decorator pattern (from a previous Best Buy assignment(Decorator)) and the Command pattern (from a previous automated restaurant system assignment(Restaurant)). These should be used for studying the details of the GENERAL use of these patterns.



System Interface / User Interface

Your system must be designed with the use of a system interface class, as demonstrated in the automated restaurant system assignment. The methods of the system interface must only return values of type String for a separate user interface to call .The user interface may be text-based, or a GUI interface.



Please submit one pdf document along with your code. (Export all class diagrams to pdf. Do not submit file formats of the particular UML drawing tool used.) and also Your code separately. Your submission should include,

· A use case diagram of your system. There is no set number of use cases to include – that will vary based on the particular system designing. Include an explanation of each use case. (Scenarios do not need to be provided.)

· The class diagram for your system. Make sure to include all of the classes and interfaces. The class diagram should include the relationships of association, composition, aggregation, generalization (inheritance), and dependency where they exist; notation of multiplicity, navigation, and role names where appropriate; and the inclusion of the methods within each class, including access modifiers (public, protected, private), parameters, and return type (instance variables do not need to be included).

· Discussion of the use of each design pattern within your design, including

· why you made the decision to incorporate the use of the pattern

· the benefits of the included pattern

· what specific aspects of the system can be easily modified as a

result of the use of design patterns in the design

· Program code, with sufficient in-code documentation


· List of commands the system provides, with a brief explanation of each


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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Warming Hut Management

This week it seems like everyone needs an answer to a question. The Accounting Manager for Operations has asked you to update some analysis prepared earlier in the year. In an attempt to predict year-end changes in net income, you have been asked to prepare some reports on changes in condominium rental fees, ski lift tickets, and X Game tickets and pricing.

The Sales Department for Luxury Condominiums wants to know how increasing their rental pricing by varying percentages will affect the existing pricing. The manager would like to know how that will increase the Summit Ridge Mountain Resort’s total revenue. A one-variable data table might be good to create these results.

The supervisor in charge of setting prices for lift tickets also needs some help. She wants to price the lift tickets so that they are affordable but yet offer the resort a chance to improve its net income at the end of the season. A one-variable data table might be able to answer this question.

Resort Management has a target income for the X Games. They need help determining the best combination of pricing and quantity of tickets to sell for the X Games to be a success. A two-variable data table might be best to display these results.

And there are more puzzling questions. Resort Management has reviewed variables such as lift ticket prices, restaurant revenues, retail revenues, maintenance costs, and payroll. They would like you to create a Scenario Summary to determine optimistic, mid-range, and pessimistic scenarios for the resort. The Operations Manager would like to know how these changes might affect revenue, expenses, and net income. A Scenario Summary would be a good choice for this analysis.

Last, all of the Warming Hut Management need a little help with some investigation on their data. They have quite a bit of data collected but need some assistance making sense of it. It may be time to polish your skills with Pivot Tables, because the management has many questions and concerns. Your boss is confident about your ability to be creative and customize some Pivot Tables that are unique to each Hut.

What-If questions need solid answers. It is time to provide a professional response.


After completing the steps below, turn in one Excel 2016 workbook. Rename the workbook with your lastname_first initial_Week6_Lab. xlsx. Example: If your name were Jane Doe, your workbook would be Doe_J_Week6_Lab.xlsx.

LAB 6 – What-If-Analysis
Step Task Points Possible Points Received Comments
1 Complete Income Statement
1a – g Complete formulas & formatting 4
2 Build One-Variable Data Tables
2a One-Variable Data Table for condo rentals 3
2b One-Variable Data Table for ski lift tickets 3
2c Apply conditional formatting 2
2d Answer question in G17 5
3 Build Two-Variable Data Table
3a Enter Net Income and format 3
3b Apply conditional formatting 3
3c-d Answer question in G17 5
4 Scenarios and Summary
4a Name Cells for Scenario 2
4b Create three scenarios 4
4c Create Scenario Summary 2
4d Move sheet & apply formatting 2
5 Create Pivot Tables
5a, b Build Pivot Table 1 3
5c Build Pivot Table 2 3
5d Build Pivot Table 2 3
5e Create a chart for one pivot table 2
5f Apply professional formatting 2
6 Create Documentation Sheet
6a Create Documentation Sheet 2
6b Organize worksheet contents 1
6c, d Format Documentation Sheet 1
Comment: What you learned from completing this Lab 5

Week 6 Grading Rubric

Lab Resources

Microsoft Office: Excel 2016

Options for Accessing Microsoft Excel 2016

  1. Use a personal copy on your PC. You can request a copy of Microsoft Office 2016 via the Student Software Store icon on the Course Resources Page.
  2. If you are a MAC user, click to read the MAC User Information.
  3. If you do not have Excel 2016 installed locally, then access the software by going to the Course Resources page, Lab Resources section, and click the Virtual Lab Citrix icon.

Lab Steps


You will be using Microsoft Excel 2016 for this lab.

Be sure you have read the required chapter materials and reviewed the hands-on exercise videos located on the Lesson page before you begin the lab.

Please do not rely solely on the hands-on exercise videos to complete this week’s lab. The videos provide detailed examples walking you through the hands-on exercises. Applying the hands-on exercise examples will provide both practice and instruction of what to complete.

Begin: Open and Save

Download the spreadsheet Week 6 Lab – Summit Ridge Mountain Resort Student.xslx. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. You will be prompted to save the file. Click yes.

Open the saved file from your Download folder on your computer.

Note: If you are using the Remote Lab environment, you will need to follow the instructions for uploading the file. These instructions can be found on the Lab page when you click on the Lab icon on Course Resources.

To save the spreadsheet with a new file name,

  • open the workbook in Excel 2016; and
  • in Excel, click File and then Save As and rename it as lastname_first initial_Week6_Lab.xlsx (Jane Doe would save the file as Doe_J_Week6_Lab.xlsx).

Step 1: Complete Income Statement

It is time to build the formulas needed to complete the income statement. Begin working on the Income Statement worksheet and complete formulas for all of the cells marked in gray.

  1. Enter the formula to calculate the Condo Rentals Revenue in C13 Multiple the Quantity of Condo Rental Days * the Price for Condo Rental.
  2. Enter the formula to calculate the Ski Lift Revenue in C14 Multiple the Quantity of Ski Lift Tickets * the Price for Ski Lift Tickets.
  3. Enter the formula to calculate the Winter X Games Revenue in C17 Multiple the Quantity of X Games Tickets * the Price for X Games Tickets.
  4. Enter the formula to calculate the Total Revenues in C20 and Total Expenses in C34.
  5. Make sure the cell references for Total Revenues and Total Expenses are placed in cells C37 and C38 respectively.
  6. Enter the formula to calculate the Net Income in cell C39.
  7. Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.

Income Statement

Step 2: Build the One-Variable Data Tables

Now that the Income Statement is complete, begin to address the questions about the condo rentals and ski lift tickets.

  1. Build a one-variable data table based on condo rental days. The initial values for Revenue and Net Income for cells I6 and I7 should be cell references from the income statement.
  2. Build a one-variable data table based on the quantity of ski lift tickets. The initial values for Revenue and Net Income for cells I14 and I15 should be cell references from the income statement.
  3. Apply conditional formatting to highlight Net Income of at least $250,000 for each of the one-variable data tables.
  4. In cell G17, a question exists. “If management has a target net income of at least $250,000, which of the above SPECIFIC scenarios in the condo rentals or ski tickets one-variable data table would you recommend using? Explain your reasoning.” Make sure you place your answer in the text box beginning in cell G20.
  5. Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.

One-Variable Data Tables 

Step 3: Build the Two-Variable Data Table

Once the one-variable data tables are complete, begin to address the questions about the X Games tickets sold.

  1. Build a two-variable data table based on the quantity and price of the X Games tickets sold.  Enter a reference to Net Income in cell I27 from the income statement.
  2. Apply conditional formatting to highlight Net Income of at least $250,000 for each of the two-variable data table.
  3. In cell G37, a question exists. “If management has a target net income of at least $250,000. Which of the above SPECIFIC combinations of price and quantity of X Games Tickets in the two-variable data table would you recommend using? Explain your reasoning.”
  4. Make sure you place your answer in the text box beginning in cell G40.
  5. Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.
    Two-Variable Data Table

Step 4: Create the Scenario Summary

You addressed quite a few questions. Now it is time to create a Scenario Summary.

  1. Assign names to all of the income statement cell values in column C in the assumptions, revenues, expenses, and summary sections using the labels in column B. For example, select cells B5:C10, and then on the Formula tab in the Defined Names Group, select “Create from Selection” and use the left column as the name (repeat on lower sections).
  2. Build three scenarios by changing cells C8, C15, C16, C29, and C30 using the following data: Optimistic, Mid-range, and Pessimistic.
    Scenario Details
  3. Generate the Scenario Summary using C37:C39 as the result cells.
  4. Move the Scenario Summary sheet after the Income Statement and apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.

Completed Scenarios

Step 5: Create Pivot Tables From Warming Hut Data

Select the Warming Hut Sales Worksheet. You notice the data are not formatted or organized well.

  1. Use the Warming Hut Sales data to build Pivot Tables.
  2. Build the first Pivot Table to summarize total sales by category and by location. Name this sheet Pivot Table 1.
  3. Build the second Pivot Table to summarize total sales by category and by season for only the Summit View location. Name this sheet Pivot Table 2.
  4. Build the third Pivot Table to summarize total sales by month and by product for only the Mogul Hill location. Name this sheet Pivot Table 3.
  5. Choose one of the created Pivot Tables and add a professional chart to the same worksheet.
  6. Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.
    Click Image to Expand

Step 6: Create a Documentation Sheet

Clean up the formatting of your Excel workbook, taking into account professional appearance.


The Minimum Requirement (per the Grading Rubric)


  1. Insert a new spreadsheet into the workbook. The documentation sheet should be the first sheet in the workbook.
  2. Make certain all contents of the workbook are properly noted on the documentation sheet.
  3. Make certain each tab has a descriptive name for each tab (sheet) in the workbook.
  4. Create the professional documentation worksheet. Be sure to include a description of each worksheet. An image is provided below.
    Click Image to Expand




Finish and Submit

Save your Excel file. Make sure you are aware as to where your files are physically saved. Saving your file often is good practice (Ctrl + s).

Your Excel file should contain seven worksheets.

  • Documentation Page
  • Income Statement
  • Scenario Summary
  • WarmingHutSales
  • Pivot Table 1
  • Pivot Table 2
  • Pivot Table 3

Submit one workbook. When submitting the workbook, provide a comment in the comments area explaining what you learned from completing this lab activity. File naming convention: If your name is Jane Doe, then your file should be named very similar to Doe_J_Week6_Lab.xlsx.

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Discussion Week 5(Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery)homework help

Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery homework help


Overview of the Project

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself.



The job of a business executive requires coordination of the many activities necessary to create a successful business. Markets must be analyzed, potential customers identified, strategies for creating and delivering products and services must be developed, financial goals established and reported, legislative mandates followed, and many different stakeholders satisfied. To ensure that these objectives are met, businesses eventually develop a series of processes designed to produce the desired result. But the world is a dangerous place. Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, pandemics, snowstorms, fire, and other natural disasters can strike at any time and interrupt these important processes. Terrorism, riots, arson, sabotage, and other human-created disasters can also damage your business. Accidents and equipment failures are guaranteed to happen. As an executive responsible for the well-being of your organization, it is critical that you have a plan in place to ensure that your business can continue its operations after such a disaster and to protect vital operations, facilities, and assets.

You do this just like you do any other important task; you analyze the situation and create a plan. A disaster recovery plan keeps you in business after a disaster by helping to minimize the damage and allowing your organization to recover as quickly as possible. While you can’t prevent every disaster, you can with proper planning mitigate the damage and get back to work quickly and efficiently. The key is having a well-thought-out and up-to-date disaster recovery plan. This chapter will lead you through the creation and implementation of a project plan for creating an effective disaster recovery plan.

Disaster recovery is to recover from a significant disaster, such as a roof collapse in the computer room or a fire in a significant portion of the offices. A disaster almost always requires rebuilding a portion of the business in a recovery area in a very short time. Business continuity, also known as business resilience, involves identifying and mitigating critical machines that may fail. For example, a failure of the database server may close down online customer orders, so a second server is clustered and the disk storage is mirrored to provide redundancy.


Building a disaster recovery or business continuity plan is much like any other business project. A formal project management process is necessary to coordinate the various players and company disciplines required to successfully deliver the desired results of the project. This chapter will give you a high-level roadmap of what you should expect as you prepare to lead or manage a disaster recovery project. A sample project plan is included in the companion url accompanying this book. Adapt this chapter and the project plan to fit your business goals, company timeline, and scope of project.

Most projects tend to run in a well-defined sequence. For example, to build a new house, first you clear the land, then build the foundation, then build a floor, and so on. Many things cannot begin until the previous step is completed. A business continuity plan (BCP) project is a bit different. In the project’s early stages, most actions logically follow each other. However, once the basic elements are in place, the project bursts out onto parallel tracks, as each department documents its own area. How you proceed in your company is, of course, determined by your corporate culture, the resources available to work with to complete the process, and the level of visible support from the project’s sponsor. Most business continuity projects follow these steps:

1.An executive within the organization decides that a business continuity plan is needed. This might be due to an auditor’s report or the result of a business disruption that was more financially painful than it would have been if a plan had been in place. Or it could be that an alert employee realized that a good plan did not exist and brought this to the executive’s attention. This executive usually becomes the sponsor for the project.

2.The first (and most important) step that the sponsor takes is to select someone to lead the project. This person is most often called the Business Continuity Manager and is responsible for the successful completion of the project.

3.The project sponsor and the Business Continuity Manager meet to clearly define the scope of the project, the project timeline, and expectations. The Business Continuity Manager must be comfortable that the resources available are adequate to meet all the objectives of the project.

4.The Business Continuity Manager selects the team that will work together to complete the project. Both technical and political considerations are important in selecting a team that can successfully develop a workable business continuity plan.

5.The Business Continuity Manager together with the team now develops the project plan to be used in managing the project. Tasks are identified and assigned, task durations calculated, and activities are sequenced as the project plans are developed.

6.The project plans are executed. The Business Continuity Manager oversees the project as the plan unfolds, keeping everyone focused on completing their tasks and ensuring that milestones are met and that important stakeholders are kept informed as to the project’s progress. It is here where the actual continuity plans for the organization are created.

7.Once the business continuity plans have been developed and tested, the Business Continuity Manager closes the project by making sure that everything was documented properly and handing the project results over to the individual(s) responsible for keeping the plan up to date. Each affected department will usually have someone responsible for keeping their portion of the plan current. A report is also generated for the sponsor recapping the project and documenting lessons learned.

In many organizations, the job of Business Continuity Manager is not taken as seriously as it should be. Management in these organizations only wants you to write something, anything to make the auditors go away. That’s okay because as you build the plan, and as they begin to see the benefits, their interest and support will grow.

A project plan organizes the team so members focus their skills on specific actions to get the job done. This respects their time and brings the project to a prompt, but successful, solution.


Every project starts with a sponsor. A sponsor should be a person with enough organizational influence to give the project credibility, financing, and strategic direction. The sponsor should also possess the management clout to ensure the willing cooperation of other departments and to ensure that the project is adequately funded. Building a business continuity plan in many cases involves changing people’s attitudes and some of their tried-and-true business processes. Business continuity planning is a logical step toward mistake-proofing a business. So, to suppress the reluctance to change or even participate in the project, it is important for the sponsor to be of sufficient stature as to overcome objections before they are raised.

Ideally, the sponsor is the company’s CEO, or the Vice President in charge of the local facility. However, sometimes it is a department manager who realizes that something must be done. Whoever assumes this role must remain involved with the project throughout its lifetime. As the sponsor’s interest fades, so will the interest of your team. Find out why they want to sponsor the project. It will tell you how much support to expect.

In some cases, the sponsor honestly believes the project is a good idea and is personally interested in seeing it is completed. In other cases, the sponsor may have been required to start this project due to an auditor’s citation of a poor business practice. In this situation, the sponsor may only want the minimum recovery plan to satisfy the audit citation. Spend some time early in the project digging out what is motivating support for this project. By understanding what motivates the sponsor, you can gauge how much time and money will be available to you. It is also possible for you to educate the sponsor on the many advantages of having a well-written company-wide plan.

The sponsor’s first task is the selection of the Business Continuity Manager, who will act as the project manager. In most companies, the cynics say that if you raised the issue, then the job is yours! This isn’t a bad way to assign projects because only the people who believe in something would raise the issues. Still, the selection of the right Business Continuity Manager will help make this project a success and the wrong one will make success much more difficult to attain.

The sponsor has the additional duties of approving the plan’s objectives, scope, and assumptions. The sponsor must also obtain approval for funding.


The selection of the person to spearhead this project is the single most important part of building a plan. The Business Continuity Manager should be someone who can gain the willing cooperation of team members and their supervisors. To help ensure the support of everyone in the organization, the Business Continuity Manager should be publicly assigned to this task with the sponsor’s unqualified support. This is essential to overcome internal politics and to let everyone know that their assistance is important and required. As the project moves forward, regular public displays of support are required if the project is to result in a complete and usable plan. Form 1-1 (see companion url) is an example of a letter appointing the Business Continuity Manager.

Some sponsors begin a business continuity project by hiring an outside consultant to build the plan. This can be a good way to get the project started and to mentor someone in the organization to assume the Business Continuity Manager position. More effort and expertise is needed to organize and develop the plan than to administer it. As the plan is built, the consultant teaches the Business Continuity Manager the ropes.

Understand that even though the consultant is guiding the project, the consultant should not assume the role of Business Continuity Manager. Every company, every facility, every computer site is unique. The actions necessary to promptly restore service are the result of the key people at each site writing down what to do and how to do it. Outside consultants can provide considerable insight into the basic services (electrical, telephone, water, data processing), but lack in-depth experience at your company. They don’t know your business processes. They don’t understand the pulse of your business and what its key elements are.

Building a solid plan will take a lot of time. An experienced consultant working with an internal Business Continuity Manager can help move the project along quicker. The Business Continuity Manager is also the logical candidate to become the plan’s ongoing administrator once the initial project is completed. This person will be responsible for keeping the plan relevant and current. Writing a plan and then filing it away is a waste of money. Whoever builds the plan will be intimately familiar with it. That person can easily continue responsibility for maintaining it and teaching others how to keep their portion of the plan current. Using an outside consultant as a Business Continuity Manager raises the possibility that no one has internal ownership to ensure it is updated and tested periodically. The plan must be kept up to date if it is to be useful when it is needed most.

As the plan administrator, the Business Continuity Manager will ensure that as new equipment enters the building, as new products are rolled out, and as new business processes are implemented, they are reflected in the business continuity plan. The Business Continuity Manager also schedules and evaluates the ongoing testing of the plan by department, or by a specific threat, such as the loss of electrical power, to ensure it works. Once the plan is written, the Business Continuity Manager’s role will evolve into ensuring the plan is an integral part of the company’s ongoing operations. No new company process or piece of equipment should begin operation until the mitigation and recovery plans have been tested and approved.


One of the first tasks the Business Continuity Manager must perform is to come to an agreement with the project sponsor as to the scope of the project. The scope of the project defines its boundaries. It identifies what is included in the project and what is not. If the project is too vast, it will probably fail. If it is too small, then it would be best assigned to a single person like any other office detail. The scope of the project must be given a lot of thought. If in doubt, start with a narrow focus on a specific department or function to demonstrate the plan’s value and build up from there. One guideline commonly used is any event that would cost (in lost wages, sales, etc.) more than 5 percent of your quarterly revenues merits its own plan. So, if a temporary outage of a critical machine stops the entire factory, then it needs a plan. If the same machine stoppage means that three extra workers must drill holes with hand tools until the machine is repaired, then it probably does not need a plan.

A good way to approach the plan is to address areas that everyone uses, such as security, data processing, electrical, and so on. Don’t try to tackle too much, too fast. Start with building services, then security and safety, then data processing. In this way, if the project is killed, you still have some useful documents.

If your recovery plans will encompass many sites or a large complex, then start with a pilot project for a single building, a business function, or even for your Data Processing department. This will build your team’s expertise and confidence, resulting in a very useful document, and demonstrate real value to top management. The scope of the project will drive the resource requirements for the project in terms of how many people it will involve, how long it will take, and the budget required to complete it.

The project scope must be a written statement. Here are three examples with gradually narrowing requirements. As you read these scope statements, imagine what sort of implied tasks these statements carry (or as they say, “The devil is in the details!”). Follow up on the scope statement by clarifying the timelines, criteria for success, and overall expectations for this project. Otherwise, you would be digging up information and writing forever.


If you were in a factory’s Data Processing department, your scope statement might be:

Develop, implement, and provide ongoing testing for a business continuity plan for the factory’s automated systems to include the computer rooms, the internal and external telephone system, the shop floor control systems, and data connections to both internal and external sites. This plan will provide specific action steps to be taken up to and including emergency replacement of the entire computer and telecommunications rooms.

Note that this statement does not include the factory machines (drill presses, mills, conveyors, etc.) or the front offices. It is focused on the telephone system and the internal data processing functions.


If you were the Director for Building Security, your scope might be:

Write an emergency contingency plan to address the possibility of fire, personal injury, toxic material spill, and structural collapse. Include escalation procedures, emergency telephone numbers, employee education, and specific emergency actions. Make recommendations concerning potential mitigation actions to take before a disaster strikes. Ensure the plan conforms to all legal, regulatory, and insurance requirements.

The project scope described in this statement does not include flood controls or security actions. Although some security tasks may be implied, very little is called for.


An even narrower approach might be:

Document all the payroll procedures and recovery processes to ensure that paychecks are always on time and that the automated vacation balance tracking system is available even during an electrical outage.

Note that this scope statement does not include time clocks, exception reporting, or interfaces with your accounting system.

Most people do not have any idea of what a disaster plan would look like. They imagine some large book just sitting on the shelf. In this situation, you could demonstrate the usefulness of the plan by building it a piece at a time. You might build the part that covers the core utilities for a facility (electricity, gas, telecommunications, water, and heating and air conditioning). As you review with the sponsor how these essential services will be recovered after a disaster, the sponsor will begin to see the usefulness of your work. If your company has multiple sites, it might work better for you to build the plan one site at a time.


The output of a scope statement is to build a list of goals for the project. These are specific results against which the success of the project will be judged. Detail any expectations as to a completion date or major milestone dates. If this project is in response to an internal audit item, then the due date might be when the auditor is scheduled to return. If the Board of Directors required this to be done, then progress reports might be due at every directors meeting. Ensure all key dates are identified and explain why they were selected.

The term “expectations” can also be described as the criteria for success. Be clear in what you are asking for. A business continuity plan should only include critical processes. A critical process is usually defined as a process whose interruption would cause a material financial and operational impact over some time interval that you define (5 percent or greater of quarterly revenues is standard). You can’t plan for what to do down to the front door being stuck open. That level of detail would be too difficult to maintain. Focus on the critical business functions and the processes that support them. Your long-run goal is that the business continuity planning process will become an integral part of how business will be conducted in the future.

Some example criteria for success include:

image Every department’s continuity plan must provide for employee and visitor safety by detailing to them any dangers associated with this device or type of technology.

image Each department’s continuity plan must be understandable to anyone familiar with that type of equipment or technology.

image A business continuity plan will be submitted for every critical piece of equipment or critical process in the facility.

image At the end of the project, the Business Continuity Manager will submit a list of known weaknesses in the processes or equipment along with long-term recommendations to address them.

image All continuity plans will be tested by someone other than the plan’s author and certified by the department manager as suitable for the purpose.

image This project shall commence on June 1 and be completed by December 31. By that time, all plans must be complete, tested, and approved by the department managers.

In terms of a timeline, the length of your project will depend on how supportive the team members are of this effort, how complex your operations are, and how detailed your plan must be. Generally, these projects have an initiation phase and then the various departments break off and work in parallel to write their respective plans. During this phase, they also perform initial testing of the plan. At the end, all the plans are compared and modified to avoid duplicate mitigation actions and to ensure one person’s mitigation step doesn’t cause problems for someone else. The capstone event is the system-wide disaster test.

As a general guideline, most plans can be completed in about six months, depending on the project’s scope, the degree of management support, the number of locations to be included in the plan, and the amount of resources available. One month is spent on the start-up administration and training. About three months are needed to draft and test the departmental plans. Be sure to stay on top of these people so they don’t forget about their plans! The final synchronization and testing should take an additional two months. However, as your team members are probably assigned to this project part-time, their level of participation will vary based on their availability. The Business Continuity Manager must be flexible but, in the end, is responsible for driving the project to its completion.


One of the indicators of the seriousness of a project is the presence of a separate budget item to support its activities. It is the Business Continuity Manager’s responsibility to track the funds spent on the project and to demonstrate the benefit they provided. If a separate budget is not available, then clear guidelines on a spending ceiling for the project must be set.

Among the items to include in the project budget are:

image The Business Continuity Manager and key team members should attend formal business continuity planning training to obtain a thorough grounding in its principles. This speeds the project along and removes some of the guesswork of building a plan.

image You may need to pay a consultant to advise the project and mentor the Business Continuity Manager as the plan is being developed.

Sometimes the folks with the most knowledge about your processes are not available during normal working hours. For these people, you may need to schedule meetings on weekends or off-site to gain their full attention. This may incur overtime expense or the cost of a consultant to backfill the person while they work on the plan.

image Temporary help might be needed for administrative assistance, such as documenting the wiring of your data networks, transcribing notes for those without the time or inclination to type, or conducting an asset inventory.

image It is a good practice to build team spirit for the project to carry you over the rough times. This might be shirts, hats, special dinners, performance bonuses, and many other things to build team cohesion. It is amazing what bringing a few pastries into a meeting can do for attendance. Visible recognition also helps to maintain the team’s enthusiasm.


If the goal of this project was to determine which employees deserved to have their pay doubled, you would be inundated with folks clamoring to join your team. Unfortunately, an assignment to a business continuity planning team may not be considered a high-profile assignment. This could discourage the enthusiastic support of the very people you need to make this project a success. To minimize this possibility, the visible, vocal, and ongoing support of the sponsor is very important.

Once the sponsor and the Business Continuity Manager have agreed on the scope, the sponsor should issue a formal memo appointing the Business Continuity Manager in a letter to the entire organization. This letter should inform all departments of the initiation of the project and who has been appointed to lead it. It should also describe the project’s scope, its budget or budget guidelines, and major milestones and timelines, as well as alert the other departments that they may be called on to join the project and build their own recovery plans. This memo will detail who, what, where, when, why, and how the project will unfold. The closing paragraph should include a call for their assistance in ensuring the project will be a success.

The sponsor should provide periodic updates to senior management on the progress of this project, which should include milestones met and problems that need to be overcome. Regular visibility to senior management can go a long way toward the continued support of each department with which you’ll be working.


Once the sponsor and the coordinator have defined the scope of the project, the next step is to create a team. As you begin the project and start selecting your team, be ready for a chorus of resistance. Some departments will be indignant about being forced to join this project since they already have a plan (it’s just no one can find it). Even if they have a plan, it does not mean that it is a good plan, or it may have interdependences with other areas and needs to be linked to other plans. Some will already have a plan being developed, but under scrutiny you see it has been under development for the last 10 years.

So, with the naysayers in tow, prepare to select your team. In the case of existing, workable plans, ask that a liaison be appointed. For the plans under development, ask that those hardworking people join the project team. As for any parsimonious financial people trying to kill your project’s training request, ask the sponsor to override objections and allow the team to attend training on the latest business continuity best practices.


While forming your team, take time to identify the project’s stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone who has a direct or indirect interest in the project. Most stakeholders just want to know what is going on with the project. Stakeholders need to be kept regularly informed about the project’s progress or problems with which they need to assist.

For all stakeholders, identify their goals and motivation for this project. Based on this list, you will determine what to communicate to them, how often, and by which medium. Some stakeholders’ interests are satisfied by a monthly recap report. Some will want to hear about every minor detail. Form 1-2 (see companion url) is a Stakeholder Assessment Map. Use it to keep track of what the key stakeholders are after in this project so you do not lose sight of their goals. The strategy is an acknowledgment that you may need to apply some sort of specific attention to an essential person to keep them supporting this important project.


The size and makeup of your team depends on how you will roll out the project. In the very beginning, it is best to start with a small team. Always respect people’s time. Don’t bring anyone into the project before they are needed. The initial team lays the groundwork for the project by arranging for instructors, coordinating training on building disaster plans, or helping to sharpen the focus of what each plan should contain.

The core team should consist of the sponsor, the Business Continuity Manager, an Assistant Business Continuity Manager, and an administrative assistant. This group will prepare standards, training, and processes to make the project flow smoother.

Several other key people will eventually need to join the team. You may want to bring them in early or as they are needed. This may include people such as:

image  Building Maintenance or Facilities Manager.  They can describe what mitigation steps are already in place for the structure, fire suppression, electrical service, environmental controls, and other essential services.

image  Facility Safety and Security.  They should already have parts of a disaster plan in terms of fire, safety, limited building and room access, theft prevention, and a host of other issues. If these plans are adequate, this may save you from writing this part of the plan. Be sure to verify that these plans are up to date and of an acceptable quality.

image  Labor Union Representative.  In union shops, the support of the union makes everyone’s job easier. Show union leadership how a carefully created plan will help keep their members working and they will be very helpful.

image  Human Resources.  The HR people have ready access to up-to-date information about the individuals who are important to the plan.

image  Line Management.  These individuals tend to know the most about what is critical for getting the work done in their areas of responsibility.

image  Community Relations.  A disaster may affect more than just your operations. You may need help from the surrounding community while recovering from a disaster.

image  Public Information Officer.  This is your voice to the outside world. The role is critical in getting accurate information out to customers and vendors when dealing with a disaster.

image  Sales and Marketing.  These people know your customers the best and can provide insight on what level of service is required before customers begin to fade away.

image  Finance and Purchasing.  These people know your vendors the best and can provide insight on what kind of support you can expect from vendors while recovering from a disaster.

image  Legal.  You need more than just common sense during an emergency. Your legal team can provide important insight on the legal ramifications of activities performed in response to an emergency.

The next step is to make a few tool standardization decisions. The company’s technical support staff usually makes these decisions for you. Announce to the group the standard word processing program, spreadsheet, and, most important, the project management software everyone will need on their workstations. Most people have the first two, but few will have the project management software already loaded. Be sure that as people join the team, copies of the software are loaded onto their workstations and training is made available on how to use this tool.

Provide example templates for the recovery documents. This step will ensure that the same type of information is found in all plans under the same headings. Also, it is easier to start writing if the basic document layout is already determined.

You will get the best results by investing some time training team members on how to write their portion of the plan and providing administrative help if they have a lot of paperwork to write up (such as network wiring plans). Every person reacts differently to a new situation, and being assigned to this team is no exception. If you will take the time to assemble a standard format for the plan and a process to follow to write it, then people will be a lot more comfortable being on the team.

A project of this type will generate a lot of paper. If possible, the accumulation of the various plans, wiring diagrams, manuals, and so on should be shifted from the Business Continuity Manager to an administrative assistant. An administrative assistant will also free the Business Continuity Manager from having to coordinate team meetings and track the project costs. Although these tasks are clerical in nature, they may also be given to the Assistant Business Continuity Manager. Another value of appointing an Assistant Business Continuity Manager is that it provides a contingency backup person in case something happens to the Business Continuity Manager, as this person will quickly learn about all aspects of the plan.

Once you are ready to roll out the project plan to the world, pull in representatives from the various departments involved. When tasking the department managers to assign someone, ensure they understand that they are still responsible for having a good plan so that they send the proper person to work on the team. This person need not know every aspect of their department, but they should understand its organization, its critical hardware and software tools, and its major workflows.

Depending on the project’s scope, you might end up with someone from every department in the company. This would result in too many people to motivate and keep focused at one time. Break the project down into manageable units. Start with an area you are most familiar with or that needs the most work. Involving too many people in the beginning will result in chaos. Plan on inviting in departments as you begin to review their area. An example is fire safety. Although it touches all departments, it is primarily a Safety/Security department function.

Given all this, just what skills make someone a good team member? An essential skill is knowledge of the department’s processes. This allows the team member to write from personal knowledge and experience instead of spending a lot of time researching every point in the plan. Members should also know where to find the details about their departments that they don’t personally know. Another useful skill is experience with previous disasters. Even the normal problems that arise in business are useful in pointing out problem areas or documenting what has fixed a problem in the past. And of course, if team members are to write a plan, they need good communications skills.

Department managers should appoint a representative to the business continuity planning project team by way of a formal announcement. However, the Business Continuity Manager must approve all team members. If someone with unsuitable qualifications is sent to represent a department, they should be sent back to that manager with a request to appoint someone who is more knowledgeable about that department’s processes. When rejecting someone from the team, be sure to inform your sponsor and the originating manager as to why that person is unsuitable.

The people on the initial project team are the logical ones to spread the good word of business continuity planning back to their departments. Time spent educating them on the continuity planning principles and benefits will pay off for the company in the long run. They can also learn more about the company by proofreading the plans submitted by the other departments. This has an additional benefit of broadening the company perspective of many of the employees. Use Form 1-3 (see companion url) to map out the responsibilities of each member of the team.


Team meetings are an opportunity to bring everyone together so they all hear the same thing at the same time. This is when you make announcements of general interest to everyone. It is also a good time to hear the problems that the team has been encountering and, if time permits, to solicit advice from the other team members on how to approach the issue. A properly managed meeting will keep the team members focused on the project and the project moving forward.

In the beginning, conduct a project rollout meeting with an overview of why this project is important and an explanation of what you are looking for. This is your most critical team-building meeting (you never get a second chance to make a good first impression). In most meetings, you will work to bring out from the people their thoughts and impressions on the project. But at the first meeting, be prepared to do most of the talking. Lay out the roles of each player and set their expectations about participation in the project. Information makes the situation less uncertain and the people can begin to relax. This is your first big chance to teach, cheerlead, and inspire your team! Sell your project to them!

The team members should leave the meeting with a clear idea that this project is of manageable size—not a never-ending spiral of work. Use this meeting and every meeting to informally teach them a bit about business continuity planning.

As the project progresses, you will be surprised how hard it is to get business continuity information out of people. Some people are worried that others will use it to dabble with their systems. Some folks just don’t know what they would do in a disaster and intend to ad lib when something happens, just like they always have. Have patience, ask leading questions, and get them to talk. When they have declared their plan complete (and you know it is only a partial plan), conduct a meeting with the team member, their manager, and the sponsor to review the plan. Step through it item by item. By the time that meeting is over, team members will realize that they will be accountable for the quality of their plans.


Refer to the sample plans included in the companion url for ideas to include in your plan. Any plan that you use must be tailored to your site and management climate. Always keep your plan in a software tool like Microsoft Project. Such programs will recalculate the project’s estimated completion date as you note which tasks are complete. It can also be used to identify overallocated resources.

Okay, now it is time to build the project plan. This is best done with input from your team. There are four basic processes to building your plan: identifying the activities, estimating how long each task will take, deciding who should do what (or what skills this person should have), and then sequencing the tasks into a logical flow of work. The general term for this is a work breakdown schedule, which describes it quite nicely.


What must be done? Your core project team members can be a great help here by identifying the steps they see as necessary to complete this project. Although some tasks will logically seem to follow others, the focus here is to identify what needs to be done. How deeply you “slice and dice” each task is up to you. Unless it is a critical activity, you should rarely list any task that requires less than eight hours of work (one day). The times in the sample plan are calendar time, not how long the task will take. This is because your team members may only work on this project part-time.

Write a brief paragraph describing each task. This will be very useful in estimating the time required to complete it. It also keeps the task’s scope from spiraling out of control. You may understand what you mean for a task, but remember, someone else will probably execute the task, so an explanation will be very useful.

Always document your planning assumptions. A planning assumption is something that you believe is likely to be true but you are not sure. Each assumption has a risk of being false. Assumptions enable planning to move forward. For example, one assumption is that specific people will be available at a specific date to perform a task in the plan. This is not a fact because there is a risk they will quit, become ill, etc. Still it is reasonable to assume it is true. As assumptions are proven to be true or false, they can be marked as “complete” on the list.

When discussing the plan with others later, this explanation of what you were thinking at the time the plan was drafted will be very useful. By listing your assumptions, you can discuss them point-by-point with the team and your sponsor to avoid areas that the plan should not address and to identify why a specific course of action was followed. The sponsor may also confirm assumptions as true.

Along with the assumptions, list all the known constraints for the project. This might be a specific due date to meet a business or legal obligation; it might be project funding issues or even a limit on the number of people available to be on the team. A major benefit of listing your project constraints is that upon examination they may be less than you think or can be used to prevent the scope of the project from expanding.


Once the tasks are laid out, estimate how much time should be set aside for each task to be completed. Creating reasonable time estimates for someone else is tough. You may think you know what needs to be done, but you could underestimate the true work required. Also, not everyone has your strengths—or weaknesses. Therefore, the estimates you assign at this stage are a starting point.

When a task is assigned to a team member, take the time to discuss with them what each task involves and see how long they think it will require. Be sure that they understand what each task entails so they can estimate accordingly. Update the plan with their estimated task durations and start dates. It is unfair to the team members to drop a task on them and demand a date without any further explanation.

Once you negotiate the duration of a task with someone, encourage them to stick with it. Other people further along in the project may be depending on this task to be completed before they can start.


Some tasks are easy to assign. If the task is to validate the key locker security, it will go to the Security Manager. If that person chooses to delegate it to someone else, then it is still his responsibility to ensure the task is properly completed on time. Some tasks will be more general in nature and need to be spread around the team fairly. If a task is not needed, don’t hesitate to delete it. If it is necessary, don’t hesitate to assign it!

This is a good time to identify any gaps in your available labor. If you see a large time commitment for the Data Network Manager and little likelihood that team members will be available to do the assigned work, you might generate a task to bring in some temporary help to assist them. Other time issues may be on the horizon. For example, if you need to involve the Accounting Controller, and the project will run over the calendar time for closing the fiscal year accounts, then you would schedule their project participation to avoid this time.


Now, put all the tasks in some sort of order. In this type of project, the beginning of the project is somewhat sequential. Later, many tasks will run in parallel when the various groups break off to write their respective plans. Select an estimated start date and then place some dates on your plan. With the plan held up against a calendar, check to see if any tasks need to be resequenced or if they conflict with some other critical company activity.

If your task contingencies are in place, the project management software will fill in the plan dates for you. If when you save the plan you select the option to save without a baseline, you can easily change the start date later.

Next, you should level your resources so that one person isn’t asked to complete more than eight hours of work in one day. This occurs when people are assigned too many tasks that are running simultaneously.


So now that you have a rough plan, with time estimates and sequenced in some sort of a logical flow, it is time to scrutinize the plan for problems. Are there any labor resources overextended? Look at each task area. What is the risk that an item won’t be completed on time? Yes, there is always a risk that a key person won’t be available. List any other underlying potential problems.

Most projects share the same basic risks to their success. In addition, each project has its own risks unique to what you are trying to accomplish and to your environment. Common project plan risks include:

image The amount of experience the Business Continuity Manager has in leading this type of project. Less experience adds risk to the project timeline. Extensive experience lowers the risk.

image The level of management support for the project. If you have low management support, you will have high project risk to the budget and timeline for team cooperation, and vice versa.

image Adequate funding to complete the project with a top-quality result. Don’t let needed training, support activities, or mitigation actions be cut from the budget.

image The number of locations involved in the project at one time. The more locations there are involved, the greater the project’s risk of failure. If possible, run a separate project for each site and do not attempt to do them all at the same time.

image The number of departments involved with the project at one time. Like trying to work across too many sites, trying to handle too many departments will fragment the Business Continuity Manager’s time and increases the likelihood of failure. Consider tackling fewer departments at one time.

image The frequency and length of business interruptions to the project. This could be an upcoming ISO audit, it could be a quarterly wall-to-wall inventory, it might even be the end of the fiscal year. The more interruptions to the project’s flow that you can foresee, the higher the risk of failure.

image The knowledge and quality of the people assigned by the various departments. The time required to complete your business continuity plans will depend on the experience of the people involved. Typically, the Data Processing department has the most to write and will take the longest.

image A mandated completion date, which may not be realistic.


Now you have a project sponsor, a budget, the project plan, and a core team assigned. It is time to get your project under way! A Business Continuity Manager must be the inspiring force behind the project. At those times when everyone is piling work on your team members’ desks, you must be the driving force in keeping this job as a priority project until it is finished.

As the project progresses, you will make decisions as to what is included in your project charter and what is not. This “scope verification” may mean that as the project progresses, you discover that it must involve specific actions that were not foreseen when the project was started. It may also involve the nice-to-have things that pop up as a project moves on. In either case, recognize these things as they occur and make a conscious decision to accept or reject them. Do not let anyone else add tasks to the plan without your approval or your tightly planned project will turn into an untamed monster!


Every person within your organization has different information needs and preferred channels for receiving that information. The sponsor shouldn’t be burdened with minute details; the department managers should be responsible for tracking what their people are doing. To provide the right level of information to the right person at the appropriate time, you need to build a communications plan. The more people involved with your project, the greater your need for communication.

A communications plan details who needs to report about what and when. For example, who should receive project status reports? Who needs copies of the team meeting minutes? Who needs to know about minor project delays? To manage this, build a matrix that accounts for the information needs of all stakeholders. Your communications plan will address a wide range of audiences. Be sure to identify the person responsible for generating the communication and its major focus.

Evaluate every report and every meeting in your communications plan as to whether it will be worth the effort to prepare for it. Some reports may require more effort than they are worth. Some meetings are just a waste of time. Effective communication is important for focusing a team to a goal, but you must strike a balance between enough communication and the time wasted generating too much. Use Form 1-4 (see companion url) to plan who is responsible for what communications.

The communications plan will encompass more than memos floating around the office. It should include meetings with your team, meetings with your sponsor, and presentations to the various departments. Another important communications task is to raise the awareness of the employees of your project and how it impacts them. Posters, newsletter articles, and open meetings all serve to answer their questions and are useful for instilling a business continuity culture in your company.

The information that you need to communicate falls into three main categories:

1.Mandatory communications are things that must be done, such as status reports to the sponsor and meeting minutes to the team members. Skipping a mandatory communication may affect your project’s support or credibility.

2.Informational communications include reports to the interested and curious. Many people will see the plan under development and believe that it directly or indirectly will involve them. Your informational communications will pass on project accomplishments, testing schedules, and things that may not directly affect them but they would want to know about. Informational communications can help to shape expectations, so interested people can better understand what is next instead of being surprised or disappointed.

3.Informational communications are similar to marketing communications. Here you are out to build a positive image of your project to the rest of the company. Your marketing communications will help to educate the entire company on the business continuity planning principles (risk analysis, mitigation, documentation, etc.) and how they can relate to every employee’s work processes. One effective method is to give a presentation on business recovery planning to each of the various department staffs. The more they understand it, the greater your support is across the company.

Form 1-5 (see companion url) is a sample stakeholder reporting matrix. Modify it to reflect your project team and business requirements. In this matrix, you will identify which persons might only want to see monthly status reports with summary comments, such as the sponsor. Department managers might need a weekly status report with specific accomplishments. Short stories on accomplishments might be suitable for the facility’s employee newsletter. The stakeholder reporting matrix also indicates the best way to deliver these reports. Do some of your executives ignore their email? Do some require face-to-face reports? Indicate the method of delivery to which they would be most receptive.


As the project progresses, you should occasionally revisit the project’s risk assessment. Things change; people come and go on a project; and what was once a looming challenge may at closer glance appear to be nothing at all. In addition, business conditions are in constant flux and that must also be figured into the update of your risk analysis.

Controlling is the process used to identify variation from the plan in the areas of:

imageChange control

imageScope control

imageCost control

imageQuality control

imagePerformance reporting

imageRisk response

Your best tool for focusing the team on its goals will be a weekly team meeting. There are many fine books dealing with the proper way to conduct a meeting, but a few basics follow:

image First, always publish an agenda before the meeting. It acts as an anchor to keep people from drifting too far off the subject.

image Second, keep the meeting pertinent. Focus on recent achievements over the past 2 weeks and upcoming events of the next 2 weeks.

image Third, keep the meeting under an hour. People lose focus the longer a meeting drones on. Side conversations should be stopped and taken outside the meeting. If you are finished in a half-hour, cut it off! People will respect the meeting time limit as much as you do, so set a good example.

image Have your meeting at the same place and time every week, even if not much is happening. Try to make it a habit for them.

image When planning your team meetings, involve a bit of showmanship to keep people involved. If they sit there passively, ask specific people questions, but never to embarrass them if they are late. If the discussions seem tedious, jump into the conversation to keep them focused and interesting.

image Use slack time in the agendas to fill in with short training topics and visits by the sponsor or department managers.

image Publish a meeting recap as soon after the meeting as possible. Detailed meeting minutes may become too burdensome but a recap of the high points gives you a document to talk from at the beginning of the next meeting.

image Always include a copy of the updated project plan.


The quickest way to snap people out of lethargy is to publicly test the first plans submitted. You don’t need to pull the plug on a computer to do this. An easy test is to verbally walk through it. If the plan’s authors know that it is really to be read and see how you test it, they will be more thorough.

Do the first desktop walk-through with the plan’s author. You will uncover glossed-over steps where they clearly knew what to do but where, based on the plan, you had no clue as to what was next. After updating that version, do the same walk-through with the author’s manager (who may very well be called on to execute this plan) and look for gaps.

Reward those contributors who complete their plans on time. This is where your sponsor comes in. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and some liberal rewards for the first few completed plans will go a long way toward motivating the rest of the team. You’d be surprised how fast this kind of word spreads throughout a company.


As the departmental plans roll in, update the project plan’s testing schedule. Testing will uncover gaps and inconsistencies in the current draft. Usually, this is a multiple step process:

image The team member and the manager initially check completed plans by using a desktop walk-through.

image The next level is to walk through the plan with someone familiar with the area, but not involved with the plan development.

image Run a departmental test.

image Once enough plans are ready, it is time to schedule a simulated major disaster. This might be over a holiday period or whenever the systems are lightly used. Testing will teach people some of what to expect in a disaster. It will also make them more familiar with the procedures of other functions.

image Always follow testing or a disaster event with an “after-action” meeting and report detailing the lessons learned and updates made to the plan. Be sure to praise its high points and to privately express what it is lacking. Depending on how well your group members know one another, you can use team members for a peer evaluation. People must feel free to speak at these meetings without fear of retaliation or their full value will not be realized.

After-action reviews are a very powerful learning tool. They require a moderator to keep them focused and moving through five key questions. An after-action discussion follows a simple format:

imageWhat happened?

imageWhat should have happened?

imageWhat went well?

imageWhat went poorly?

imageWhat will we do differently in the future?

Appoint someone to take notes on these lessons learned. Send a copy to each participant, and the Business Continuity Manager should maintain a file of these reports. Refer to this file when updating the plan.


Once you have your plan written and the initial tests are completed, it is time to close the project. All good things come to an end, as when the plan is transformed from a project to an ongoing business process. The transition involves reporting the project results to management, closing out the project’s budget, identifying known exposures for future action, and thanking your team members for their efforts. Closing the project involves the following steps:

image  Turn all files over to the Plan Administrator.  What was once your project may become someone else’s regular responsibility. If the Business Continuity Manager is not to be the Plan Administrator, accumulate all files pertaining to this project and hand them over to the Plan Administrator. It is now the administrator’s job to ensure the ongoing test plan is enforced and that plan updates are issued in a timely fashion.

Make a final update to the project plan. It may be useful if sister companies want to use it for building their own business continuity plans. You can also refer to it when estimating task duration for future projects.

image  Report results to management.  To wrap up your project, draft a recap of the progression of the project to management. In this, point out any major successes that occurred during the project, such as low-cost solutions found to important problems, materials found stashed away in closets that could be put to good use, and so on. In the report, be sure to point out the benefit of the cross-functional training received by the project team as they worked with each other during plan development and testing.

You should provide a final account of the funds spent on the project, broken down as to what part of the project they supported. This will assist in estimating the funds required for similar projects in the future.

image  Identify known exposures.  A business reality is that not every worthwhile activity can be funded. During your risk analysis and mitigation efforts, you very likely uncovered many critical single points of failure that called for redundant solutions, unmasked obsolete equipment that must be replaced, or identified other mitigation actions that would make your business processes more stable.

Roll up these exposures into a report to management. List each item separately along with a narrative explanation of why it is important. Detail the advantages and disadvantages of this course of action along with estimated (or known) costs. These narratives may not be reviewed again for many months, so the clearer your explanation of the business reasons behind funding this action, the better. When your capital budgeting cycle rolls around, use this list as input to the budget.

image  Thank the team.  Hopefully, careful notes were kept during the project so that team members could be recognized for their contributions to the project. In particular, those team members who overcame major obstacles to complete their plan and thoroughly test them are due special recognition. Acknowledgment of a job well done should be made as soon as possible after the fact. At the end of the project, it is time to again acknowledge these well-done jobs to remind everyone, especially management, of the individual accomplishments during the project.


After reading this chapter, you should now have a good idea of the overall strategy for developing a useful business continuity plan. Your odds for a successful project increase dramatically when you have a well-thought-out plan. The major steps for getting your project off to a good start are as follows:

1.Make sure the scope of the project is clearly defined. You need adequate time, funding, and support to be successful.

2.Carefully select the right team members. They must have a good understanding of the important processes within their departments and be able to clearly communicate the importance of the project back to their coworkers.

3.Identify the activities required, their durations, and who should do the work.

4.Communicate not only within the team but with the entire organization that what you are doing is important for everyone’s survival.

5.Test, test, test. If a plan isn’t tested, you won’t know whether it will work until it’s too late.




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Word Document Edit homework help

Word Document Edit homework help

  1. Open the VaccinationSchedule-04.docx start file. If the document opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it.
  2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.

NOTE: If group titles are not visible on your Ribbon in Word for Mac, click the Word menu and select Preferences to open the Word Preferences dialog box. Click the View button and check the Show group titles check box under Ribbon. Close the Word Preferences dialog box.

  1. Select the tabbed text in the middle of the document and convert it to a table (accept default settings). Don’t include the blank line below the tabbed text.
  2. Select the entire table and apply the following changes:
    1. Select Banded Rows in the Table Style Options group [Table Tools Design tab] and deselect all
    2. Apply the List Table 1 Light – Accent 2 table style (Figure 4-120).
    3. Change the font size on all the text in the table to 10 pt.
    4. AutoFit the table and choose AutoFit Window.
    5. Change row height to 0.25″.
    6. Center all text vertically within each cell. (Hint: Use the Cell tab in the Table Properties dialog box.)
    7. Sort the table by Name of Vaccine in Ascending order. Be sure to select Header row in the My list has area of the Sort dialog box.
  3. Make the following changes to the table:
    1. Insert a row above the first row.
    2. Merge the three cells in the new first row and type the following:
    3. Bold and center the first row and change the font size to 11 pt.
    4. Bold and italicize the column headings in the second row.
    5. Select the first row and apply borders with the following settings: solid lineBlack, Text 1 color (second color in the first row of Theme Colors), 1 ½ pt. width, and apply a top and bottom
    6. Select the second row and apply a border with the following settings: solid lineBlack, Text 1 color, 1 ½ pt width, and apply a bottom border. Do not remove the top border applied in the previous step.
    7. Select the last row and apply a border with the following settings: solid lineBlack, Text 1 color, 1 ½ pt width, and apply a bottom border.
    8. Align Center [Table Tools Layout tab, Alignment group] the column headings.
    9. Align Center the text in the third column.
  4. Insert the following information alphabetically into the table. Insert rows where needed.

This table lists text to be typed in a table

Meningococcal conjugate (MCV)

At 11-12 years


Hepatitis B (HepB)

At birth, 1-2 months, and 6 months


  1. Modify the title of the document (“Vaccination Schedule”).
    1. Apply the Title style to the title of the document.
    2. Change the After paragraph spacing to 8 pt.
    3. Center the title horizontally.
    4. Apply small caps and bold formatting to the title.
  2. Insert and modify a picture.
    1. Place the insertion point after the title and insert the CMPLogo-04 picture downloaded from the Resources link. Use the Insert Picture dialog box.
    2. Change text wrapping to Top and Bottom.
    3. Change the height of the logo to 1″. Verify the logo remains proportional.
    4. Apply the Offset: Bottom Right shadow picture effect (Outer category).
    5. Set the Horizontal Absolute position to 0.2″ to the right of Page.
    6. Set the Vertical Absolute position to 0.2″ below Page.
  3. Insert a picture and add a caption.
    1. Place the insertion point at the end of the first body paragraph and insert the Vaccination-04 picture downloaded from the Resources link. Use the Insert Picture dialog box.
    2. Change the text wrapping to Square.
    3. Change the height of the picture to 1.3″. Verify the graphic remains proportional.
    4. Drag the picture to the right of the first and second paragraphs.
    5. Insert a caption, delete the caption placeholder text, and type Don’t neglect your vaccinations! as the caption text.
    6. Center the caption text, change the font color to Red, Accent 2 (sixth color in the first row of Theme Colors), and turn off italics if it is applied to the text.
    7. Select the caption and the picture and Align Center.
    8. Group the caption and the picture.
    9. Set the Horizontal Absolute position to 6″ to the right of Margin.
    10. Set the Vertical Absolute position to 0.8″ below Margin.
  4. Edit the alt text of the graphic objects.
    1. Edit the alt text of the CMP logo and type Courtyard Medical Plaza logo as the alt text.
    2. Edit the alt text of the graphic of a doctor, type Graphic of a doctor as the alt text, and close the Alt Text pane.
  5. Save and close the document (Figure 4-121).
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Project Description:

In this project, you will apply skills you practiced from the objectives in Excel Chapters 4 through 10. You will develop a workbook for Frank Osei, the Vice President of Finance, that includes financial information and analysis regarding winter product revenue.


Open   the Excel the file Student_Excel_Comp_Cap1_Winter_Revenue.xlsx downloaded with this project.


On the Idaho Store worksheet, in   the range B9:B16, use the Fill Series feature to enter interest rates   beginning with 8.50%. Decrease the amounts by .50% ending with 5.00%. Format the rates as Percent Style with two   decimal places and apply bold and center.


In cell B8, enter a PMT function   using the information in the range B2:B4 to calculate a monthly payment. Be   sure that the result displays as a positive number.


In cells B8:H16, create a Data   Table using the information in cells B2:B4 where the row input cell is the   Period and the column input cell is the Rate. Apply the format in B8 to the   results in the data table, and then AutoFit columns C:H. Format the payment   option closest to and less than $8,000 per month with the Note cell style.   Change the Orientation to Landscape.


On the Quarterly Apparel Costs   worksheet, apply the Currency [0] cell style to the range B6:E6. Apply the   Comma [0] cell style to the range B7:E17. To the range B18:E18, apply the   Currency [0] and Total cell styles.


Name the ranges B6:E10 Coat_Costs; B11:E14 Pant_Costs; B15:E16 Hat_Costs; and B17:E17 Glove_Costs.


Insert a new row 15. In cell   A15, type Marmot Mountain Pants. In cell B15, type 11200. In cell C15, type 11695. In cell D15, type 12315. In cell E15, type 13275. Display the Name Manager, and   then edit the Pant_Costs name to include row 15. Select the Hat_Costs, and   edit the name to Headwear_Costs. (Mac users, click Define Name and made edits   using the Define Name dialog box.)


Click cell B19. On the Formulas   tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Error Checking, and then select   Update Formula to Include Cells. Use the fill handle to copy the corrected   formula from cell B19 across through cell E19.


On the Quarterly Apparel Costs   worksheet, in cell B25, insert a SUM function to sum the Coat_Costs named   range, using the name in the formula. Create similar formulas in the range   B26:B28, being sure to use the range name in each formula. In B29, calculate   a total, and then apply the apply Currency [0] and Total cell style. Apply   the Currency [0] style to cell B25 and apply the Comma [0] style to the range   B26:B28. Save the workbook.


On the Quarterly Apparel Costs worksheet, record a Macro using the   name Report_Title and the Shortcut key CTRL+o. (Mac users, use Option+Command+j). Store the Macro in the workbook, and as the Description, type Report heading.   Click cell A1, type Front Range   Action Sports and then press CTRL+ENTER. Merge and   center the text across the range A1:E1, and then apply the Title cell style.   In cell A2, type Apparel Costs, and then press CTRL+ENTER. Merge and Center the text across the   range A2:E2, and then apply the Heading 1 cell style. Click cell A1, and then   stop recording the macro. Delete the text in A1:A2, and then test the macro.


Edit the Report_Title macro to   display the Visual Basic Editor. Select and copy all of the code, close the   Visual Basic Editor window, and then paste the code in cell A32. Display the   worksheet in Page Break Preview. Move the page break to position it between   rows 30 and 31 so that the VBA code displays on Page 2. Return to Normal View   and save the file as a macro-free workbook.


On the Product Information worksheet, select the range A4:C11, and   then sort the data by Style Code in ascending order. Select the range A5:C11   and then name the selection Lookup_Table.


On the Phone Order worksheet, in cell A9, type P-SR and then   press TAB. In cell B9, use a VLOOKUP function to lookup the Item in cell A9   and insert the description from the Product Information worksheet using the Lookup_Table range as   the table array. The description is in column 2 of the table array. Fill the formula down through B18. In cell C9,   type 10 and in cell   D9, type Black and then press TAB.


In cell E9, use the VLOOKUP   function to insert the unit price of the item in cell A9 using the Lookup_Table range as the table array. The   unit price is in column 3 of the table array. Fill the formula down through E18.


In cell A10, type C-BK and in C10 type 12. In cell D10 type Red and then delete rows 11:18. Sum   the Order Amount and apply the Total cell style.


On the Skier Attendance worksheet, in the range G4:G10, insert Line   Sparklines to show the attendance trend for each location over the five-year   period. Show the High Point and Low Point.


Insert a Line with Markers Chart using the ranges A3:F3 and A9:F9.   Reposition the chart between cells A13 and G27. Edit the Chart Title to Skier Attendance at Sun Valley. Edit the Vertical (Value) Axis to set the Minimum to 5000 and then   format the chart using Style 4. Change the width of the line to 4.0 pt. and   insert a Linear Trendline. Deselect the chart.


On the Expense Report worksheet, in the range H15:H21, create   formulas to sum the data in each row, not including Date and Description. In   cell H22, enter a formula to sum the total expenses. Apply Accounting Number   Format to the ranges C15:H15 and C21:H21. Apply Comma Style to the range   C16:H20. In cell H22 apply Accounting Number Format and the Total cell style.


Select the ranges D7:F12 and A15:G21 and format the cells so that   when the sheet is protected, the selected ranges are not locked. Protect the   sheet and be sure the top check box to protect the worksheet and the first   two check boxes in the list are selected. Enter the password go.


On the Winter Program Revenue   sheet, in cell B4, create a DAVERAGE function to calculate the average of the   Amount   field for the   Lessons category. The Criteria range has been set up for you in the range   A3:A4. In cell C4, create a DSUM to calculate the total of the Amount field for the Lessons category.   Format the range B4:C4 using Accounting Number Format.


In the Winter Program Revenue   sheet, click cell A9, and then insert the Recommended PivotTable Sum of   Amount by Category in a new worksheet. Rename the worksheet Revenue   PivotTable. Use   the Month field as the report filter. Use the Ski Area field as the row   labels and the Category field as the column labels. Format the values in the   PivotTable using the Number category with zero decimal places and the 1000   separator.


On the Revenue PivotTable   worksheet, insert a footer with the file name in the left section and the   sheet name in the right section. Change the Orientation to Landscape and   center the worksheet Horizontally. Fit the Width to 1 page.


On the Revenue PivotTable   worksheet, insert a PivotChart using the Stacked Column chart type. Move the   chart so that it’s upper left corner is positioned in cell A13. Drag the   lower center sizing handle down so that the lower edge of the chart is in row   33. The chart should cover the range A13:F33. Apply the Layout 3 chart   layout, and Chart Style 9. Add and center Data Labels to the chart. Replace   the text in the Chart Title with 2nd Quarter Program Revenue and then hide all of the field   buttons on the chart. Save the workbook.
Note, Mac users, on the Insert tab, click Recommended Charts, and then click   Stacked Column.


Display the Idaho Store   sheet—the first worksheet. Select cell B33, type 6, and then press ENTER. Use Solver to predict   breaking even after 6 months. The Set Objective box, should be set to $B$38. Edit the To option to a Value   of 0 and the By Changing Variable Cells box should display $B$34, $B$36. Keep the Solver solution.


Save and close the file and   submit for grading.

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Network Diagram For ABC Corporation Assignment Help

Network Diagram For ABC Corporation Assignment Help

IST 220 – Giacobe Page 1 Homework #2 Homework #2 Network Diagram for ABC Corporation Overview This assignment is for you to complete a network diagram for a small company. You will place a number of network elements on the diagram and label them appropriately. A network diagram is important to communicate the design features of a network between network administrators, system administrators and cyber-security analysts. It helps to create a shared mental model between these different technologists, yet each will have their own perspective on what is important to have documented on the diagram. Please review a description of ABC Corporation’s network resources and how they are allocated. ABC Corporation’s Network Description ABC Corporation is a small business in the heart of Central Pennsylvania. They provide services to their clients all over the region. The three-story main office building is where all of the employees report to work each day. There are no remote users. ABC Corporation is a very traditional business. While they have a computer network and are connected to the Internet, they aren’t very fancy and don’t yet have a need for telecommuting, wireless networks or smart phones. All of their computers are desktop machines and are connected with wired Ethernet connections. All of the network wiring is CAT-6 twisted pair wiring that goes from the office location to a wiring closet. There is one wiring closet on each floor. Each closet is connected to the basement wiring closet via fiber. There are several departments of the company. The administrative office has 10 employees including the CEO, executive Vice-President, a human resources manager, and several assistants and secretaries. The finance office has 15 employees. Both of these divisions are on the third floor. The second floor has the Sales and R&D departments. There are a total of 20 employees in the Sales Department and includes sales executives and assistants. All of the sales department personnel have laptop computers, but they are still connected via the wired network. The R&D department has 10 engineers who have two computers each – one in their office and one in their lab spaces. The first floor has the shipping/receiving department, manufacturing department and the receptionist. The receptionist shares a computer with the night watchman, since they work opposite shifts. There are 20 people in manufacturing, but they only use 3 computers to enter their production details into the company’s ERP system. The shipping/receiving department has six people, each with a computer that connects to UPS, Fedex and USPS systems, prints packaging labels and shipping documents. There is IST 220 – Giacobe Page 2 Homework #2 also a conference room/training room on the first floor with a multimedia system that includes a podium computer, projector and all of the bells and whistles. The basement houses the maintenance department, information technology and the mail room. The mail room clerk doesn’t use the computers at all. The two maintenance workers have computers at their desks that they use to enter reports of work performed. The IT Department has seven employees, each with a desktop computer. They also manage the server farm, which includes two domain controllers, one print server, one mail server, one database server, one internal web server, one external web server (on the DMZ interface of the firewall), a file server, a special server for the ERP system, and a backup server. Layer 2/3 Network Devices Each floor needs to have an Ethernet switch in its network closet. Determine the number of ports that are needed on each floor. Don’t forget the basement. The server farm and DMZ each will need to have its own switch, separated from the users’ network. Each switch connects to a centralized router on a different interface, giving one subnetwork for each floor of the network, plus one for the server farm, one for the DMZ and one for the Internet. Determine how many ports the router needs. IP Address Assignments The router will perform Network Address Translation between the local network and the Internet. Therefore, for each sub-network, assign a CIDR /24 sized network from the IANA private range of One network should get, the next should get, the next should get etc. While you could optimize the use of the IP range by using smaller subnets, this is not required in this assignment. IST 220 – Giacobe Page 3 Homework #2 Create a Network Diagram Your network diagram needs to include the following elements: • An Internet Service Provider Network (represented as a cloud). • Router with enough ports to meet the needs of the organization • A switch for each floor – you will need to identify how many ports each switch on each floor needs to have • You DO NOT need to show every single computer on your diagram. However, you need to show groups of computers, plus their use. So, if there are 5 people in the same department, you can show all 5 computers with one icon/glyph and label it appropriately • Each grouping of computers needs to have the IP Address range documented on the diagram. Assign the x.x.x.1 address of each network to the appropriate port on the router Network Documentation Your network design document needs to explain each element of the network. Each Layer 2 (switch) and Layer 3 (Router) device needs to be described in terms of number of ports. The number of computers for each department and floor also needs to be documented. The IP address ranges need to be explained – including the IP Address range that you assigned, the number of IP Addresses that the subnetwork will use and the number of IP addresses that remain unused in that subnet. What to Turn In Turn in your Visio Diagram (.vsd/.vsdx) that includes your entire network. You also need to turn in a .doc/.docx file that explains your network diagram elements. Include snapshots from your network diagram in your .doc/.docx file – and annotate your diagram snapshots to better help your explanation of your network.

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Assignment Help A Program That Calculates And Prints The Monthly Paycheck For An Employee

Assignment Help A Program That Calculates And Prints The Monthly Paycheck For An Employee

Complete the below two problems. Each problem is a separate program (project).

Question 1
Write a program that calculates and prints the monthly paycheck for an employee. The net pay is calculated after taking the following deductions:
Federal Income Tax: 15%
State Tax: 3.5%
Social Security Tax: 5.75%
Medicare/Medicaid Tax: 2.75%
Pension Plan: 5%
Health Insurance: $75.00
Your program should prompt the user to input the gross amount and the employee name. The output will be stored in a file. Format your output to have two decimal places. A sample output follows:
Bill Robinson
Gross Amount: ………… $3575.00
Federal Tax: …………. $ 536.25
State Tax: …………… $ 125.13
Programming Exercises | 173
Social Security Tax: ….. $ 205.56
Medicare/Medicaid Tax: … $ 98.31
Pension Plan: ………… $ 178.75
Health Insurance: …….. $ 75.00
Net Pay: …………….. $2356.00
Note that the first column is left-justified, and the right column is right justified.
7. Redo Programming Exercise 21, in Chapter 2, so that each string can store a line of text.

Question 2
A bank in your town updates its customers’ accounts at the end of each month.
The bank offers two types of accounts: savings and checking. Every customer must maintain a minimum balance. If a customer’s balance falls below the minimum balance, there is a service charge of $10.00 for savings accounts and $25.00 for checking accounts. If the balance at the end of the month is at least the minimum balance, the account receives interest as follows:
a. Savings accounts receive 4% interest.
b. Checking accounts with balances of up to $5,000 more than the minimum balance receive 3% interest; otherwise, the interest is 5%.
Write a program that reads a customer’s account number (int type), account type (char; s for savings, c for checking), minimum balance that the account should maintain, and current balance. The program should then output the account number, account type, current balance, and an appropriate message. Test your program by running it five times, using the following data:
46728 S 1000 2700
87324 C 1500 7689
79873 S 1000 800
89832 C 2000 3000
98322 C 1000 750


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DBMS assignment

DBMS assignment

MITS4003 Database Systems


Take Home Exercise – 2 of Lesson – 2


June 2018 Task 1: E-R Diagram



MITS4003 Exercise 2

Copyright © 2015-2018 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 2

2.1 Construct an E-R diagram for a car insurance company whose customers own one or more cars each. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents. Each insurance policy covers one or more cars, and has one or more premium payments associated with it. Each payment is for a particular period of time, and has an associated due date, and the date when the payment was received. What is a model?

2.2 Consider a database used to record the marks that students get in different exams of different course offerings (sections).

a. Construct an E-R diagram that models exams as entities, and uses a ternary relationship, for the database.

b. Construct an alternative E-R diagram that uses only a binary relationship between student and section. Make sure that only one relationship exists between a particular student and section pair, yet you can represent the marks that a student gets in different exams.

Task 2: Problems 2.3 A weak entity set can always be made into a strong entity set by adding to its attributes the primary- key attributes of its identifying entity set. Outline what sort of redundancy will result if we do so.

2.4 An E-R diagram can be viewed as a graph. What do the following mean in terms of the structure of an enterprise schema?

a. The graph is disconnected.

b. The graph has a cycle.

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Illustrated Excel 2016 | Module 12: assignment Help

Illustrated Excel 2016 | Module 12: assignment Help


Illustrated Excel 2016 | Module 12: SAM Project 1a
The Spice Market
Author: Latrice Reaves
Note: Do not edit this sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B6, please download a new copy of the file from the SAM website.


Spice Pack Orders
Customer Region Order Number Date Product Quantity Unit Price Discount Discounted Price Total Quantity per Region
SP1 Northwest 500 1/1/18 Mediterranean 30 $19.25 5.0% $18.29 $548.63 Midwest 227
SP5 Northwest 554 1/10/18 Starter Set 85 $12.50 5.0% $11.88 $1,009.38 Northeast 213
SP2 Northeast 502 2/1/18 Grill Set 36 $19.75 7.5% $18.27 $657.68 Northwest 212
SP2 Northeast 556 2/14/18 Starter Set 30 $12.50 7.5% $11.56 $346.88 Southeast 75
SP3 Southeast 504 3/1/18 Starter Set 45 $12.50 4.0% $12.00 $540.00 Southwest
SP7 Southwest 558 3/15/18 Grill Set 25 $19.75 5.0% $18.76 $469.06
SP4 Midwest 506 4/3/18 Grill Set 60 $19.75 10.0% $17.78 $1,066.50
SP12 Midwest 530 4/7/18 Curry Set 28 $18.50 5.0% $17.58 $492.10
SP5 Northwest 508 5/6/18 Holiday 40 $11.75 4.0% $11.28 $451.20
SP5 Northwest 532 5/19/18 Grill Set 32 $19.75 4.0% $18.96 $606.72
SP6 Northeast 510 6/1/18 Starter Set 25 $12.50 5.0% $11.88 $296.88
SP6 Northeast 535 6/14/18 Chile Set 45 $17.50 5.0% $16.63 $748.13
SP9 Northeast 534 6/20/18 Chile Set 52 $17.50 2.5% $17.06 $887.25
SP10 Midwest 536 6/25/18 Chile Set 19 $17.50 4.0% $16.80 $319.20
SP7 Southeast 515 7/18/18 Starter Set 10 $12.50 5.0% $11.88 $118.75
SP3 Southwest 537 7/22/18 Chile Set 35 $17.50 4.0% $16.80 $588.00
SP4 Midwest 514 8/1/18 Mediterranean 45 $19.25 10.0% $17.33 $779.63
SP12 Midwest 539 8/10/18 Curry Set 40 $18.50 5.0% $17.58 $703.00
SP4 Southwest 538 8/30/18 Curry Set 55 $18.50 10.0% $16.65 $915.75
SP1 Northwest 516 9/5/18 Mediterranean 25 $19.25 5.0% $18.29 $457.19
SP2 Northeast 518 10/7/18 Grill Set 25 $19.75 7.5% $18.27 $456.72
SP11 Southeast 520 11/12/18 Grill Set 20 $19.75 2.5% $19.26 $385.13
SP8 Midwest 552 12/16/18 Starter Set 35 $12.50 2.5% $12.19 $426.56


Product Region Average Quantity Sum of Discount Average Discounted Price
Mediterranean Midwest 45 0.1 17.325
Northwest 28 0.1 18.2875
Starter Set Midwest 35 0.025 12.1875
Northwest 85 0.05 11.875
Northeast 28 0.125 11.71875
Southeast 28 0.09 11.9375
Grill Set Midwest 60 0.1 17.775
Southwest 25 0.05 18.7625
Northwest 32 0.04 18.96
Northeast 31 0.15 18.26875
Southeast 20 0.025 19.25625
Curry Set Midwest 34 0.1 17.575
Southwest 55 0.1 16.65
Holiday Northwest 40 0.04 11.28
Chile Set Midwest 19 0.04 16.8
Southwest 35 0.04 16.8
Northeast 49 0.075 16.84375
Grand Total 37 1.25 15.9536413043

Monthly Sales

Product (All)
Sum of Quantity
Midwest Southwest Northwest Northeast Southeast Grand Total
Jan 115 115
Feb 66 66
Mar 25 45 70
Apr 88 88
May 72 72
Jun 122 122
Jul 19 35 10 64
Aug 85 55 140
Sep 25 25
Oct 25 25
Nov 20 20
Dec 35 35
Grand Total 227 115 212 213 75 842

Region PivotChart

Product Order Amounts per Region

Starter Set Southwest Southeast 540 Grill Set Southwest Southeast 469.0625






Date Mar
Total Order Amounts
Starter Set Grill Set Grand Total
Southwest $ 469.06 $ 469.06
Southeast $ 540.00 $ 540.00
Grand Total $ 540.00 $ 469.06 $ 1,009.06

Discounted Price

Average of Discounted Price Column Labels
Row Labels Chile Set Curry Set Grill Set Holiday Mediterranean Starter Set Grand Total
500 18.29 18.29
SP1 18.29 18.29
502 18.27 18.27
SP2 18.27 18.27
504 12.00 12.00
SP3 12.00 12.00
506 17.78 17.78
SP4 17.78 17.78
508 11.28 11.28
SP5 11.28 11.28
510 11.88 11.88
SP6 11.88 11.88
514 17.33 17.33
SP4 17.33 17.33
515 11.88 11.88
SP7 11.88 11.88
516 18.29 18.29
SP1 18.29 18.29
518 18.27 18.27
SP2 18.27 18.27
520 19.26 19.26
SP11 19.26 19.26
530 17.58 17.58
SP12 17.58 17.58
532 18.96 18.96
SP5 18.96 18.96
534 17.06 17.06
SP9 17.06 17.06
535 16.63 16.63
SP6 16.63 16.63
536 16.80 16.80
SP10 16.80 16.80
537 16.80 16.80
SP3 16.80 16.80
538 16.65 16.65
SP4 16.65 16.65
539 17.58 17.58
SP12 17.58 17.58
552 12.19 12.19
SP8 12.19 12.19
554 11.88 11.88
SP5 11.88 11.88
556 11.56 11.56
SP2 11.56 11.56
558 18.76 18.76
SP7 18.76 18.76
Grand Total 16.82 17.27 18.55 11.28 17.97 11.90 15.95

Product Pricing

Product Pricing PivotTable
Row Labels Sum of Quantity Average of Unit Price
Mediterranean 100 $ 19.25
SP1 55 $ 19.25
SP4 45 $ 19.25
Starter Set 230 $ 12.50
SP5 85 $ 12.50
SP2 30 $ 12.50
SP3 45 $ 12.50
SP7 10 $ 12.50
SP6 25 $ 12.50
SP8 35 $ 12.50
Grill Set 198 $ 19.75
SP5 32 $ 19.75
SP2 61 $ 19.75
SP7 25 $ 19.75
SP4 60 $ 19.75
SP11 20 $ 19.75
Curry Set 123 $ 18.50
SP4 55 $ 18.50
SP12 68 $ 18.50
Holiday 40 $ 11.75
SP5 40 $ 11.75
Chile Set 151 $ 17.50
SP3 35 $ 17.50
SP6 45 $ 17.50
SP9 52 $ 17.50
SP10 19 $ 17.50
Grand Total 842 $ 16.89
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Scientific Computing I-APPROXIMATIONS AND ROUND-OFF ERRORS Assignment Help

Scientific Computing I-APPROXIMATIONS AND ROUND-OFF ERRORS Assignment Help


e power−5

using two approaches

e power−x=1–x+xpower2/2−xpower3/3!+……


epower−x=1/e power x=1/(1+x+(xpower2/2)+(xpower3/3!))+……

and compare with the true value of


Use 20 terms to evaluate each series and compute true and approximate relative errors as terms are added.

2.The derivative of f(x)=1/(1-3x power2) is given by

6x/(1=3x power 2)whole power2

Do you expect to have difficulties evaluating this function at x =0.577? Try it using 3- and 4-digit arithmetic with chopping.

3.(a)Evaluate the polynomial

y=xpower 3-5xpower2+6x+0.55

at x =1.37. Use 3-digit arithmetic with chopping. Evaluate thepercent relative error.

(b)Repeat(a) but express as


Evaluate the error and compare with part(a).


4.Use 5-digit arithmetic with chopping to determine the roots of the following equation with Eqs. (3.12) and (3.13)


Compute percent relative errors for your results.

5.The “divide and average” method, an old-time method for approximating the square root of any positive number

a, can be formulated as


Write a well-structured function to implement this algorithm basedon the algorithm outlined in Fig. 3.3

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