Psychology Theory Matching Assignment

Psychology Theory Matching Assignment

(Psychology Theory Matching Assignment)

UOP Psychology Week One Assignment

Week One Assignment Worksheet


Match the definitions to the correct theoretical model.

1. _____ Experiences as a child affect life. Child is influenced by caretaker but also has a part in development.
2. _____ 2–3 years of age and the body wants to retain and eliminate.
3. _____ When a stimulus elicits a specific response
4. _____ 6–12 years of age; skills and activities are the focus, rather than sexual exploration.
5. _____ Overall, people are good. Humans strive for health and wellbeing. Persons develop a sense of self and create a value system based on experiences, with the goal of self-actualizing.
6. _____ This is the part of the personality that mediates desires and the reality of the operational world.
7. _____ People are unique, values are important, and overall the goal is to find fulfillment. Individual experiences assist with confronting and understanding the negative world.
8. _____ This develops in time and becomes the moral compass of the personality.
9. _____ When learning is completed through observation alone; reinforcement or conditioning are absent.
10. _____ Thoughts are called schema, which is the knowledge that guides processing. This processing then leads the person to behave based on the thinking processes.
11. _____ Focus is on the mouth, and sensation is achieved by sucking.
12. _____ Information processing at a basic level and mental processing, which includes thinking, planning, and making decisions
13. _____ Includes two driving forces of life and death; life is sexual in nature and includes libido, and death includes aggression and destructive actions. Pleasure is derived here.
14. _____ The person has a goal and, with reinforcement, the behavior is repeated or withdrawn.
15. _____ Self-touch and exploration causes pleasure.
16. _____ When there is a predisposition for developing a disorder and stress is present in these persons with the predisposition
17. _____ Sexual relations become the focus for pleasure.
A. Diathesis-stress models
B. Psychoanalytic theory personality – Id
C. Psychoanalytic theory personality – Ego
D. Psychoanalytic theory personality – Superego
E. Psychoanalytic theory stages – Oral
F. Psychoanalytic theory stages – Anal
G. Psychoanalytic theory stages – Phallic
H. Psychoanalytic theory stages – Latency
I. Psychoanalytic theory stages – Genital
J. Attachment theory
K. Behavior classical conditioning
L. Behavior operant conditioning
M. Behavior observational learning
N. Existential perspective
O. Humanistic perspective
P. Cognitive behavioral perspective
Q. Cognitive theory

In 150 to 200 words, describe the goals of clinical assessment and diagnosis. Explain how these goals affect treatment

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Management of Planned & Unplanned Termination

Discussion 2: Management of Planned & Unplanned Termination

(Management of Planned & Unplanned Termination)

Ending a client relationship can be just as difficult as ending a personal relationship. In fact, while much of the literature addresses when to terminate, a more significant topic is the feelings that surround termination. Depending on the client and the length of treatment, saying goodbye can be hard for both of you. As a result, you should prepare for termination and the feelings surrounding this step of the GIM process early in the client-social worker relationship.

While you generally anticipate that successful treatment will lead to the eventual termination of the client relationship, there are a variety of other reasons for why this relationship might come to an end. There might be a set number of sessions the client’s insurance will allow, or maybe the end of your internship is quickly approaching. Maybe termination results from the unexpected, like a new job, an illness, or the client leaves without notice. Regardless of the cause, you and your client must be prepared for the end of your working relationship. Not discussing termination can result in uncomfortable feelings, including anger and disappointment for the client. As the social worker, you might feel disappointed about not being able to see the treatment through to completion. Even when termination is a planned event, clients might respond with anger, increased silence, missed sessions, or early termination. If they feel positive about this next step, they might express feelings of satisfaction and pride, with an appropriate amount of sadness about losing this relationship. While you are involved in a purely working relationship, you may be surprised at how many emotions or what types of emotions might surface for both of you when terminating the relationship.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider potentially positive and negative feelings that you, as a social worker, and the client might feel regarding the termination of a therapeutic relationship. Then, think about how you might assist the client with the potential negative feelings. Finally, reflect on how you might help yourself with your own potentially negative feelings.

By Day 4

Post a brief description of two potential positive and two potential negative feelings that both you, as the social worker, and the client might feel, regarding the termination of a therapeutic relationship. Then, explain a skill you might use to assist a client with the potential negative feelings. Finally, explain how you might help yourself with your own potentially negative feelings.

Support your posts and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. 

300-400 WORDS…..


Kirst-Ashman, K. K., &  Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018). Understanding generalist practice (8th  ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 8, “Evaluation, Termination, and Follow-Up in Generalist Practice” (pp. 307-348)
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Developmental Milestones.

Developmental Milestones.

(Developmental Milestones.)

The purpose of this assignment is to creatively demonstrate an understanding of infant developmental milestones as they pertain to cognition, motor skills, sensation, and perception. Using information from Chapter 5 of your text, write a short story about a child’s journey from birth to age 1. This can be a fictional child, or can be based on a real child.  The story should be three to five pages in addition to the title page and the reference page.  Use at least one reference in addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

a. Describe the child’s sensory experiences at birth (e.g. sight, hearing, movement).

b. Analyze how these senses develop and become more evolved?  At the age of 6 months, identify what this same child can hear, see, and do?

c. Describe what a day in this child’s life might look like by age 1.  Include pictures in your Word document or compose your story using Storybird (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  Watch the video, Storybird Quick Tour (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., for assistance.

If you choose to create your story in Storybird, you may collaborate with a partner in class by using the collaboration tool.  Make sure to notify your instructor of your collaboration and make sure both of you submit your Storybird link in a Word document for grading.

Include the following developmental milestones in your story:

  1. Social and Emotional
    • Enjoys imitating people in his play.
    • Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys.
    • Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings.
    • Tests parental responses to his behavior.
    • Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others.
    • Repeats sounds or gestures for attention.
    • Finger-feeds himself.
    • Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed.
  2. Cognitive
    • Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping).
    • Finds hidden objects easily.
    • Looks at correct picture when the image is named.
    • Imitates gestures.
    • Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver).
  3. Language
    • Pays increasing attention to speech.
    • Responds to simple verbal requests.
    • Responds to “no.”
    • Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no.
    • Babbles with inflection (changes in tone).
    • Says “dada” and “mama.”
    • Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!”
    • Tries to imitate words.
  4. Motor
    • Reaches sitting position without assistance.
    • Crawls forward on belly.
    • Assumes hands-and-knees position.
    • Creeps on hands and knees.
    • Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position.
    • Pulls self up to stand.
    • Walks holding on to furniture.
    • Stands momentarily without support.
    • May walk two or three steps without support.
  5. Hand and Finger Skills
    • Uses pincer grasp.
    • Bangs two objects together.
    • Puts objects into container.
    • Takes objects out of container.
    • Lets objects go voluntarily.
    • Pokes with index finger.
    • Tries to imitate scribbling.
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Managerial Finance

Managerial Finance

(Managerial Finance)

Question description

1.A. Examine the role of management as it relates to finance in a corporation. In your post, discuss the role of management by addressing the following prompts:

  • Explain the various aspects of finance that management must understand.
  • Describe why a manager needs to understand the characteristics and importance of financial markets including their liquidity, competitiveness, and efficiency.
  • Interpret the function of the Financial Balance Sheet in assisting in management’s decision making process.
  • Discuss what could happen if management does not fulfill responsibilities related to finance. Share a real world example from your own professional experience or from an external source.

Your post should be (250 words) in length.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ postings. Respond to at least two classmates’ by commenting on their example of management not fulfilling its responsibilities. Pose a question to spark discussion regarding what could have been handled differently.

1B. After reading the first two chapters of your textbook, evaluate the following statement:

Managers should not focus on the current stock value because doing so will lead to overemphasis on short-term profits at the expense of long-term profits.

In your post, explain what is meant by this statement. Describe how management might decide whether to focus on short term or long term goals and how that decision impacts the organization. Next, using the financial balance sheet as displayed in the text, compute an example of how focusing on short term profits can be detrimental to long term profits. Share your opinion regarding whether you feel it’s a better option to focus on short term or long term goals. Use evidence from the text or external sources to support your position. Your post should be 200-250 words in length.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ postings. Respond to at least two classmates by sharing whether you agree or disagree with their view of managerial profit focus and provide advice on how to overcome the challenges they have identified.

2. Financial Management challenges. The following video discusses the four types of markets: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Given the market structures as described in the video, identify at least two articles from the ProQuest database that highlight and discuss two of the biggest challenges facing financial managers today in these varied market structures. In a three- to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages), summarize your findings from the articles. Include how market liquidity, competitiveness, and efficiency impact financial managers. The paper should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to properly cite your two required articles resources using APA style.

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Discussion Question: Values of Therapist

Discussion Question: Values of Therapist

(Discussion Question: Values of Therapist)

Discussion Question: Values of Therapist

In an ideal world, the values of the therapist would not influence therapy or the therapist’s reactions to clients. However, when therapists deny their values or minimize their views on important issues during interactions with clients, this can cause problems in the therapeutic relationship. In an effort to explore the many issues that can arise concerning a therapist’s values and how they affect the therapeutic process, please respond thoroughly to each of the following questions:

  1. Do you think therapists should deliberately reveal their values to a client in therapy? If so, why do you believe this is important? If not, what potential difficulties might this cause for the client or the therapeutic process?
  2. How much importance should a therapist place on helping the client identify and verbalize his or her values as they relate to their presenting problem?
  3. Based upon your response to question 2, explain why a client’s value system is vital or inconsequential to the therapeutic process?
  4. Discuss one practical strategy you could use in therapy to help identify and clarify a client’s value system without imposing your own.

Assignment 2: Discussion—Addiction to Chemical Substances

There is much controversy that surrounds the etiology of addictions. Some theories suggest that addiction is related solely to genetic factors, while others identify environmental factors as the primary influences on addictive behavior. Most contemporary theories support the idea that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to substance addiction. However, there is still much debate about this in the field.

Use the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research chemical substance addiction.

Select a category of chemical substances with addiction potential (for example, alcohol, stimulants, or opiates). In this assignment, you will examine this selected substance in detail.

  • How might a person become addicted to that category of chemical substance? Describe the process.
  • What are the various genetic and environmental factors that contribute to the development of substance addiction as related to that category?

Support your responses using your readings and authoritative resources. Incorporate theory and factual information in your response such as examples of research findings related to addiction.

Write your initial response in 2–3 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

By Saturday, August 29, 2015, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through Wednesday, September 2, 2015, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Comment on the points made by asking questions, providing clarifications, giving another point of view, challenging their views, or showing relationships between two or more points in the discussion.

All discussion assignments in this course will be graded using a rubric. Download the discussion rubric and carefully read it to understand the expectations.

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Traditional Learning Theories

PSY620 Week 1 – Discussion Traditional Learning Theories

(Traditional Learning Theories)

Traditional Learning Theories

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read McSweeney & Murphy (2014) Part 1: Basic Classical Conditioning (Chapters 1 through 3) and Part 3: Basic Operational Conditioning (Chapters 8 through 10), and view the required video Classical and Operant Conditioning (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Include the following components in your initial post:

  • Compare and contrast the general theories proposed by Pavlov and Skinner.
  • Examine and describe the researcher’s contribution(s) to psychology theory and practice.
  • Examine the major theoretical approaches proposed by the authors including any related research methods and/or assessment instruments associated with him or her.
  • Evaluate any issues and cultural considerations associated with your assigned theorist.
  • Analyze and describe how the American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might affect the implementation of your theorist’s personality assessments.
  • Assess the types of personality measurements and research designs associated with your assigned theorist and describe how they have evolved.

In addition to the required resources for the learning theories, research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library regarding classical or operant conditioning within the field of psychology. Your initial post should be a minimum of 500 words.

Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond substantively to at least three of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies early each week to stimulate more meaningful and interactive discourse in your discussions. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) on Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post. Peer responses may vary in length but should be detailed and thought provoking. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.

Consider the following in your responses:

  • Were the theories complementary, or did they exist in conflict?
  • Provide specific examples of divergence between the theories as described.
  • Were there associated issues and/or cultural considerations your classmate did not mention that should have been included in his or her initial post?
  • What ethical consideration(s) should have been included?
  • How does your explanation of classical and operant conditioning differ from your peers’ explanations?

Pose questions that could encourage facilitation of the discussion. Look for peers whose posts have not yet been responded to and reply to these so that everyone has a chance to reflect and develop their knowledge more fully.

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Project Management Essentials Overview

Project Management Essentials Overview

(Project Management Essentials Overview)

Answers will require (100-150) word full sentence response

  1. What are five characteristics that help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of the organization?
  2. What is meant by an integrative approach to project management? Why is this approach important in today’s environment?
  3. How are projects linked to the strategic plan?
  4. Why does the priority system described in this chapter require that it be open and published?
  5. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the functional, matrix, and dedicated team approaches to managing projects?
  6. What do you believe is more important for successfully completing a project- the formal project management structure or the culture of the parent organization?
  7. What are the six elements of a typical scope statement?
  8. What does it mean if the priorities of a project include: Time-constrain, Scope accept, and Cost-enhance?
  9. What are the differences between bottom-up and top-down estimating approaches? Under what conditions would you prefer one over the other?
  10. What are the major types of costs? Which costs are controllable by the project manager?
  11. How does the WBS differ from the Project Network?
  12. Why is slack important to the project manager?
  13. Project risks can/cannot be eliminated if the project is carefully planned.
  14. What are the likely outcomes if a change control process is not used? Why?
  15. How does resource scheduling reduce flexibility in managing projects?
  16. Explain the risks associated with leveling resources, compressing or crashing projects and imposed durations or “catch-up” as the project is being implemented.
  17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of reducing project scope to accelerate a project?
  18. Why is scheduling overtime a popular choice for getting projects back on schedule?
  19. What is the difference between leading and managing a project?
  20. Why is it critical to keep the project sponsor informed?
  21. Why should a project manager emphasize group rewards over individual rewards?
  22. When should it be appropriate to hold a formal team-building session on a project?
  23. What are the best practices used by forms to outsource project work?
  24. How can a project manager influence customer expectations and perceptions?
  25. How does a Tracking Gantt chart help communicate3 project progress?
  26. Why is it important for project managers to resist changes to the project baseline?
  27. How does the project closure review differ from the performance measurement control system?
  28. Why is it difficult to perform a truly independent, objective review?
  29. How do environmental factors affect project implementation?
  30. How should you go about preparing yourself for an international project?
  31. What are the major economic forces that serve as an impetus for using oversight/governance tools and processes?
  32. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Agile Project Management?
  33. Why are project management knowledge and skills transferable across industries? And Professionals?

What are the problems with relying on this option?

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Approach To Care

Approach To Care

(Approach To Care)

Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer. In addition, include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
  2. Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
  3. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required

Explanation of the Diagnosis and Staging of Cancers is Provided.

An explanation of the diagnosis and staging of cancers is not provided.

An explanation of the diagnosis and staging of cancers is provided but is missing relevant information.

An explanation of the diagnosis and staging of cancers is provided that meets the assignment criteria.

An explanation of the diagnosis and staging of cancers is provided that is offered in a detailed manner.

An explanation of the diagnosis and staging of cancers is provided that is offered in a detailed manner, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

20.0 %At Least Three Complications of Cancer are Identified With Comprehensive Discussion of Available Treatments.

Less than three complications of cancer are identified.

At least three complications of cancer are identified but lacking a comprehensive discussion of available treatments.

At least three complications of cancer are identified with a comprehensive discussion of available treatments.

More than three complications of cancer are identified with a comprehensive discussion of available treatments.

More than three complications of cancer are identified with a comprehensive discussion of available treatments, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

30.0 %Provides Recommendations to Address Physiological and Psychological Side Effects of Care.

Recommendations to address physiological and psychological side effects of care are lacking.

Recommendations to address physiological and psychological side effects of care are missing relevant information.

Recommendations to address physiological and psychological side effects of care meet the assignment criteria.

Recommendations to address physiological and psychological side effects of care are offered in a detailed manner.

Recommendations to address physiological and psychological side effects of care are offered in a detailed manner, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness

5.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear.

Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

5.0 %Paragraph Development and Transitions

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Boston Cigarette Smoking Impact

Boston Cigarette Smoking Impact

(Boston Cigarette Smoking Impact)

Course Project Part 1

Public Health My Demographic Area Is Boston, My Chosen Topic Is Cigarette Smoking

This week, you will be expected to identify a topic and create a framework for your Course Project. By now, you have consumed a vast amount of information and it may be difficult to delineate a specific topic area. In order to pick a topic, consider developing a research question. You have selected a geographic location to study. You have also considered the health statistics, demographics, and policies that may impact the area. Now, you are expected to delineate a topic area.

For example, you might ask, what types of services are provided for diabetic patients in Oklahoma? What are the policies related to diabetes care in Oklahoma? What are some of the social determinants of health that may impact the risk of diabetes or diabetes management? What are preventive methods? What have leaders in Oklahoma done to assure prevention and management of diabetes?

You might also ask, how will the implementation of the Affordable Care Act impact pregnant women in my state. Narrowing down your topic area to a specific policy and target population will enable you to focus your research and in writing your assignment. It is critical that you understand the purpose and intent of the policy as well as study your target population and the policies of the state or community you chose. It will also be important for you to understand what advocacy and community organizations are doing in your state in support or against the implementation of the policy.

Read the following case study from your textbook:

  • Case 7: Challenges with Implementing a Community-Based Potable Water System Project in a Rural Honduran Community

Then, accomplish the following tasks to complete this assignment:

  • Choose a health topic or issue that significantly or adversely impacts the target population in the geographic region or location you have chosen. Describe why the health topic or issue is important to consider.
  • Research health policies, programs, resources, and all other related materials, such as news articles, press releases, etc., that may provide relevant information on the topic.
  • Summarize your findings and create an outline for your Course Project in the following format:
    • On the first page, provide background information on your selected target population and region.
    • Then, provide demographic information as well as major health issues in your chosen area.
    • On the following pages, highlight the topic areas of your paper in an outline format.
    • On a separate page, cite all sources using the APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Write a 5-7 page paper in Microsoft Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
  • Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_W3_A2.doc.
  • By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.



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Short Essay/Social Psychology.

Short Essay/Social Psychology.

(Short Essay/Social Psychology.)

This is a short essay assignment with a mixture of multiple-choice/short answer and essay questions that cite evidence or research to explain/support your answer.

Your essay answers must be in your own words with paraphrasing properly source credited.  Quotes in lieu of answering in your own words will not receive points.

Please submit your responses as a Word document (.docx file).  Make sure to number your responses so your instructor will know where one response ends and the next starts.  It is not necessary to rewrite each question in your document.  For multiple choice questions, CLEARLY indicate your response (a, b, c, or d) so that your instructor does not have to search and try to determine your response in your short answer explanation.

Responses should be approximately one-half page each (double-spaced) for a total of three pages (not including Title and References Pages if you choose to include them).

1.  You are in the market for a new car and think you would like to own a Saab.  According to research reported by Richard Nisbett and his associates, which of the following would be most likely to influence your decision?

a. television commercials for Saab that are both informative and emotionally appealing.

b. print ads for Saab that are primarily informative.

c.  hearing about the huge repair bills a neighbor’s sister had on her Saab.

d.  a high ranking made by Consumer Reports based on a sample of 75,000 miles of testing.

Why is this the best answer and what might explain this influence?

2.  McAlister’s field experiment was successful in helping seventh-graders resist peer pressure to smoke cigarettes.  What did his strategy teach students to do that proved effective?

3. (From Article #10 in Readings About the Social Animal) Drawing on laboratory research conducted by Berkowitz, Phillips tested the “modeling of aggression” hypothesis.  What did Phillips’ data indicate?

4.  Under what circumstance are you persuaded by an argument from a peer or an associate in your life?  Specifically, what are the things that they may do to increase your tendency to listen to their argument and what things should exist before you take action on their advice?

5.  In general, how successful are obvious attempts to persuade?  Summarize one piece of research that supports the notions that direct efforts to persuade are effective, and one that indicated that such direct efforts are relatively ineffective.

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