TwinHills Analysis


TWINHILLS CENTRO: SOCIAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT Mahrukh Tahir, Elizabeth Henderson, and Irene M. Herremans wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. This publication may not be transmitted, photocopied, digitized or otherwise reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the copyright holder. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Business School, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, N6G 0N1; (t) 519.661.3208; (e); Copyright © 2016, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Version: 2016-06-14

One afternoon in the spring of 2012, Maria Taqir received her first call from Susan Nelson. The only thing she knew about Nelson was that she was the chief executive officer (CEO) of OpenGate, a land development company that had a vision to create a new town called TwinHills CENTRO (TwinHills) on the east side of Calgary, Alberta—about a 10-minute drive from where Taqir lived in Forest Lawn. Nelson was interested in introducing a new financial reporting mechanism called social return on investment (SROI) for her development project, and was recruiting students to test the feasibility of SROI in order to eventually implement it at her firm. Nelson asked Taqir brief questions about her background and experiences with the intention of seeing whether she was a good fit for her project. Nelson wanted to know which courses Taqir was taking in her undergraduate program and what volunteer experience she had. Then Nelson said something unexpected. “Maria, I trust you. I get spiritual feelings about people, and I know that you’re a pure spirit; I want you to work on my project with me. This is how I have hired everyone who has ever worked for me—I trust my gut. Come to the university tonight so you can meet other candidates for the project.” Taqir was intrigued by this and decided she wanted to learn more. THE FIRST MEETING Later that evening at the university, Taqir joined a group of people in a small boardroom. As they each introduced themselves, Taqir was surprised to learn that many of them were MBA students. Taqir’s impression was that the room was full of hardworking and accomplished individuals. One MBA student in particular stood out. Lisa Anderson had experience with corporate social responsibility and was the principal of her own consulting company. Taqir would later come to realize that Nelson had an uncanny ability to attract talent and utilize the skills of high-profile individuals for her development project through a volunteer advisory board (see Exhibit 1). The volunteer advisory board constituted the collaboration process at TwinHills (see Exhibit 2). Nelson explained that on its merit alone the project drew hundreds of people from around the world who wanted to use their skills to make this project a reality. The core idea behind the board was collaboration and input from the brightest minds, not only in Calgary, but also from around the world. Members of the board

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 2 9B16M087 included former aldermen, alderwomen, politicians, vice-presidents and CEOs of top energy and communications companies, managers of non-profit organizations from around the world, and academics. The members of the board were clearly what made it so successful. For example, the former head of IBM Europe was the chair of the technology and innovation committee. The board meetings were conducted every three months to provide the project with strategic direction. They were run by Nelson, her husband (Gord Case), and OpenGate employees. Taqir quickly noted that Nelson was a hands-on person. This project was clearly her legacy, and she was a visionary. Nelson led the meeting. She showed the attendees a brief video about the background of TwinHills (see Exhibit 3). They learned that Nelson had inherited the piece of land for TwinHills from her parents; therefore, there was no debt on the land. She spoke very passionately about the project and made it clear to everyone in the room that her motivations for creating this community were purely to leave a positive legacy: people were the focus of her project. Through years of her own service to the community, she felt that the problems that plagued many lives (such as health-related issues, domestic violence, social isolation, and poverty) could be solved through the creation of a cohesive community where people felt like they belonged (see Exhibit 4). Nelson also wanted to immortalize her family’s contribution to a city she grew up in and loved. She explained that TwinHills was located to the east of the city of Calgary and immediately to the west of the bedroom community of the town of Chestermere; it had spectacular views of both the mountains and the city. The rolling piece of land also had natural wetlands, which attracted many species of birds. It was relatively small, just three quarter sections in size (480 acres). Nelson envisioned a compact, almost utopian community that would be built on this land. She emphasized that she believed that TwinHills was a new formula for success that Calgary seriously needed. The underlying principles would be the “five bottom line” (see Exhibit 5) approach of environment, economy, community, technology, and spirituality. The attendees realized that this was no ordinary suburban community concept, and that it was unlike the many suburbs that Calgary already had. Ironically, many city council members were now advocating that urban sprawl (the development of suburban communities) was neither environmentally nor economically sustainable with continued population growth in the city. Although Nelson’s project appeared to be totally in line with the city of Calgary’s future plans in this regard, she could not figure out why her project could not get the approvals it needed. NELSON’S VISION Nelson felt that urban sprawl could be addressed by the environmental and economic benefits of her community. She explained the framework upon which she wanted to build her new-age community. With places of work at the centre and the residential community expanding around it, it would be a place where residents could learn in the post-secondary institutions that were located in (or had branches close to) the eastern sector of the city. It would also be a community that would nurture the environment, and at the same time, it would thrive economically through the creation of partnerships with socially responsible organizations such as Momentum, an organization committed to using a community economic development approach to build essential business acumen in low-income families (similar to micro-finance). Residents would live in the community and work where they lived. Nelson envisioned a place that would attract people of all ages and at all stages of life, from the young who were still in school to those who were retired. Nelson explained how she had already created numerous partnerships with non-profit organizations, such as those that developed skills for youth who were “at risk,” supported low-income and immigrant families, and worked with the elderly to enhance their lives. She believed that these organizations could come to TwinHills and integrate into the community to create a system of support and partnership. Her vision was to create a vibrant, diverse, and engaged community that would be fully sustainable on all “five bottom line” dimensions.

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 3 9B16M087 NELSON’S FRUSTRATION As the meeting progressed, Nelson expressed her frustration with the city council for delaying the project with multiple approval processes. This impeded her project from moving forward with important partnerships and building agreements. Part of the frustration was the number of steps involved. Not only did the project have to receive approvals from many different departments in the city, but it also had to go through a public approvals process before it went to city council for consideration. The approvals process typically took several years, culminating in a decision made by the city’s Corporate Planning Applications Group, the Calgary Planning Commission, and a public hearing of council.1 In addition, the city had several land development planning documents, which laid out the vision for sustainable communities. These documents included the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and the Calgary Transportation Plan, both of which resulted from a public visioning process that began in 2005, called imagineCALGARY. The MDP included a vision for communities that had a more compact urban form, the concept of “complete communities.” Complete communities were vibrant, green, and safe places, where people of varying ages, incomes, interests, and lifestyles lived and had a variety of housing choices and businesses where daily needs could be met. Complete communities used infrastructure efficiently, provided mobility choices (including public transportation), had healthy, natural environments, and employed energy-efficient designs. In addition, they balanced housing and employment within the community. WHAT HAD BEEN ACCOMPLISHED? There had been progress. For example, TwinHills had just been included in the new Belvedere Area Structure Plan. The project still needed approvals at several levels within the process, and the City Planning Commission had indicated that it would take several more months to make a decision about the next steps. Despite the difficulties that the project faced from city council, TwinHills had proved easy to sell to organizations such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), which provided a rating system and certification for neighbourhood development (LEED ND). This coalition between LEED, the Congress for the New Urbanism, and the Natural Resources Defense Council provided independent, third- party certification that a development’s location and design met accepted high levels of environmentally responsible, sustainable development.2 Based on plans for the development, TwinHills had received LEED ND certification for Stage 1 (a conditionally approved plan available for projects that had not yet completed the public review process). Nelson explained that she had already invested over eight years in this project from its idea to its design and was not ready to give up on it. She was prepared to break ground for the development stage, but was waiting on approvals. Not only had she invested her time, but she was also using her own money to fund it. Nelson felt that the barrier was her inability to communicate the value of the project beyond its financials to city council. She also felt that the members of city council did not fully understand its benefits for Calgary as a whole.

1 “Developing a Community: Approval Process and Community Design,” Urban Development Institute of Calgary, accessed August 25, 2015, 2 A. Katz, “LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System Honored for by Renewable Natural Resources Foundation,” U.S. Green Building Council, 2011, accessed November 17, 2015, rating-system-honored-renewable-natural-resources-foundation.

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 4 9B16M087 Communicating Benefits “This is why I have brought all of you young and clever minds together to help solve my business problem of communication,” Nelson said. She explained to the group that she had spent some time considering how best to determine and communicate the enduring value of her project to various decision-makers. Nelson emphasized that she needed a method of conveying the benefits of her project not only to city council to gain the necessary approvals to start the building stage, but also to the various stakeholders who would be affected by its enduring returns, such as residents and businesses who would set up shop at TwinHills. She stressed that she needed a strategy that would communicate the underlying foundation for the community— the five bottom line approach. SOCIAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT Nelson explained to the attendees that she had met with her friend Cheryl Doherty, the CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary, the week prior. Doherty had explained to Nelson how she had used the concept of SROI to communicate the benefits of her non-profit organization to donors and various other stakeholders. Nelson saw potential in the idea of SROI to solve her ongoing communication issue. Nelson explained to the attendees that SROI showed the return on an investment from the perspective of the social impact rather than only the financial return on investment.3 Nelson thought that SROI might give her an edge, but many questions still remained. THE SROI TEAM The next day, Nelson pondered over her encounters with the students. She recalled her discussions with Taqir and Anderson, and decided to contact them to find out if they might be able to help her define SROI further—and especially how it might be applied to TwinHills. Nelson approached them, looking for a team to develop an SROI strategy for the TwinHills initiative. After exchanging information about the project for approximately two hours, Nelson left, but not until she had encouraged them to take on the challenge. Taqir and Anderson had a big decision to make. They exchanged some thoughts. They were not experts on SROI; however, they both felt that they had good research skills. Anderson had just taken a course on evaluating sustainability performance, and she was sure that she could adapt some of the information from that course to a strategy for TwinHills. Taqir lived near the community that Nelson was planning to develop. She was excited about the potential it held and how some of the benefits might spill over into her own community. Taqir and Anderson decided that they were up for the challenge. They looked at each other and at the same time exclaimed, “Where do we start?” Although neither Taqir nor Anderson had any special knowledge of SROI, they were both familiar with financial return on investment, or ROI, in general. Their first step was a thorough literature review to determine the current understanding of SROI, which organizations had used the metric and, more specifically, any techniques they had developed for using it. 3 Financial return on investment is calculated by first determining the revenues minus the expenses of a project, thus providing the net income or the return from the project for a year. Those returns are then divided by the initial investment in the project, such as buildings, wetland and park development, and other infrastructure that have several years of life.

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 5 9B16M087 THE RESEARCH PROCESS Taqir and Anderson determined that SROI was a method for monetizing social and environmental impact in financial terms, but more than this, it provided a framework for measuring and accounting for the much broader concept of value.4 Often, social and environmental factors were not monetized and were therefore not valued in cost-benefit and other traditional evaluation systems. A typical SROI ratio might look like a 3:1 ratio, where every dollar of investment produced $35 of social and environmental return. However, to come up with this dollar figure, key performance indicators had to be used and tracked over a period of time. They found that measuring the economic benefit was the easiest part. For a start, they had already found projections on the taxes the city would receive and the number of jobs that the community would provide. They were also familiar with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and knew that they could use the organization’s guidelines to help determine additional economic indicators. Furthermore, GRI’s sustainability guidelines were the most widely recognized set of standards for reporting environmental and social impacts, both positive and negative. Surely they could find some of their answers there. As they reviewed the guidelines, they discussed the technology aspect and felt certain they could convey its benefits in some way, but were not yet sure what that method would be. They would have to do a little more research. The spiritual bottom line was the biggest challenge. “How do you measure waking up in the morning and feeling happy to be alive, hearing the robins sing, and seeing the ducks and other animals scurrying around the wetlands?” Anderson asked, perplexed by the complexity of defining what spirituality would mean in the context of a community development. There were also certain social impacts, such as lower crime and support for seniors in non-traditional ways that improved quality of life for them, for which they could not readily find indicators that they could pull from the sustainability guidelines. To develop the SROI strategy, Taqir and Anderson also needed to know what scope they should cover and whether they would focus only on specific aspects of the project or on the project in its entirety. They would then have to determine who the stakeholders were, and how to engage them in a meaningful way. Taqir and Anderson drew up a list of potential key stakeholders and interviewed people, including former and current aldermen, alderwomen, and professors at the University of Calgary. What they found was that people unanimously agreed that it was a great project, but differed on their views about how it was being managed, the political environment, and the credibility of OpenGate as a new developer in the city. When Taqir and Anderson spoke to former alderwoman Audrey Morningway about the project, she argued that TwinHills needed champions. Experienced aldermen, alderwomen, and politicians could help in getting the project off the ground. As an experienced marketing professional and politician, she argued that people needed to be mobilized through social media to put external pressure on city council to have the project approved. Morningway explained that there would be problems in finding a true champion because politicians did not like taking risks for a project that might never get approved. Furthermore, she believed that there were too many internal politics going on with council that hindered great projects coming to life in Calgary: “Even if the mayor brought forward a beautiful vision for the city, it is immaterial if it’s a good idea. What really matters to council is the person who delivers it.” Morningway spoke to the mayor of Chestermere, and the mayor iterated that the main concerns for Chestermere were TwinHills’ water access, road access, and handling of sewage. Morningway said, “What TwinHills needs is a solid communication

4 Tim Goodspeed, Ellis Lawlor, Eva Neitzert, and Jeremy Nicholls, “A Guide to Social Return on Investment,” Cabinet Office—Office of the Third Sector, 2009, accessed August 25, 2015, publications/guide-social- return-investment. 5 All currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 6 9B16M087 strategy, to clearly lay out the plans to satisfy the main concerns of water, sewage, and road access—and then a champion would bring it to life.” Taqir and Anderson investigated further and realized that communication was integral to the success of an SROI strategy for TwinHills. The core of SROI was the theory of change, by which the value that was produced was measured. The theory of change was essentially a statement that could summarize the value created and change what occurred in a community as a result of an action. At the next meeting with Nelson, Taqir shared an example of the SROI theory of change for a partner organization with TwinHills—the Boys & Girls Club of Calgary. The theory of change against which the Boys & Girls Club measured success was, “If at-risk youth that feel isolated due to their cultural experience have social, educational, recreational, and employment opportunities, then they will have the tools to make positive life choices and transition into adulthood successfully.”6 The SROI study helped to determine the social value created for specific demographics, and used financial proxies to put monetary values on the results of the Boys & Girls Club program. For example, the avoidance of police time was estimated to affect a certain percentage of the clients, and this was then valued per the cost of each avoided police call-out. To calculate the ratio, the total social value created (as calculated using the financial proxies) was subtracted from the police call-outs average for the city (status quo), and then the variance was divided by the total cost of (or investment into) the program. ADAPTING SROI TO TWINHILLS CENTRO Taqir and Anderson met to determine how SROI might be adapted to TwinHills. They worked from the “five bottom line” philosophy, reasoning that the metrics used to calculate SROI should evolve from the underlying vision and mission of TwinHills. They brainstormed that the community would decrease the levels of stress felt by its inhabitants, thus reducing the cost of health crisis interventions. They then decided that stress reduction could be measured by comparing the average number of crisis interventions in other communities. They then needed a financial cost for each crisis intervention. They wondered where they could find that figure. After some investigating, they discovered that SiMPACT and the City of Calgary had developed a financial proxies database.7 The next hurdle was getting some numbers from TwinHills to use in the metrics that they were creating for the SROI framework. However, TwinHills was not an operating development yet; it was still in the planning stage. They both went back to their computers to see whether they could find an answer to this challenge. “Look at this,” said Taqir. “There are two kinds of SROI analyses you can do. One is a forecast, so that might be useful for TwinHills, as it is still in the planning stage. The other is an evaluation, and is done after a project is up and running.” This was both to determine possible improvements in the project’s performance and to inform future operations for this project as well as other projects. “I wonder if TwinHills should consider both kinds?” Anderson contemplated. “The first could be done in the planning stages, to help with the development approvals. The second one could be done later, to check how accurate the forecasted evaluation was.” Taqir agreed, “That way, the process becomes valuable not just for TwinHills, but possibly for other land developers in Calgary and in other areas. They could mimic the process. This would mean our research would have a wider value than just for this one project.” “So,

6 “Social Return on Investment (SROI) Case Study: Beltline Youth Centre,” Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary, 2010, accessed August 25, 2015, 7 “SROI Canada Financial Proxies Database,” City of Calgary, fcss and SiMPACT Strategy Group, 2010, accessed November 17, 2015,

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 7 9B16M087 let’s see if we can determine specific indicators (metrics) to use in the forecasted SROI,” said Anderson (see Exhibit 6). Although Taqir and Anderson were hopeful that they could obtain financial statements for the project, Nelson admitted she was reluctant to share them. OpenGate, the holding company for TwinHills, was privately held by Nelson and her husband. They had partners in the project, and she did not think it was appropriate to share financials based on either of those facts. “This might be a bit of a dead end. What do you think?” asked Anderson. “It’s impossible to do an SROI analysis without financials,” replied Taqir. “What are our options now?” After brainstorming, Taqir and Anderson decided that they knew enough about TwinHills and its benefits to provide a framework of indicators for Nelson to use in a potential SROI calculation. They would have to determine the appropriate indicators that were applicable and specific to the project and also worth measuring. Nelson could then fill in the numbers herself, but she would need to consider how credible a forecasted SROI study (done internally) would be if only the results, and not the numbers behind the results, were shared with city council. This would also lead to a related decision: should TwinHills also complete an evaluative SROI once the project was at a more advanced stage, and if so, what would be the purpose of doing so? These unanswered questions gave Taqir and Anderson concern about the feasibility of conducting an SROI at TwinHills, but Nelson was enthusiastic about the subject and wanted to move forward despite their concern. Nelson informed Taqir and Anderson that she had two opportunities coming up in the next few weeks in which she was excited to introduce SROI and the progress that had already been made. She requested that Taqir and Anderson draft presentations for the following two meetings that explained the potential SROI of TwinHills and how they could move forward with the strategy. One was a meeting with Gord Case and the partners of OpenGate to review the progress on TwinHills and map out the next steps. The other was an upcoming presentation to the Calgary Planning Commission.

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 8 9B16M087




Source: TwinHills, accessed August 25, 2015,

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 9 9B16M087


Source: TwinHills CENTRO Planning Presentation, June 2012.


TOWN CENTRO: A vibrant mixed-use urban village that has the Alberta Advanced Education facility as its focal point, and is supported by small to medium-sized start-ups and community retail. CYBER CENTRO: A new hub for large cloud computing and data storage companies that includes the Prairie Preserve, a community-based not-for-profit organization committed to public education on water, energy, and urban agriculture. The Prairie Preserve will include an Interpretive Centre, which will be designed from recycled farm buildings and integrated with the green open spaces of the community.  Approximately 1,150 mixed-income/demographic residential units of varying types and sizes, with a

total of approximately 2,600 residential units in the planned area.  Approximately 550,000 square feet of office development within TwinHills CENTRO, with the potential

for a total of approximately 1,000,000 square feet in the planned area.  Approximately 275,000 square feet of retail development.  Up to 800,000 square feet of institutional tenants such as academic institutions, a performing arts

centre, vocational training centres, medical and treatment centres, libraries, etc.  The land is debt-free. NATURAL INFILL DEVELOPMENT: Uniquely positioned at one of Calgary’s entrances into the city. Source: TwinHills CENTRO Planning Presentation, June 2012.

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 10 9B16M087



Source: TwinHills, accessed August 25, 2015,


The five bottom line approach for the TwinHills development is an adapted and extended version of the triple bottom line model, which is widely used for corporate SROI determinations. We developed our extended version by adding the Technology and Wellness elements to focus attention on the significance and importance of those particular aspects in designing and creating sustainable urban communities. The five bottom line approach, as we present it, is a proprietary analytical model which our company is proud of.

– Susan Nelson Source: TwinHills, accessed August 25, 2015,

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.



Page 11 9B16M087


Area Indicator Code Financial Proxy Source Financial Taxes paid F2 Current provincial and

federal tax codes Alberta Finance and Enterprise

Health Hospital stay H1 $1,038/day Alberta Health and Wellness

Walk-in clinics H2 $24.29/visit Alberta Health and Wellness

Emergency-room visits H4 $231/visit Alberta Health and Wellness

Cost of treatment of stress-related disorders

H32 $4,257/stay Canadian Institute for Health Information

Family physician office: major visit

H42 $67.22/visit Alberta Medical Association

Justice Youth court process J1 $1,275/young offender National Crime Prevention Centre Canada

Probation officer J2 $25.66/hour Alberta Learning Information Service

Police investigation J8 $1,912/investigation National Crime Prevention Centre Canada

Police attendance at court

J9 $319/attendance National Crime Prevention Centre Canada

Police call-out J10 $342/call-out CSP Social

Services Correctional services officer

SS13 $26.65/hour Alberta Learning Information Service

Parole services officer SS14 $26.65/hour Alberta Learning Information Service

Extended hours child- care subsidy

SS16 $100/child/month in addition to regular child- care subsidy

Government of Alberta Children and Youth Services

Source: “SROI Canada Financial Proxies Database,” City of Calgary, fcss and SiMPACT Strategy Group, 2010.

For the exclusive use of A. Jean, 2021.

This document is authorized for use only by Alex Jean in SOS 509-1 taught by Jessica Morrison, Arizona State University from May 2021 to Nov 2021.

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Post 2

Unit V Assignment 

Hazardous Noise Case Study

You have been hired as a consultant to help a local machine shop solve a hazardous noise problem. The shop is 10,000 square feet in area, with 12-foot high concrete block walls, and a flat metal roof. Inside the shop are two band saws, two metal lathes, three drill presses, one milling machine, and three abrasive grinders. The six employees work at benches located throughout the shop, using a variety of pneumatic-powered hand tools and non-powered tools. A recent noise survey found sound pressure levels exceeding 100dBA in some parts of the shop. All employees were monitored for noise exposure over an eight-hour workday, and the calculated TWA for noise for the employees ranged from 88dBA to 97dBA.

Using the Risk Assessment Matrix in Table 11 on page 122 of the course textbook, conduct an initial hazard analysis and risk assessment based on the information in the scenario provided. Discuss how you arrived at the risk level estimate.

Determine a possible control measure for each of the six levels in the hierarchy of controls on page 208 in the course textbook, and explain the reasoning behind each choice. For each of the selected control measures, reevaluate the original risk. In a summary paragraph, discuss the results and how the shop managers could determine which control measures would be required and which others might be beneficial to their operations.

Your paper must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting cover page and references, and follow APA formatting for the paper, as well as for all references and in-text citations. 

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SCENARIO # 2: Serious Near-Miss Crane Incident

The Situation: You are the EH&S professional at your company’s shipyard. You have just received a call from a production supervisor that there has been a very serious near miss accident out in the assembly area. Your company is manufacturing the second Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) for the US Navy. This new generation high speed, trimaran design warship has been designed to carry out a wide range of tactical, combat, and support operations in the near-shore (littoral) environment. The project is severally over budget and has received a considerable amount of criticism for it. Successful completion of the project at this phase will be a prime determinant in your companies securing the very lucrative follow-up contracts for more LCS’s. Everyone in the shipyard feels the pressure to complete this project ASAP.

Apparently a very large 20 ton overhead crane had some cables snap and has partially collapsed while trying to hoist a large section of the vessel into place for its final welding operation. When you arrive on scene, you see the section wedged overhead between some support beams and walkways. About a dozen hourly workers are scattered about as they leaped to safety after hearing the cables snap. There are many bumps, bruises and scratches on the workers, but they all are able to be treated internally at your nurse’s office. In this initial assessment, there appears to be no need for, or request on the part of the employees, to go to any outside medical consultant or hospital emergency room.

Almost immediately you can hear the men complaining that the first attempt to lift the unit did not work and then the production engineer’s decided to “jury rig” some extra cables to lift the unit in place. In addition, one individual said that they were trying to hoist about 28-30 tons, and that was just too much for the old crane. Another offered that the cables themselves had not been changed out in a couple of years and that was against OSHA regulations. Everyone said that they could hear the unit groan and screech before the cables snapped and the crane partially collapsed.

Before you walk off with the supervisors to inspect the damage one of the workers offers the opinion that this is an “imminent danger” situation. About 30 minutes later, you are meeting with the engineers and supervisors on one the overhead platforms continuing your inspection of the damage: when a supervisor comes up and tells you that he has heard that an hourly employee has just called OSHA and told them of the situation and that they used the term “imminent danger” in their conversation.


The Questions: What are your most important concerns? What should you do next? What information is the most critical for you to have right away? What directions would you give to the supervisors and engineers? When should you inform your facility manager and what should you tell him/her? Should you meet with the hourly employees and what will you discuss with them? How will you handle the OSHA inspector should one show up in the next few hours?



Instructions: You are required to discuss a sequential Action Plan on your part that addresses all of the issues presented. It should be a minimum of about 500-600 words (that’s about two pages when double spaced, 12 pt type, 1” margins) and must follow the APA formatting guidelines.

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SCI 207


Lab 5 – Weather and Climate Change

Lab 5 – Demonstration 1: Modeling the Water Cycle


1. Which water cycle processes are represented in this model and by what components?

Answer =

2. Which processes are not represented? How could the model be altered to include these processes?

Answer =

3. How would the “weather” be affected if the water was at a decreased temperature? What about at an increased temperature?

Answer =

Experiment 1: Water Movement


1. Develop a hypothesis predicting the effect of sunlight on evaporation?

Hypothesis =

2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.

Accept/reject =

3. What parts of the water cycle are represented in this experiment?

Answer =

4. How would increasing the proportion of land (sand) to water affect the amount of water vapor released?

Answer =

5. How would drought conditions impact infiltration and evaporation from the ground?

Answer =


Any sources utilized should be listed here.

© eScience Labs, 2013

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Earth And Space Quiz NEED ANSWERS NOW! 8 Hours From Now (Must Have Great Reviews)

Question 1

Jupiter is a

Dwarf Planet

Terrestrial Planet

Jovian Planet


Question 2

The Milky way is believed to be a _________ galaxy





Question 3

Which color has the longest wavelength?





Question 4

“What is the major fuel the sun “”burns”?””





Question 5

Pluto was demoted from a planet to a



Dwarf Planet


Question 6

Which type of star will stay on the main sequence for the longest time

low-mass stars

medium-mass (sun-like) stars

Hig mass stars


Question 7

The largest storm in our solar system is

The great red spot on Jupiter

The dust storms on Mars

The polar winds on Venus

The rings of Saturn

Question 8

An emission nebula would have a _______ color





Question 9

Which type of telescope uses a mirror?





Question 10

Sunlight originates from

The Chromosphere

The Photosphere

The Corona

The solar wind

Question 11

Which of the following type of stars can be used to accurately measure distances?

Pulsating variables

Eruptive variables

Cepheid variables


Question 12

A star 25 times more massive than our Sun would produce a _______ when it went nova

Neutron star

Black hole

White dwarf


Question 13

Sunlight is an example of

A continuous spectrum

An absorbtion spectrum

An emission spectrum

A doppler spectrum

Question 14

Distant galaxies are receding from the Earth. This is called

Einstein’s law

Galileo’s law

Newton’ law

Hubble’s law

Question 15

The dark areas called sunspots are

Magnetic storms

Areas with no Helium

Where asteroids hit the Sun

Wet areas

Question 16

A piece of extraterrestial material that reaches the surface of the Earth is called a




Tunguska object

Question 17

Where does a star on the H-R diagram spend most of its life

The main sequence

A variable star

As a nova

As a type A star

Question 18

Our Sun will eventually go nova and produce a

Neutron star

Black hole

White dwarf


Question 19

The asteroid belt lies between

Mercury and Venus

Earthand Mars

Mars and Jupiter

Jupiter and Saturn

Question 20

Comets are like



“””dirty snowballs”””

The solar wind

Question 21

The Chromosphere is red because of emission from




Hydrogen and Helium

Question 22

Which type of telescope suffers from chromatic abberation





Question 23

Long period comets originate

In the Kuiper Belt

From Saturn’s rings

From the Oort Cloud

From nearby stars

Question 24

Maria on the Moon are


Giant basalt filled impact craters

Dust layers

Comet debris

Question 25

Venus is extremely similar to Earth except that it has

No water

Much colder termperatures

A thinner atmosphere

No mountains

4 points

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BOS 3125 Unit #1 Question 1-6 Answer

BOS 3125 Unit #1 Question 1-6 Answer

Question 1

Discuss the relationships between RCRA, CERCLA, SARA, and EPCRA. Why do you think there are so many different laws governing hazardous materials and hazardous waste?

Your response must be at least 150 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Question 2

Discuss three waste minimization strategies that could be used by a small business classified as a small quantity generator. Provide examples for each strategy.

Your response must be at least 150 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Question 3

Explain the concept of Risk-Based Corrective Action (RCBA). Why is this concept used in hazardous waste remediation?

Your response must be at least 150 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Question 4

Discuss the major differences between a conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG) and a small generator (SQG). What are some of the possible problems when classifying your organization as a CESQG?

Your response must be at least 150 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Question 5

A research lab uses acetone as a solvent for cleaning glassware. The spent solvent is consolidated into containers for disposal. Use the decision chart in Figure 1 (p. 6 of your textbook) to determine if this disposal is subject to RCRA Subtitle C regulations. Explain how you reached your decision.

Your response must be at least 300 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Question 6

What are some important considerations for selecting a transfer, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF)? Which ones should be first on the list when conducting an audit of a TSDF? Explain your choices.

Your response must be at least 300 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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ENVIR- Review/PROOFREAD Attached Paper On Lake Chad- EDITnformation And Format It So It Flows Coherently

Below is the rubric for this assignment- Your job is to go through the ALREADY COMPLETED ATTACHED paper and make grammer, spelling changes as needed as well as add more detail in order to fulfill the RUBRIC EXCELLENT REQUIREMENTS. 

You must make all your changes in RED.


Case Study: Identification of Factors Causing Ecological Damage (Part B)


Part B: Continue researching your topic (Aral Sea, Lake Chad, or Lake Qinghai) with reliable resources. Then write up your case study, answering the following questions:


1.    What human activities led to the degradation of the body of water?

2.    Which ecological principles did we ignore as part of our degradation of this ecosystem?

3.    Did any natural changes exacerbate the degradation? If so, identify them.

4.    Was there a tipping point to the ecosystem degradation? Explain your answer.

5.    What was the management plan for restoring the ecosystem, if there was one?

6.    What suggestions do you have for a management plan, and how does your plan relate to scientific principles of sustainability? Are there more data you need to collect before proceeding with recommendations? If so, what data do you need?


The grading rubric used for this portion of your first case study is as follows:


Criteria for Case Study Report Best Moderate Weak Poor
Writing style and layout

(30 points possible)

Clear, concise, and complete case study report with introduction and conclusion (24–30 points)


Somewhat clear, concise, and complete case study report with introduction and conclusion (16–23 points) Unclear, not concise, and incomplete case study report with introduction and conclusion (8–15 points) Unclear, not concise, and incomplete case study report and omitted introduction and/or conclusion (0–7 points)
Content (30 points possible) Content answers all of the above questions (24–30 points) Content answers most of the above questions (16–23 points) Content answers half the above questions (8–15 points) Content answers less than one-quarter of the above questions (0–7 points)
Coherently written and supporting evidence discussed (30 points possible) Report based on evidence, scientific principles, and environmental management practices (24–30 points) Report only partly based on evidence, scientific principles, and environmental management practices (16–23 points) Report weakly based on evidence, scientific principles, and environmental management practices

(8–15 points)

Report not consistently based on evidence, scientific principles, and environmental management practices (0–7 points)



Part B is also worth 100 points.  The points will be directly converted to percentage.

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Lab 1 Human Impact On Groundwater

Assignment Overview


Individual Project
Lab to analyze groundwater sustainability with human population growth.
Sun, 7/26/15
1 page
View objectives for this assignment



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Assignment Details

Student Instructions

For each assignment, you will use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab. Access the M.U.S.E. by clicking on Learning Materials.

In this lab, you will observe the time progression of industrialization and human development to help you write up a scientific paper that centers on the following:

  • If current human development does not change, will groundwater sustainability be affected? Explain your observations.

Human Impacts on the Sustainability of Groundwater

Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that is needed for survival and well-being depends either directly or indirectly on the natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, while also helping to fulfill the social and economic requirements of present and future generations.

Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and gather your data.

Use the Lab 1 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection.

Please submit your completed assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


Reading Assignment

Words of Wisdom, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6

  • Apply environmental sustainability to an identified project.

IP 1 (Hints and Guide): Please number report according to these 7 Subheadings:

1.  Purpose: State the purpose very simply. Example: “The purpose of this experiment is to investigate ground water usage and sustainability over a period of time”.

2.  Introduction: This section should contain background information about ground water (it’s surfaces, its usage in all fields, its contamination, etc).

3.  Hypothesis: This should be a statement predicting the outcome of the experiment. For example “I predict that this experiment will prove that water sustainability is in danger”.

4.   Method: This section should contain a description of how you conducted the virtual experiment in the MUSE to collect data for filling the data table. Describe step by step, what you clicked on (Time progression, etc).

5.  Results/Outcome: In this section, use words to describe your data contained in the table, refer to the numbers in your data table (the %s, impact on forests, saltwater intrusion, etc).

6.  Discussion/Analysis: This section should contain your overall conclusion of your data and a statement that shows your hypothesis is confirmed or rejected by what your data table represented.

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Environmental History Paper

Please write an organized essay of about 1,000 words, using plenty of evidence from this course only, that answers ONE of the following questions per the instructions in the midterms to use as many of the total readings as possible in a cohesive essay.

a) After World War II, ecology gained a reputation for being a “subversive science.” Was this reputation justified? Defend your view using specific historical examples

b) Pick a viewpoint that you had about the natural environment before taking this class, and write an essay disagreeing with it. Formulate a strong thesis in opposition to your prior view, and support it with specific historical examples.

c) “Environmentalism is a rich man’s game.” Evaluate this sentiment and agree or disagree with it, using historical evidence to substantiate your claim.

Attached reading would be helpful and inspired for you to write this paper. Please provide all the work cited.

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Revision/ Cretique Paper.

Public Health 8920 – Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health

Paper #1: Article Critique:


To “gain experience in locating and critically evaluating social and behavioral science research in order to better assess the empirical support for intervention programs of different types” this assignment requires that you locate, summarize, and critically evaluate 1 article that meet the following criteria:


Your choosen article must:

(1) be from a peer-reviewed journal

(2) report on an intervention that

(3) addresses a public health issue

(4) and is based on one of the theories or models discussed in class.


The issue can be any aspect of public health, for example: infant nutrition, environmental lead, smoking cessation, AIDS prevention, vaccinations, highway safety, tuberculosis control, physical activity, etc.


By intervention I mean some program or campaign or educational activity designed to change

(a) a determinant of health

(b) a health outcome, or

(c) a particular health behavior.


Thus, the article must go beyond a research study examining aspects of these theories and models. It must report on a theoretically-based intervention. An intervention could be a program to improve sidewalks or parks in a city to increase outdoor physical activity. An intervention could be a policy to provide nutritional supplements to pregnant women to improve newborn health outcomes. An intervention could be an education and peer-support program to encourage smoking cessation, or an advertising campaign to encourage physical activity among adolescent girls.


Your critique should include:

• A brief introduction to the article: which theory or model did the authors employ? What was the public health issue that was addressed?

• A brief summary of the theory (in your own words). This should be roughly one paragraph, and should demonstrate that you understand the basics of that theory or model.

• A summary of the intervention program, including target population, goals of the intervention, methods used to make the desired change, and the results of the intervention.

• The two most important pieces of this critique will be:

1) Your evaluation of the adequacy with which the theory or model was employed. For example, did the researchers/practitioners use all components of the theory? Did they operationalize (measure or create) theoretical constructs in a way that was true to the theory?




2) Your evaluation of the success of the intervention. Did it accomplish the intended goals? Could it have been improved in any way? What were the particular strengths of this intervention, or of this theoretical approach to the problem? What drawbacks do you see?



Your article critique paper is worth 25 points. Follow all APA guidelines (e.g., cover page, in-text citations, reference list). The following website is a great resource to help you follow APA guidelines:

Make sure to provide citations for any statement you make that warrants a citation—when in doubt, cite! The reference for the journal article used should be provided using the following APA format:

Fredriksen-Goldsen, K. I. Kim, H., Barkan, S. E., Muraco, A., & Hoy-Ellis, C. P. (2013). Health disparities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults: Results from a population-based study. American Journal of Public Health, 103(10), 1802-1809.


NOTE: Please keep your paper less than 3 pages and as double-spaced with 1 inch margins via Word document. (APA, formatting, citations is worth 10 points). When you have completed your paper, please upload it to the appropriate assignment folder on Blackboard via Turnitin.

Turnitin will provide you with feedback on % of paper ‘plagiarized’, however, you are allowed to revised and resubmit if prior to the due date. Less than 15% is required. I advise you to submit your paper 24 hours before the due date so you have time to revise and resubmit if need be. Below are links to tutorials on using Tunitin:

Submitting a paper:

About originality check:

Viewing originality reports:

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