Course Project Infogram


An infographic is a highly visual representation of information, data, or content that is intended to quickly communicate information to an audience. As a quick visual representation, Gillicano and colleagues (2014) suggest that an infographic is easily comprehended and read in less than a minute.

Effective infographics tell a story. Smaller than but similar to a poster, an infographic often communicates a central argument, topic, or thesis focusing on the overall patterns, themes, or salient points. There is an introduction, main argument, and conclusion (Canva, 2017). Each element (text, graphics, data representations, etc.) meaningfully contributes to communicating an accurate and concise presentation of information. Much like an essay, an infographic is often the end product of a research project or inquiry process.


In Week 8, you will submit an infographic on the topic of environmental injustice in your local community. The following evaluative components will be used to assess your infogram (Matrix & Hodson, 2014; Schrock, 2012; Texas Education Agency, 2015).

· Content: accurate and detailed information is provided and supports the thesis/argument/purpose

· Focus: All content (visual and textual) concisely complements the purpose of the infographic

· Visual Appeal: Fonts, colors, layouts, & visual elements meaningfully contribute to the infographic’s ability to convey the overall message

· Argument: The infographic effectively informs and convinces the reader of its intended purpose

· Organization: Information is systematically organized and supports readers’ comprehension of the main message

· Citation: Full bibliographic citations are included for all sources referenced

· Mechanics : The infographic is free of spelling or grammatical errors


Canva. (2017). Infographic design.

Gallicano, T., Ekachai, D., & Freberg, K. (2014). The infographic assignment. A qualitative study of students’ and professionals’ perspectives. Public Relations, 8(4), 1-22.

Matrix, S. & Hodson, J. (2014). Teaching with infographics: Practicing new digital competencies and visual literacies. Journal of Pedagogic Development, 4(2).

Schrock, K. (2012). Infographic rubric.

Texas Education Agency. (2015). Rubric for infographic or poster.

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Short Answers

1.  Cindy is the plant manager from Gemstone, and she has asked you to perform a sound level survey and noise dosimetry in the fabrication shop, which can get pretty noisy when all three mechanical power presses and the 12-foot shear are running at the same time for several hours a day. She also asked that you identify noise level exposures in the adjacent welding department. Your results indicate that the noise levels in the area are just above the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure level for an average day in the fabrication department.

The welding department is adjacent to the fabrication department, and there is no separating wall. The welding operations are not quite as noisy, although the crackle of a well-adjusted MIG welder can be rather loud when welding mild steel. Noise monitoring and dosimetry of the welders indicated an exposure of just over OSHA’s Action Level of 85 Dba. In addition, you remember taking the survey readings and watching the noise level jump in the welding shop every time the power presses or shear cycled in the fabrication area.

After consulting with fellow industrial hygienists, it was determined that setting up a 12′ X 30′ noise barrier wall between the fabrication area and the welding area and adding noise absorption panels to both sides of the barrier wall and to the white-painted concrete walls in the fabrication department would decrease the sound levels in the welding area to several decibels below OSHA’s Action Level.

Of course, these engineering controls will cost $33,000 dollars. This is compared to a continuing hearing conservation program to include annual audiograms, or hearing tests, annual training, and providing noise protection for the welding department which is estimated to cost $9,000 per year. This amount would be saved each year if the engineering controls are installed.

If the company takes out a loan for $33,000 at 5% interest, what will the payback period be for the loan? Please consult your unit lesson for the necessary formulas. What would be your recommendation to the employer with respect to the options available? Please show your work. Make sure you justify your reasoning and that you consider the hierarchy of controls in your discussion.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length in addition to your financial analysis


In the not-too-distant past, it was common for Occupational Safety and Health professionals to consider the hierarchy of controls according to the following priority order:

  1. Engineering controls,
  2. Administrative controls
  3. Personal Protective Equipment

However, eliminating the hazard and substitution have usurped engineering control’s position at the top of the hierarchy although they have always been obvious best options, just not always included in discussions of the hierarchy of controls. Identify two examples where elimination of the hazard or substitution was, or might be, applied as a means of hazard control. Discuss some of the pros and cons of this option as compared to the other options in the hierarchy. You may also select examples from places you have worked or for which you have some familiarity.
(200 words)

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Carbon Dioxide Lab

Carbon Dioxide Lab

This week’s readings included a discussion surrounding the ongoing debate of whether or not to add carbon dioxide to the list of air pollutants regulated by the EPA (p. 546). Regardless of current policy, research shows that carbon dioxide is one of the central gases responsible for global climate change and its increase over time can be attributed to multiple environmental concerns.  The following lab will illustrate the dangers of carbon dioxide emissions and provide an introduction to modeling of future outcomes. To complete the lab for this week, follow the steps below:


  1. First, download the Carbon Dioxide Lab Reporting Form. All data will be reported and questions answered directly on this form.
  2. Secondly, open the Carbon Dioxide Lab Instructions, and follow the steps indicated.


When completed, save the Carbon Dioxide Lab Reporting Form as a Word document. No title page or headers are necessary; however, should you utilize any outside resources to complete the questions they should be properly cited according to on the reference page.


ATTACHED IS THE Carbon Dioxide Lab Reporting Form. ALSO THE Carbon Dioxide Lab Instructions,



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Unit 3

            Question 1


  1. Perform the following calculation for air concentration. Sulfuric Acid: 2.5 mg/m3 = ____ ppm

2.5 points

            Question 2


  1. Perform the following calculation for air concentration. Formaldehyde: 4.0 mg/m3 = ____ ppm

2.5 points

            Question 3


  1. Perform the following calculation for air concentration. Benzene: 3.0 ppm = ____ mg/m3

2.5 points

            Question 4


  1. Perform the following calculation for air concentration. Acetone: 42.0 ppm = ____ mg/m3

2.5 points

            Question 5


  1. Discuss  the similarities and differences that exist between the three basic  types of occupational exposure limits (OELs). Describe how each type of  OEL is used to control occupational exposures, and provide at least one  specific chemical for which each type of OEL has been established.

    Your answer must be a minimum of 200 words in length.

30 points

            Question 6


  1. Define  the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) and the no observed  adverse effect level (NOAEL), and describe how they relate to the point  of departure (POD). Describe how each of these are used to derive an  OEL.

    Your answer must be a minimum of 200 words in length.

30 points

            Question 7


  1. Describe  how hazard notations are used to derive OELs, including the additional  hazard notations included by the Occupational Safety and Health  Administration (OSHA). How would these notations be used in industrial  hygiene practice?

    Your answer must be a minimum of 200 words in length.

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Unit 7 Hygiene

            Question 1


  1. Summarize  the three readings that are used for the wet bulb globe temperature  (WBGT) evaluation of thermal stress in the workplace. Explain what each  of the three measurements assesses about thermal stress, and discuss how  the readings are evaluated using the two WBGT formulae.

    Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.

            Question 2


  1. Provide  a definition and a brief explanation of each of the following meters,  and detail how each meter might be used to evaluate physical hazards in  the workplace: dynamometer, accelerometer, and goniometer.

    Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.

            Question 3


  1. Briefly  describe the method you would use to evaluate the risk of a  musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) at an operation where a worker on an  assembly line uses a pneumatic screwdriver to repetitively insert a  screw into a door panel. Discuss how your method can affect the accuracy  and precision of your data.

    Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.

            Question 4


  1. Describe  the specific method you would use to evaluate a nurse’s exposure to  x-ray radiation while performing diagnostic tests at a clinic. Explain  how your method works, why you would choose that method, and the  benefits and weaknesses of that method, including how your method will  affect the accuracy and precision of the data.

    Your answer must be a minimum of 75 words in length.

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Eco cinema Final Project

ECS 375: Ecocinema Spring 2018 Prof. Vaughan

Final Project!!!

As ECS 375: Ecocinema aims at cultivating students’ critical thinking as well as interactive media skills, the final project gives students a chance to immerse themselves in a specific topic while expanding their understanding of the field. Therefore, the final project is flexible and aims to allow students to pursue learning and expressive opportunities not typical to a critical studies course. However, the project must clearly engage with the themes, readings, and larger issues of the course. Students have the option of doing a creative (screen-based, 3-5 minutes running time) or scholarly (8-page research paper) final project. The creative project must deliver an original screen media approach to the environment (a short film, an online format, a social media advocacy program), with a final 2-page report due May 2 that uses 5 references to support the project’s critical and conceptual strategies. Scholarly projects will address topics relevant to the course (this may include anything from a specific film’s history, to a particular environmental issue, to a global or local problem of environmental justice), culminating in an 8-page research paper with at least five sources. All projects must be approved by the instructor by April 17. Requirements and the timeline for the project: 1. Research and Multimedia Presentations – April 24-26 -a 5-minute audio-visual presentation of the project in its final form with necessary video, websites, or images -an explanation of the goals of the project, and their relevance to the course -a bibliography with of at least 5 relevant sources 2. Final Projects Report – May 2nd Creative: 2-page paper, with citations and bibliography, discussing the purpose, goals, and significance of the project, using references to reading materials and theories from the course Scholarly: 8-page research paper with 5-source bibliography .

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Evaluation Of Environmental Justice (EJ) Case Ruling

Select an environmental justice (EJ) court case from the list below. For the case you select, formulate an opinion concerning the judge’s ruling. The completed EJ case evaluation must include separate sections, labeled, for the following information:

(1) detailed background history of the EJ case (15 points)

(2) identification of the environmental law or policy cited in the case (15 points)

(3) identification of the scope and specific requirements of the law in the case (10 points)

(4) description of the position and arguments of the plaintiff(s) (10 points)

(5) description of the position and arguments of the defendant(s) (10 points)

(6) description of the final decision of the judge and the justification for the decision (20 points)

(7) statement of whether you agree or disagree with the decision (support your response with specific legal examples and information you found in your research (5 points)


(8) your paper should follow the above instructions and be 8-10 pages in length, double-spaced, excluding the references page (10 points), and

(9) your paper must be written in appropriate technical style and contain full citations of all sources used in APA format (5 points)


This analysis should be written in your own words, not simply paraphased from legal databases. Extensive quotes will not count toward the required length of the paper and should be avoided. The point is to read the case histories and be able to articulate the key issues and decisions.

Attach your submitted paper in the Assignment section of the classroom.

Select from the following Cases:

South Camden Citizens in Action v. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 274F3d 771(3d Cir, 2001)

Rosemere Neighborhood Association v EPA. No.08-35045 DC No. CV07-5080 (BHS opinion Sept 17, 2009)

South Fork Band Council of Western Shoshone of Nevada v. U.S. Dept. of Interior, 588 F.3d 718 (9th Cir. 2009)

Hartford Park Tenants Association v.Rhode Island Dept. of Env. Management, Index No. 99/3748 (Sup.Ct.R.I.)

Lafarge Canada Inc. v. Ontario (Environmental Review Tribunal), (2008), 36 E.E. L.R. (3d) 191 (Ont Div Ct)

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Movie Response


When we see the increase in global temperatures, there is always that  conspicuous absence of warming from 1940s – 1970s.  Scientists have  since discovered that there was a decline of sunlight reaching the earth  during this period; they called it “Global Dimming”.  Since there is no  direct correlation with CO2 during this period, some climate deniers use this data to refute the impact of CO2 on the global temperature.


However, many factors affect warming, including changes in incoming  solar radiation and the reflective properties of sulfate aerosols that  are released with the burning of fossil fuels.  Only when combining all  these factors together can we account for the rise in global temperature  across all the different decades – and even the lack of warming in the  mid-20th century.  This movie provides a  detailed explanation as to how the release of sulfate aerosols led to  reduced incoming solar radiation that ironically kept the globe from  warming.  It wasn’t until the clean air act in 1970 that global warming  resumed.  Even today, it is not clear how much the current pollutant  haze may be offsetting the total warming that would ensue in the absence  of air pollution.  Hence, we need to tackle both the release of CO2 resulting in global warming and the pollutant emissions – both factors that result from the burning of fossil fuels.


Watch the movie “Global Dimming” and read the following arguments at skeptical as to why there was no mid-20th Century warming. to an external site.

Combine what you learn from this movie with the arguments to create a Personal Movie Discussion Board Essay/Blog for others to read. Use separate paragraphs for each item and keep your responses organized. As part of your essay/blog, include the following:

  1. Describe four different data sets from the movie that led scientists to the discovery of global dimming, and explain how the Clean Air Act helped to eliminate this dimming.
  2. Explain how the 3 day period after 9/11 and the related airplane contrails were a factor in the discovery of global dimming. Also describe how they determined the temperature rise during this 3 day period?
  3. Explain how the global radiation budget is affected by sulfate aerosols compared to CO2. In your response describe how CO2 affects outgoing infrared radiation, describe how sulfate aerosols affect the incoming solar radiation, and explain the process of what happens when we reduce pollution emissions and airplane contrails.
  4. Discuss the three most interesting things that struck you the most while watching the film. Explore your thoughts in depth on these three things. (100-200 words total minimum)

NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE! TurnItIn checker is used.

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Ebbing The Tides


pirates in a boat

After two days of fast sailing, with the winds helping with every bit, the watchman in the crow’s nest reports having spotted the first merchantship without an escort. With cheers and eager battlecries, the boat quickly maneuvers to a better position, and charges at the merchantship with complete surprise to board and overtakes the ship before it even has time to figure out what is happening. The treasures, provisions, and supplies are are hauled on board the vessel. Without further ado, the boatswain raises the sails and continue southwards.

The Captain’s Orders

Read the log book Ocean Tides to get a basic foundation of tides and their role in the oceans. If you need more assistance, there is a computer on the Captain’s desk. If you use the computer, make sure you make a note where you got your information. Answer the questions and complete the following tasks using the log book, a calculator, and the internet.


Assess the role of tidal forces on the earth.


  1. Download this image and label:
    • Higher high water
    • Higher low water
    • Lower high water
    • Lower low water
    • Tidal range
    • Tidal period

      tidal chart

  2. Tidal datum means?
  3. MLW means?
  4. MLLW means?
  5. The period of a semidiurnal tide is?
  6. The period of a diurnal tide is?
  7. The definition of a semidiurnal mixed tide is?
  8. How long does it take the moon to orbit the Earth? What do we call that?
  9. The solid Earth then rotates once every 24 hours and 50 minutes under these bulges. Why the extra 50 minutes?
  10. Label Figure 1 and Figure 2 as spring tide or neap tide.
    tides 1tides 2Figure 1. Moon-Sun-Earth system in-lineFigure 2. Moon-Sun-Earth system in-line
  11. Which of the following is true of NEAP tides?
    • Highest highs
    • Lowest lows
  12. Which of the following is true of NEAP tides?
    • Largest tidal range
    • Smallest tidal range
  13. Which of the following is true of SPRING tides?
    • Caused by constructive interference
    • Caused by destructive interference
  14. Which of the following is associated with NEAP tides?
    • half moons
    • new moons
    • full moons
  15. The Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada has the highest tidal range in the world. What is the range in meters?
  16. List all the ways in which marine organisms are affected by the tides.
  17. What is the tidal pattern shown in Figure 3. Boston, Massachusetts?
    • diurnal
    • semidiurnal
    • mixed
  18. What is the largest tidal range in Figure 3. Boston, Massachusetts?

    Figure 3. Boston, Massachusetts tidal data for 11/2013 to 12/2013

  19. What is the tidal pattern shown in Figure 4. Galveston, Texas?
    • diurnal
    • semidiurnal
    • mixed
  20. What is the largest tidal range in Figure 4. Galveston, Texas?

    Figure 4. Galveston, Texas tidal data for 11/2013 to 12/2013
  21. What is the tidal pattern shown in Figure 5. Florida?
    • diurnal
    • semidiurnal
    • semidiurnal mixed
  22. What is the largest tidal range in Figure 5. Florida?

    Figure 5. Florida tidal data for 11/2013 to 12/2013

How to Submit Your Task

Answer the questions on a word processing document and label Figures 1 and 2. Once you have finished the assigned task, submit the document, Figure 1, and Figure 2 to the Captain’s dropbox.

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Environmental Science


Earth’s Greatest Enemies?

Climatologist James Lovelock ( (originator of the Gaia_hypothesis ) once said that Earth’s greatest enemies were the Three C’s: cars, cows and chainsaws because of their contributions to destabilizing planetary climate.

A. In this final Discussion Forum, you will answer the following question to show your ability to find connections among the environmental issues that you have learned about in this course.
Number your responses so I can see you have addressed each part.

You must cite specific evidence from any Unit of the course to support each of your responses.
Each contributing factor is worth 4 points x 3 = 12 points.

1. What and how do each of these things contribute to the destabilizing of Earth’s atmosphere and its climate?

1a. cows?
1b. cars?
1c. chainsaws?

You must cite at least one source in your posting. Please use MLA or APA formating to cite your source.


  • Loss of land plants because of human activities will not result in a reduction of atmospheric oxygen because most of planetary photosynthesis and its resulting oxygen production is in the oceans.
  • Be sure to back up your explanations with some research before discussing this topic online with your classmates. Be sure to read relevant sections of your text (and supplementary readings from this Module) and look online.  Start with the links in this question and the Resources listed for this Module.
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