Project Name |
Version: <x.y> |
Business Requirements Document |
Date: |
Project Name
Business Requirements Document
Version <x.y>
Company Logo
Revision History
Date |
Version |
Description |
Author |
Dd/mm/yyyy |
<0.1> |
First Draft |
Name |
Dd mm yyyy |
0.2 |
2.2 UML Diagrm updates |
1.0 |
Client signed off on 23 Jan 2020 |
1.1 |
7.1 Added Email standatrd templates
5.3 New user story abt Regulatory req ia added |
2.0 |
Approval from client taken on mail |
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
1.1 References 4
1.2 Business Requirements Index 4
2. Gap Analysis 4
2.1 As-Is Process 4
2.2 To-Be Process 4
2.3 Strategy or project approach to be followed 4
3. Product Overview 4
3.1 Solution Scope 4
3.2 Assumptions and Dependencies 5
4. Requirements (Detailed) 5
5. Non-Functional Requirements 6
Business Requirements Document
The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the AP Exception Handling project. It focuses on the capabilities needed by the stakeholders and the target users, and why these needs exist. The details of how the AP Exception Handlingproject fulfills these needs are detailed in the use-case and software requirements specifications.
Type |
Name |
Source |
Input |
Non-artifact resource |
Non-artifact resource |
Business Requirements Index
ID |
Short Description |
BR001 |
User story title |
BR002 |
BR003 |
BR005 |
BR006 |
BR007 |
BR009 |
Min 9 |
Gap Analysis
As-Is Process
Detail about as-is process and current shortcoming or what is reason to have this project.
As-is process flow
To-Be Process
To be process and complete UML diagram or process flow or process modeling diagram. This is very important
Strategy or project approach to be followed
Product Overview
Solution Scope
Scope of Project
Ideally, this will be represented as a set of high-level bullet points that correspond to high level requirements.
Each bullet Requirement here will or should have a corresponding set of detailed Requirements elsewhere within or outside the document.
As the name implies, Out of Scope sub-section explains what NOT will be delivered by this project, and (usually) why. This is important to manage expectations of your stakeholders (assumptions about scope are, as you will be aware, a major source of heartburn during implementation sign-off).
On Agile projects, high level requirements usually correspond to Epics and the big User stories that make up these epics.
For most non-project stakeholders, the Overview and Scope sections provide sufficient information about the project, so it is important to be both concise and precise at the same time.
Assumptions and Dependencies
Type |
Description |
Assumption |
Dependency |
Deliverables |
Risks & Constraints |
Requirements (Detailed)
ID |
Requirement |
BR001 |
Write User Story, details and acceptance criterion |
BR002 |
Document the requirements that your Business Sponsor or Product Owner need to be delivered by this project/initiative. Requirements can be classified under several headers – the internet provides a variety of responses for the search string ‘types of requirements. What we need is a standard format that you can use to document all requirements.
A cookie cutter format for documenting requirements would be:
· Index – can start from 1, 2, 3… for high level requirements and go on to 5.1, 5.2, 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and so on for lower level requirements. You can apply such numbering conventions to Agile user stories
· Title Description – brief description of the high-level requirement.
· Detailed Description – self-explanatory. User stories in the form of ‘As a customer, I can… so that…’ fit here.
· Owner – usually the Business Sponsor or the Product Owner. Can also be stakeholders like IT, Marketing, Legal, Compliance etc. depending on the requirement.
· Priority – High, Medium, Low (or a variation of this)or number 1 to 9. 1 means most imp
Non-Functional Requirements
Usually, Non Functional Requirements (NFRs) find their own section in a Requirements Document template. If you are familiar with this topic, you’ve heard about Performance, Reliability, Scalability, Maintainability etc.
Why do they have their own sections? This is because NFRs are often stated in measurable terms, and hence need to be stated differently to other requirements.
For example: when a customer logs on to the mobile app, logon should complete and dashboard should load in less than 2 seconds; the system should never go offline, except for scheduled maintenance periods, etc.
Confidential |
, 2020 |
Page 4 |
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