Discussion Board (Gen)

Please answer the following questions based on the article i posted called “Case study_Too Clean”.


Look at the figure that Amelia found in Wired pertaining to antibiotics and the microbiota. What conclusions can you draw from this figure?


Given the fact that Amelia found this article in an on-line pop-culture science magazine, do you believe the data presented? Do some research on the impact of antibiotics on the human microbiome using peer-reviewed literature. Summarize your findings from at least three articles in a short paragraph.


Based on the figure from Wired and on your research, do you think that antibiotics caused Amelia’s Crohn’s disease? Why or why not?


If a diverse gut microbiome is important for optimal health, what steps can you think of to protect and/or re-establish gut flora following an illness like food poisoning?

Answer the below questions based on the following youtube video link


1) What is a normal relationship between humans and bacteria or microorganisms?

2)What purpose do bacteria or microorganisms serve us and what purpose do we serve them?

3) What did you learn that surprised you about the human-bacteria/microorganisms relationship?

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Proper Distribution Of Water In South Africa During The Cape Town Water Crisis.

Ferrara 1


by Peter Ferrara

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Dr. Tom M. van Rensburg

NUI Galway

September 25, 2018


Many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have seen a rapid boost in population in the last decade and South Africa is not an exception to this list. With a much larger population, countries must make effective changes by which they will manage their resources. Often focus is placed on non-renewable resources such as oil, and renewable resources like water are left out of view. This issue has come to prominence in Cape Town, South Africa in recent years. With a population that has grown by more than a million people since 2010 and one of the worst droughts faced by any African country in the past century Cape Town is faced with a serious water crisis and the possibility of a “Day Zero,” in which the city’s water supply reaches critical lows. For a metropolitan area that survives on revenue from tourism, the city is forced to find the right balance between conserving water to protect the well being of their residents and preserving the tourism sector of their economy. This paper will focus on the proper distribution of scarce water supply.

Reference List

Ashton, Peter J. “Avoiding Conflicts over Africa’s Water Resources.” Vol. 31, no. 3, 2002, pp. 236–242.

Botha, M. J. and Middelberg, S. L. (2016) ‘Evaluating the Adequacy of Water-Related Reporting and Disclosure by High-Impact users in South Africa’, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy & Management, 18(1), p. 1. doi: 10.1142/S1464333216500034.

Brown, D. 2018, Is Desalination an Answer to the Water Crisis?, New York.

Goldblatt, M. “Making the Cup Run over – the Challenge of Urban Water Supply for South Africa’s Reconstruction and Development Programme.” Vol. 39, no. 1, 1996, pp. 21–26.

Mirumachi, N., and E. Van Wyk. “Cooperation at Different Scales: Challenges for Local and International Water Resource Governance in South Africa.” Vol. 176, no. 1, 2010, pp. 25–38.

Ncube, M. 2018, High and Dry: Can We Fix the World’s Water Crisis?, New York.

‘Running on Empty’ (2018) Earth Island Journal, 33(2), pp. 8–9. Available at: https://ezproxy.sju.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=8gh&AN=129691174&site=ehost-live (Accessed: 24 September 2018).

Sorensen, P 2017, ‘The chronic water shortage in Cape Town and survival strategies’, International Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 515–527, viewed 25 September 2018, <https://ezproxy.sju.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=8gh&AN=124152060&site=ehost-live>.

“South Africa : Western Cape Economic Development and Tourism on young city programmers using tech to solve water crisis”, 2017, MENA Report, .

Tularam, G.A. & Hassan, O.M. 2016, “THE VULNERABLE NATURE OF WATER SECURITY IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA (SSA): A COUNTRY-BY-COUNTRY ANALYSIS *”, Current Politics and Economics of Africa, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 297-346.

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Hazards Vulnerability Matrix

Assignment Instruction

Hazards Vulnerability Matrix

Developing a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis document takes significant time and coordination with the local community partners and organizations. The intent of this assignment is to get you on the path to developing an HVA using the fictitious city called Bobsville. The document on Bobsville is intended to provide to you a snapshot of many small towns in America.

To fully complete the HVA process you would need to ensure that you have coordinated with your community, county, and state partners to evaluate the hazards in your community. If you were going to do the entire process from start to finish you would have to complete the following 4 Steps to completing the HVA:

There are 4 Steps to completing an HVA:

1. Identify the Hazards

2. Profile the Hazards

3. Inventory the Assets

4. Estimate the Losses

Since you will be working on your own, and due to the amount of time we have as a class, you will only be completing the first two items: 1) Identify the Hazards; and 2) Profile the Hazards.  There are 4 worksheets (adapted from FEMA course IS559) associated with these 2 steps.

This week you will complete Worksheet 1 – Hazard Vulnerability Matrix. I want you to develop one worksheet for each types of hazards (natural, technological, and human). You will use the fictitious town of Bobsville to complete the assignment.

This is the first step you will use to complete the HVA. You will use the HVA and associated documents as a resource document for your next class  EDMG220 when you develop your Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). Be thorough and ensure that you are as meticulous as you can since missing information will impact the EOP.


  1. Download “Welcome to Bobsville.docx” for information on the location you will evaluate.
  2. Download the EDMG101 HVA Matrix.xlsx.  This contains a cover sheet and 3 blank tabs to fill–Natural, Technological, and Human.
  3. Fill out your name and date on the cover tab.
  4. Fill in each tab with hazards you identified from the location being assessed.  Many columns have drop-down menus with standardized values.  You do not have to fill in every row in every tab, but be thorough.  If you need to copy additional blank rows you can.
  5. Add your first initial and last name to the filename. ie: AJones HVA Matrix.xlsx
  6. Submit here in the classroom.

Supporting Materials

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Human Population And Toxins Worksheet

Human Population and Toxins Resource

There are different perspectives on human population growth and the dynamics associated with population change. Go to CIA World Factbook website (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2119rank.html) and choose one developed (not the United States) and one developing country and compare the following and answer the questions:

  Developed country

(Developed country is a country which has an effective rate of industrialization and individual income)

Developing country

(Developing country is a country which has slow rate of industrialization and low per capita income)


Population growth rate    
Birth rate    
Death rate    
Net migration rate    


Each question should be answered in a minimum of 200 words.

1. Why do you think the population is increasing or decreasing for that country? Try to explain at least two reasons as to why this is happening? (Please refer to your textbook)








2. How do diseases affect the population? Can you think about any diseases that has affected the human population? (Please use peer reviewed sources to support your answer).







3. Looking at the countries you compared, what are the toxins present in the environment that impact human health? Provide one example for each country.



© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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Urban Studies

University of California, San Diego Urban Studies and Planning Program USP 177, URBAN DESIGN PRACTICUM

FALL 2017

Individual Exercise: REACTION PAPER DUE Week 3 October 18, 2017 Page 1 of 1

Individual Exercise 1 – Individual Reaction Paper DUE Week 3, October 18, 2017 at the start of class A Reaction Paper is a BRIEF synopsis or analysis that answers the question(s) posed, supported by the reading materials. The purpose of a Reaction Paper is to develop analytical writing skills that are concise and to the point. You will not string together quotes from reading materials. You will express your ideas with a strong conclusion. In your own words you will answer 2 questions: “What is Urban Design? How does Urban Design contribute to the physical development of a city?” Your paper will be prepared on TWO (2), single sheets of 8-1/2”x11” paper using a 12 pt. font, double-spaced and a hard copy submitted on the due date. Type your name and date at the upper left corner of the page. Late papers will not be accepted. You are required to include one quote from each of the required readings (see READINGS below) Use one (1) quote from Madanipour and one (1) quote from Krieger to support your answers and point of view; your paper must have a total of two (2) quotes. Use footnotes to cite your quotes/source material and your footnotes are included in the TWO page limit.

Required Reading is On TritonEd.ucsd.edu website: 1. “Ambiguities of urban design”, Ali Madanipour, Chapter 2, pgs.

12-23. 2. “Where and How does Urban Design Happen?” Alex Krieger,

pgs. 113-130.


Worth 5 Points Comments: Student Name:__________________________________

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SCI203 Phase 1 Lab Report: Human Impacts On The Sustainability Of Ground water

You will need to write a 1-page lab report using the scientific method to answer the following question:

  • If current human development does not change, will groundwater sustainability be affected?

When your lab report is complete – submit it in the classroom.

Part I: Using the time progression of industrialization and human development, fill in the data table below to help you write up your lab report.


Time Period Impact to Forest Groundwater Levels Saltwater Intrusion Farming Industrial development Population


Part II: Write a 1-page lab report using the following scientific method sections:

  • Purpose
    • State the purpose of the lab.
  • Introduction
    • This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.
  • Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome
    • hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.
  • Methods
    • Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The Methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the Results/Outcome section.
  • Results/Outcome
    • Provide here any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.
  • Discussion/Analysis
    • In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results.  Also discuss the results and what you learned from this lab.
    • Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.

Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used in the Introduction section.

Give your paper a title and identify each section as specified above. Although the hypothesis will be a 1-sentence answer, the other sections will need to be paragraphs to adequately explain your experiment.

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Reflection Paper Anthropology

Review chapter 18 from this week’s reading. Identify and describe the three levels of belief required for effective shamanistic cures known as the “Shamanistic Complex”? Define voodoo death and describe how you think it could be producing an effect. Use evidence to support your claims/theories. What does the story of Quesalid show us about how great shamans are produced? Define abreaction and fabulation and discuss the role they play in producing a healing effect? What can studies of spiritualism, sorcery and magic teach us about human healing? Can concepts identified in module five of our class be used to make biomedicine more effective? Explain.


Concepts identified in module five are:

Ethnomedicine, Healers and Explanatory Models

Read: “Conceptual tools” p. 177-179

Chapter 16 – Disease Etiologies in Non-Western Medical Systems (Foster)

Chapter 18 – The Sorcerer and His Magic (Levi-Strauss)

Chapter 19 – Beyond the Doctor’s White Coat: Science, Ritual and Healing in American Biomedicine (Salhi)

The textbook is on-line on Chegg: https://ereader.chegg.com/#/books/9781315416151

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Legal Aspects Of Safety And Health

OSH 3525, Legal Aspects of Safety and Health 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit IV Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

6. Outline employer rights and responsibilities following an OSHA inspection. 6.1 Discuss an employer’s options to contest OSHA citations and penalties.


Reading Assignment OSHA’s Field Operations Manual (FOM): Chapter 7: Post-Citation Procedures and Abatement Verification Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2011). Field Operations Manual. Retrieved from


Unit Lesson When an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspection results in citations and penalties, employers can react in many different ways, including disbelief, anger, and confusion about what is required. However, there are some specific requirements that all employers must follow, and some options that are available under the Act. Employees also have some rights after the inspection is complete and citations and penalties have been issued. Many discussions about what can be done after an inspection has been completed are limited to employers, and the rights of employees are not considered.

The OSHA inspection process is supposed to be transparent to employees. This means that the employer has to post any citations that were issued by OSHA. The citations must be posted in the location where the violation(s) occurred, or nearby, and must remain posted for at least 3 days or until the violation(s) have been abated, whichever is longer. Some employers mistakenly believe that they do not have to post the citation notice if they are going to contest the citations. This belief is incorrect. The citation notice must be posted whether the employer is going to contest the citations or not. These posting requirements are specified in 29 CFR 1903.16. Employers can be further cited and penalized if they fail to post a copy of the original citations. Additionally, any abatement certification documents, abatement plans, progress reports, and a notice of informal conference made by the employer to OSHA

concerning the citations must be posted so employees can see the responses. The Act provides both employers and employees with certain rights after the completion of an inspection. These rights are designed to ensure that both the employer and employee have the ability to contest citations and penalties that they believe are unfair. There are several processes available ranging from informal discussions to formal legal proceedings. The employer may decide to simply accept and abate all the citations and pay the proposed penalties. If the


Employer Rights and Responsibilities after an OSHA Inspection

(US Dept. of Labor, 2011)




OSH 3525, Legal Aspects of Safety and Health 2




employer chooses this option, they must complete the abatement prior to the abatement date specified in the Notice of Citations and Penalties and pay the penalty(ies). 29 CFR 1903.20 provides a process for both employers and employees (or their representative) to request an informal conference with the area director, or their representative. An employee may desire to have an informal conference because they believe their safety or health concerns were not adequately addressed by the OSHA inspection. An employer may desire the informal conference because they believe the citations and penalties were too harsh, because they do not understand some part of the citation or penalty, or to highlight some additional information about their health and safety program(s) to the area director that they believe may mitigate the severity of the citations and penalties. In some cases, the area director may agree to reduce the severity and/or amount of the penalty(ies). If this occurs, an informal settlement agreement may be reached and further litigation avoided. It should be noted that employees, or their representatives have the right to participate in any informal conference. This is the reason a notice of an informal conference must be posted in or near the area where citations occurred. Many health and safety experts recommend that an employer always request an informal conference after citations and penalties are issued. Employers must remember that the informal conference does not delay the 15 working days that the employer has to file a notice of contest. Therefore, the employer must schedule the informal conference early enough to allow time to file a Notice of Contest, if necessary. If the employer does not file a Notice to Contest within 15 working days, the citation becomes a final order. This means that the area director can no longer change the seriousness of citations or the penalties because they have become final orders. The ability of the employer or employee to formally contest citations, penalties, and abatement dates is extremely important for ensuring due process is provided. The contest process means the employer or employee does not have to accept the views of the compliance officer(s) and the area director without any ability to defend themselves or challenge what is perceived as an inadequate or over reactive response to an employee complaint. An employer or employee does not have to contest every citation and penalty. In fact, in most cases, only a portion of the citations and penalties are challenged. Once a formal notice to contest is filed, the case is in litigation and the area director cannot take any additional actions until the case is heard by an administrative law judge (ALJ) assigned to the case. There are many federal agencies that use ALJs. The ALJs that hear contested OSHA citations are from the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC). The OSHRC was created along with OSHA after the Act was passed. It should be noted that the OSHRC is an independent organization, separate from OSHA and the Department of Labor. This separation was by design to make sure there is no undue influence over the OSHRC. This helps ensure the hearings are impartial. We will study the OSHRC and ALJs in more detail in Units VI and VII. The Citation and Notification of Penalty document will specify state abatement dates for each citation. The dates are set by the compliance officer performing the inspection based on his/her best estimate of the time required to complete the abatement. Employers have the right to formally petition for an extended abatement date if they believe they will not be able to meet the original date. 29CFR 1903.1 contains specific requirements for filing a Petition for Modification of Abatement Date (PMA). The final document OSHA requires for citations is abatement certification. Abatement certification is required for all citations that have become final orders, except “quick-fix” items that were corrected during the inspection. 29CFR 1903.19 contains specific requirements for abatement certifications. The regulation includes some more extensive documentation for more serious violations. The Citation and Notification of Penalty will typically specify which violations require additional certification. The area director may require an abatement plan to be submitted for some violations, especially if the abatement is complicated or may take an extended period of time. The area director may also require the abatement plan to include interim measures to protect employees during the extended abatement process. If an abatement plan is required, the employer may be required to periodically submit progress reports.




OSH 3525, Legal Aspects of Safety and Health 3




References Missling, T. (2011, July 28). US Department of Labor [Digital image]. Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/afYuLP Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Purpose and scope, 29 CFR § 1903.1. Retrieved from

https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9605 Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Posting of citations, 29 CFR § 1903.16. Retrieved from

https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9621 Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Abatement verification, 29 CFR § 1903.19. Retrieved

from https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9624

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Informal conferences, 29 CFR § 1903.20. Retrieved

from https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9628

Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2011). Field Operations Manual. Retrieved from


Suggested Reading If you are interested in learning more about inspections and abatement, review the resources below: Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). All about Occupational Safety and Health

Administration. Retrieved from https://www.osha.gov/archive/Publications/osha2056.html Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Employer rights and responsibilities following a federal

OSHA inspection. Retrieved from https://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3000.pdf Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). OSHA inspections. Retrieved from

https://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha2098.html Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). OSHA’s abatement verification regulation. Retrieved

from https://www.osha.gov/Publications/Abate/abate.html Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.). Petitions for modification of abatement date. Retrieved

from https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9619


Learning Activities (Non-Graded) OSHA has a hierarchy of controls that must be used for abatement of hazardous conditions. You can view OSHA’s Hierarchy of Controls at the website below: https://www.osha.gov/dte/grant_materials/fy10/sh-20839-10/hierarchy_of_controls.pdf Review the Hierarchy of Controls, and summarize the different types of abatement techniques that would fit into each category.


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Part 2: Balgrosky: Chapters 3, 11, and 12 (20 questions worth 4 points apiece)

eHealth is:    The use of e-commerce and e-business practices in health systems management    The delivery of health information, for health professionals and consumers, through the Internet    Using the power of IT to improve public health services    All of the above. Question 2   What is one of the stages of implementation?    Brainstorming    Program Selection    Analysis    Design  Question 3   Systems for exporting data to reporting organizations, such as The Joint Commission, fall into Quadrant _____ of the HIS Planning Framework.    I    II    III    IV    All of the above. Question 4   Which of the following areas is important to EHR data and its usefulness for research?    Data definition variability    Data inaccuracy    Data incompleteness    All of the above Question 5   A good HIS plan can advance the organization’s performance, for example:    Reducing cost.    Reducing waste.    Increasing patient and provider satisfaction.    Improving the quality of care.    All of the above. Question 6   All except one of the following is a challenge to telemedicine and telehealth.    Cultural barriers.    Cost of providing telemedicine.    Too many cases with conflicting research findings.    Legal issues.    Technical challenges. Question 7   The purpose of governmental health care policy is to:    Address issues that the private sector cannot.    Address issues that are related to civil liberties, national security, and public safety.    Protect public health.    All of the above. Question 8   The term “dematerialized information” refers to:    Storing information in the cloud.    Protecting personal medical information.    Information that is bound to a physical structure.    None of the above Question 9   Which of the following is a source of public health data?    News reports    Government    Survey sampling    All of the above Question 10   Infrastructure refers to the electronic highway that carries data and information and includes:    Software.    Patient information.    Servers.    Hosts Question 11   Which of the following does not support better public health surveillance and management?    Widespread EHRs    Health information exchange (HIE)    Online appointment scheduling    Mobile health technology    Better analytics for data Question 12   Health services research is:    The examination of how people get care, what it costs, and what the outcomes are.    The prediction of critical public health threats.    A focused look at clinical care processes and which serve patients best.    All of the above Question 13   Outcomes research, the study of the end results of medical care—is practiced by:    Clinicians.    Universities and teaching institutions.    Private companies and consumers.    Government agencies.    All of the above. Question 14   What is quadrant of the HIS Planning Framework?    Clinical Transaction Systems    Financial Transaction Systems    IT Systems    Patient Systems. Question 15   The number of clinical trials and case reports published each year has grown from _____ in 1950 to ______ now.    0 to 27,000    500 to 3,000    27,000 to 150,000    150,000 to 2,000,000 Question 16   _______ is an automatic collaboration, intrinsic in EHR systems, between care providers and public health agencies to alert the public disease outbreaks.    Syndromic surveillance    Self-reporting    Survey sampling    Sentinel monitoring Question 17   Which of these is not a tool for improving data stewardship and HIS planning?    Data model.    Data dictionary.    Data storage.    Data structures. Question 18   When defining the HIS strategic plan (and the organization’s overall strategic plan) information should be solicited from:    Executive level management.    Clinicians, including nurses, assistants, and physicians.    Administrative staff.    All of the above Question 19   In addition to governance from the board, organizations can and should create data steering committees, which:    Consists of interdisciplinary leaders from all departments.    Consists of IT staff.    Determines the color of upholstery in new cancer centers.    Consists of hospital leaders Question 20   The __________ works bi-directionally—layers both build upon each other and provide feedback for each other.    HRM Conceptual Model    ACL Conceptual Model    HIS Conceptual Model    EHR Conceptual Model

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Experiment 2: The Effect Of Air Pollution On Seed Germination

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Experiment 2: The Effect of Air Pollution on Seed Germination

The objective for this experiment is to find out how ammonia fumes affect lettuce seed germination. This will be tested by adding an ammonia-soaked cotton ball to a resealable bag with lettuce seeds for one week and comparing the resulting germination rate to the rate of lettuce seeds in a separate resealable bag with a water-soaked cotton ball.



6 mL Ammonia, NH3 (1) 100 mL Beaker 2 Cotton Balls (1) 10 mL Graduated Cylinder 50 Lettuce Seeds Permanent Marker (1) 9 cm Petri Dish Pipette


(2) 8 in. x 12 in. Resealable Bags 2 Weigh Boats *2 Paper Towels *Scissors *Water, H2O *You Must Provide



1. Use the permanent marker to label two resealable bags as “Control” and “Ammonia”.

2. Then, use the permanent marker to trace the outline of the Petri dish on the paper towels two times (you should create two separate circles).

3. You will use the top and bottom halves of the Petri dish to create two germinating dishes. Cut each circle from the paper towel so that each will fit inside the top and bottom half of a Petri dish.

4. Fill the 100 mL beaker with approximately 20 mL of water. Then, use this water to fill a pipette, and use the pipette to saturate the paper towel circles in the Petri dish halves.

5. Disperse 25 lettuce seeds evenly across each wet paper towel circle.

6. Use the 10 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 6 mL of water into a weigh boat. Place a cotton ball into the boat and let it absorb all of the liquid.

7. Place the weigh boat and one of the Petri dish halves with the seeds in it inside the “Control” resealable bag. Snap the seal to ensure the environment is contained within the bag.

8. Use the 10 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 6 mL of ammonia into the second weigh boat. Place a cotton ball into the boat and let it absorb all of the liquid.

9. Place the weigh boat and one of the Petri dish halves with the seeds in it inside the “Ammonia” resealable bag. Snap the seal to ensure the environment is contained within the bag.

10. Carefully move both bags to a sunny windowsill, and leave for 5 – 7 days.

11. Record your observations in Table 4 after 5 – 7 days have passed.

Table 4: Effects of Ammonia of Seed Germination
Sample Number of Seeds Germinated Percent Germination (%)

Post-Lab Questions


1. How did the ammonia influence the seed germination? Explain your answer using results from the experiment.

2. Why is it important to have a cotton ball soaked in water in a bag with the seeds as part of this experiment?

3. Why were the plants in this experiment unable to tolerate the air pollution? Propose a way to treat the air pollution in this experiment in order to create a tolerable living environment. Additional research may help you answer this question.

4. What components of an ecosystem could be affected by air pollution? Explain why.

  © 2014 eScience Labs, LLC. All Rights Reserved    


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