Lab Report

Experiment 2: Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeability

In this experiment, you will dialyze a solution of glucose and starch to observe:

  • The directional movement of glucose and starch.
  • The effect of a selectively permeable membrane on the diffusion of these molecules.

An indicator is a substance that changes color when in the presence of a specific substance. In this experiment, IKI will be used as an indicator to test for the presence of starch.



(5) 100 mL Beakers
10 mL 1% Glucose Solution, C6H12O6
4 Glucose Test Strips
(1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder
4 mL 1% Iodine-Potassium Iodide, IKI
5 mL Liquid Starch, C6H10O5
3 Pipettes
4 Rubber Bands (Small; contain latex, handle with gloves on if allergic)



Permanent Marker

*15.0 cm Dialysis Tubing

*You Must Provide
*Be sure to measure and cut only the length you need for this experiment. Reserve the remainder for later experiments.






Do not allow the open end of the dialysis tubing to fall into the beaker. If it does, remove the tube and rinse thoroughly with water before refilling it with the starch/glucose solution and replacing it in the beaker.



If you make a mistake, the dialysis tubing can be rinsed and used again.

Dialysis tubing must be soaked in water before you will be able to open it up to create the dialysis “bag.” Follow these directions for this experiment:

1.      Soak the tubing in a beaker of water for ten minutes.

2.     Place the dialysis tubing between your thumb and forefinger, and rub the two digits together in a shearing manner. This motion should open up the “tube” so that you can fill it with the different solutions.



1.     Measure and pour 50 mL of water into a 100 mL beaker using the 100 mL graduated cylinder. Cut a piece of dialysis tubing 15.0 cm long. Submerge the dialysis tubing in the water for at least ten minutes.

2.     Measure and pour 82 mL of water into a second 100 mL beaker using the 100 mL graduated cylinder. This is the beaker you will put the filled dialysis bag into in Step 9.

3.     Make the glucose/sucrose mixture. Use a graduated pipette to add 5 mL of glucose solution to a third 100 mL beaker and label it “dialysis bag solution.” Use a different graduated pipette to add 5 mL of starch solution to the same beaker. Mix by pipetting the solution up and down six times.

4.     Using the same pipette that you used to mix the dialysis bag solution, remove 2 mL of the dialysis bag solution and place it in a clean beaker. This sample will serve as your positive control for glucose and starch.

a.     Dip one of the glucose test strips into the 2 mL of glucose/starch solution in the third beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose test strip in Table 3. This is your positive control for glucose.

b.     Use a pipette to transfer approximately 0.5 mL of IKI into the 2 mL of glucose/starch solution into the third beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose/starch solution in the beaker in Table 3. This is your positive control for starch.

5.     Using a clean pipette, remove 2 mL of water from the 82 mL of water you placed in a beaker in Step 2, and place it in a clean beaker. This sample will serve as your negative controls for glucose and starch.

a.     Dip one of the glucose test strips into the 2 mL of water in the beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose test strip in Table 3. This is your negative control for glucose.

b.     Use a pipette to transfer approximately 0.5 mL of IKI into the 2 mL in the beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the water in the beaker      in Table 3. This is your negative control for starch.

Note:The color results of these controls determine the indicator reagent key. You must use these results to interpret the rest of your results.

6.     After at least ten minutes have passed, remove the dialysis tube and close one end by folding over 3.0 cm of one end (bottom). Fold it again and secure with a rubber band (use two rubber bands if necessary).

7.     Test to make sure the closed end of the dialysis tube will not allow solution to leak out. Dry off the outside of the dialysis tube bag with a cloth or paper towel. Then, add a small amount of water to the bag and examine the rubber band seal for leakage. Be sure to remove the water from the inside of the bag before continuing.

  1. Using the same pipette that was used to mix the solution in Step 3, transfer 8 mL of the dialysis bag solution to the prepared dialysis bag.
Figure 4: Step 9 reference.
Figure 4:Step 9 reference.

9.     Place the filled dialysis bag in the 100 mL beaker filled with 80 mL of water, leaving the open end draped over the edge of the beaker as shown in Figure 4.

10.Allow the solution to sit for 60 minutes. Clean and dry all materials except the beaker holding the dialysis bag.

11.After the solution has diffused for 60 minutes, remove the dialysis bag from the beaker and empty the contents of the bag into a clean, dry beaker. Label the beaker “final dialysis bag solution.”

12.Test the final dialysis bag solution for the presence of glucose by dipping one glucose test strip into the dialysis bag. Wait one minute before reading the results of the test strip. Record your results for the presence of glucose in Table 4.

13.Test for the presence of starch by adding 2 mL IKI. After one minute has passed, record the final color in Table 4.

14.Use a pipette to transfer 8 mL of the water in the beaker to a clean beaker. Test the beaker water for the presence of glucose by dipping one glucose test strip into the beaker. Wait one minute before reading the results of the test strip, and record the results in Table 4.

15.Test for the presence of starch by adding 2 mL of IKI to the beaker water. Record the final color of the beaker solution in Table 4.

Table 3: Indicator Reagent Data
Indicator Starch Positive
Control (Color)
Starch Negative
Control (Color)
Glucose Positive
Control (Color)
Glucose Negative
Control (Color)
Glucose Test Strip n/a n/a    
IKI Solution     n/a n/a


Table 4: Diffusion of Starch and Glucose Over Time
Indicator Dialysis Bag After 60 Minutes Beaker Water After 60 Minutes
IKI Solution    
Glucose Test Strip    


Post-Lab Questions

1.     Why is it necessary to have positive and negative controls in this experiment?

2.     Draw a diagram of the experimental set-up. Use arrows to depict the movement of each substance in the dialysis bag and the beaker.

3.     Which substance(s) crossed the dialysis membrane? Support your response with data-based evidence.

4.     Which molecules remained inside of the dialysis bag?

5.     Did all of the molecules diffuse out of the bag into the beaker? Why or why not?


Experiment 1: Diffusion through a Liquid

In this experiment, you will observe the effect that different molecular weights have on the ability of dye to travel through a viscous medium.


1 60 mL Corn Syrup Bottle, C12H22O11
Red and Blue Dye Solutions (Blue molecular weight = 793 g/mole; red molecular weight = 496 g/mole)
(1) 9 cm Petri Dish (top and bottom halves)


*Clear Tape

*You Must Provide



1.     Use clear tape to secure one-half of the petri dish (either the bottom or the top half) over a ruler. Make sure that you can read the measurement markings on the ruler through the petri dish. The dish should be positioned with the open end of the dish facing upwards.

  1. Carefully fill the half of the petri dish with corn syrup until the entire surface is covered.
  2. Develop a hypothesis regarding which color dye you believe will diffuse faster across the corn syrup and why. Record this in the post-lab questions.
  3. Place a single drop of blue dye in the middle of the corn syrup. Note the position where the dye fell by reading the location of its outside edge on the ruler.
  4. Record the location of the outside edge of the dye (the distance it has traveled) every ten seconds for a total of two minutes. Record your data in Table 1 and use your results to perform the calculations in Table 2.
  5. Repeat the procedure using the red dye, the unused half of the petri dish, and fresh corn syrup.


Table 1: Rate of Diffusion in Corn Syrup
Time (sec) Blue Dye Red Dye Time (sec) Blue Dye Red Dye
10     70    
20     80    
30     90    
40     100    
50     110    
60     120    


Table 2: Speed of Diffusion of Different Molecular Weight Dyes
Structure Molecular Weight Total Distance
Traveled (mm)
Speed of Diffusion
Blue Dye      
Red Dye      

*Multiply the total distance diffused by 30 to get the hourly diffusion rate


Post-Lab Questions

  1. Record your hypothesis from Step 3 here. Be sure to validate your predictions with scientific reasoning.
  2. Which dye diffused the fastest?
  3. Does the rate of diffusion correspond with the molecular weight of the dye?
  4. Does the rate of diffusion change over time? Why or why not?
  5. Examine the graph below. Does it match the data you recorded in Table 2? Explain why, or why not. Submit your own plot if necessary.





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Lab 4: Enzymes


Your Full Name:

UMUC Biology 102/103

Lab 4: Enzymes


· On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 4 Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed in the Course Schedule (under Syllabus).

· To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

· Save your Lab 4 Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab4 (e.g., Smith_Lab4).

· You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. How could you test to see if an enzyme was completely saturated during an experiment?

2. List three conditions that would alter the activity of an enzyme. Be specific with your explanation.

3. Take a look around your house and identify household products that work by means of an enzyme. Name the products, and indicate how you know they work with an enzyme.

Experiment 1: Enzymes in Food

This experiment tests for the presence of amylase in food by using Iodine-Potassium Iodide, IKI. IKI is a color indicator used to detect starch. This indicator turns dark purple or black in color when in the presence of starch. Therefore, if the IKI solution turns to a dark purple or black color during the experiment, one can determine that amylase is not present (because presence of amylase would break down the starch molecules, and the IKI would not change color).



(1) 2 oz. Bottle (Empty) (1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder 30 mL Iodine-Potassium Iodide, IKI Permanent Marker Ruler 2 Spray Lids 30 mL Starch (liquid) *Cutting Board


*2 Food Products (e.g., ginger root, apple, potato, etc.) *Kitchen Knife *Paper Towel *Saliva Sample *Tap Water

*You Must Provide



1. Remove the cap from the starch solution. Attach the spray lid to the starch solution.

2. Rinse out the empty two ounce bottle with tap water. Use the 100 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour 30 mL of IKI into the empty two ounce bottle. Attach the remaining spray lid to the bottle.

3. Set up a positive control for this experiment by spraying a paper towel with the starch solution. Allow the starch to dry for approximately one hour (this time interval may vary by location).

4. In the mean time, set up a negative control for this experiment. Use your knowledge of the scientific method and experimental controls to establish this component (hint: what should happen when IKI solution contacts something that does not contain starch?) Identify your negative control in Table 1.

Note: Be sure to space the positive and negative controls apart from each other to prevent cross-contamination.

5. When the starch solution has dried, test your positive and negative controls. This step establishes a baseline color scale for you to evaluate the starch concentration of the food products you will test in Steps 7 – 11. Record your results in Table 1.

6. Select two food items from your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator.

7. Obtain a kitchen knife and a cutting board. Carefully cut your selected food items to create a fresh surface.

Figure 3: Sample set-up.
Figure 3: Sample set-up.

8. Gently rub the fresh/exposed area of the food items on the dry, starch-sprayed paper towel back and forth 10 – 15 times. Label where each specimen was rubbed on the paper towel with a permanent marker (Figure 3).

9. Wash your hands with soap and water.

10. Take your finger and place it on your tongue to transfer some saliva to your finger. Then, rub your moistened finger saliva into the paper towel. Repeat this step until you are able to adequately moisten the paper towel. Note: You should always wash your hands before touching your tongue! Alternatively, if you do not wish to put your hands in your mouth, you may also provide a saliva sample by spitting in a separate bowl and rubbing the paper towel in the saliva. Be sure not to spit on the paper towel directly as you may unintentionally cross-contaminate your samples.

11. Wait five minutes.

12. Hold the IKI spray bottle 25 – 30 cm away from the paper towel, and mist with the IKI solution.

13. The reaction will be complete after approximately 60 seconds. Observe where color develops, and consider what these results indicate. Record your results in Table 1.

Table 1: Substance vs. Starch Presence
Substance Resulting Color Presence of Starch?
Positive Control: Starch Dark Purple Yes
Negative Control : Cellulose Brownish red color  No
Food Product: Apple Dark Purple  yes
Food Product: Potato Dark Purple  yes
Saliva: Amylase Brownish red color  No


Post Negative Control -Lab Questions

1. What were your controls for this experiment? What did they demonstrate? Why was saliva included in this experiment?

2. What is the function of amylase? What does amylase do to starch?

3. Which of the foods that you tested contained amylase? Which did not? What experimental evidence supports your claim?

4. Saliva does not contain amylase until babies are two months old. How could this affect an infant’s digestive requirements?

5. There is another digestive enzyme (other than salivary amylase) that is secreted by the salivary glands. Research to determine what this enzyme is called. What substrate does it act on? Where in the body does it become activated, and why?

6. Digestive enzymes in the gut include proteases, which digest proteins. Why don’t these enzymes digest the stomach and small intestine, which are partially composed of protein?

Experiment 2: Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Yeast cells contain catalase, an enzyme which helps convert hydrogen peroxide to water

Figure 4: Catalase catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
Figure 4: Catalase catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.

and oxygen. This enzyme is very significant as hydrogen peroxide can be toxic to cells if allowed to accumulate. The effect of catalase can be seen when yeast is combined with hydrogen peroxide (Catalase: 2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2).

In this lab you will examine the effects of temperature on enzyme (catalase) activity based on the amount of oxygen produced. Note, be sure to remain observant for effervescence when analyzing your results.


(2) 250 mL Beakers 3 Balloons 30 mL 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2 Measuring Spoon Permanent Marker Ruler 20 cm String


3 Test Tubes (Glass) Test Tube Rack Thermometer Yeast Packet *Hot Water Bath *Stopwatch *You Must Provide



1. Use a permanent marker to label test tubes 1, 2, and 3. Place them in the test tube rack.

2. Fill each tube with 10 mL hydrogen peroxide. Then, keep one of the test tubes in the test tube rack, but transfer the two additional test tubes to two separate 250 mL beakers.

3. Find one of the balloons, and the piece of string. Wrap the string around the uninflated balloon and measure the length of the string with the ruler. Record the measurement in Table 2.

4. Create a hot water bath by performing the following steps:

a. Determine if you will use a stovetop or microwave to heat the water. Use the 100 mL graduated cylinder to measure and pour approximately 200 mL of water into a small pot or microwave-safe bowl (you will have to measure this volume in two separate allocations).

b. If using a stovetop, obtain a small pot and proceed to Step 4c. If using a microwave, obtain a microwave-safe bowl and proceed to Step 4e.

c. If using a stove, place a small pot on the stove and turn the stove on to a medium heat setting.

d. Carefully monitor the water in the pot until it comes to a soft boil (approximately 100 °C). Use the thermometer provided in your lab kit to verify the water temperature. Turn the stove off when the water begins to boil. Immediately proceed to Step 5. CAUTION: Be sure to turn the stove off after creating the hot water bath. Monitor the heating water at all times, and never handle a hot pan without appropriate pot holders.

e. If using a microwave, place the microwave-safe bowl in the microwave and heat the water in 30 second increments until the temperature of the water is approximately 100 °C. Use the thermometer provided in your lab kit to verify the water temperature. Wait approximately one minute before proceeding to Step 5.

5. Place Tube 1 in the refrigerator. Leave Tube 2 at room temperature, and place Tube 3 in the hot water bath.

Important Note: The water should be at approximately 85 °C when you place Tube 3 in it. Verify the temperature with the thermometer to ensure the water is not too hot! Temperatures which exceed approximately 85  °C may denature the hydrogen peroxide.

6. Record the temperatures of each condition in Table 2. Be sure to provide the thermometer with sufficient time in between each environment to avoid obscuring the temperature readings.

7. Let the tubes sit for 15 minutes.

8. During the 15 minutes prepare the balloons with yeast by adding ¼ tsp. of yeast each balloon. Make sure all the yeast gets settled to the bulb of the balloon and not caught in the neck. Be sure not spill yeast while handling the balloons.

9. Carefully stretch the neck of the balloon to help ensure it does not rip when stretched over the opening of the test tube.

10. Attach the neck of a balloon you prepared in step 8 to the top of Tube 2 (the room temperature test tube) making sure to not let the yeast spill into the test tube yet. Once the balloon is securely attached to the test tube lift the balloon and allow the yeast to enter the test tube. Tap the bulb of the balloon to ensure all the yeast falls into the tube.

11. As quickly and carefully as possible remove the Tube 1 (cold) from the refrigerator and repeat steps 9 – 10 with Tube 1 using a balloon you prepared in step 8.

12. As quickly and carefully as possible remove Tube 3 (hot) from the hot water bath and repeat steps 9 – 10 with Tube 3 using a balloon you prepared in step 8.

13. Swirl each tube to mix, and wait 30 seconds.

14. Wrap the string around the center of each balloon to measure the circumference. Measure the length of string with a ruler. Record your measurements in Table 2.

Table 2: Balloon Circumference vs. Temperature
Tube Temperature (°C) Balloon Circumference (Uninflated; cm) Balloon Circumference (Final; cm)
1 – (Cold)
2 – (RT)
3 – (Hot)


Post-Lab Questions

1. What reaction is being catalyzed in this experiment?

2. What is the enzyme in this experiment? What is the substrate?

3. What is the independent variable in this experiment? What is the dependent variable?

4. How does the temperature affect enzyme function? Use evidence from your data to support your answer.

5. Draw a graph of balloon diameter vs. temperature. What is the correlation?

6. Is there a negative control in this experiment? If yes, identify the control. If no, suggest how you could revise the experiment to include a negative control.

7. In general, how would an increase in substrate alter enzyme activity? Draw a graph to illustrate this relationship.

8. Design an experiment to determine the optimal temperature for enzyme function, complete with controls. Where would you find the enzymes for this experiment? What substrate would you use?

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Mendelian Genetics Lab

Lab Template

Week 5: Mendelian Genetics

Submitted by: <your name here>

As you complete the lab, record your answers in this template. Save the document as LastName_FirstName_BIO1020_W5A3, and submit it to the Dropbox. Full lab instructions and the rubric with which you will be evaluated can be found in the online classroom.


The laws of segregation, independent assortment, and dominance form the basis of all genetics. The ability to predict the results of crossing experiments and explain any variance between expected and observed results is still a vital part of our understanding of heredity. In this lab assignment you will experiment with monohybrid crosses and explore the role of chance in genetics.

Experiment 1


1. (10 points)

a. Set up and complete Punnett squares for each of the following crosses: (remember Y = yellow and y = blue)

· Y Y and Y y


    Parent 1
    Y Y
Parent 2 Y YY YY
  y Yy yy


· Y Y and y y

    Parent 1
    Y Y
Parent 2 Y Yy Yy
  y Yy Yy


b. What are the resulting phenotypes for each cross? Are there any blue kernels?

Y Y and Y y Y Y and y y

The resulting phenotypes is that all the offsprings are yellow because all the offspring have at least one Y (yellow, dominant) allele






All the offsprings are yellow

There are no blue kernels in either cross and all are yellow because the genotypes of all the kernels have at least one dominant (Y) gene which codes for yellow color.

2. (10 points)

a. Set up and complete a Punnett squarefor a cross of two of the F1 from the Y Y and y y cross above.


Parent 1

    Y Y
Parent 2 y Yy Yy
  y Yy Yy


b. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the F2 generation?

The genotypes of offsprings are Yy (heterozygous) and their proportion is 100% If Y= yellow an y= blue, then the phenotypes of the off springs would be the characteristics of Y gene which means all the off springs will have a yellow color.

Experiment 2


As you select the beads from the beaker, complete this table with each cross. You may complete the associated Punnett Squares on paper, but do not need to submit them as part of this lab.


  Parents – randomly selected F1 – determined from Punnett square
Cross Genotype parent #1 Genotype parent #2 4 Genotypes 4 Phenotypes
1 yy


yy yy yy


yY YY Yy


4 yY


yy Yy yy


YY Yy Yy


1. (10 points)

a. How much genotypic variation do you find in the randomly picked parents of your crosses? How much in the offspring?

Possible Genotype Parents Offspring
YY 3 4
Yy 3 10
yy 4 6
Total 10 20


b. How much phenotypic variation do you find in the parents of your crosses? How much in the offspring?

2. (10 points)

a. What is the ratio of phenotypes (yellow kernel color: blue kernel color) in the 20 offspring of your five crosses?

b. If you were to run this experiment 1000 times, rather than just 5 times, what would you expect the ratio of phenotypes to be in the offspring?

c. Is the ratio of observed phenotypes the same as the ratio of predicted phenotypes in the offspring? Why or why not?

3. Organisms heterozygous for a recessive trait are often called carriers of that trait. Explain what this means. (10 points)

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UMUC Biology 102 / 103 Lab 6: Taxonomy ANSWER KEY

This contains 100% correct material for UMUC Biology 103 LAB06. However, this is an Answer Key, which means, you should put it in your own words. Here is a sample for the Pre lab questions answered:

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Use the following classifications to determine which organism is least related out of the three. Explain your rationale. (1 pts)

The Eastern Newt is the least related organism out of the three. While all three are classified into the same domain, kingdom, phylum and class the Eastern Newt is in a different order than the American Green Tree Frog and the European Fire-Bellied Toad.

2. How has DNA sequencing affected the science of classifying organisms? (1 pts)

DNA sequencing has allowed for the comparison of genes at the molecular level as opposed to physical traits at the organism level. Physical traits can be misleading when classifying how related two organisms are. DNA sequencing can also trace relatedness through generations and more accurately assess how closely related two organisms are.

3. You are on vacation and see an organism that you do not recognize. Discuss what possible steps you can take to classify it. (1 pts)

The organism’s physical features can be used to compare it to known organisms. Some physiological features can even possibly be used to help classify it.

The rest of the questions in the lab are answered as well:

Experiment 1: Dichotomous Key Practice

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 3: Dichotomous Key Results

Organism Binomial Name

Selasphorus platycercus


Mus musculus


Vaccinium oxycoccos


Ramphastos vitellinus

v Quercus abla

Evathlus smithi


Helix aspersa


Taeniopygia guttata


Lonicera japonica


Oryctes nasicornis


Taeniopyga guttata


Musa acuminata

Seems like was omitted, which would have been Carduelis tristis.


Post-Lab Questions

1.    What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up?

2.   How does your answer from Question 1 relate to the Linnaean classification system?

Experiment 2: Classification of Organisms

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 2: Key Characteristics of Some Organisms

Organism Kingdom Defined Nucleus Mobile Cell Wall Photosynthesis Unicellular
E. Coli       Yes   Yes
Protozoa   Yes Yes No   Yes
Mushroom   Yes   Yes    
Sunflower   Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Bear   Yes Yes      



Post-Lab Questions

1.    Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism? Why or why not?

2.    What additional questions would you ask to further categorize the items within the kingdoms (Hint: think about other organisms in the kingdom and what makes them different than the examples used here)?

3.    What questions would you have asked instead of the ones that you answered about when classifying the organisms?

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UMUC Biology 102/103 Lab 1: Introduction To Science Answer Key

This contains 100% correct material for UMUC Biology 103 LAB01. However, this is an Answer Key, which means, you should put it in your own words. Here is a sample for the questions answered:

Exercise 1: Data Interpretation  (2 pts each)

1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4?

No fish are present when the dissolved oxygen is zero. When there is more dissolved oxygen in the water, more fish are present. However, the number of fish tends to drop or level off when the dissolved oxygen is higher than 12 ppm.

2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water.

Possible Hypotheses:

1.    The amount of dissolved oxygen affects the number of fish that can live in a body of water.

2.    As dissolved oxygen concentration increases, more fish can live in the body of water.

3.    There is an ideal dissolved oxygen concentration for fish to live in.


The rest of the questions are answered in full version:

1.    What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis?

2.    What would be the independent and dependent variables?

3.    What would be your control?

4.    What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set?  Why?

5.    Graph the data from Table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (found at the beginning of this exercise).

6.    Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7.

Exercise 2: Experimental Variables

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. If applicable, determine and identify any positive or negative controls.


1.    A study is being done to test the effects of habitat space on the size of fish populations. Different sized aquariums are set up with six goldfish in each one. Over a period of six months, the fish are fed the same type and amount of food. The aquariums are equally maintained and cleaned throughout the experiment. The temperature of the water is kept constant. At the end of the experiment the number of surviving fish is surveyed.

A.    Independent Variable:

B.    Dependent Variable:

C.   Controlled Variables/Constants:

D.   Experimental Controls/Control Groups:

2.    To determine if the type of agar affects bacterial growth, a scientist cultures E. coli on four different types of agar. Five petri dishes are set up to collect results:

§  One with nutrient agar and E. coli

§  One with mannitol-salt agar and E. coli

§  One with MacConkey agar and E. coli

§  One with LB agar and E. coli

§  One with nutrient agar but NO E. coli

All of the petri dishes received the same volume of agar, and were the same shape and size. During the experiment, the temperature at which the petri dishes were stored, and at the air quality remained the same. After one week the amount of bacterial growth was measured.

A.    Independent Variable:

B.    Dependent Variable:

C.   Controlled Variables/Constants:

D. Experimental Controls/Control Groups:

Exercise 3: Testable Observations

Determine which of the following observations are testable. For those that are testable:

Determine if the observation is qualitative or quantitative

Write a hypothesis and null hypothesis

What would be your experimental approach?

What are the dependent and independent variables?

What are your controls – both positive and negative?

How will you collect your data?

How will you present your data (charts, graphs, types)?

How will you analyze your data?


1.    A plant grows three inches faster per day when placed on a window sill than it does when placed on a on a coffee table in the middle of the living room.

2.    The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes is taller than the other tellers.

3.    When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she does not exercise and eats fatty foods.

4.    The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm.

5.   For the past two days, the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm.

6.    George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings.

Exercise 4: Conversion

For each of the following, convert each value into the designated units.

1.    46,756,790 mg = _______ kg

2.    5.6 hours = ________ seconds

3.    13.5 cm = ________ inches

4.    47 °C = _______ °F

Exercise 5: Accuracy vs. Precision

For the following, determine whether the information is accurate, precise, both or neither.

1.    During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit-ups in a minute. The first student did 64 sit-ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67.

2.    The average score for the 5th grade math test is 89.5. The top 5th graders took the test and scored 89, 93, 91 and 87.

3.    Yesterday the temperature was 89 °F, tomorrow it’s supposed to be 88 °F and the next day it’s supposed to be 90 °F, even though the average for September is only 75 °F degrees!

4.    Four friends decided to go out and play horseshoes. They took a picture of their results shown to the right:

5.    A local grocery store was holding a contest to see who could most closely guess the number of pennies that they had inside a large jar. The first six people guessed the numbers 735, 209, 390, 300, 1005 and 689. The grocery clerk said the jar actually contains 568 pennies.

Exercise 6: Significant Digits and Scientific Notation

Part 1: Determine the number of significant digits in each number and write out the specific significant digits.

1.    405000

2.    0.0098

3.    39.999999

4.    13.00

5.    80,000,089

6.    55,430.00

7.    0.000033

8.    620.03080

Part 2: Write the numbers below in scientific notation, incorporating what you know about significant digits.

1.    70,000,000,000

2.    0.000000048

3.    67,890,000

4.    70,500

5.    450,900,800

6.    0.009045

7.    0.023

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M4A1 Experiment: Electromagnetic Induction

While completing the experiment Electromagnetic Induction, make sure to keep the following guiding questions in mind:

· Is the magnitude of the magnetic field the primary determinant in the Emf induced in the coil?  If not, then what is the primary determinate of the magnitude of the induced Emf?

· How is relative motion between the field and coil induced?  What controls do you have for changing the relative motion?  What is the relationship between the units of RPM and radians per second?

· How can ratios be used in an experiment when data is only available in the form of relative magnitudes?

To complete the experiment you will need to:

1. Be prepared with a laboratory notebook to record your observations.

2. Click the image to open the simulation experiment.

3. Perform the experiment as described.

4. Transfer your data and results from your laboratory notebook into the lab report template provided at the end of this experiment description.

5. Submit your version of the laboratory experiment report.

In your laboratory notebook, you will collect data, make observations, and ponder the questions posed within the lab instructions.  Thus, the notebook should contain all the data collected and analysis performed, which will be invaluable to you as you write the results section of your laboratory report.  Furthermore, the notebook should contain your observations and thoughts, which will allow you to address the questions posed, both for the discussion section in the laboratory report and in helping you to participate in the online discussion included in the module.

M4A1 Experiment: Electromagnetic Induction

PART I – Faraday’s Law and Relative Motion

Start the simulation “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab ” by clicking on the image below:

· Select the tab labeled “Pickup Coil.”

· Move the bar magnet to various static (“nonmoving”) positions.

Note that any static position from which the magnet seems to induce a potential in the coil seems to cause the bulb to shine brightly. Try various static positions, including near and far positions. Use the simulation controls to flip the field. Note your observations in your laboratory notebook. Pick other controls available in the simulation to vary the field. What do your observations imply about the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field in inducing an electromotive force in the pickup coil? Do your observations indicate any other factors that might induce an EMF in the pickup coil, and thus, cause the bulb to shine?

Note any factors that will induce an EMF in your notebook. Investigate the general relationship between the magnitude of the bulb brightness and the particular factor you are considering. Your investigation should indicate whether bigger, faster, further, or more causes the bulb to burn brighter than the converse.

Part II – Parameters effecting Generator Performance

· Select the generator tab of the simulation.

· In the simulation, controls select the voltmeter to replace the bulb.

You will note that the voltmeter scale is not calibrated, but that you can still compare various potential readings by counting “tick marks” on the face of the meter. Using this scale to collect data, vary the relationship between the maximum electromotive force EMFmax produced and the various parameters in the generator equation, EMF = ωNBAsin(ωt). Specifically, vary the angular frequency (ω) (by adjusting the water flow through the spigot on the left), number of loops (N), and area of the loop (A). Choose one parameter and produce a plot of EMFmax vs. the parameter. Be sure to use at least 10 data points. Record the results in your laboratory notebook.

PART III – Calibrating the Galvanometer

The voltmeter scale is uncalibrated in part because we are missing two values: 1) the average of the peak magnetic field strengths across the surface bounded by the loops in the pickup coil, and 2) the maximum area of the loops of the pickup coil.

Given that the maximum area of the loop is 0.75m², and the maximum magnetic field strength at the location of the coil is 0.6 T, you should be able to find the value of a single tick mark on the voltmeter scale.

In your laboratory notebook write down a detailed procedure for doing so. Carry out this measurement with angular speeds of 25, 50, and 100 RPM. Are these values comparable? Do they need to be for the meter to be useful? Why or why not?

1. The Lab Report

Click here for a lab report template [DOCX file size 12.6 KB], and click here for an explanation of each lab component [DOCX file size 17.4 KB].

· Write an introduction of at least 1 page in length. The introduction should showcase your understanding of electromagnetic induction.

· Write a methods section describing in your own words the experimental procedure used to complete each activity. Do not copy and paste, or simply repeat the directions given in the course materials.

· Write a results section. This section should begin with a paragraph containing any hypotheses formed and tested during the conduct of the laboratory. This section should also contain any data collected, sample calculations, analysis, and plots of the data or results.

· Write your discussion section specifically addressing how your results did or did not support any hypothesis used in this laboratory.

· Write your conclusion. This section should be brief, at most, one or two paragraphs; connect the discussion with the information contained in the introduction.

· Write the abstract. While this is the first section of your lab report, it should be written last. This section should be written in the past tense, in the third person, and should be a summary of the entire laboratory report.

Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. When you’re ready to submit your work, click Browse My Computer and find your file. Once you’ve located your file click Open and, if successful, the file name will appear under the Attached files heading. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Submit and you’re done. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it.

You will be evaluated on the validity of your recorded results and the completeness and quality of your presentation of those results within the experiment report, based on the Lab Report Grading Rubric [PDF file size 63.7 KB].

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Final Project Physics 103 Earth System Science

PHY 103: Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


The final project for this course is the creation of a preliminary report of environmental findings.

The final project encompasses several Earth science processes that form the foundation of geosciences work—from understanding how human activities change a landscape to mitigating potential natural hazards to addressing the impacts of weather and climate. Students apply geologic science in a practical manner. For example, as a spatial analysis technician uses knowledge of water drainage, underlying geology, soils, and weather components to design and place roads, houses, power lines, and drainage systems in a new neighborhood, you will draw on the knowledge gained in this course to create the final project.

Understanding Earth system processes is critical for projects such as bridge design, soil or water contamination studies, analyzing climate change, and developing policies that safeguard both humans and their environment.

For this assessment, you will apply the Earth systems information learned throughout the course by assuming the role of an intern at an environmental consulting firm. You will be charged with conducting basic background research for an environmental report the company is preparing for a client in relation to the development of a subdivision. The supervisor has asked you to prepare a preliminary report that the firm can eventually incorporate into its report to communicate the findings to the client. The report should cover the basic geomorphology and climate for the area and highlight what these factors suggest for the planned subdivision in broad terms, using the provided documents—the geological cross section, topographical maps, historical data on volcanos and earthquakes, regional weather information, and stream discharge data. (Note that the location in this scenario is fictitious, although the landscape includes elements of the real world, and weather and climate data are representative of the region.)

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Six. The final submission will be in Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

· Draw basic connections between the Earth’s spheres for their implications on human activities

· Utilize basic geoscience information and data in determining how environmental settings are shaped by landform processes

· Connect key lithospheric processes to the theory of plate tectonics for determining the potential for natural hazards

· Analyze local weather patterns by summarizing how fundamental atmospheric processes create resultant weather and climate


Imagine you are an intern working for an environmental consulting firm. One of the firm’s clients is considering building a subdivision and has asked the firm to evaluate a potential site. Your supervisor has asked you to start laying initial groundwork for the report by conducting basic background research on the geological and climate features of the site. Use the materials listed below (found in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics folder) to prepare a preliminary report of your findings, highlighting any issues or concerns.

· Final Project Historical Data

· Final Project Climograph

· Final Project Walterville Topographic Map

· Final Project Stratigraphy and Cross Section

· Final Project Soil Profiles

· Final Project Site Topographic Map

Specifically, your preliminary report of environmental findings must address the following critical elements:

I. Executive Summary. Begin your report with a brief executive summary that identifies the project being proposed by the client, what your report covers, and your most important findings. Your goal is to provide a clear, concise snapshot of the report’s content for those who may not have time to read the full report. Although this is the first element of the report, it is often helpful to write it last, once your analysis is complete.

II. Basic Geology. Examine the stratigraphy and cross section provided, and complete the tasks listed below.

a. Accurately identify the types of rocks in the stratigraphy and whether the types are igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary. You may also want to discuss what the cross section tells you about the relative age of the rocks.

b. Describe any changes in the rock types and their properties by depth. What causes these types of changes? You may also want to consider other features in the stratigraphy, such as anticlines, synclines, or nonconformities.

c. Determine what rock subtypes are present, describing key features and how and why they occur. For example, are the rocks extrusive, intrusive, foliated, or detrital?

d. What might the stratigraphy and rock types imply for the development of the subdivision in broad terms? Use your knowledge of Earth system processes to support your response.

e. Use information on the soil depth and slope across the cross section to discuss the potential for erosion. In other words, is there a risk that the soil on the site will wash away? Why or why not?


III. Streams. Use the topographical map provided to examine the stream system(s) of the proposed location. Be sure to:

a. Identify landscape features that were shaped by the stream system and explain how and why those landscapes might change based on stream processes. For example, what areas of the proposed development site are affected by erosion, landslides, or the deposit of sediments? Why? How might that change?

b. Analyze how stream bank erosion is likely to affect the development of the floodplain. In other words, what areas on the site are at risk of flooding now or in the future? Explain your answer using Earth science principles.

IV. Tectonics. Use the topographical and regional maps and historical data on earthquakes and volcanos provided to determine the following:

a. What type of faults, if any, are present in the area, and how do they affect landform processes? In other words, might faults change the landscape at the site? Be sure to use geoscience concepts to explain how you arrived at your answer. (If no faults are present, you should still explain how you determined this and how faults would have affected landform processes if they were present.)

b. Is the location likely to be affected by earthquakes? Explain your conclusions, including the Earth processes involved and scientifically supported observations about the likely frequency and severity of quakes. You may want to calculate a simple recurrence interval to help support your answer.

c. Does the location face any volcanic threats? Explain your conclusions, including the Earth processes involved and scientifically supported observations about the likely frequency and severity of eruptions. You may want to calculate a simple recurrence interval to help support your answer.

V. Weather. Use the climograph and weather data provided to complete the tasks listed below.

a. Describe the average monthly temperature and precipitation values and annual totals (average highs, lows, and precipitation for the year). How and why do these figures vary by season? You may want to discuss polar front theory in your response.

b. Which types of storms are common in the region by season? What types of weather are associated with these storms? Explain your answer using relevant Earth science processes.

c. What is the maximum recorded precipitation amount and type? What type of weather system caused the extreme situation? You may also want discuss the Earth science processes that gave rise to the extreme weather event.

d. How frequently do extreme precipitation events occur? In other words, is the location frequently subject to large storms? Use the storm data provided to calculate a simple recurrence interval to support your answer. Be sure to explain how you arrived at your calculation.

e. Analyze the monthly stream discharge data provided. How does stream discharge relate to the monthly weather and climate data, and how does that affect surrounding landscapes? Explain your answer using relevant Earth science processes.

VI. Analysis of Findings. Summarize what your preliminary findings on the basic geomorphology and climate for the proposed location suggest with respect to the planned development. In other words, is the area a good location for a subdivision? Why or why not?

Milestone One: Geologic Analysis



In Module Two, you will submit your geologic analysis. You will write a report detailing the underlying geology of the project site. Using the cross section, topographic map, and soil profile for your preliminary report on environmental findings, be sure to fully explain any geologic features present and include elements relative to the formation of those features. Also, detail how you derived each of your conclusions. Lastly, discuss how the base geology might relate to the proposed surface development. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Streams and Tectonics Analysis

In Module Four, you will submit your streams and tectonics analysis. You will write a report that details elements of the surface landscape and larger scale tectonics for the project site. Using the materials for the subdivision project, you will be asked to properly analyze a topographic map in addition to historical data on regional earthquakes and volcanos. You must explain all landscape features and describe how each element formed. Further, you will be asked to detail aspects of the fluvial and tectonic landscape relative to the proposed human development and discuss how you came to your conclusions. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Weather Analysis

In Module Six, you will submit a weather analysis. You will generate a report detailing climatic and weather elements of the proposed development site. You will use the weather data and climographs from the proposed subdivision to create an accurate description of atmospheric elements (such as base climatology and storm types/magnitudes/frequencies) and relate extreme precipitation events to the landscape and fluvial systems. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Final Project Submission: Preliminary Report of Environmental Findings

In Module Seven, you will submit preliminary report of environmental findings. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.



Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
1 Geologic Analysis Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
2 Streams and Tectonics Analysis Four Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
3 Weather Analysis Six Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
  Final Project Submission: Preliminary Report of Environmental Findings Seven Graded separately; Final Project Rubric


Final Project Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: Your preliminary report of environmental findings must be six to eight pages in length (in addition to a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least three references, which must be cited in APA format.

Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.


Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Executive Summary Meets “Proficient” criteria, and summary is clear and organized, modeling real-world geoscience language and style Begins report with brief executive summary, including project being proposed by client, what report covers, and most important findings Begins report with executive summary, but response is lengthy or does not include project being proposed, what report covers, and most important findings Does not begin report with executive summary 5
Basic Geology: Types of Rocks Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response discusses what cross section indicates about the relative age of the rocks Accurately identifies the types of rocks in the stratigraphy and whether the types are igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary Identifies types of rocks but does not specify whether types are igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary, or response contains inaccuracies Does not identify types of rocks in the stratigraphy 4.5
Basic Geology: Changes Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response considers other features in stratigraphy such as anticlines, synclines, or nonconformities Describes any changes in the rock types and their properties by depth and what causes these types of changes Describes changes in rock types and properties by depth but does not explain what causes these types of changes, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not describe changes in rock types and properties by depth 4.5
Basic Geology: Rock Subtypes Meets “Proficient” and includes a detailed and nuanced explanation of subtypes, their features, and the Earth processes that give rise to them Determines what rock subtypes are present, describing key features and how and why they occur Determines what rock subtypes are present but does not describe key features and how and why they occur, or explanation contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not determine what rock subtypes are present 4.5
Basic Geology: Implication Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analysis is particularly detailed and clear Analyzes what the stratigraphy and rock types might imply for the development of the subdivision in broad terms, using Earth system processes to support response Analyzes what the stratigraphy and rock types might imply for the subdivision but does not use Earth system processes to support response, or response contains inaccuracies Does not analyze what the stratigraphy and rock types might imply for the development of the subdivision 6


Basic Geology: Soil Depth and Slope Meets “Proficient” criteria, and includes a detailed and nuanced explanation of the relationships between soil depth, slope, water drainage, and precipitation in the erosion process Uses information on soil depth and slope across the cross section to discuss the potential for erosion Uses information on soil depth and slope to discuss potential for erosion, but response omits information on some segments of the cross section or contains inaccuracies Does not use information on the soil depth and slope to discuss the potential for erosion 6
Streams: Landscape Features Meets “Proficient” criteria, and description is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear Identifies landscape features shaped by stream system(s) and explains how and why those landscapes might change based on stream processes Identifies landscape features shaped by the stream system(s) but does not explain how and why those might change based on stream processes, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not identify landscape features that were shaped by the stream system 4.5
Streams: Floodplain Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear Analyzes how stream bank erosion is likely to affect development of floodplain and explains answer using Earth science principles Analyzes how stream bank erosion is likely to affect development of floodplain but does not explain answer using Earth science principles, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not analyze how stream bank erosion is likely to affect the development of the floodplain 4.5
Tectonics: Faults Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear Determines what type of faults, if any, are present in the area and how they affect (or would affect) landform processes, using geoscience concepts to explain how arrived at answer Determines what type of faults, if any, are present in the area and how they affect (or would affect) landform processes but does not use geoscience concepts to explain how arrived at answer, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not determine what type of faults, if any, are present in the area and how they affect (or would affect) landform processes 7.5
Tectonics: Earthquakes Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses a simple recurrence interval in supporting an answer that is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear Analyzes whether the location is likely to be affected by earthquakes, including Earth processes involved and scientifically supported observations about likely frequency and severity of quakes Analyzes whether the location is likely to be affected by earthquakes but does not include Earth processes involved and scientifically supported observations about frequency and severity, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not analyze whether the location is likely to be affected by earthquakes 7.5


Tectonics: Volcanic Threats Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses a simple recurrence interval in supporting an answer that is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear Analyzes whether the location faces volcanic threats, including Earth processes involved and scientifically supported observations about likely frequency and severity of eruptions Analyzes whether the location faces volcanic threats, but does not include Earth processes involved and scientifically supported observations about frequency and severity, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not analyze whether the location faces volcanic threats 7.5
Weather: Temperature and Precipitation Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear, discussing how polar front theory affects weather Describes average monthly temperature and precipitation values and annual totals, explaining how and why figures vary by season Describes average monthly temperature and precipitation values and annual totals but does not explain how and why figures vary by season, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not describe average monthly temperature and precipitation values and annual totals 6
Weather: Storms Meets “Proficient” criteria, and response is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear Identifies types of storms and associated weather common in the region by season, explaining answer using relevant Earth science processes Identifies types of storms and associated weather common in the region by season but does not explain answer using relevant Earth science processes, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not identify types of storms and associated weather common in the region by season 6
Weather: Maximum Recorded Precipitation Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes a clear and detailed explanation of the Earth science processes that gave rise to the extreme weather event Specifies the maximum recorded precipitation amount and type and explains what type of weather system caused the extreme situation Specifies maximum recorded precipitation amount and type but does not explain what type of weather system caused the situation, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not specify maximum recorded precipitation amount and type 6
Weather: Extreme Precipitation Events Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes a clear and detailed explanation of how extreme events are linked to regional circulation or climatology Determines how frequently extreme precipitation events occur, calculating a simple recurrence interval based on storm data to support answer and explaining how arrived at calculation Determines how frequently extreme precipitation events occur but does not calculate a simple recurrence interval based on data and explain how arrived at calculation, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not determine how frequently extreme precipitation events occur 6


Weather: Stream Discharge Meets “Proficient” criteria, and explanation of relationships between climate and surface processes is particularly detailed, nuanced, and clear Analyzes how monthly stream discharge relates to weather and climate data and how that affects surrounding landscapes, explaining answer using relevant Earth science processes Analyzes how monthly stream discharge relates to weather and climate data and how that affects surrounding landscapes but does not explain answer using relevant Earth science processes, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not analyze how monthly stream discharge relates to weather and climate data and how that affects surrounding landscapes 5
Analysis of Findings Meets “Proficient” criteria, and summary is clear, organized, and succinct, modeling real-world geoscience language and style Summarizes findings with respect to whether the area is a good location for a subdivision, justifying why or why not Summarizes findings with respect to whether the area is a good location for a subdivision but does not justify why or why not, or response contains inaccuracies or omits critical information Does not summarize findings with respect to whether the area is a good location for the subdivision 4
Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
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Solve Physics Problems

1.1/3 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.010.My Notes |

Question Part


Submissions Used

A car travels along a straight line at a constant speed of 41.5 mi/h for a

distance d and then another distance d in the same direction at another constant speed. The average velocity for the entire trip is 25.0 mi/h.

(a) What is the constant speed with which the car moved during the second

distance d?

Your response is within 10% of the correct value. This may be due to roundoff

error, or you could have a mistake in your calculation. Carry out all intermediate

results to at least four-digit accuracy to minimize roundoff error. mi/h

(b) Suppose the second distance d were traveled in the opposite direction; you forgot something and had to return home at the same constant speed as found

in part (a). What is the average velocity for this trip?

Your response differs significantly from the correct answer. Rework your solution

from the beginning and check each step carefully. mi/h

(c) What is the average speed for this new trip?


2.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.013.My Notes |

Question Part


Submissions Used

A velocity—time graph for an object moving along the x axis is shown in the figure. Every division along the vertical axis corresponds to 2.00 m/s and each

division along the horizontal axis corresponds to 2.50 s.

(a) Plot a graph of the acceleration versus time.

This answer has not been graded yet.

(b) Determine the average acceleration of the object in the following time

interval t = 12.5 s to t = 37.5 s. m/s2

(c) Determine the average acceleration of the object in the following time

interval t = 0 to t = 50.0 s. m/s2

3.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.016.WI.My Notes | A particle starts from rest and accelerates as shown in the figure below.

(a) Determine the particle’s speed at t = 10.0 s. m/s

Determine the particle’s speed at t = 20.0 s? m/s

(b) Determine the distance traveled in the first 20.0 s. (Enter your answer to one

decimal places.)


4.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.017.MI.My Notes |

A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x = 1.99 + 2.99t − 1.00t2,

where x is in meters and t is in seconds. (a) Find the position of the particle at t = 2.50 s. m

(b) Find its velocity at t = 2.50 s. m/s

(c) Find its acceleration at t = 2.50 s. m/s2

5.–/2 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.020.My Notes | Draw motion diagrams for the following items. (Do this on paper. Your instructor

may ask you to turn in your work.)

(a) an object moving to the right at constant speed

(b) an object moving to the right and speeding up at a constant rate

(c) an object moving to the right and slowing down at a constant rate

(d) an object moving to the left and speeding up at a constant rate

(e) an object moving to the left and slowing down at a constant rate

This answer has not been graded yet.

(f) How would your drawings change if the changes in speed were not uniform;

that is, if the speed were not changing at a constant rate?

This answer has not been graded yet.

6.–/5 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.021.My Notes | A parcel of air moving in a straight tube with a constant acceleration of –

4.10 m/s2 and has a velocity of 13.5 m/s at 10:05:00 a.m.

(a) What is its velocity at 10:05:01 a.m.?


(b) What is its velocity at 10:05:04 a.m.?


(c) What is its velocity at 10:04:59 a.m.?


(d) Describe the shape of a graph of velocity versus time for this parcel of air.

This answer has not been graded yet.

(e) Argue for or against the following statement: “Knowing the single value of an

object’s constant acceleration is like knowing a whole list of values for its


This answer has not been graded yet.

7.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.024.MI.My Notes | We investigated a jet landing on an aircraft carrier. In a later maneuver, the jet

comes in for a landing on solid ground with a speed of 95 m/s, and its

acceleration can have a maximum magnitude of 5.52 m/s2 as it comes to rest.

(a) From the instant the jet touches the runway, what is the minimum time

interval needed before it can come to rest?


(b) Can this jet land on a small tropical island airport where the runway is 0.800

km long?

Yes No

(c) Explain your answer.

This answer has not been graded yet.

8.3/5 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.027.My Notes | A speedboat travels in a straight line and increases in speed uniformly

from vi = 12.5 m/s to vf = 41.5 m/s in a displacement Δx of 150 m. We wish to find the time interval required for the boat to move through this displacement.

(a) Draw a coordinate system for this situation. (Do this on paper. Your

instructor may ask you to turn in this work.)

(b) What analysis model is most appropriate for describing this situation?

particle under constant speed particle under constant acceleration particle in


(c) From the analysis model, what equation is most appropriate for finding the

acceleration of the speedboat?

vf = vi + at

Δx = vi + 1 2


vf2 = vi2 + 2aΔx

(d) Solve the equation selected in part (c) symbolically for the boat’s acceleration in terms of vi, vf, and Δx.

a =

(e) Substitute numerical values to obtain the acceleration numerically.


(f) Find the time interval mentioned above.


9.1/4 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.033.My Notes | An object moves with constant acceleration 4.10 m/s2 and over a time interval

reaches a final velocity of 12.8 m/s.

(a) If its initial velocity is 6.4 m/s, what is its displacement during the time



(b) What is the distance it travels during this interval?


(c) If its initial velocity is -6.4 m/s, what is its displacement during the time


Your response differs from the correct answer by more than 10%. Double check

your calculations. m

(d) What is the total distance it travels during the interval in part (c)?

Your response differs from the correct answer by more than 10%. Double check

your calculations. m

10.–/4 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.038.My Notes | An attacker at the base of a castle wall 3.90 m high throws a rock straight up

with speed 9.00 m/s from a height of 1.70 m above the ground.

(a) Will the rock reach the top of the wall?

Yes /No

(b) If so, what is its speed at the top? If not, what initial speed must it have to

reach the top?


(c) Find the change in speed of a rock thrown straight down from the top of the

wall at an initial speed of 9.00 m/s and moving between the same two points.


(d) Does the change in speed of the downward-moving rock agree with the

magnitude of the speed change of the rock moving upward between the same

elevations? Explain physically why it does or does not agree.

This answer has not been graded yet.

11.0/1 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.041.WI.My Notes | A ball is thrown directly downward with an initial speed of 8.65 m/s from a

height of 29.6 m. After what time interval does it strike the ground?

You know the initial velocity, the distance and the acceleration. Which equation

in Table 2.2 will allow you to find the time? You may need to use the quadratic

equation. s

12.–/1 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.042.My Notes |

The height of a helicopter above the ground is given by h = 2.80t3, where h is in meters and t is in seconds. At t = 1.70 s, the helicopter releases a small mailbag. How long after its release does the mailbag reach the ground?


13.2/4 points | Previous AnswersSerPSE8 2.P.043.MI.My Notes | A student throws a set of keys vertically upward to her sorority sister, who is in a

window 2.00 m above. The second student catches the keys 2.30 s later.

(a) With what initial velocity were the keys thrown?

magnitude Your response differs from the correct answer by more than 100%. m/s


(b) What was the velocity of the keys just before they were caught?

magnitude The correct answer is not zero. m/s


14.–/3 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.048.My Notes |

Question Part


Submissions Used

A student drives a moped along a straight road as described by the velocity

versus time graph in the figure. The divisions along the horizontal axis

represent 1.0s and the divisions along the vertical axis represent 2.0 m/s.

Sketch this graph in the middle of a sheet of graph paper. (Do this on paper.

Your will need it to do part (a) and (b).)

(a) Directly above your graph, sketch a graph of the position versus time,

aligning the time coordinates of the two graphs. (Do this on paper. Your

instructor may ask you to turn in your work.)

(b) Sketch a graph of the acceleration versus time directly below the velocity-

versus time graph, again aligning the time coordinates. On each graph, show the

numerical values of x and ax for all points of inflection. (Do this on paper. Your instructor may ask you to turn in your work.)

(c) What is the acceleration at t = 6.0 s? m/s

(d) Find the position (relative to the starting point) at t = 6.0 s. m

(e) What is the moped’s final position at t = 9.0 s? m

15.–/5 pointsSerPSE8 2.P.053.MI.My Notes |

Question Part


Submissions Used

An inquisitive physics student and mountain climber climbs a 54.0-m-high cliff

that overhangs a calm pool of water. He throws two stones vertically downward,

1.00 s apart, and observes that they cause a single splash. The first stone has an

initial speed of 1.88 m/s.

(a) How long after release of the first stone do the two stones hit the water?


(b) What initial velocity must the second stone have if the two stones are to hit

the water simultaneously?

magnitude m/s


(c) What is the speed of each stone at the instant the two stones hit the water?

first stone m/s

second stone m/s

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Phyiscs Lab Simulation

More curriculum can be found in Pearson Addison Wesley‘s Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual: Activities · Experiments · Demonstrations · Tech Labs by Paul G. Hewitt and Dean Baird.

Name _________________________________ Section ______________ Date ______________

CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS Tech Lab Electromagnetic Induction: Generators and Alternating Current Electromagnetism Sim

Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab Purpose To manipulate simulated magnets, compasses, and coils to see how magnetic fields interact with electric currents

Apparatus computer PhET sim, “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab” (available at

Discussion When Hans Christian Ørsted discovered that electricity could be used to produce magnetism, the scientific community anticipated that it wouldn’t be long before someone would discover how magnetism could be used to produce electricity. But more than ten years would pass before Michael Faraday solved the puzzle.

The application of engineering to electromagnetism led to motors and generators. Nearly any electrical device that produces motion uses a motor. Any device that is plugged into a wall outlet draws power from a generator. Our reliance on applications of electromagnetism is never more apparent than during a power outage.

The interactions between electricity and magnetism are not always easy to grasp. In this activity, you will manipulate elements in a simulated laboratory and get visual feedback.

Procedure PART A: BAR MAGNET Step 1: Run the PhET sim, “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab.” It should open to the Bar Magnet tab. Maximize the window. You should see a bar magnet, a compass, and a compass needle grid.

Step 2: Center the bar magnet horizontally on the fourth or fifth row from the top. Set the large compass just below the bar magnet at its midpoint. It’s okay for the two objects to be touching. See Figure 1.

Step 3: If the compass needles (in the grid or in the large compass) are to be thought of as arrows indicating the direction of the bar magnet’s magnetic field, each one should be visualized as pointing

__“redward” __“whiteward”. Figure 1.

More curriculum can be found in Pearson Addison Wesley‘s Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual: Activities · Experiments · Demonstrations · Tech Labs by Paul G. Hewitt and Dean Baird.

Step 4: Using the on-screen slider in the control panel, run the strength of the bar magnet up and down. How does the sim show the difference between a strong magnet and a weak magnet?

Step 5: How does the strength of the magnetic field change with increasing distance from the bar magnet and how does the sim show this?

Step 6: With the magnet at its strongest, reverse it’s polarity using the on-screen “Flip Polarity” button in the control panel. What are the ways in which the sim reflects this polarity reversal?

Step 7: Describe the behavior of the compass during a polarity reversal (magnet initially at 100%) a. when the compass is touching the bar magnet at its midpoint.

b. when the compass is far from the bar magnet (touching the bottom of the sim window), but still on a perpendicular bisector of the bar magnet.

c. when the compass is far from the bar magnet and the magnet’s strength is set to 10%.

Step 8: a. Around the exterior of the bar magnet, the direction of the magnetic field is from its ____ pole to its ____ pole.

b. What is the direction of the magnetic field in the interior of the bar magnet? And how did you find out?

More curriculum can be found in Pearson Addison Wesley‘s Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual: Activities · Experiments · Demonstrations · Tech Labs by Paul G. Hewitt and Dean Baird.

PART B: ELECTROMAGNET Step 1: Run the PhET sim, “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab.” Maximize the window. Click the on- screen Electromagnet tab. Arrange the on-screen elements so that the top of the battery is along the second or third row of the compass grid. Notice that the magnetic field around the coil is very similar to the magnetic field around the bar magnet.

Step 2: There is no “Strength %” slider on the control panel. a. How can you change the strength of the electromagnet?

b. In real life, is it easier to change the strength of a bar magnet or an electromagnet?

Step 3: There is no “Flip Polarity” button on the control panel. How can you reverse the polarity of the electromagnet?

Step 4: In the control panel, switch the Current Source from the battery (DC: direct current) to an oscillator (AC: alternating current). If necessary, move the electromagnet so that you can see the entire oscillator.

a. What does the vertical slider on the AC source do?

b. What does the horizontal slider on the AC source do?

Step 5: What should the sliders be set to in order to create a “dance party” display? Can you make the dance party even more annoying using the Options menu? Describe.

More curriculum can be found in Pearson Addison Wesley‘s Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual: Activities · Experiments · Demonstrations · Tech Labs by Paul G. Hewitt and Dean Baird.

PART C: PICKUP COIL Step 1: Run the PhET sim, “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab.” Maximize the window. Click the Pickup Coil tab. You should see a bar magnet, a compass needle grid, and a coil attached to a light bulb.

Step 2: Describe the most effective way of using the magnet and the coil to light the bulb if

a. the coil cannot be moved.

b. the magnet cannot be moved.

Step 3: Rank the arrangements and motions shown below from most effective to least effective in terms of lighting the bulb, allowing for ties. For example, if A were most effective, B were least effective, and C and D were equivalent to one another, the ranking would be A > C = D > B.

A. Transverse External

B. Transverse Internal

C. Longitudinal Internal

D. Longitudinal External

Step 4: Move the bar magnet through the coil and observe the motion of the electrons in the forward arc of the coil loops. Report the correlations of magnet motion and electron motion.

a. Magnet approaches from the left, north pole first; electrons move downward.

b. Magnet departs to the right, south end last; electrons move upward.

c. Magnet approaches from the right, south pole first; electrons move _?_.

d. Magnet departs to the left, north end last; electrons move _?_.

More curriculum can be found in Pearson Addison Wesley‘s Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual: Activities · Experiments · Demonstrations · Tech Labs by Paul G. Hewitt and Dean Baird.

e. Magnet approaches from the left, south pole first; electrons move _?_.

f. Magnet departs to the right, north end last; electrons move _?_.

g. Magnet approaches from the right, north pole first; electrons move _?_.

h. Magnet departs to the left, south end last; electrons move _?_.

PART D: TRANSFORMER 1. Run the PhET sim, “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab.” Maximize the window. Click the on-screen Transformer tab. You should see an electromagnet and a pickup coil.

2. Experiment with the various control panel settings and the positions of the electromagnet and the pickup coil to determine a method for getting the most light out of the bulb. Describe the settings and locations.

More curriculum can be found in Pearson Addison Wesley‘s Conceptual Physics Laboratory Manual: Activities · Experiments · Demonstrations · Tech Labs by Paul G. Hewitt and Dean Baird.

PART E: GENERATOR 1. Run the PhET sim, “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab.” Maximize the window. Click the on-screen Generator tab. You should see a faucet, paddlewheel with bar magnet, compass, and a pickup coil.

2. Experiment with the various settings to determine a method for getting the most light out of the bulb. Describe the settings.

3. What is the story of light production here? Organize and connect the given “plot elements” and add any key elements that were omitted from the list to construct the complete story.

• light radiated from the bulb

• changing magnetic field

• induced electric current

• motion of the bar magnet

• kinetic energy of the water • heat the filament

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1- Below is an image of a bar magnet with its poles indicated.  Imagine a compass being placed at position X and then at position Y.  Which direction would the North Pole of the compass point at each position?

Select one:

a. The North Pole of the compass would point to the right at position X and to the right at position Y.

b. The North Pole of the compass would point to the right at position X and to the left at position Y.

c. The North Pole of the compass would point to the left at position X and to the left at position Y.

d. The North Pole of the compass would point to the left at position X and to the right at position Y.


2- Below are images of three positions of a compass near a bar magnet.  The pointed end of the compass needle represents its North Pole.  Only one of these three images shows the correct orientation of the compass needle, the other two are incorrect.  Which image is correct?

Select one:

a. Image A

b. Image C

c. Image B

—————————————————————-3-Which of the following statements best explains why the North Pole of a compass needle points (approximately) toward the geographic North Pole of the Earth?

Select one:

a. The South Pole of the imaginary large bar magnet inside the Earth lies close to the geographic North Pole.

b. The North Pole of the imaginary large bar magnet inside the Earth lies close to the geographic North Pole.


4- which of the following materials can interact with (be affected by) a magnet?

Select one:

a. All of them

b. Aluminum

c. Brass

d. Steel

e. Copper

5- Consider the model from a different group, similar to but not the same as Group 2’s model:

Description: There are no magnetic entities associated with the unmagnetized nail, but when a magnet is rubbed along the surface of the nail, it deposits small N and S entities (like dust particles) loosely along the surface, as shown.

Which of the following observations made by some other groups would be difficult to explain (or could not be explained) using this model? (Choose all that apply.)

Select one or more:

a. Cutting the nail anywhere along its length produces two pieces that each behave like two-ended magnets.

b. The magnetized nail behaves like a two-ended (bar) magnet.

c. When cut in half, each end of each half of the nail (four ends in all) can pick up the same number of paper clips.

d. Cutting the magnetized nail in half produces two pieces that each behave like two-ended magnets.

e. After dropping the magnetized nail in water and removing it, the wet nail is still magnetized.

f. Each end of the magnetized nail can pick up the same number of paper clips.


6- Now consider a group who found that, when they cut a magnetized nail into either halves or ¼ and ¾ pieces, the pieces of the magnetized nail still behaved as if they were two-ended.

Description: Inside the nail, there are equal numbers of separate N and S magnetic particles that can move around when attracted or repelled by a magnet. In the unmagnetized nail, they are all jumbled up randomly. When the nail is rubbed with one pole of a bar magnet, the magnetic particles arrange themselves as shown in the diagram.

Which of the following observations made by some other groups would be difficult to explain using this model? (Choose all that apply.)

Select one or more:

a. After dropping the magnetized nail in water and removing it, the wet nail is still magnetized.

b. The magnetized nail behaves like a two-ended (bar) magnet.

c. Each end of the magnetized nail can pick up the same number of paper clips.

d. When cut in half, each end of each half of the nail (four ends in all) can pick up the same number of paper clips.

e. Cutting the nail anywhere along its length produces two pieces that each behave like two-ended magnets.


7- This group’s model is similar to the last group’s model. In this case, the group performed experiments in which they cut a number of magnetized nails into two pieces of various lengths and found that both pieces were always two-ended. Here is their model for the magnetized nail:

Description: Inside the nail there are equal numbers of separate N and S magnetic particles that can move around when attracted or repelled by a magnet. In the unmagnetized nail, these N and S particles are all jumbled up randomly. When the nail is rubbed with one pole of a bar magnet, the magnetic particles arrange themselves alternately along the length of the nail.

Could this model be used to explain the observation that when a magnetized nail is cut into two pieces of arbitrary lengths both pieces are always two-ended?

Select one:

a. Yes, according to the model diagram, anywhere the nail is cut would produce two pieces that are both two-ended.

b. No, according to the diagram, there are some places where the nail could be cut and the two pieces produced would not be two-ended.


8- Here are four possible things that could be done to any object.

I.Hit it with another hard object.

II.Heat it to a very high temperature.

III.Cool it to a very low temperature.

IV.Bring it close to one end of a permanent magnet.

Considering all the evidence you have seen in this unit, in terms of the alignment of domains model, which of these seem to be able to change the orientation of at least some of the domains in a ferromagnetic object?

Select one:

a. I, II, III, and IV

b. II and III

c. I, II, and III

d. I and II

e. I, II, and IV


9- A group of students constructed the following explanation for why the N-pole of compass needle rotated toward the tip of a magnetized nail placed at the E-label, but after the nail was heated the needle showed no reaction.

(1) Before it is heated all the S-poles of the domains in the magnetized nail are facing the tip of the nail, making it a S-pole that attracts the N-pole of the compass needle. (2) When the nail is heated the domains get jumbled up with no preferred direction of alignment. This means the tip of the nail is now unmagnetized and the tip is longer any particular pole. (3) Since there is an attraction between an unmagnetized object and both poles of a magnet, both ends of the compass needle are now attracted to the nail. These two attractions tend to make the needle rotate in opposite directions, so they cancel each other out and the needle does not move.

What is your evaluation of this explanation in terms of whether it is well constructed or not?

Select one:

a. It is well-constructed.

b. It is not well constructed because it is not relevant.

c. It is not well constructed because the diagram is not clear or the narrative is not easy to read.

d. It is not well-constructed because the diagram and narrative are inconsistent.


10- Now consider only the narrative from the same explanation

(1) Before it is heated all the S-poles of the domains in the magnetized nail are facing the tip of the nail, making it a S-pole that attracts the N-pole of the compass needle. (2) When the nail is heated the domains get jumbled up with no preferred direction of alignment. This means the tip of the nail is now unmagnetized and the tip is longer any particular pole. (3) Since there is an attraction between an unmagnetized object and both poles of a magnet, both ends of the compass needle are now attracted to the nail. These two attractions tend to make the needle rotate in opposite directions, so they cancel each other out and the needle does not move.

What is your evaluation of this narrative in terms of whether it is accurate or not?

Select one:

a. It is accurate.

b. It is not accurate because part (2) is not consistent with the class consensus model.

c. It is not accurate because part (3) is not consistent with how we know unmagnetized and magnetized objects interact with each other.

d. It is not accurate because part (1) is not consistent with the class consensus model and/or the Law of Magnetic Poles.


11- Again, consider only the narrative from the same explanation

(1) Before it is heated all the S-poles of the domains in the magnetized nail are facing the tip of the nail, making it a S-pole that attracts the N-pole of the compass needle. (2) When the nail is heated the domains get jumbled up with no preferred direction of alignment. This means the tip of the nail is now unmagnetized and the tip is longer any particular pole. (3) Since there is an attraction between an unmagnetized object and both poles of a magnet, both ends of the compass needle are now attracted to the nail. These two attractions tend to make the needle rotate in opposite directions, so they cancel each other out and the needle does not move.

What is your evaluation of this narrative in terms of whether it is well-reasoned or not?

Select one:

a. It is not well reasoned because it does not explain why the compass needle is attracted to the nail before heating.

b. It is not well-reasoned because it does not explain why the compass needle does not react to the the nail after it was heated.

c. It is not well-reasoned because it does not explain why heating the nail causes the domains to change their orientation.

d. It is well-reasoned.

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