discussion 03 organ procurement project

Almost all barriers to quality improvement are deficiencies in management and leadership. These deficiencies can take a few different forms but usually look something like:

• Lack of a desire to change or improve
• Lack of strategic planning needed to identify improvements
• Poor communication and oversight of needed changes
• A lack of empowerment and accountability to drive improvements
• Poor collaboration between leaders and their departments
• Having the wrong perspective of Quality as a short-term initiative

Read IN-PRACTICE 4-1 on page 118 of the textbook, “State University Hospital and State Donor Services.” Per Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, under the direction of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “One organ donor can save eight lives.” Chris Carter – the new administrator for the Emergency Department was set up for failure from the very start. The cause of the decline is not due to paper work.

Considering the hospital is the largest source and utilizer of donated organs, think about the importance of this situation and how this project can be expanded into a state-wide initiative. Use the deficiencies above to assess the failure of the team at State University Hospital. Discuss why it is important for SUH to develop a strong team for this project, and address the role of various team members, who should be included, what is the role (if any) should the Chairman of the Surgery Department have, did the COO assign the best leader, why? In addition, ask one question about this topic for others to answer and/or clarify.

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jackson the south slavery read and respond questions


Throughout the semester, you will be required to read Primary and Secondary Source material and write up individual answers to questions based on those documents. The purpose of these assignments is to assess the student’s ability to effectively analyze a question, gather appropriate information from the source or sources at hand, as write a well organized, college/university level answer that reflects the basic expectations of a history survey course. Each paper submitted is worth 75 points.


Answers are to be in complete sentences and written in a manner demonstrating college-level communication skills. Answers that consist of one or two sentences are generally not indicative of excellent work and will be graded accordingly. Answers that consist of several paragraphs but lacking in critical analysis and proper support are also not indicative of excellent work and will be graded accordingly. Be sure to support your answers/arguments with appropriate examples/quotes from the sources. ***Proofread your work before final submittal.


The paper must be submitted to the Dropbox by the specific due date. **Remember, no late assignments will be accepted. Each paper will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn to check for plagiarism, so be sure to use quotes and cites accordingly.


For these modest writing assignments, the following formatting guidelines apply:

1). Please put your name on this paper.

2). Paper must be typed.

3). 1-inch margins should be used.

4). 12-point font should be used

5). For each source, identify the source at the top of the page, Copy and Paste, or, write out each question. Then, provide your answer directly after the posted question.

SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS for each of the primary sources

JACKSON 25 PTS. “King Andrew the First”

1. According to the cartoonist, what was the major tool of Andrew Jackson’s kingly domination?

2. What established institutions is he trampling?

3. List at least two decisions of Jackson the cartoonist appears to disapprove.

4. Is the cartoonist pro- or anti- Jackson? Explain your answer.

“Jackson, the Times”

1. What is the date of the cartoon?

2. What details from the cartoon suggest that it was a time of depression?

3. Who was president at the time suggested in the cartoon? (Use your book to find this out)

4. What hint does the cartoon give that Andrew Jackson may have been responsible for the economic disaster?


1. How were the slaves portrayed by Chambers?

2. Is the overall impression Chambers’ conveys of the slaves’ behavior largely positive or negative? Explain.

3. How are the potential buyers and the auctioneer depicted?

4. What reason did Chambers assume as to why no slaves were sold that day?

5. Chambers said that he sought to “touch the heart[s]” of the readers of his weekly paper. He also said, however, that in this instance he self-consciously avoided being “sentimental,” that he wished to describe the day’s events “without passion or prejudice.” Which did you think he accomplished in this description of a slave auction? Did he “touch the hearts” or did he describe the auction “without passion or prejudice”? Explain why.


1. What was the opinion of Catharine Beecher concerning the cult of domesticity and the role of women in American society?

2. What was the opinion of Angeline Grimke’ concerning the cult of domesticity and the role of women in American society?

3. How would Catharine Beecher view the role of women in American society?

4. How would Angelina Grimke’ expand the role of women in American society?

5. With which of these women do you believe most 19th century women agreed? Why?

6. With which of these women do you agree? Why?

“King Andrew The First” Source

“Jackson The Times” source

“Slave Auction” Source

William Chambers (1800—1883) was a Scotsman of considerable reputation as a printer and publisher at the time of his visit to the United States in 1853. Apprenticed to a Edinburgh bookseller at the age of fourteen, he had managed, in partnership with his brother Robert, to establish a highly profitable business in 1832, publishing an inexpensive weekly paper, Chambers’s Edinburg Journal, which aimed to instruct and entertain the “humbler orders” of society. The Journal was followed by Chambers’s Historical Newspaper (1833) and Chambers’s Information for the People (1833-1835). As part of his plan to disseminate “useful knowledge” among the masses, Chambers also wrote travel commentaries, including two books based on his tour of the United States: Things as They Are in America (1854) and American Slavery and Colour (1857). On his visit to Richmond, which by then was “known as the principal market for the supply of slaves for the [lower] south,” Chambers was immediately struck by the presence of blacks “everywhere” and at the sight of an “armed sentinel” in the state capitol. It was a stark reminder, he thought, of the “danger” posed by the “large infusion of slaves” into the city. Curious to learn “by what means and at what prices slaves” were sold, Chambers discovered soon enough that such “research” was easily accomplished, for the “exposure of ordinary goods in a store is not more open to the public than are the sales of slaves in Richmond.” In the excerpt reprinted below, he recounts his first experience at a slave auction. Source: Excerpt from A Documentary History of Slavery in North America, ed. Willie Lee Rose (NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1976), 146—150. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press.

On my arrival, and while making these preliminary observations, the lots for sale had not made their appearance. In about five minutes afterwards they were ushered in, one after the other, under the charge of a mulatto, who seemed to act as principal assistant. I saw no whips, chains, or any other engine of force. Nor did such appear to be required. All the lots took their seats on two long forms near the stove; none showed any sign of resistance; nor did any one utter a word. Their manner was that of perfect humility and resignation. As soon as all were seated, there was a general examination of their respective merits, by feeling their arms, looking into their mouths, and investigating the quality of their hands and fingers—this last being evidently an important particular. Yet there was no abrupt rudeness in making these examinations—no coarse or domineering language was employed. The three negro men were dressed in the usual manner—in gray woolen clothing. The woman, with three children, excited my peculiar attention. She was neatly attired, with a coloured handkerchief bound round her head, and wore a white apron over her gown. Her children were all girls, one of them a baby at the breast, three months old and the others two and three years of age respectively, rigged out with clean white pinafores. There was not a tear or an emotion visible in the whole party. Everything seemed to be considered as a matter of course; and the change of owners was possibly looked forward to with as much indifference as ordinary hired servants anticipate a removal from one employer to another. While intending purchasers were proceeding with personal examinations of the several lots, I took the liberty of putting a few questions to the mother of the children. The following was our conversation: “Are you a married woman?” “How many children have you had?” “Seven.” “Where is your husband?” “In Madison county.” “When did you part from him?” “On Wednesday—two days ago.” “Were you sorry to part from him?” “Yes, sir,” she replied with a deep sigh; “my heart was a’most broke.” “Why is your master selling you?” “I don’t know—he wants money to buy some land— suppose he sells me for that.” There might not be a word of truth in these answers, for I had no means of testing their correctness; but the woman seemed to speak unreservedly, and I am inclined to think that she said nothing but what, if necessary, could be substantiated. I spoke also, to the young woman who was seated near her. She, like the others, was perfectly black, and appeared stout and healthy, of which some of the persons present assured themselves by feeling her arms and ankles, looking into her mouth, and causing her to stand up. She told me she had several brothers and sisters, but did not know where they were. She said she was a house-servant, and would be glad to be bought by a good master—looking at me, as if I should not be unacceptable. I have said that there was an entire absence of emotion in the party of men, women, and children, thus seated preparatory to being sold. This does not correspond with the ordinary accounts of slave-sales, which are represented as tearful and harrowing. My belief is, that none of the parties felt deeply on the subject, or at least that any distress they experienced was but momentary—soon passed away, and was forgotten. One of my reasons for this opinion rests on a trifling incident which occurred. While waiting for the commencement of the sale, one of the gentlemen present amused himself with a pointer-dog, which, at command, stood on its hindlegs, and took pieces of bread from his pocket. These tricks greatly entertained the row of negroes, old and young; and the poor woman, whose heart three minutes before was almost broken, now laughed as heartily as any one. “Sale is going to commence—this way, gentlemen,” cried a man at the door to a number of loungers outside; and all having assembled, the mulatto assistant led the woman and her children to the block, which he helped her to mount. There she stood with her infant at the breast, and one of her girls at each side. The auctioneer, a handsome, gentlemanly personage, took his place, with one foot on an old deal-chair with a broken back, and the other raised on the somewhat more elevated block. It was a striking scene. “Well, gentlemen,” began the salesman, “here is a capital woman and her three children, all in good health —what do you say for them? Give me an offer. (Nobody speaks.) I put up the whole lot at 850 dollars—850 dollars—850 dollars (speaking very fast) —850 dollars. Will no one advance upon that? A very extraordinary bargain, gentlemen. A fine healthy baby. Hold it up. (Mulatto goes up the first step of the block; takes the baby from the woman’s breast, and holds it aloft with one hand, so as to show that it was a veritable sucking-baby.) That will do. A woman, still young, and three children, all for 850 dollars. An advance, if you please, gentlemen. (A voice bids 860.) Thank you, sir—860; any one bids more? (A second voice says, 870; and so on the bidding goes as far as 890 dollars, when it stops.) That won’t do, gentlemen. I cannot take such a low price. (After a pause, addressing the mulatto): She may go down.” Down from the block the woman and her children were therefore conducted by the assistant, and, as if nothing had occurred, they calmly resumed their seats by the stove. The next lot brought forward was one of the men. The mulatto beckoning to him with his hand, requested him to come behind a canvas screen, of two leaves, which was standing near the back-window. The man placidly rose, and having been placed behind the screen, was ordered to take off his clothes, which he did without a word or look of remonstrance. About a dozen gentlemen crowded to the spot while the poor fellow was stripping himself, and as soon as he stood on the floor, bare from top to toe, a most rigorous scrutiny of his person was instituted. The clear black skin, back and front, was viewed all over for sores from disease; and there was no part of his body left unexamined. The man was told to open and shut his hands, asked if he could pick cotton, and every tooth in his head was scrupulously looked at. The investigation being at an end, he was ordered to dress himself; and having done so, was requested to walk to the block. The ceremony of offering him for competition was gone through as before, but no one would bid. The other two men, after undergoing similar examinations behind the screen, were also put up, but with the same result. Nobody would bid for them, and they were all sent back to their seats. It seemed as if the company had conspired not to buy anything that day. Probably some imperfections had been detected in the personal qualities of the negroes. Be this as it may, the auctioneer, perhaps a little out of temper from his want of success, walked off to his desk, and the affair was so far at an end… Such were a forenoon’s experiences in the slave-market of Richmond. Everything is described precisely as it occurred, without passion or prejudice. It would have not been difficult to be sentimental on a subject which appeals so strongly to the feelings, but I have preferred telling the simple truth.

“Beecher and Grimke” Source

My Dear Friend … It is the grand feature of the Divine economy, that there should be different stations of superiority and subordination, and it is impossible to annihilate this beneficent and immutable law… In this arrangement of the duties of life, Heaven has appointed to one sex the superior, and to the other the subordinate station, and this without any reference to the character or conduct of either. It is therefore as much for the dignity as it is for the interest of females, in all respects to conform to the duties of this relation… But while woman holds a subordinate relation in society to the other sex, it is not because it was designed that her duties or her influence should be any the less important, or all−pervading. But it was designed that the mode of gaining influence and of exercising power should be altogether different and peculiar… Woman is to win every thing by peace and love; by making herself so much respected, esteemed and loved, that to yield to her opinions and to gratify her wishes will be the free−will offering of the heart. But this is to be all accomplished in the domestic and social circle. There let every woman become so cultivated and refined in intellect, that her taste and judgment will be respected; so benevolent in feeling and action; that her motives will be reverenced; -so unassuming and unambitious, that collision and competition will be banished; -so “gentle and easy to be entreated,” as that every heart will repose in her presence; then, the fathers, the husbands, and the sons will find an influence thrown around them to which they will yield not only willingly but proudly..

Catharine Beecher, An Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism with Reference to the Duty of American Females (Philadelphia, Penn.: Henry Perkins, 1837), 98.101.

I have often been amused at the vain efforts made to define the rights and responsibilities of immortal beings as men and women. No one has yet found out just where the line of separation between them should be drawn, and for this simple reason, that no one knows just how far below man woman is, whether she be a head shorter in her moral responsibilities, or head and shoulders, or the full length of his noble stature, below him, i. e. under his feet. Confusion, uncertainty, and great inconsistencies, must exist on this point, so long as woman is regarded in the least degree inferior to man; but place her where her Maker placed her, on the same high level of human rights with man, side by side with him, and difficulties vanish, the mountains of perplexity flow down at the presence of this grand equalizing principle. Measure her rights and duties by the unerring standard of moral being, not by the false weights and measures of a mere circumstance of her human existence, and then the truth will be selfevident, that whatever it is morally right for a man to do, it is morally right for a woman to do. I recognize no rights but human rights—I know nothing of men’s rights and women’s rights for in Christ Jesus, there is neither male nor female…. Now, I believe it is woman’s right to have a voice in all the laws and regulations by which she is to be governed, whether in Church or State; and that the present arrangements of society, on these points, are a violation of human rights, a rank usurpation of power, a violent seizure and confiscation of what is sacredly and inalienably hers—thus inflicting upon woman outrageous wrongs, working mischief incalculable in the social Circle, and in its influence on the world producing only evil, and that continually. If Ecclesiastical and Civil governments are ordained of God, thenI contend that woman has just as much right to sit in solemn counsel in Conventions, Conferences, Associations and General Assemblies, as man—just as much right to it upon the throne of England, or in the Presidential chair of the United States.

Angelina Grimke’, Letters to Catharine Beecher, in Reply to an Essay on Slavery and Abolitionism, Addressed to A.E. Grimke’ (Boston, Mass.: I. Knapp, 1838), 113.

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how us legal social culture and economic influences its system of corporate governance 1

In your previous essay, you commented on how US culture and US legal, social, and economic institutions influence its system of corporate governance. In this essay, compare and contrast the US corporate governance system with two other countries’ systems, and comment on how culture and institutions (legal, social and economic) influence their corporate governance systems.

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market structures 9

In an eight- to 10-page paper, describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly), provide a real-life example of each market, and respond to the following for each market structure:

  • Indicate how high entry barriers into a market will influence:
    • Long-run profitability of the firms
    • Cost efficiency of the firms in the industry
    • Likelihood that some inefficient firms will survive
    • Incentive of entrepreneurs to develop substitutes for the product supplied by the firms
  • Are competitive pressures present in markets with high barriers to entry? Explain.
  • Describe which market structure you would prefer for selling products. Explain why and support your answer with the characteristics of that market.
  • Describe which market structure you would prefer for buying products. Explain why and support your answer with the characteristics of that market.
  • How does each market structure respond to price changes of the products that they sell? Explain whether each market structure will be selling elastic or inelastic products, and how this will affect the market price charged.
  • How does the role of the government affect each market structure’s ability to price their products?
  • How does international trade affect each market structure?

The Market Structures Final Paper

  • Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Must use this source..

Amacher, R., & Pate, J. (2013). Microeconomics principles and policies [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

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business homework 5

Part One

I want my business to be a southern soul food restaurant that makes sure customers are satisfied and receive food in a timely manner. These are some of the problems that other business have and I want to fix those problems

Start outlining the “Executive Summary” of your Business Plan. See Topic 1 Readings for more information.

Start researching business and industry information to help you conduct a feasibility study and prepare “Section IV” of your Business Plan. See Topic 1 Readings for more information.

If you are writing a plan for a current venture, start preparing “Section III: Company History.”

Part 2

Purpose of Assignment

The assignment for Week 4 gives students a chance to examine their own decision-making process as well as use a creative method to illustrate the stages of the process. This gives students the opportunity to take their real world, personal decision and relate it to their future work and careers.

Assignment Steps

Using the 6 steps in the decision making process, develop a PowerPoint® presentation that discusses a recent business decision in your work or desired career. The presentation should not exceed a maximum of 10 slides in total – that includes the cover page and reference page (if you have references to cite). Review the Six Step process In Contemporary Management from pages 194-199.

Directions: Create one slide for each of the steps and create your presentation with content/details that covers each of the six steps. Your very first slide should introduce the reader/audience to the decision and situation your presentation will cover. Be sure to include speaking notes in the notes section as well. If you have quoted content or references, be sure to include those as well with a reference slide at the end.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.

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i need a reedit grahh in word

I need my graphs to be edited and reword what my discussion calculation of the mean and standard deviation for study variables in the Math Anxiety dataset. Graph I need in 1 hour but other the rewirding lm mot in a hurry. so other I need in 3 days

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ch910 business finance



Answered should be typed

1.Maple Inc. just purchased a machine for $20,000 to use on a new project. The shipping costs are $4,500 and installation charges total $2,000. Maple is anticipating an increase of $10,000 in net working capital requirements. The machine is being depreciated straight line over 7 years to an estimated salvage value of $2,000. What is the annual depreciation expense?

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assignment 1 part a your marketing plan 4


Due Week 3 and worth 200 points

For this assignment, you will document your hypothetical company’s background information and mission statement, your company’s short- and long-term goals, an environmental analysis, and a SWOT analysis.

Note: You should create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


Create the first part of your marketing plan:

  1. Write an introduction to your company. Describe your hypothetical company, its location, and the product it makes or the service it provides, and introduce the contents of your marketing plan.
  2. Develop your company’s mission statement.
  3. Decide the main goals that you would like to achieve within the next year (short term) and the main goals that you would like to achieve within the next five years (long term). Determine the most appropriate ways to measure both short- and long-term goals.

Note: Consider the following metrics: tracking downloads of website content, website visitors, increases in market share, customer value, new product /service adoption rates, retention, rate of growth compared to competition and the market, margin, and customer engagement.

  1. Develop an environmental analysis that includes competitive, economic, political, legal, technological, and sociocultural forces.
  2. Develop both a SWOT analysis and needs analysis for your product / service. Each analysis should examine three strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your company.
  3. Use at least three academic resources as quantitative marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product / service. These resources should be industry specific and relate to your chosen product / service.
    Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
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discussion 1 105

Part 1: Please comment on the below with a min off 200 words.

Select one (1) project from the working or educational environment of your choice and specify the main work process (e.g., suppliers and customers involved, work flow, etc.) of the project that you have selected. Next, suggest at least two (2) actions that a manager can take in order to improve the work process of the project in question. Provide a rationale for your response.

Part 2: Please comment and give your opinion on the below with a min off 100 words. – Rensaldo

A global business that I chose is America Airlines, as I’m a frequent flier with them. I fell very comfortable to talk about this company. American is known worldwide for its service and routes, they are one of the biggest airlines in the world and have a variety of different destinations around the globe. The company main hubs are in Dallas, Miami and New York and from there you can fly pretty much anywhere in the world.American is the second in revenue, right behind Delta.

American Advantage program is their loyalist perks program, I consider it one of the easiest and most valuable in the market. You can get the best deals with less miles, comparing to it’s competitors.

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3 4 pg paper on organizational change

Change Stories

In a three- to four- page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), reflect on an important professional change that you have experienced. Compare your change story to one of the stories from the beginning of Chapter 1 of the text. Answer the following questions and support your thoughts with at least two scholarly sources.

In your paper you must:

  • Describe your change story and the one selected from Chapter 1 of the text.
  • Discuss the common issues and lessons present in both stories.
  • Identify and discuss the embedded lesson found in the four change stories of Chapter 1.
  • Describe how you might use the lessons as a solutions template during future change strategies.Your paper should include in-text citations and references for at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the course text, and it should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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