Philosophy Assignment Questions

DO NOT USE any outside sources to answer these questions. Use only the word doc attached. has chapters 10-12.

Answer the following questions, Be sure to number your answers, so they correspond with the questions.
Each answer to each question should be at least one paragraph or more. Answers may come from the textbook, from resources provided here in the course in Blackboard, and from your mind.
No work should be submitted from outside sources the Internet or other sources (there  are a lot of bad resources on the internet, so stick with what is  provided here – I’m interested in your ability to think through and  discuss these issues, not copy from external sources).

Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling.
1. Explain the connections between pleasure, contemplation, and judgment in aesthetic appreciation.
2. Explain how aesthetics, art, and criticism are interrelated.
3. Evaluate David Hume’s view regarding art criticism.
4. Articulate the notion of ‘truth’ in art criticism.
5. Explain if it is possible to have an agreement about aesthetic judgments and if that is a problem.
6. Explain the elements of any moral dilemma: the act, the consequences of the act, and the moral agent.
7. Critically analyze the false starts in moral philosophy including relativism and Divine Command.
8. Discuss the practical and logical problems with Aquinas’ Natural Law moral theory.
9. Explain how ethics can be said to be always personal and often political.
10. Compare and contrast various views of Hobbes and Locke on the state of nature and natural rights.
11. Explain and evaluate Rousseau’s criticism of both Hobbes and Locke regarding the state of nature.
12. Explain the difference between the labor theory of property and labor theory of value.
13. Explain and evaluate Karl Marx’s analysis of class struggle as presented in his Communist Manifesto.
14. Explain the views of Nozick and Hospers regarding legitimate laws and the role of government.
15. Compare and contrast Rawls and Nozick on justice.

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Data Analysis Guide

Week 4 – Discussion 2


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.

Data   Analysis Guide

By Day 1 of Week One, you will be assigned topic.  For your assigned topic, provide  step by step directions as if you were showing a fellow classmate how to complete the assignment.  The initial post should include the answers to the questions as well as the step by step directions.  You may choose the method for creating the directions including but not limited to audio visual, visual, etc. You may choose to work with other members of your group on this post IF you contact the instructor by Day 1 of the week. If you choose to collaborate in a group of two, include in your initial post, the team process, how it was decided who would do what and how you reached consensus on the posting.  Both students need to post in the discussion.
Include your topic in your discussion post title.
The CHF data should be used for this discussion.
Topic 1:
Descriptive Statistics Using Excel – Central Tendency

  • Calculate the mean, median and mode charge.
  • Sort the charge values in ascending order.
  • Calculate the mean, median and mode charge excluding      the maximum value.
  • Did the mean, median, and mode change more? Why?

Topic 2: 

  • Calculate the mean, median and mode LOS.
  • Sort the LOS values in ascending order.
  • Calculate the mean, median and mode LOS excluding the      maximum value.
  • Did the mean, median, and mode change ? Why?

Topic  3:
Descriptive Statistics Using Excel – Spread

  • Calculate the variance and range LOS.
  • Sort the LOS values in ascending order.
  • Calculate the variance and range LOS excluding the      maximum value.
  • Did the variance and range mean or median change      more?  Why?

Topic 4:

  • Calculate the variance and range  charge.
  • Sort the charge values in ascending order.
  • Calculate the variance and range charge excluding the      maximum value.
  • Did the variance and range mean or median change      more?  Why?

Topic 5:
One Sample T-Test

  • Test the hypothesis that the sample mean LOS for MS-DRG      291 is different from the national standard.  Obtain the national      Medicare LOS from HCUP.
  • Be sure to state the null and alternative hypotheses      and set the alpha prior to performing the test.

Topic 6:
Two Sample T-Test

  • Test the hypothesis that charges for patients with      MS-DRG 291 are different for men and women.
  • Be sure to state the null and alternative hypotheses      and set the alpha prior to performing the test.

Topic 7:

  • The basic principle of the IPPS payment system is that      the ‘levels’ (no CC/CC/MCC) of a MS-DRG family has different resource      intensity and therefore should be paid differently.  Use the CHF data      to test this hypothesis.  Use charge as a measure of resource      intensity.  Be sure to state the null and alternative hypotheses and      set the alpha prior to performing the test.
  • Can you conclude which MS-DRGs have significantly      different average charges?

Contact 24/7 Writing Tutoring for support with this discussion.   Please note, that if it is determined that you would benefit from tutoring in areas in addition to writing, you may be forwarded to a secondary tutor to meet your needs.
Guided Response: Post a minimum of two follow-up responses to peers by Day 7. Each peer response should be a minimum of five full sentences.  Critique the step by step directions in the selected peer post.  Are the directions detailed to the level you would need to complete a similar assignment on your own?  If not, what additional information would you like included? Critique the format of an initial post?  Was it easy to understand or did something confuse you?  How would you improve upon the directions?  Based upon the information in this discussion, could you complete a similar exercise on your own?  Your three required posts must be on three different days of the week.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your discussion.

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Sociology Research Paper On Globalization And Cultural Reproduction Of The European Beauty Standard

DUE in 15 hours max.


Abstract: The objective of this paper is to prove that fashion advertising and the people behind it have a strong communicative power over their audience. The standard for editorial fashion (fashion on the runway) has always been surrounding thin, Anglo looking women, often dangerously thin and predominantly white. It used to be that beauty was subject to the geographic location of a person. For example, a person who is around only blacks will have see the best looking black woman as the standard of true beauty and the same for Asians, Hispanic etc. However, due to globalization and rapid growth of technology the world has become smaller because people can constantly communicate with eachother no matter where they stand on the globe. With that, the European beauty standard has imposed itself on all parts of the world. Tall, thin and blonde is the ideal look. These advertisements are ubiquitous (all around us) and it has been engrained into women’s minds that they need to look this way. This paper is intended to reveal the messages that people behind these fashion advertisements are sending. There should be a data section which includes reference to the past few years of VOGUE magazine, which had thin, white women on almost EVERY color. The fashion advertising and magazine industries communicate a subtle racism and preference for dangerously thin body types which can have a negative psychological effect on the audience, especially young women. The focus of the paper is cultural reproduction which means that by continuing to put out images like this, these industries are keeping this culture of the ideal thin blonde the same. Cultural reproduction should be defined and explained in the paper as it relates to this topic.


Layout and format with explicit instructions are attached. The articles I would like to use as research are also attached and must be cited in MLA format with some quotes in the paper. All four articles must be discussed in the literature review section. The data section must be about VOGUE and Vogue’s website should be cited. It must be six pages with the sections labeled as in the instructions. Proper grammar is important for this assignment.

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Ethics And Morality In Criminal Justice

Due 03/13/2017


Please watch this short video Sheriff defends deputy’s taser take down before participating in this discussion.


Was the use of force and the use of the Taser justified in this case? What are the advantages of a taser over other use of force options? Does the public have the right to expect “safe” measures when resisting arrest? What are legitimate expectations in this regard?


Due 03/13/2017



“Your first big case is a multiple murder. As the defense attorney, you have come to the realization that your client really did break into a couple’s home and torture and kill them in the course of robbing them of jewelry and other valuables. He has even confessed to you that he did it. However, you are also aware that the police did not read him his Miranda warning and that he was coerced into giving a confession without your presence. What should you do? Would your answer be different if you believed that he was innocent or didn’t know for sure either way? Discuss your position.

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Benchmark Assignment – Summary Memo

Week Five Case Studies

HCS/475 Version 9





University of Phoenix Material


Week Five Case Studies


Case Scenario 1


The practice manager at Happy Cardiology Services has been asked by human resources to create and implement a program to address concerns brought by the coding, billing, and credentialing staff (n=10). Staff collectively feel that administration does not fully understand their job duties and does not provide a way for the staff to share their concerns about the work environment. Comments have also been made to human resources that they feel some pressure to up-code and aggressively seek payment from patients. Morale is low, and staff have been resigning at a rapid pace. They are currently at a turnover rate of 22%.


Case Scenario 2


The staff members at Smiley Hospital are assigned to specific patient age groups and their responsibilities differ across the unit. The staff has been complaining that their evaluations do not accurately measure their responsibilities and that they are being measured on performance outcomes they cannot control. Morale is low because they believe their work is not being recognized or distributed fairly (leadership/ethical issue). The directors at Smiley Hospital have been challenged with developing a new way to fairly assign and assess individual performances according to their various job descriptions.


Case Scenario 3


The quarterly reports of expenditures for all the St. Agnes Health System have been distributed. You are the director team for the Orthopedic Clinic, and your area has grossly overspent its budget for the third consecutive quarter. There are rumors circulating that your job depends on reducing costs for supplies, the most expensive item on the list. Other rumors suggest that all the clinic staff fear they will lose their jobs if the poor financial report for the clinic causes the board to convert the clinic into an urgent care or outsource services (issues as to culture and the health of work environment, such as rumors, toxicity, and ethics related to culture and communication). Although morale has been low, you have been adequately staffed and there seems to be an increase in sick calls by everyone on the team.


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Cross-Cultural Perspectives Of Tourism

Making Acquaintances: Differences and Similarities (75 points)

Please review the samples before starting your work. 

1. Each student will provide a brief two-page cultural write-up relating to his/her representative country : (20 pointsI chose Japan

  1. Historical background
  2. Communication styles      (language, both verbal and non-verbal)
  3. Beliefs (religion, family,      nature, etc.)
  4. Society structure (gender      equality, role of children, family, ethnic groups, leaders, government,      political ideologies, hierarchies)

VERY IMPORTANT – your final score will greatly depend on this.
In the next two sections, associations SHOULD be made with the value orientations addressed in the Values portion of this course:

§  Human Nature (Universalism-Particularism, Good/Evil, High-Context/Low-Context, Uncertainty Avoidance)

§  Relation to Nature (Subjugation, Harmony, Mastery, Inner-/Outer-Directed)

§  Activity Orientation (Achievement/Ascription, Doing-Being-Being-Becoming)

§  Human Relationships (Affectivity/Affective Neutrality, Instrumental/Expressive, Self (Individualistic)/Collective (Collateral)/Linear, Egalitarian/Hierarchical, Power Distance)

§  Relation to Time (Past-Present-Future, Monochronic/Polychronic, Low-Context/High- Context

2. Each student will provide a two-page list of ‘Reasons for Codes of Cultural Behavior’ for tourists visiting his/her representative country. This list will explain to tourists why it is important that they follow each of the Do’s and Don’ts, from the hosts’ cultural (values of the culture) perspective, and should include the following: (40 points)

a. Five major ‘Do’s’ for tourists
i. At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Do’ (20 points) (Describe in detail

one distinct value orientation for each Do. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of Dos.)

b. Five major ‘Don’ts’ for tourists

i. At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Don’t’ (20 points) (Describe in detail one distinct value orientation for each Don’t. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of Don’t’s.)

  1. Each student will provide      APA-style citations within the text whenever applicable and compile a list      of APA-style references (reference page) for all resources used in his/her      write-up (5 points)
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Compose And Answer One Original Question Per Group Below:

Compose and answer one original question per group below:

Group 1: Aristotle or Mill (Pick one; both author’s files are attached below)

Group 2: Sartre (Sarte’s file is attached below)

Q&A Discussion Forum: You will be asked to come up with two original questions based on the work of two different authors in each week’s required readings. Think about what stood out to you in the works in question—what ideas, theories, or approaches did you find to be interesting, engaging, or perhaps intriguing or challenging? (See each Discussion Forum for the specific authors or works you may select from in forming your questions.)

Your task is then to do your best to answer each of your own questions as incisively and thoroughly as possible within a word-count range of around 350-500 words maximum (posts with fewer than 250 words will not receive any credit). The word count includes your question but not any citations. You must cite at least one source, which will be the particular essay or article from the required readings you are addressing. You are welcome to bring in as many others sources as you may need, but this is optional. Just be sure to cite any source from which you take ideas, arguments, or passages of language within the body of your response (next to the quoted or paraphrased passages), including the full source information at the end of your response (you need not do a separate works cited or reference page for this assignment). Your score for this part of the assignment will be based on the relevance, sophistication, and originality of your questions as well as the insight, understanding, and incisiveness expressed in your answers. This assignment will be due at the end of day on each Friday of the course.

In these essay-style responses to your own questions, you should express a point of view and support your view with good reasons, evidence, examples, expert opinion, etc. High marks will not be achieved by simply reporting back information from the text or other sources. Philosophical thinking and writing involves more than presenting information; beyond doing this, you must also critically assess the issue in question—this involves original thinking and analysis. Moreover, you should attempt to come to some final position in response to the question and include evaluation of others’ positions or views on the issues involved in the question. Work for originality and development of critical analyses and evaluations.

Each one of your two Q&A Discussion threads should be formatted as follows:

My first question is:

My answer to this question is:

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6.14 Augustine On Human Freedom And 6.17 Pelagius On Human Freedom

Document Based Assignment

These will be available on the course web site.

From The Christian Theology Reader, 4th Edition by Alister E. McGrath, ed., you are to read one (1) pair of the following three (3) selections:

A 6.3 Tertullian on Inherited Grace and 6.6 Origen on Inherited Sin

B 6.14 Augustine on Human Freedom and 6.17 Pelagius on Human Freedom

C 6.35 Philip Melancthon on Justification by Faith and 6.69 The Council of Trent on Justification

You are to write a 400 – 600 word typed response to the readings according to the following directions:

· Briefly and concisely state the main idea of each reading.

· What is the argument/thesis/main point of each author?

· Briefly describe any points of agreement or disagreement.

· Do the author’s agree on a given point? Briefly explain where they agree.

· Do they disagree? Briefly explain where they disagree.

· Evaluate and take a position on the readings.

· Do you agree with one author over another? Why/why not?

· What is your own position in relation to the readings?

Please use the Document Based Assignment Template posted on the course site to respond to the points above. Please follow standard formatting styles: font size 12, Times New Roman or Calibri, standard margins. Please try to double side the assignment when printing, if you can’t please staple the pages together.

The due date for this assignment is: Monday, February 26th or Tuesday, February 27th.

Late assignments will be accepted, but will be graded lower by 5 points per day late, including weekends and holidays. If there is a problem, let me know, don’t wait!!!!!

This component will be worth 100 points toward your overall grade for the semester.

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Need The Best Grade

Q1. What are the four kinds of executive agencies? a) executive departments, independent regulatory commissions, government corporations, and independent agencies b) executive departments, legislative departments, regulatory commissions, and judicial commissions c) independent agencies, collaborative agencies, nonprofit agencies, and regulatory agencies d) nonprofit organizations, government corporations, legislative departments, and judicial commissions

Q2. What is the difference between policy outputs and policy outcomes? a. Policy outcomes only produce intended consequences, whereas policy outputs may produce intended or unintended consequences. b. Policy outputs are the things actually done by agencies in pursuance of policy decisions and statements, whereas policy outcomes are the consequences for society, intended and unintended, that stem from deliberate governmental action or inaction. c. Policy outputs are intangible and hard to measure effectively, whereas policy outcomes can be readily counted, totaled, and statistically analyzed. 2 d. Policy outcomes are the things actually done by agencies in pursuance of policy decisions and statements, whereas policy outputs are the consequences for society, intended and unintended, that stem from deliberate governmental action or inaction.

Q3. _______ is a form of policy evaluation that employs social science methodology to measure effects of policies or programs and the extent to which they are achieving their goals or objectives. a. Impressionistic evaluation b. Systematic evaluation c. Experimental design d. Before-and-after study

Q4. What is one reason why policy termination is difficult to accomplish? a. It is hard to readily identify government policies that appear wasteful, unnecessary, or inappropriate. b. There are strict and complicated laws that protect policies from termination. c. Policies usually have a group of supporters who are strongly committed to the policy. d. Critics and opponents of a policy are often just as intense in their feelings as policy supporters.

Q5. The scientific policy studies approach to understanding public policymaking has three basic aims. Which of the following is NOT one of those aims? a. to identify or prescribe “good” or proper policy b. to develop reliable theories and explanations about public policies and their politics c. to search for the causes and consequences of public policies by applying socialscientific methodology d. to explain the adoption of a policy   3 Section B: Essay Questions (Total: 35 Points)

Q6. Discuss the steps that are involved in policy formulation including the roles of various governmental agencies and interest groups. Using an example, please discuss how policy formulation is a technical process. [10 points]

Q7. Discuss in detail the concepts of rule-making and adjudication using examples. [5 points]

Q8. Anderson states that “all policies incorporate an element of control” (p. 261: Chapter 6). Discuss in detail the various control techniques that are usually associated with policies. Please use examples in your answer [15 points]

Q9. Define the term “policy impact.” Discuss the various dimensions that one has to consider when studying the impact of a policy. [15 points]

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This chapter is from Introduction to Statistics for Community College Students, 1st Edition, by Matt Teachout, College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA, USA, and is licensed

under a “CC-By” Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license – 10/1/18





Problem Set Section 2D (For #1-10) Add and subtract the given sample statistic and margin of error to find the confidence interval estimate of the population value. Then write the confidence interval using both inequality notation and using interval notation. Now write a sentence explaining the confidence interval to someone.

Confidence interval = Sample Statistic ± Margin of Error

1. “What is the population percent of the adult population is infected with this disease?” Sample percentage = 4.9% Margin of error = 1.3% (Found with 95% confidence level.)

2. “What is the population mean average height for men?” Sample mean = 68.335 inches Margin of error = 1.293 inches (Found with 99% confidence level.)

3. What is the population standard deviation for the systolic blood pressure in women? (Assume there was a normal sampling distribution.) Sample standard deviation = 17.11 mm of Hg Margin of error = 3.31 mm of Hg (Found with 90% confidence level.)

4. What is the population percentage of left-handed people get migraine headaches? Sample proportion = 0.088 Margin of error = 0.027 (Found with 95% confidence level.)

5. What is the population mean average price of a used mustang car in thousands of dollars? Sample mean = 15.98 thousand dollars Margin of error = 3.78 thousand dollars (Found with 90% confidence level.)

6. “What is the population percentage of rabid animals are wild?” Sample proportion = 0.903 Margin of error = 0.008 (Found with 95% confidence level.)

7. “What is the population mean average weight for men?” Sample mean = 172.55 pounds Margin of error = 11.272 pounds (Found with 99% confidence level.)

8. What is the population variance for the heights of men? (Assume there was a normal sampling distribution.) Sample variance = 10.177 square inches Margin of error = 3.661 square inches (Found with 90% confidence level.)

9. What is the population percentage of women in the U.S. are overweight? Sample percentage = 36.9% Margin of error = 1.44% (Found with 95% confidence level.)

10. What is the population mean average amount of tip in dollars at a particular restaurant? Sample mean = $3.849 Margin of error = $0.504 (Found with 99% confidence level.)




This chapter is from Introduction to Statistics for Community College Students, 1st Edition, by Matt Teachout, College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA, USA, and is licensed

under a “CC-By” Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license – 10/1/18





(For #11-20) Write a sentence explaining each of the following confidence intervals. Then use the following formulas to identify the sample statistic ( p̂ or x̅ or s ) and the margin of error.

Sample Statistic = (𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙+𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙) 2

Margin of Error = (𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙−𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙) 2


11. A 95% confidence interval estimate of the population proportion of fat in the milk from Jersey cows is (0.046 , 0.052).

12. A 99% confidence interval estimate of the population mean number of miles is 13.4 miles < µ < 17.2 miles.

13. A 90% confidence interval estimate of the population proportion of people who will vote for the Independent party candidate is 0.068 < π < 0.083.

14. A 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean amount of milk in gallons is ( 48.7 , 58.4 ).

15. A 99% confidence interval estimate of the population standard deviation for the height of men in inches is 2.34 < σ < 2.87. Assume there was a normal sampling distribution.

16. A 95% confidence interval estimate of the population proportion of peanuts in a can of mixed nuts is 0.4221 < π < 0.6179.

17. A 99% confidence interval estimate of the population mean pH of lakes in Florida is (6.118 , 7.064).

18. A 90% confidence interval estimate of the population proportion of home teams that win a soccer game is (0.5093 , 0.6574)

19. A 95% confidence interval estimate of the population mean average price of apartments in Manhattan, NY is $2514.36 < µ < $3798.64.

20. A 90% confidence interval estimate of the population variance for the pH of lakes in Florida is 1.2353 < 𝜎𝜎2 < 2.3675. Assume there was a normal sampling distribution.

(#21-26) Go to and click on “statistics” and then “data sets”. Open the “coffee data” and copy and Columbian Mild price data. Now go to and click on the “StatKey” button. Under the “sampling distribution” menu click on “mean”. Under edit data, paste the Columbian Mild coffee data. Click on “samples of size n” and put in 30. Turn off the button that says, “First column is identifier” as we have only a single column of data. Now click ok. You are now ready to create your sampling distribution. This time we want the computer to create a confidence interval for each sample it takes. On the right side of the screen, click on the button that says confidence intervals and set the confidence level to 95%. StatKey will take a random sample from the population data, find the sample mean and place a dot for the sample mean in the distribution. It will also create a confidence interval from that sample mean. StatKey will keep track of whether the true population mean is actually contained in the confidence interval or not. Green means the confidence interval did contain the population value and red means that the confidence interval did not contain the population value. Now answer the following questions.

21. Notice the confidence intervals for sample means were different for each random sample. Discuss the implications of sampling variability on the accuracy of a confidence interval from a random sample.



This chapter is from Introduction to Statistics for Community College Students, 1st Edition, by Matt Teachout, College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA, USA, and is licensed

under a “CC-By” Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license – 10/1/18





22. What was the population mean in cents per pound? Did all the confidence intervals contain the population mean? What does it mean that the interval “contained” or “captured” the population mean?

23. How many total random samples did you take? How many of them contained the population mean? What percent of the confidence intervals contained the population mean?

24. How many confidence intervals did not contain the population mean? What percent of the confidence intervals did not contain the population mean?

25. As the number of random samples increased, did the percentage of confidence intervals that contained the population mean get closer or farther away from 95%? Why do you think that is?

26. Here is the definition of 95% confidence: “95% of confidence intervals contain the population parameter and 5% do not contain the population parameter”. Explain this definition of 95% confidence in your own words.

(#27-32) Assume a fair coin has a 50% (0.5) chance of getting tails. If we take samples from that population, the sample proportions will usually not be 0.5. We want to look at lots of proportion confidence intervals from sample proportions. Go to and click on the “StatKey” button. Under the “sampling distribution” menu click on “proportion”. Under “edit proportion”, put in 0.5 and then click ok. Under “sample size”, set it to “n = 30”. You are now ready to create your sampling distribution. We want the computer to create a confidence interval for each sample proportion. On the right side of the screen, click on the button that says confidence intervals and set the confidence level to 90%. StatKey will take a random sample from the population data, find the sample proportion and place a dot for the sample proportion in the distribution. It will also create a confidence interval from that sample. Remember that the population proportion for a fair coin is 0.5 (50%). StatKey will keep track of whether the true population proportion is actually contained in the confidence interval or not. Green means the confidence interval did contain the population value and red means that the confidence interval did not contain the population value. Now answer the following questions.

27. Notice the confidence intervals for sample proportions were different for each random sample. Discuss the implications of sampling variability on the accuracy of a confidence interval created from a random sample proportion.

28. Did all the confidence intervals contain the population proportion of 0.5? What does it mean that the interval “contained” or “captured” the population parameter?

29. How many total confidence intervals did you make? How many of them contained the population proportion 0.5? What percent of the confidence intervals contained the population proportion 0.5?

30. How many of the confidence intervals did not contain the population proportion 0.5? What percent of the confidence intervals did not contain the population proportion 0.5?

31. As the number of random samples increased, did the percentage of confidence intervals that contained the population proportion get closer or farther away from 90%? Why do you think that is?

32. Here is the definition of 90% confidence: “90% of confidence intervals contain the population parameter and 10% do not contain the population parameter”. Explain this definition of 90% confidence in your own words.



  • Problem Set Section 2D
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