accounting equation 1

Complete a 3-part assessment that requires you to think critically to categorize business transactions, apply knowledge about the accounting equation, and identify accounting conventions for business scenarios.

This assessment was designed to enhance your understanding of the foundation of accounting procedures and processes.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Define accounting and its application to accounting principles.
    • Analyze how each business transaction affects the accounting equation.
  • Competency 2: Apply accounting cycle strategies to manage business financial events.
    • Apply calculations to determine the solution for accounting equation scenarios.
    • Analyze accounting scenarios to determine the appropriate accounting convention using ethical decision making.

Accounting is often called the language of business, and rightfully so, because all business organizations set up an accounting information system to communicate data to help individuals make better decisions. These individuals are members of two important groups: external users and internal users.

External users represent a group that is not directly involved in running an organization. However, they are invaluable to the smooth running of the organization’s moving parts. They are shareholders, lenders, customers, suppliers, regulators, brokers, and the media. This group is characterized by its need for financial accounting data.

Internal users of accounting information are those directly involved in managing and operating an organization. This group is characterized by its need for managerial accounting data.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

  • What are five terms that you consider to be associated with assets (what a business owns)?
  • Consider each term and why it should be included as an asset in a business organization.

This assessment includes three parts. Use the Assessment 1 Template, which is an Excel workbook and is linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading, to complete all three parts. You will find each of the three assessment parts under a separate worksheet in the template.

Part 1: Basic Accounting Equation Effects

Count everything, or almost everything. Just about every event that happens in a business results in changes to the assets, liabilities, or equities. For this reason, it is critical for the accountant to analyze how every business event affects the basic accounting equation, and how every event must be managed. Part 1 of the assessment is a good test of your critical thinking skills as you apply them to the components of the accounting cycle, in particular the basic accounting equation for the balance sheet.

Given below is a list of 15 business transactions. Using Part 1 of the Assessment 1 Template, indicate whether each transaction increased (+), decreased (–), or had no effect (NE) on assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity.

  1. Purchased supplies on account.
  2. Received cash for providing a service.
  3. Paid expenses in cash.
  4. Received an investment of cash from the owner.
  5. Experienced a cash withdrawal by the owner.
  6. Received cash from a customer who had previously been billed for services provided.
  7. Paid cash to purchase equipment.
  8. Paid employee salaries.
  9. Paid a creditor from whom the business had previously purchased supplies on account.
  10. Sold new shares of stock.
  11. Paid cash for monthly rent on the office space.
  12. Paid cash for monthly utility bills.
  13. Performed services on account.
  14. Made a payment on a loan received from the bank.
  15. Purchased for cash merchandise that will be later resold for profit.

Part 2: Missing Accounting Equation Data

The accounting equation requires that it always be kept in balance after a business transaction has been processed. This requires the accountant to have applied knowledge of all parts of the equation and to be able to critically analyze when the equation is not in balance. Part 2 of the assessment provides you an opportunity to apply your accounting equation intelligence quotient.

Using your knowledge about the accounting equation, answer the following questions in Part 2 of the Assessment 1 Template. Be sure to show your calculations.

  1. The liabilities of the Smith Company are $120,000 and its owner’s equity is $232,000. What is the amount of the company’s total assets?
  2. The total assets of the Jones Company are $190,000 and its owner’s equity is $91,000. What is the amount of the company’s total liabilities?
  3. The total assets of the Greene Company are $800,000 and its liabilities are equal to one-half of its total assets. What is the amount of the company’s owner’s equity?
  4. Beginning the new year, the Orange Company had total assets of $800,000 and total liabilities of $300,000. If total assets increased by $150,000 during the year and total liabilities decreased by $80,000, what is the owner’s equity total at the end of the year?
  5. Beginning the new year, the Orange Company had total assets of $800,000 and total liabilities of $300,000. If, during the year, the Orange Company’s total liabilities increased by $100,000 and its owner’s equity decreased by $70,000, what is the company’s ending amount of total assets?
  6. Beginning the new year, the Orange Company had total assets of $800,000 and total liabilities of $300,000. If total assets decreased by $80,000 and its owner’s equity increased by $120,000 during the year, what is the company’s year-end total liabilities amount.

Part 3: Accounting Conventions and Principles

Accounting conventions represent the principles, assumptions, and rules that guide an accountant as he or she analyzes the effects of business events on the accounting cycle and applies them to various cycle procedures. Part 3 of the assessment requires you to determine which of these conventions apply to a given business scenario to enhance your understanding of the foundation of accounting procedures and processes.

Using Part 3 of the Assessment 1 Template, identify the applicable accounting convention for each of the following business scenarios. More than one convention may apply to each scenario. Explain your choices for each scenario.

Before completing the scenarios consider and describe what role ethics has throughout the accounting process and reporting to internal and external customers. Throughout your assessments ensure that you apply ethics to your decision making and reporting.

  • Scenario 1: The Acme Company is undergoing a reorganization to improve its financial structure. As part of this process, the company is considering lowering its expense calculations to improve the bottom line net income.
  • Scenario 2: Regal Enterprises has purchased $45,000 worth new equipment for use in its manufacturing operations and would like to write off the cost of this equipment in just a couple of years, instead of the usual 10 years for this equipment type. The company’s president fears that the economic conditions in its industry will worsen and cause the company to sell the equipment sooner than expected.
  • Scenario 3: Bozrah Industries, a small independent retailer, wants to change its accounting system from cash-based to accrual-based, and is concerned about how this change will affect the recording of sales and expenses.
  • Scenario 4: Randolph, Inc., has experienced major turnover in its accounting department, and the new head of accounting has been going through the current records of transactions. A couple of those transactions appear problematic. The first contains an error of $10,000 that the previous accountant decided was not large enough to adjust before the financial statements were prepared. This error would understate income and make the company look more profitable than it actually is.
  • Scenario 5: The Morrison Company receives much of its revenue from those customers who buy or rent furniture and appliances on the installment plan. Because the company uses an accrual-based accounting system, revenue is recognized at the point of sale, even though cash comes in on a monthly basis from customers. Lately, the company’s accountant is questioning the use of the accrual basis for recognizing revenue, because several customers have defaulted on their contracts, causing problems in the accounting system.
  • Scenario 6: Charter Communications has recently found itself at the wrong end of multiple lawsuits for failure to provide necessary services according to their contractual obligations. Senior management does not want to disclose the potential liability of these lawsuits on its financial statements.

Submit the Assessment 1 Template with all three parts completed also use the distinquished column to answer all questions. Make sure each point is covered.

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View Topic (1) Discuss current efforts to use information systems in Education and/or other institutions of Learning (such as corporate, nonprofit, and government) as the basis for providing e-services to teachers, instructors, students, and administrators and (2) analyze the impact of “digital divide” on student performance (including enrollment and retention). Support your discussion with at least a 150-word substantive content post supported 2 appropriate relevant references.

Required Reading

American Federation of Teachers. (2007). Survey of teacher salary trends. Retrieved from…

CNN Money. (2017). Cost of living: How far will my salary go in another city? Retrieved from…

Florida Departments of Education. (2017). PK-12 public school data publication and reports: Staff-teacher salary data 2015-16. Retrieved from…

Payscale. (2017). Average salary for all K-12 Teachers. Retrieved from…

Pellegrina, J., & Quellmalz, E. (2010). Perspectives on the integration of technology and assessment. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43(2), 119-134.

Southern Regional Education Board. (2011). Focus on teacher reform legislation in SREB states: Tenure, dismissal, and performance pay policies. Retrieved from…

Also, use resources below to explore additional literature support for your topic: the search engine sites i.e., Google

Google Scholar:

Optional Reading

Additional Resources

Writing Resources

As indicated via the expectations for each case assignment essay, as well as our session long project – all submissions are to reflect graduate level research and writing skills. The following web-based resources provide excellent guidance toward this end.

APA 6th Edition Citation Style, Citation Style Management (2010). Cornell University Library. Retrieved May 2012 from…

APA formatting and style guide (2009), from the Online Writing Lab at Purdue. Retrieved May 2012 from

APA Overview and Workshop (2009), from the Online Writing Lab at Purdue. Retrieved May 2012 from

Avoiding Plagiarism (2009), from the Online Writing Lab at Purdue. Retrieved May 2012 from

Grammar and Mechanics (2009), from the Online Writing Lab at Purdue. Retrieved May 2012 from

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1 reference

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budget project information

This is an Individual Project

1. Review the instructions for the project below.

2. Here is a link to a Google doc instructional video (YouTube). You may wish to find other tutorials if this one does not provide the information you need.

Project Details

For this project you will use the information provided in the scenario to address the questions in the Department Budget Response template. See the “Instructions” document and “Previous Year Budget”spreadsheets.
→Prepare a written document using the Department Budget Response Template and Excel spreadsheet to explain your responses for each area of the budget.

This is a representative budget, not an actual budget that would be submitted to the financial officer. That type of budget document is more technical than this one. This budget project is designed to get you thinking about what goes into planning a budget.

Your project must be organized and well thought out. It must be well written and free of any spelling and grammatical errors.


Download the Budget for Previous Year spreadsheet. Review the three (3) worksheets in that spreadsheet. You will use this information in the project. Look for the three tabs at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet.

Download the Department Budget Instructions document. I have Attached as file

Download the Previous Year Budget information spreadsheets. I have Attached as file

Use the Department Budget Response Template (provided) for your answers. Submit the completed template and your updated spreadsheet to the submission link. I have Attached as file

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job analysis cardiologist

There are two parts to this Application Exercise

The job tile is cardiologist

1- Complete a job analysis of either your current job or your dream job using the file attached (JAQ Editable.pdf)- 50 points. HINT: Once you’ve entered the information into the PDF, in order to save what you’ve done, you must use Print as PDF option. Otherwise, you’ll likely be turning in a blank document and will get zero points. Do not submit handwritten assignments!

2- Use the information from the Job Analysis to create a job description for the same job using the file attached (JD Template.docx). 50 points.

Be thorough and pay attention to spelling and grammar.

Note- you cannot receive partial credit for turning in one and not the other.


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The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, at of the U.S. Federal government states that it’s role is as the “principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.” As you might well guess then, the BLS provides a wealth of information concerning employment and the economy and the economy. Connect to the BLS’s website and answer the following questions.

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1. Defining blockchain – make the audience understand what it is

2. Give real world example of companies utilizing block chain

3. How HR is adapting blockchain technology

4. Pros and cons of blockchain and HR

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Must follow Rubric

APA Format


These resources provide information about evidence-based practice.

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