Discussion – Empiricism

article: https://kpu.pressbooks.pub/psychmethods4e/part/the-science-of-psychology/

In chapter one, you learned to differentiate between empirical and non empirical questions. As a review, Empiricism refers to learning based on observation. Scientists learn about the world systematically, by carefully planning, making, recording and analyzing observations of it.

Watch this video from 60 Second Philosophy on this topic.

What is Empiricism?Links to an external site.What is Empiricism?

Main Discussion Post – Due Wednesday by 11:59pm

  • Share two different empirical questions about human behavior that you would be interested in learning more about. In addition to the empirical questions, include responses to the following:
    • What about these questions interest you?
    • What characteristics of empiricism do your questions have that differentiate them from non-empirical questions?

Each of the empirical questions should be numbered.  Answers to the above questions should be thorough and thoughtful. Shoot for at least five sentences per empirical question, for a total of 10 sentences minimum.

Response Posts – Due Friday by 11:59pm

Respond to at least two of your classmates. Please include the following in your responses:

  • What about the empirical question or questions do you also find interesting?

Your response should add to your classmates’ discussion in a meaningful and substantive manner. Each response should be at least 6 sentences.


  • Your posts must be in your own words. Work that is not original will not receive credit.
  • Your responses must be in college-level English.
  • Please refer to the rubric for full scoring criteria
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5 Page Financial Accounting Analysis For Prevention HIV/AIDS Program PreP


1/26 9P




5 pages including 2 budget sheets attached and 3 pages not including title and ref page min 3 ref APA


I will send public health initiative privately.

Please conduct research on chosen program


Please use PHS 398 fp4 (Form Page 4) and PHS 398 fp5 (Form Page 5) for this portion of the SPP. You may use the PHS398 Continuation page OR a word document for the text of this assignment. There is an example of what the budget and budget justification should look like in Week 9 Resources…do not add any sections that are not outlined in the instructions for Week 9 SPP. This assignment should only be your budget,  budget justification and an analysis of the fiscal soundness and long-term viability of the public health initiative.

Part 2: Financial Accounting Analysis

For this part of your Scholar-Practitioner Project you will develop a financial accounting analysis of the public health initiative you selected in week 2. In your analysis, be sure to incorporate return on investment, time-value of money, and inflation factors.

The financial accounting analysis should include:

· A 5-year proposed budget including major line items (see blank form for proposed budget on NIH grants page located in the course syllabus or here:
Online Article: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2009, June). Public health service: PHS 398. Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period Form Page 4  and Form Page 5

· http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html (Concentrate on the budget and completing the two form sections)
Grant Application PHS 398. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service.

o There is a $500,000 Direct Cost per year limit ( as noted in the PHS 398 Instructions page 22)

· An analysis of budget line items, costs, sources of revenue, and deficits (This is the budget justification)

· An analysis of the fiscal soundness and long-term viability of the public health initiative

· The 5pages include the 2 government forms. Note that the budget justification can/should be single spaced.

· You must submit only one document for grading in Blackboard…no exceptions.

· Figuring out the government forms is part of the SPP experience.

· Be sure to visit the NIH website, the forms can actually be downloaded in other formats.

· Here are some Q & A from the other section of the course. I thought it would be useful to share.


· Question: We are to make this project our own.  If I see fit to add personnel or anything to my budget, I can do so as long as I have justification or do I have to stick to the existing budgets that I see for the initiative?


· Answer:  You can make it your own as long as it is realistic and everything is justified.
Question:  In order to discuss the fiscal soundness and long-term viability of the public health initiative, I would just add supportive data to make a case for this analysis that is included in the project?


· Answer: The fiscal soundness and long term viability should only be one or two paragraphs and based on peer reviewed research and other supporting information. This section varies greatly depending on the type of project.



· Question: For my budget is it okay if I just do my area Dougherty County instead of trying to figure out the budget for all 60 counties that are involved with the health initiative?


· Answer: Small and manageable is best for this course project. The idea is to practice creating a budget and using government forms so one county is perfect.


· REMEMBER~~One of the challenges of this assignment is working with government forms and following instructions so do your best….your main concern should be that the information is correct in the forms ….that is the main thing I am grading 🙂

Please read what was included in the project previously

Economics and Financing of Public Health Systems

Scholar-Practitioner Project (SPP) Guidelines (15–17 pages total)

For the Scholar-Practitioner, you take an in-depth look at the long-term economic and financial outlook of a public health initiative. You should have a reliable contact within the organization that will allow you to have enough information and access to complete the project.

The project will consist of four parts:

· Part 1A: Public Health Initiative Approval (Due Week 2)

· Part 1B: Economic analysis (Due Week 5)

· Part 2: Financial accounting analysis (Due Week 9) THE PART YOU’RE DOING

· Part 3: Alternative funding sources (Due Week 11)

You must demonstrate that your public health initiative is viable, capable of being sustained on a long-term basis, and provides a positive public health impact in the community. Your public health initiative must also increase the health status of an underserved population to be deemed successful.

Describe the public health initiative you selected P to be the focus of your Scholar-Practitioner Project. Include a brief overview of the initiative and your rationale for selecting the initiative.

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1. Aristotle argues that if human beings, as human beings, have a proper function (something that we seem specifically designed to do, and which distinguishes us from plants and animals) then genuine human happiness (i.e., a truly flourishing and blessed life) would seem to lie in fulfilling that function–in other words, living the kind of life a human being is meant to live and living it well. (Remember, “happiness” is not to be understood as a feeling, but as a flourishing life.) What is this “proper function” that Aristotle has in mind? Do you agree that this is our proper function? If not, what else could be our proper function, as a human being?

2. Aristotle argues that people are not born either virtuous or vicious, but become one or the other by developing certain characteristics over time. Do you agree with his view? What evidence can you cite to support your position?


James White’s Contemporary Moral Problems, 10th ed.  (Stamford, CT:
Cengage Learning, 2012).
ISBN-13: 9780840033789

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Frequency Statistics

400 words

Assignment Overview

By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competency and specialized behaviors:

  • Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
    • C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform evidence-based research practice to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 1: Devise accurate datasets.
        • 3: Describe and report the statistical method or test outcomes using the appropriate statistical method or test.
    • C4.SP.B: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform program evaluation to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:​
        • 2: Develop appropriate statistical tests and reports that assist in program evaluation.
        • 4: Apply critical thinking in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology.
Assignment Scenario

You are evaluating the mental health services provided to children by your agency. The agency provides trauma-informed counseling services to children and youth, ages 5–18. The agency’s goal is to have a relatively equal distribution of children and youth, in terms of ages, who seek services.

You will complete a frequency distribution of the number and ages of children who accessed services within your community agency over the past month. You will need to provide a histogram and summary of your analysis. Consider the implications of the findings as you plan for next year’s programming.

Assignment Instructions

Using the Unit 2 Dataset 2 given in the resources, respond to the following prompts:

  1. Open the Unit 2 Dataset 2 file (given in the resources) in JASP.
  2. Develop a histogram to demonstrate the number of children and their ages. Refer to the JASP Tutorial Video: Histograms and Pie Charts, given in the resources.
  3. Consider that the main goal for using frequency distribution is to simplify large datasets. Graphs provide us with a tool to interpret the data. Addressing the prompts below, provide a brief narrative summary that you would provide to the Ray Foundation to describe the age of children and frequency of services used.
    • Interpret the data displayed in the histogram output graphs you created.
      • What trends do you see in the usage of mental health services?
      • How do these trends affect your planning for the program?
      • What would be your next steps if you wanted to see a representation of all age groups at your agency

Unit 2 Dataset 2 [JASP].

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The Medicaid program has gone through several amendments and expansions since its inception in the 1960s, most notably with the Affordable Care Act (2010). However, its purpose remains essentially the same: to assist people with low income in gaining access to necessary health services. Because the federal program is administered by each state, Medicaid looks different across the country. What are the requirements and procedures for your state?

In this Discussion, you research your own state’s Medicaid policy and consider its effect on a certain population. Make sure to access the Medicaid.gov website, in the Learning Resources, to conduct your research.


  • Identify a population that is eligible to receive Medicaid benefits, and describe why they are eligible.
  • Explain your state’s eligibility requirements for this population.
  • Recommend and defend one change to the Medicaid policy in your state that would benefit the population you presented.



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The U.S. food stamp program—today known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—was developed during the presidencies of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. Its purpose is to increase the food budgets of low-income individuals and families, resulting in better nutrition.

Imagine you are working with a client who wishes to receive SNAP benefits. How would you help him or her navigate the eligibility requirements? What could be a barrier to your client gaining these benefits? For this Discussion, you explore SNAP in greater detail and determine what you might change to facilitate a better client experience.


  • Explain the eligibility for receiving food stamps in your chosen state.
  • Identify a population that would be eligible to receive food stamps.
  • Identify two challenges this state policy presents for this population.




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Leadership Learning Journals

Overview and Rationale

Journal writing is a critical part of becoming self-aware and developing effective leadership capability. Keeping a journal can help you integrate learning from your reading and class discussions with your previous or current leadership experiences. Each week you will be assigned a reflective exercise and a self-assessment to help you learn more about yourself, as a leader. The reflective exercise will be posted in the course materials section of Canvas. The reflective journals will become input for your Leadership Self-Assessment due the last week of the course.

Assignment Objectives

  • Students will be able to connect personal experiences with each aspect of the course, citing course readings, lectures, and discussions.
  • Students will be able to follow their personal progress as a leader by analyzing and reflecting on each module’s content and activities.
  • Through the leadership learning journals, students will recognize obstacles and strengths to their own development as a leader, as well as identifying solutions or plans on how to overcome those obstacles or develop those strengths.

This assignment fulfills the course objective of understanding through lecture materials and readings, students will incorporate leadership theories to create a personal leadership model and definition. Students will also relate leadership theory and practice to personal experiences and examples through class discussion, personal reflection, and research to fulfill implementation.

Essential    Components
These    journals,    while    reflective    in    nature,    should    be    clear    and    concise,    as    these    will    be    used    as    reference
points    for    you    as    you    move    through    the    Leadership    program.

Think    about    the    following    when    writing    your    journals:
• Readings    or    discussions    that    surprised    you    or    changed    an    opinion    you    previously    held
• Connections    you    made    to    your    personal    and    professional    life
• What    are    leadership models I    value    and    identify    with?
• What    strengths    do    I    have    that    will    help    facilitate    my    development    as    a    leader?
• How    do    others    model    leadership skills?    How    do    I    model    these?

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The Family System: Overview Of The Problem Of Child Abuse And Neglect

Child welfare services have a primary goal of protecting children from harm and promoting a child’s development to ensure a healthy transition towards adulthood.  However, when considering the historical and contemporary disproportionality of children of color represented within the child welfare systems (i.e., foster care, juvenile justice, etc.), it is important to consider the role of social work in reinforcing or reforming the field of child welfare.

Discuss your understanding of the degree to which the etiology (meaning the cause of) and/or prevalence of the child abuse or neglect in question is a function of diversity issues, including disparities and oppression.  Diversity can pertain to issues relating to race, gender, culture, sexual orientation, and poverty.  Please be sure that you specify which area of abuse/neglect you are addressing regarding diversity issues.

Please be sure that your response addresses 1) the history of social work and its role regarding communities of color, 2) the history of child abuse and neglect/child welfare and its role regarding urban children, youth, and families, 3) ethical practice standards as a social worker and 4) a professional opinion about how to reform child welfare to address the concerns you have identified. 

Please note that you should have at least 3 references that are not included within course material integrated as support throughout your answer, as well as support from an ethical code of your choice (i.e., Child Welfare, the National Association of Social Work (NASW Code of Ethics), National Association of Black Social Workers (Code of Ethics) or the International Federation of Social Workers).  

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Social Work And Evidence-Based (EBP) Practice Assignment – SEE ATTACHMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Social Work and Evidence-Based (EBP) Practice Paper


Social Work practitioners can no longer rely on their desire to help as being the major criteria for effectiveness of their interventions. It is imperative that we be able to demonstrate that our interventions are effective for a particular problem and person. One of the ways to evaluate the effectiveness of a given theory or model of intervention is to evaluate its use with various types of clients, e.g. children, adolescents, adults, the aged, et. al. in order to alleviate specific problems. Take one of the theories being studied throughout the program, and find some of the research that studies the effectiveness of using this theory with a particular problem or child welfare population.


Topic: Is Multisystematic therapy (theory) effective in treating victims of child maltreatment (particular problem or child welfare population)? 


This assignment does not require a complete review of all the studies that have been conducted on a specific theory (or one of its concepts), but rather asks that you find several studies, summarize these, and then make some evaluative comments based on your reading of the literature. (a study’s methodology and findings are important aspects to consider). You may find that there is little data to support a claim of effectiveness or not. That is fine, as long as you can support your conclusion . You will need to search not just the social work literature but the psychology, counseling, and psychiatry literatures as well. I suggest using the databases of psyc info, med line, and social work research and abstracts, for a start.


Since EBP requires integration of research evidence, clinical expertise and a client’s values and circumstances, please comment on these aspects of EBP and how they fit or do not fit with the empirical studies you have reviewedA minimum of 6 peer-reviewed references are required (outside of course material).


For this paper: (1) APA style must be used correctly, (2) All required relevant course readings and materials must be used, (3) At least 6 scholarly sources used (beyond course materials).The paper must be clear, well organized, and should be 8-10 pages not including the cover page, references and any other attachments. This paper will need to be typed, double-spaced, font should be Times New Roman size 12, and inclusive of traditional (normal) one-inch margins.



1. McCoy, M. & Keen, S. (2014). Child Abuse and Neglect (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-84872-529-4 also available in e-book format ISBN: 978-0-203-12069-9

2. Talley, P.F. (2014) Handbook for the treatment of abused and neglected children: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-7890-2677-4



Administration in Social Work Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry Child Abuse and Neglect

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal Child and Family Social Work

Child Welfare Clinical Social Work Journal

Clinical Supervisor Families in Society (Social Casework)

Family Process Health in Social Work

Journal of Community Practice Journal of Family Social Work

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Soc. Services Journal of Gerontological Social Work

Journal of Social Service Research Journal of S. W. Practice in the Addictions

Journal of Social Service Review Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare

Journal of Social Service Research Journal of Social Work Education Narratives: Reflections of Prof. Helping Research on Social Work Practice

School Social Work Journal Smith College Studies in Social Work

Social Service Review Social Work in Mental Health

Social Work Social Work Research and Abstracts

Social Work in Education Social Work in Health Care

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Week 9 Health Care Policy Classmates Responses

Respond by Day 5 to at least two colleagues in one of the following ways:

  • Describe two factors that might make minority groups especially vulnerable in the Medicaid policy your colleague cited. Explain why these groups may not have a voice in the policy-making process.
  • Offer examples of organized self-help and citizens’ groups as both support mechanisms and potentially powerful lobbies. Describe how these lobbying bodies can help in amending the policy your colleague described.

Colleague 1 Chana Smith RE: Discussion – Week 9COLLAPSEHow the evolution of health care policy has influenced programs such as Medicaid and Medicare.America health policy shifted from environmental concerns to individual. Over time we have moved from dispensaries, to marine hospitals, to focusing on check ups. “The federal government entered briefly into health provision during Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal with the Resettlement Administration’s medical cooperatives” (Popple & Leighninger, 2019).  The Depression led way for prepaid programs such as, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, due to hospitals being left with unpaid hospital bills. The government stepped back in when those who were less healthy, retired, unemployed, underemployed or self employed suffered. This is when both the Democratic and Republican parties worked together to put forth proposals that would protect the senior population that was getting left out of the employer based health plans (Popple & Leighninger 2019). Hospitals were reimbursed by Medicare however, continuously rising hospital costs, resulted in the Reagan administration developing a standardized payment based on diagnosis. Medicare became their cash cow because congress was able to take advantage of the cost reduction by transferring savings in Medicare into the general deficit reduction (Popple & Leighninger, 2019).   Specific Medicaid policy in your state that should be amended, and explain how you would amend it and why.The Medicaid policy in North Carolina that should be amended is the policy that prohibits payment for diet programs in weight loss centers. Helping recipients with their goal towards weight loss could help reduce Medicaid costs. Medicaid paying for weight loss programs could result in lowered expenses towards weight related health issues such as high blood pressure, and diabeties (dhhs.gov, 2018). The stakeholders involved in the Medicaid and Medicare health care policy in your state, and explain the role of these stakeholders in policy development for this issue.The stakeholders involved in the Medicaid and Medicare health care policy include ombudsmen, providers, and consumer health advocacy groups. The provide expertise and knowledge to contribute towards identifying solutions to meet the needs the people. They then work together towards  developing the policy (Nguyen, & Miller, 2018).
Colleague 2

Tameka Sutton RE: Discussion – Week 9COLLAPSEIn this week’s discussion, we are to communicate the development of Medicaid and Medicare with the rationalization of how they have influenced health care policies. We are to depict a Medicaid policy in our home state that has cause to be changed.  Explain a way to satisfy change, as well as why. We are to depict the stakeholders who participate in the Medicaid and Medicare health care policy in our home state and rationalize the stakeholders’ role in policy development.Discussion- the evolution of Medicaid and MedicareIn 1945, November, President Truman discussed a plan to bring the people to hospitals to receive good quality care, addressed lack of physicians, enlightened the Congress with a proposal that would mend high cost of coverage for medical care for families and individuals (“PROPOSAL, 1945”).  President Truman proposal to Congress established the development of a Social Security pitch that would offer affordable healthcare—report as being the initial step toward socialization (http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-09-29/site/ct-per-flash-medicare-20130929_1_affordable-care-act-health-care-health-insurance).In 1965, July 30, President Lyndon B. Johnson gave signature to the Social Security Amendment bill that became law on that day (http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=27123&st1=).  This law gave life to the Medicaid and Medicare health insurance system.  It was not until 1966, July 1, that the health care policy indeed came into existence for 18 million Americans requiring programs to help establish affordable medical expertise. On this day in American history over the amount of 19 million ages (65 and older) citizens signed on to receive coverage.  This day in the history of Medicaid and Medicare programs President Lyndon B. Johnson, and his wife signed on to the Medicare plan (http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=27123&1=). At this time the project had Part A (hospital coverage), and Part B (supplemental medical insurance). Medicaid health insurance covered all states with the initial date of January 1966 but was moving at a plodding pace. Amendments of additional care to the Medicare plan were – in 1967 children up to the age of 21, in 1972 the addition of long-term disabilities, in 1986 pregnant moms, the Act of Medicare Catastrophic Coverage in 1988, and in 2003 the improvement of the Medicare Drug plan that help to modernize coverage (https://revcycleintelligence.com/images/site/articles/2015/01/Medicare.jpg). In 2010, March 23, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) that gave coverage of Medicaid to citizens in America numbering over 30 thousand uninsured patients. Citizens of lower and middle class received assistance through federal funds that help to secure private health insurance (https://revcycleintelligence.com/images/site/articles/2015/01/Medicare.jpg) .In 2012, June there was a verdict from the Supreme Court to allow each state to make the expansion of Medicaid services “voluntary” becoming a state discretionary plan. In America, 28 states participate in the development of Medicaid, that shows as being a benefit through the enticements of EHR incentive program (Medicare and Medicaid – Meaningful Use) provides providers with a financial gain for practicing and delivering significant medical assistance (http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/index/html?redirect=/ehrincentiveprograms/). In 2015, January 26, there are goals set for the future of Medicaid and Medicare that demonstrate reform. Per the Department of Health and Human Services, there will be a 30% of fee-for-service Medicare payments “value-based payments” that will monitor the process of measurable recovery (http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2015pres/01/20150126a.html).  Ultimately, the design of new payment models for a valued care system will reduce Medicare spending. Describe Medicaid policy in North Carolina that should be amended and Why?In the North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance Enhanced Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services – Medicaid and Health Choice Clinical Coverage Policy No:8-A Amended Date: April 1, 2017, has requirements for and Limitations on Coverage Sec: 5.4 – Service Orders.  This Medicaid Service policy report that there must be a service order before or on the date of service to receive payment from Medicaid to the provider. It does not matter if the client has a backdated service order, the provider will not receive payment if there is not a service order in place. For example, if the client has a service plan dated for one-year, and the client goes into a substance abuse comprehensive outpatient treatment program a day after the year expired. Medicaid would not cover the outpatient treatment program until the client receives another service order. Still, would not be able to include any of the time before the service order date. Amend – the policy should have a clause reporting that “if” the client has received the same needed treatment within the one-year service order, then Medicaid should honor 72 hours of service. The 72 hour treatment time limit will give the professionals needed time to place another order while the client is being treated.  Without the funding for treatment, the client will be turned away –not receiving help. In the 72 hour time limit the client will receive value-based service while awaiting the decision of Medicaid approval.  In this amendment, there will be the inclusion of a specific department that handles renewal for Medicaid Service orders for the Medicaid and Health Choice Clinical Coverage – Enhanced Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Department. Describe Stakeholders involved in Medicaid/Medicare health policy in North Carolina and explain their roleThe Stakeholders involvement in North Carolina’s Medicaid and Medicare health policy is to promote critical factors of enhanced care management, adapt the needs of NC’s diverse communities and collaborating with the providers. North Carolina’s Proposal Program design for Medicaid Managed Care in August 2017 report that the stakeholder’s key role is to standardization promoting quality and value as well as implementing the strategy for value-based payment across the board for all providers to utilize (https://files.nc.gov/ncdhhs/documents/files/MedicaidManagedCare_ProposedProgramDesign_REVFINAL_20170808.pdf).

Colleague 3

You are correct in identifying patients as stakeholders, some of the most important ones in my opinion.  However, there are many reasons why certain groups may feel like they have no voice in the process and can’t influence decision-makers; talk more about why disenfranchised groups who have a stake in healthcare policy often don’t provide input or, as you suggest, even vote.

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