journal on self reflection and improves self awareness experiences related to managing clinical risks for patients 1

Writing about one’s personal experience encourages self-reflection and improves self-awareness. In this activity students are invited to reflect, in writing, on their experiences related to managing clinical risks for patients. Students to write about an event they observed or were involved in during their nursing profession that they feel might have placed a patient at risk. Alternatively, students may want to write about an event that occurred to them as recipients of healthcare, or as an observer to their friends’ or family members’ experiences. The event may be one that they feel related to any of anticipation, recognition, or management of a patient safety risk. Safe patient care and reducing medical-legal risk requires nurse practitioners to be aware of potential risks and how to avoid them.

The narrative should include:

·a description of the event

·an explanation of how this event placed a patient at risk

·the student’s reflections on the event including:

·if and how the event was recognized

·why and how the event occurred, for example, was the event due to

oaction or inaction by an individual healthcare provider

osystem failure(s)

oa combination of systems failure(s) and individual provider performance issues

·what changes or improvements they would make, if any

·how they felt at the time

·how they currently feel about the even

·Were you personally involved in the event? Discuss.

·What, if any, workplace factors contributed to the event? (e.g., Was it during a handover? Did it involve a medication?)

·How aware was the healthcare provider(s) of what was going on around them? (situational awareness)

·How did the health care provider(s) recognize the safety problem, and how did they respond?

·How did this event affect you?

·What did you take away that you will use in the future?

·I would do something differently next time because

APA 6TH ED, 6-8 Page

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discussion 1 90

Unit 2: Discussion 1


  1. Initial Post: Post one major response to each discussion board by Wednesday 11:59 pm CT. Initial post must be at least 150 words.
  2. Response Posts: Respond to two colleagues on at least 2 different days by Sunday 11:59 pm CT. Respond to ideas and submission of your classmates.

Use APA formatting to reference sources. If there are questions about how to format according to APA you should access: Library Resource: Citing and Writing.

See Assignments and Grading for the guidelines for Unit Discussions.

Key Points

Federalism components to include division of power between central body and constituents; leftover powers left to the states; cooperative fluctuations between state/federal bodies. Discussion on policing should reflect on who the federal division of power impacts decisions that affect policing at local levels.

Objective: Explain how the U.S. government’s features of democracy and federalism impact policing.

The U.S. government is based on the concept of federalism. What that means is that each level is independent from the other in many aspects. It is often believed that there is a superior-subordinate relationship between lower and higher levels of government but that is incorrect. In terms of law enforcement it is necessary to develop relationships between and among the many agencies and levels of government in the delivery or law enforcement services. There are often discussions and debates in policing in terms of jurisdictional issues and boundaries. The alphabet agencies have a specific mission and the training is narrowly focused on whatever that mission happens to be (FBI, DEA, CBP, ICE). State and local agencies have the entire panoply of responsibilities and, while highly skilled, may not to the degree of federal agencies. To that end different level of expertise focused on a particular issue may present some ego issues. Attempting to develop some kind of relationship between and among agencies with different missions and charters may be problematic. In that regard identify a problem that may be occurring and explain your approach to solving it.

This Unit’s Question

Chapter 2 – Discuss the importance of the role of Federalism in modern policing.

Unit 2: Discussion 2

2828 unread replies.2929 replies.


  1. Initial Post: Post one major response to each discussion board by Wednesday 11:59 pm CT. Initial post must be at least 150 words.
  2. Response Posts: Respond to two colleagues on at least 2 different days by Sunday 11:59 pm CT. Respond to ideas and submission of your classmates.

Use APA formatting to reference sources. If there are questions about how to format according to APA you should access: Library Resource: Citing and Writing.

See Assignments and Grading for the guidelines for Unit Discussions.

Key Points

Should highlight the main points of private policing and provide arguments for or against their use.

Objective: Summarize the trends and issues associated with private policing.

In the American system there are generally two approaches to the delivery of protective services and they are private and public. The former is based on a commercial relationship between a business that delivers some service and customer who is willing to pay for that service. The private sector does not deliver the same kind or level of service as the public police. In addition since private officers are not representatives of the government there are no constraints by any aspects of the constitution such as Miranda warnings, searches and seizures, as the public agencies. However, if a citizen is ill treated in some manner they do have civil recourse in that they can file a lawsuit against the private officer and/or business.
In current times there are significant budget constraints on public police. That being said please offer your informed opinion on this question.

This Unit’s Question

One of the fastest growing industries is private security which has a very different role from public policing. In your opinion what is the most significant difference between public policing and private security? Since they both have a security element to their mission what should be done to get them to work more closely together?

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family and children

In this course, you had an opportunity to examine some of the specific areas in which human services professionals intervene in the lives of families and children to help keep children safe. Throughout the term, you used the readings, the audiotape shows, and the websites to do research in your specific area targeting specific populations. You also developed strategies throughout the term that could improve the condition of children who receive services. In some units, you were asked to reflect on your role as a human services professional. One of the most important aspects of your job is knowing what services are available for your clients.

Begin your evaluative essay with a discussion about your knowledge of intervention resources in your area prior to completing this assignment. Did you think it would be difficult to access them? Why or why not?

Next, you will locate an agency in your area that provides services for each of the following social problems:

  • Child Abuse/Family Preservation
  • Domestic Violence
  • Substance Abuse
  • Homeless

Once you have located an agency for each of the social problems, you will write a summary (at least 1 paragraph) of the services that each agency provides. Be sure to identify the pros and cons of the services provided. Do NOT copy/paste from the agency’s website. Remember to use in-text citing and to cite your references.

In the next paragraph, explain how clients access those services. (If that information isn’t available online, you need to call the agency and ask.) For example, do they apply online, make an appointment over the phone, or go in to the office to fill out paperwork?

Finally, based on the course material, discuss the influences that might lead a family to not seek out services when they are in need for the above social problems. What do you think can be done to change that?

Requirements for this assignment paper:

Be sure to use specific information from the text to support your answers.

(APA formatting and in-text citation must be used for each source referenced.)

  1. You will write a 2-3-page evaluative essay on the four social problems.
  2. Include a title and reference page (not included in the 3-page count essay).
  3. Double-spaced with 12 point Times New Roman.
  4. Be sure to incorporate information from course readings, textbook, or other library sources to support their discussion and directed to properly cite all sources of information by including in-text citations and a list of references.

The viewpoint and purpose of this assignment should be clearly established and sustained. The assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

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does anyone can help me to write the journal

There are 25 Chapters in this website. I need 5 journal from Chapter 6-10. And each journal have to be separate and at least 500 words. So there are 5 paper for 5 chapters.

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download this spreadsheet analyze the data and send the final excel worksheet 1

data exercise using an Excel spreadsheet to manipulate & tell a story using data.

In the Supply Chain/Logistics world, we actively use Excel to provide us (and our bosses) with information.

In this situation, you’ve been given this raw data and need to analyze and format the information by using various Excel functions.

So, download this spreadsheet, analyze the data and send the final Excel worksheet to me.

Please do the following analysis and formatting:

1. Add the $ sign to the Unit Cost column;

2. Determine the Total Sales for each item (multiply Units Sold times Unit Price);

3. Highlight in bold the Column Headings, center the Headings and then place a solid Border around each data cells (forming a grid);

4. Add filters to the data and sort the data by ITEM from A-Z;

5. Calculate the Sum Total of the Total Column (create a total at the bottom of the column);

6. Bold this Sum Total in bright yellow highlight;

7. Subtotal each of the items (Binders, Desk, Pens, Pen Sets & Pencils);

8. Using the Item Subtotals and the Sum Total, calculate the percent % that each Item Subtotal represents of the Sum Total.

9. Create either a visual chart – either a Bar Chart or a Pie Chart with the Item and the % Percent of Sales.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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a new request

Excel Activity #3 — Chapter 6 Instructions: Find Part I & II, below, utilizing Excel and the Excel skills you ascertained from STAT 1102. Print your results in a well formatted professional manner. All formulas/equations utilized within Excel need be pasted within a Word Document, printed, and submitted with your Excel results (i.e. if you instructed a specific cell within Excel to make a specific calculation, for example Cell C2 is set to “=AVERAGE(range…)”, then on a Word Doc list: 1.Cell C2 = “=AVERAGE(range…)” 2. …… 3. …… etc…. Part I—Data in “Texts & Snaps” Tab Suppose we are interested in the average number of texts and snapchats sent by Temple students before 8am. The sample data collected is under the “Texts & Snaps” tab. 1. Create a 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence interval for the true average number of texts sent before 8am. 2. Create a 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence interval for the true average number of snapchats sent before 8am. Part II—Data in “Work & Workout” Tab Suppose we are interested in the average number of hours Temple students work at a job and workout each week. The sample data collected is under the “Work & Workout” tab. 1. Create a 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence interval for the true average number of work hours (WorkHours column). 2. Create a 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence interval for the true average number of hours that students workout (Workout column). Part III—No Excel, Use sample size formula! 1. You plan to perform another survey to estimate the average number of texts sent by Temple students before 8am. This time, you want to be 95% confident that mean is within ±1. What sample size do you use? 2. You plan to perform another survey to estimate the average number of hours Temple students work at a job each week. This time, you want to be 90% confident that mean is within ±3. What sample size do you use?

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discussion body language and communications

After completing your module reading, watch the following videos:

As you are studying body language and communication, discuss how you would use mannerisms to inform your sales approach.

In response to your classmates, discuss any needs and wants that they did not identify in their posts.

Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions

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leadership and personal traits


  • Describe the 6 personal traits (drive, which includes motivation and energy; desire and motivation to lead; honesty and integrity; self-confidence; intelligence; knowledge of the business 😉
  • In your opinion, how would the 6 personal traits affect leadership?
  • Why?

minimum 330

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answer the following by short essay for each 40 60 words

Answer the following questions.

  • This question has 4 parts. Answer each part.
  • This question has 4 parts. Answer each part.
  • Discuss the role of mass communication in the American political system. How does the media influence public opinion and government policies? Give examples.
  • What is the meaning of civil liberties and how are they different from civil rights?
  • What are the civil liberties guaranteed by the American Consitution?
  • Why is the right to free expression so important in democracy but, on the other hand, how might free expression be also detrimental to democracy? In other words, is right to expression absolute or does it have limits? Give examples.
  • What is the meaning of “MIRANDA RIGHTS” and what kind of protection it provides to individual people?
  • Briefly describe the history of the civil rights movement in America.
  • Who were some of the prominent civil rights leaders and what is their contribution?
  • How has American politics and society been impacted by the civil rights movement? Give examples.
  • Is Donald Trump violating the civil rights of undocumented illegal immigrants?
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homeland security 33

1. What are the five components of NIMS? Explain each in detail.

2. Describe the makeup of the ICS, paying special attention to the command staff and general staff.

3. What are the four stages to the homeland security cycle? Why are they important to homeland security?

4. What role do volunteers play in the homeland security cycle?

5. What Are the roles of federal,state,local and tribal governments in each stages of the homeland security cycle?

6. Explain how the national incident management system fits into the homeland security apparatus.

7. What are some elements of the US patriot act

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