Assignment: Conducting A Diagnostic Interview With A Mental Status Exam

Before moving through diagnostic decision making, a social worker needs to conduct an interview that builds on a biopsychosocial assessment. New parts are added that clarify the timing, nature, and sequence of symptoms in the diagnostic interview. The Mental Status Exam (MSE) is a part of that process.

The MSE is designed to systematically help diagnosticians recognize patterns or syndromes of a person’s cognitive functioning. It includes very particular, direct observations about affect and other signs of which the client might not be directly aware.

When the diagnostic interview is complete, the diagnostician has far more detail about the fluctuations and history of symptoms the patient self-reports, along with the direct observations of the MSE. This combination greatly improves the chances of accurate diagnosis. Conducting the MSE and other special diagnostic elements in a structured but client-sensitive manner supports that goal. In this Assignment, you take on the role of a social worker conducting an MSE.

To prepare:

  • Watch the video describing an MSE. Then watch the Sommers-Flanagan (2014) “Mental Status Exam” video clip. Make sure to take notes on the nine domains of the interview.
  • Review the Morrison (2014) reading on the elements of a diagnostic interview.
  • Review the 9 Areas to evaluate for a Mental Status Exam and example diagnostic summary write-up provided in this Week’s resources.
  • Review the case example of a diagnostic summary write-up provided in this Week’s resources.
  • Write up a Diagnostic Summary including the Mental Status Exam for Carl based upon his interview with Dr. Sommers-Flanagan.

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page case presentation paper in which you complete both parts outlined below:

Part I: Diagnostic Summary and MSE

Provide a diagnostic summary of the client, Carl. Within this summary include:

  • Identifying Data/Client demographics
  • Chief complaint/Presenting Problem
  • Present illness
  • Past psychiatric illness
  • Substance use history
  • Past medical history
  • Family history
  • Mental Status Exam (Be professional and concise for all nine areas)
    • Appearance
    • Behavior or psychomotor activity
    • Attitudes toward the interviewer or examiner
    • Affect and mood
    • Speech and thought
    • Perceptual disturbances
    • Orientation and consciousness
    • Memory and intelligence
    • Reliability, judgment, and insight

Part II: Analysis of MSE

After completing Part I of the Assignment, provide an analysis and demonstrate critical thought (supported by references) in your response to the following:

  • Identify any areas in your MSE that require follow-up data collection.
  • Explain how using the cross-cutting measure would add to the information gathered.
  • Do Carl’s answers add to your ability to diagnose him in any specific way? Why or why not?
  • Would you discuss a possible diagnosis with Carl at time point in time? Why?

Support Part II with citations/references. The DSM 5 and case study do not need to be cited.  Utilize the other course readings to support your response.

The Diagnostic Interview: The Mental Status Exam, Risk and Safety Assessments The Diagnostic Interview: The Mental Status Exam, Risk and Safety Assessments Program Transcript [INTRO MUSIC PLAYING] DIANE RANES: As you will quickly realize, professional diagnosis is far more than just linking a person with a diagnostic label. In fact, linking an individual to a diagnostic label without a complete professional process is directly in violation of many social work ethical codes. Professional diagnosis is a broad and a continuous process that is actually closer to developing a working hypothesis than to labeling. Professionals form their initial diagnostic hypothesis, and they continue to refine it using evidence-based tools or validating it over time in the treatment process. The professional diagnostic process starts with very good data gathering, including a number of different kinds of elements that you might not be familiar with. Diagnosis starts with a particular type of interview called a diagnostic or psychiatric interview. And that interview uses many elements from a biopsychosocial assessment. But it also includes some unique parts like the mental status exam, which is a structured way of assessing mental functions such as memory, speech, thought processes, affect, and orientation. The psychiatric interview also includes details of symptom occurrence and any other psychiatric or family histories of psychiatric issues. Gathering complete information is followed by a careful analysis, which is called a differential diagnosis. That aspect of diagnostic thinking is about carefully considering each of the many possible conditions that a client might have in weighing the most likely possibilities. Especially in diagnosis, you are searching for patterns of symptoms and other distinguishing features which best explain an illness. So the logical process of decision making that you use to narrow down choices is this decision tree, which is simply a way of step-by-step considering alternative diagnoses that might have similar symptoms. Sometimes the decision trees are based on preexisting models done by psychiatric experts. These are especially helpful when you’re new to the process. So within a decision tree process, you’re simply comparing and contrasting the symptoms and the observations from your mental status exam to the DSM V’s knowledge base, criteria by criteria. And often you’re looking at several possibilities. A decision tree simply helps you not miss any important steps by going through the options one at a time. The logical process of analysis with or without a decision tree helps the diagnostician avoid error, especially familiarity bias and to generally keep an open mind. That is especially important when you have an early idea about a diagnosis that you think might be accurate. Not jumping to conclusions too © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 1                                         The Diagnostic Interview: The Mental Status Exam, Risk and Safety Assessments quickly guards against making mistaken diagnoses, which can be very harmful. And these are called false positives. Remember too, that diagnosis is continuous. While a professional diagnosis starts at a particular moment in time, when the client comes to you for help, it’s not a static process. That initial moment is like taking a photograph. It represents only a small sample of an individual’s total functioning. In diagnosis, we look in depth at the last 12 months of a person’s functioning. But the story does not end there. Past information can help to confirm a diagnosis, as in a bipolar disorder where a person sometimes has 10 years of mistaken diagnosis before a correct one is made. Current and ongoing functioning is even more reliable than past history in validating a diagnosis. If a person responds well to the treatment plan, more confirmatory information should emerge. If not, the entire process should be reviewed. If we believe that individuals change and that they are impacted by everything around them, then it’s easy to recognize that many initial diagnoses might need regular reevaluation. That matters even when an illness has more enduring features as in schizophrenia, which is a lifelong disorder. Even here, the person may be reaching a phase of partial remission. And we’ll need that milestone added to the diagnosis to understand the cycles. Even in the short-term conditions such as an adjustment disorder, the DSM will have guideline information as to what might occur in treatment response. In adjustment disorder, a person should be substantially recovered within six months’ time. Viewing diagnosis in this continuous, ongoing and integrated way will avoid error. You’ll find that quality treatment requires tracking progress. And treatment plans often need adjusting for all kinds of unforeseen events. Diagnosis can be changed when new information comes into the picture. A diagnostic interview also uses evidence-based tools to ask about risk situations, whether those are caused by violence, general safety, or the risk of death by suicide. You probably already know that the World Health Organization has identified depression as the leading mental health problem worldwide. Nearly one in 10 people worldwide has a mental disorder. And within those who are ill, the World Health Organization considers clinical depression and suicide risk as the top priorities worldwide. Here in the United States, the National Institute of Mental Health tell us that the classic form of depression, which is major depressive disorder, impacts about 16 million adults aged 18 or older in one year alone– only one year, and that is only one of the unipolar depressive illnesses, and only one cause of suicide. Suicide risk is on the rise in the United States overall and within many special © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 2                       The Diagnostic Interview: The Mental Status Exam, Risk and Safety Assessments populations. While most nonprofessionals think of suicide as an inherent part of a mood disorder, suicidality is very common in many other types of mental disorders. Suicide attempts are common in borderline disorders, in bipolar disorders, in PTSD, in schizophrenia, and in many other conditions and situations. And risk escalates even further in all situations if substance use is involved. Some individuals will also develop the desire to kill themselves as part of receiving an intractable physical illness diagnosis. Suicide risk is obviously on a wide continuum, ranging from recurrent vague wishes to be dead to direct plans and very overt suicidal behaviors. Even chronic self-harm without suicide intention can easily escalate to a direct attempt to die. We also know that the risk of suicide is very high in the six months after a person has seen a medical provider, and even after they have been admitted to suicidal ideation treatments. Suicide risk remains very high after discharge from hospital stays and from other forms of active treatment. Sadly, few states and few mental health professionals have been adequately trained in suicide prevention in response


Required Readings

Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier: Principles and techniques for mental health clinicians (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Chapter 10, “Diagnosis and the Mental Status Exam” (pp. 119–126)
Chapter 17, “Beyond Diagnosis: Compliance, Suicide, Violence” (pp. 271–280)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013s). Use of the manual. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.UseofDSM5

American Psychiatric Association. (2013b). Assessment measures. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.AssessmentMeasures

Focus on the “Cross-Cutting Symptom Measures” section.

Chu, J., Floyd, R., Diep, H., Pardo, S., Goldblum, P., & Bongar, B. (2013). A tool for the culturally competent assessment of suicide: The Cultural Assessment of Risk for Suicide (CARS) measure. Psychological Assessment, 25(2), 424–434. doi:10.1037/a0031264

Osteen, P. J., Jacobson, J. M., & Sharpe, T. L. (2014). Suicide prevention in social work education: How prepared are social work students?. Journal of Social Work Education, 50(2), 349-364.

Blackboard. (2018). Collaborate Ultra help for moderators. Retrieved from

Note: Beginning in Week 4, you will be using a feature in your online classroom called Collaborate Ultra. Your Instructor will assign you a partner and then give you moderator access to a Collaborate Ultra meeting room. This link provides an overview and help features for use in the moderator role.

Document: Case Collaboration Meeting Guidelines (Word document)

Document: Collaborating With Your Partner (PDF)

Document: Diagnostic Summary Example (Word document)

Note: This is an example of a diagnostic summary that can be used as a template for Part I of the Assignment.    

Required Media

Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload TranscriptLaureate Education (Producer). (2018b). Psychopathology and diagnosis for social work practice podcast: The diagnostic interview, the mental status exam, risk and safety assessments [Audio podcast]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

MedLecturesMadeEasy. (2017, May 29). Mental status exam [Video file]. Retrieved from 

Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (Producers). (2014). Clinical interviewing: Intake, assessment and therapeutic alliance [Video file].

Note: You will access this e-book from the Walden Library databases.
Watch the “Suicide Assessment Interview” segment by clicking the applicable link under the chapters tab. This is the interview with Tommi, which will be used for the Discussion.
Watch the “Mental Status Examination” segment by clicking the applicable link under the chapters tab. This is the case of Carl, which will be used for the Application.

Optional Resources

First, M. B. (2014). Handbook of differential diagnosis. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association

Chapter 1, “Differential Diagnosis Step by Step” (pp. 14–24)

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Social Work Research- Assignment: Planning A Needs Assessment II

One of the many reasons social workers conduct needs assessment is to provide support for new programs. Social workers have many methods available to collect necessary data for a needs assessment.

Social workers can use existing data from a wide range of sources, including local and national reports by government and nonprofit agencies, as well as computerized mapping resources. Social workers can gather new data through interviews and surveys with individuals and focus groups. This data can provide the evidence that supports the need for the program.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the needs assessment plans that you and your classmates generated for this week’s Discussion. Also, review the logic models that you created in Week 7 and any literature on needs of caregivers that you used to generate them. Consider the following to stimulate your thinking:

  • Getting information about the needs of the target population:
    • Who would informants be?
    • What is your purpose for interacting with them?
    • What questions would you ask?
    • What method would you use (interview, focus group, questionnaire)?
  • Finding potential clients:
    • Who would informants be?
    • What is your purpose for interacting with them?
    • What questions would you ask?
    • What method would you use?
  • Interacting with the target population:
    • Who would informants be?
    • What is your purpose for interacting with them?
    • What questions would you ask?
    • What method would you use?

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper outlining a hypothetical needs assessment related to the support group program for caregivers. Include the following:

  • The resources needed to operate this service
  • The program activities
  • The desired outcomes
  • A plan for gathering information about the population served
  • Justifications for your plans and decisions
  • A one-paragraph conclusion describing how you might conduct a follow-up to the needs assessment at the implementation stage of the program evaluation
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Discussion: Sex, Sexuality, Sexual Identity, And Values

In 2011, 47% of high school students had sexual intercourse, and 15% of them reported having more than four partners. In 2009, an estimated 8,300 young people ages 13–24 were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS (CDC, 2013). More than 1 in 4 teens who give birth are ages 15–17 (CDC, 2014). In 2005, 1 in 4 sexually active teens contracted a sexually transmitted disease, 29% of teens felt pressure to have sex, and 1 in 10 high school students reported having been forced to have sex (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005). New studies are being developed to estimate current levels of sexual activity in adolescents. There are some indications that adolescents are waiting longer to have sex; by age 19, seven out of 10 adolescents have had sexual intercourse (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010).

Sex is a prevalent issue among teens today, and many young people struggle with the vast issues that can evolve around sex. Clinicians must be familiar with the current trends and issues related to adolescent sexual behavior and must be able to address them effectively. In addition to sexual activity, sexual identity can be an issue among children and adolescents.

For this Discussion, review the case studies located in this week’s resources and select one case study from Case 1 and Case 2. Consider how the values of sex, sexuality, and sexual identity can adversely affect the child or adolescent in the case study.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the sex and sexuality case study you selected (Case 1 or Case 2). Then, identify two potential parent/guardian, school, or community values related to sex, sexuality, or sexual identity that might adversely affect the child or adolescent, and explain how. Explain one way you might support the child or adolescent in the case study. Finally, explain one way you would ensure that your personal values would not interfere with the counseling process. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the week’s resources.

Required Readings

Kar, S. K., Choudhury, A., & Singh, A. P. (2015). Understanding normal development of adolescent sexuality: A bumpy ride. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 8(2), 70-74. Retrieved from

Getz, L. (2013). Relational resilience in treating adolescent substance use. Social Work Today. Retrieved from

Harris, N., Brazeau, J. N., Rawana, E. P., Brownlee, K., & Klein, R. (2017). Self-Perceived Strengths Among Adolescents With and Without Substance Abuse Problems. Journal of Drug Issues, 47(2), 277-288.

Mallon, G. (2011). The home study assessment process for gay, lesbian, and transgender prospective foster and adoptive families. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 7, 9-29.

Reeves, T., Horne, S. G., Rostosky, S. S., Riggle, E. D. B.,Baggett, L. R., & Aycock, R. A. (2010). Family members’ support for GLBT issues: The role of family adaptability and cohesion. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 6(1), 80–97.

As you review this article, focus on how family might support GLBT issues.

Ryan, C., Russell, S. T., Huebner, D., Diaz, R., & Sanchez, J. (2010). Family acceptance in adolescence and the health of LGBT young adults. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 23(4), 205–213.

As you review this article, focus on how family acceptance is critical to the development of adolescents.

Piehler, T. F., & Winters, K. C. (2017). Decision-making style and response to parental involvement in brief interventions for adolescent substance use. Journal of Family Psychology, 31(3), 336-346.

Document: DSM-5 Bridge Document: Sex, Sexuality, and Substance Abuse (PDF)
Use this document to guide your understanding of sex, sexuality, and substance abuse for this week’s Discussion and Assignment.

Castellanos-Ryan, N., O’Leary-Barrett, M., & Conrod, P. J. (2013). Substance-use in childhood and adolescence: A brief overview of developmental processes and their clinical implications. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 22(1), 41–46.

The case study

Child and Adolescent Counseling Cases: Sex, Sexuality, and Substance Abuse © 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.

Page 1 of 2 Week 9: Case 1, Sexuality Loretta is a 17-year-old white female. She is a student in a partial-day treatment center focusing on vocational and social skill development. Loretta has a wide range of disabilities related, at least in part, to a brain injury she suffered as a toddler. She has specific learning disabilities in the areas of writing and reading. Despite her challenges, Loretta is a hard worker. Because of her positive attitude and work ethic within the day treatment setting, Loretta has a good reputation for being dependable and trustworthy. However, over the past 6 months, Loretta has decided she likes sex. She has been caught having sexual contact at the treatment center and also at home in the evenings and on the weekends. This behavior is concerning to Loretta’s parents. They are worried about her sexual safety, potential pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and Loretta’s behavior is outside their comfort zone. They have tried lecturing, grounding her, and other threats and punishments. Loretta does not see anything wrong with her behavior. Apparently, the pleasure she associates with sex more than offsets the consequences she has gotten from her parents, and she seems relatively oblivious to the additional potential consequences of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

Week 9: Case 2, Sexual Orientation Patrick is a 9-year-old African American boy enrolled in the fourth grade in a private Christian school. Patrick is exceptionally intelligent and very academically successful. However, based on reports from his parents and from his teachers, he has always struggled in the social domain. Most recently, Patrick has been causing a disturbance in the classroom by telling teachers and students that one of the other male students in the class is his boyfriend and insisting that he loves boys, not girls. This behavior has been extremely difficult for his parents to accept as they hold a rather traditional Christian perspective. The thought of their son being gay is very disturbing for them. You initially were contacted by Patrick’s parents, who made it clear to you they think Patrick is acting out in an effort to gain attention from his peers. They also make it clear that they are either unwilling or unable to consider the possibility that Patrick might be gay. When the three of them show up in your office, the parents dominate the conversation and tell Patrick he needs to work with you to get things straightened out. Their goal is for you to work with Patrick so he will put a stop to his silly and disturbing claims of having romantic feelings for boys. Patrick refuses to offer any goals for counseling. When you meet with him alone, he slowly opens up and you end up somewhat convinced that this boy really does feel he is gay and likely needs to explore his sexual orientation, and yet you are at a loss as to how to work effectively with him and his parents.

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Essay 10 Pages

Department of Language Studies 
 Education Studies

EDS100H5: Introduc2on to Educa2on Studies

Written/ Whiteboard Animation Essay You are invited to develop a logical argument that integrates comparative evidence from research in at least two disciplines to answer one of the following questions:

a. Should psychological or sociological considerations play a greater role in education practice? b. Does politics or economics have a more detrimental impact on education practice? c. Are qualitative or quantitative methods better suited to education studies? d. What discipline(s) of education studies should be foundational for teacher training? e. Should historical perspective or comparative analysis inform digital educational practice? f. What role does education play in shaping society?

The format of the argument will either be (a) a 2500-3000 word essay (excluding endnotes/footnotes and the bibliography) or (b) a 5 minute whiteboard animation, with submitted transcript and a bibliography. Your argument is expected to be analytical (not descriptive), well structured and suitability formatted to the medium (visual or written) Your thesis must be clearly stated, concise and engaging. The arguments used are expected to be logical, and balanced (multiple perspectives) and supported by evidence that is accurate, relevant and verifiable (properly cited). Your writing/ prose should be articulate, grammatically correct and error free. Research for your paper should be robust (5+ sources beyond required readings).

Scale: 5 – excellent, 4 – good, 3 – satisfactory, 2 – undeveloped, 1 –incomplete

5 4 3 2 1

Research: is accurate, extensive & balanced (incorporates contrasting positions)

Thesis: is clear and concise and engaging.

Arguments: are logical, relevant and sufficient

Evidence: is appropriate, convincing & verifiable (cited or replicable)

Conclusion: is analytical (criteria), thoughtful (considers long-term implication/ counterexamples) and plausible (given the evidence presented)

References: are sufficient (each stat, quote and point of analysis), correctly APA formatted

Writing: is clear (error free), well structured (consistent, good transition, effective paragraphs) and concise (avoids repetition and ambiguity)



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Epidemiology: (PUBH – 6035 – 2) Module 4 Quiz

Question 1 

  1. A study that compares the prevalence of high blood      pressure among current Massachusetts Turnpike toll booth collectors with      the current prevalence of high blood pressure of current Turnpike office      workers. What type of study is this?



Case report



Case series



Cohort study



Cross-sectional study

1.7 points

Question 2 

  1. A strength of BOTH cross-sectional and an ecological      studies is:



good for early stage of knowledge



good for individual- level effects



temporal sequence is   maintained



exposure and effect occur in the   same person

1.7 points

Question 3 

  1. The Health Professionals Cohort Study began in 2005 in      order to evaluate a series of hypotheses about men’s health relating      nutritional factors to the incidence of serious illnesses such as cancer,      heart disease, and other vascular diseases. Every two years, members of      the study will receive surveys with questions about diseases and      health-related topics like smoking, physical activity, and medications      taken. The surveys that ask detailed dietary information will be      administered in four-year intervals. What kind of cohort study is      this?










1.6 points

Question 4 

  1. An analysis that includes all subjects who were      randomized to the treatment and comparison groups, regardless of whether      they received or completed their assigned study protocol.



Run-in period



Efficacy Analysis






Intent-to-treat analysis

1.7 points

Question 5 

  1. What is the primary objective of any case-control or      cohort study?



A well-designed experimental   study.



Accurate randomization of the   intervention.



Adjustment for the time sequence   of events.



A valid result.

1.7 points

Question 6 

  1. Which study design is most appropriate to study      multiple outcomes from a single exposure?













1.7 points

Question 7 

  1. A case-control study is most efficient design for      studying the health effects of rare exposures.



1.6 points

Question 8 

  1. The ecological fallacy states that associations seen on      the group level will not necessarily be present on the individual level.



1.6 points

Question 9 

  1. A major advantage of a randomized clinical trial is      that it rules out self-selection of patients to the different treatment      groups.



1.6 points

Question 10 

  1. An experimental study was conducted among adults with      Type 2 diabetes in order to determine if a new medication was more      effective in reducing blood glucose levels than the currently used      medication. What type of experimental study is this?



Individual preventive



Individual therapeutic



Community preventive



Community therapeutic

1.7 points

Question 11 

  1. Which of the following techniques used in experimental      studies can be directly applied in cohort studies (choose all that apply)?












Run-in period

1.7 points

Question 12 

  1. A study was done to determine whether the amount of      money spent on soft drinks was related to mortality from diabetes. The      investigators collected data on per capita (average per person) soft drink      consumption in ten US states and examined its relationship to mortality      rates from diabetes in those ten states. In order to calculate per capita      sales they gathered annual data on soft drink sales from commerce records      and then divided these figures by the state’s population from the most      recent census. The mortality data were gathered from the vital records      department in each state. What type of study is this?



Ecological Study



Case-control study



Cross-sectional study



Cohort study

1.7 points

Question 13 

  1. What sources can be used to identify controls for a      case-control study?



General population



Hospital/clinic patients



Friends and relatives



All of the above

1.7 points

Question 14 

  1. When is it desirable to use a case-control study      (choose all that apply)?



When the disease is rare



When little is known about the   disease



When the disease has a short   latent period

1.7 points

Question 15 

  1. What is the purpose of the control group in a      case-control study?



To provide information on the   disease distribution in the population that gave rise to the cases



To provide information on the   exposure distribution in the population that gave rise to the cases

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GEN 103 Week 5 Discussion 1

Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Discussion


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Ethical   and Legal Implications


In this discussion, you will   explore and discuss how to use information ethically and legally. You will   begin by watching a video about the serious nature of plagiarism and sharing   your reaction. Then, you will examine some scenarios related to plagiarism at   Ashford University.


Description: Prepare Icon

Prepare: Begin   your discussion post by viewing the CBS video, CBS Morning News   “Plagiarism” story. Then,   review Description: Ways to Avoid   Plagiarism and Generally Be a Cool Person.   Finally, read the article or listen to the podcast, Turnitin and the Debate   Over Anti-Plagiarism Software.


Description: Reflect Icon

Reflect: As you watch the video, think about the implications and   consequences of plagiarism in the workplace and in the entertainment   industry.


Description: Write Icon

Write: After watching the video, describe your reaction to the   video and the implications to your own work. Did it surprise you to learn how   serious plagiarism is, or do you feel that you already understood this issue?   Do you know of any other instances of plagiarism either in school or beyond?   If so, what was the punishment in those situations?

Next, read one pair of   scenarios below that highlight some of the most common plagiarism issues at   the college level. The pairs will be assigned to you by the first initial of   your last name in the chart below. For both scenarios in the pair, carefully   read the scenario and respond as directed.


First Initial of Last Name

Assigned Pair


A – H

Pair 1


I – P

Pair 2


Q – Z

Pair 3

Pair 1:

The discussion board prompt for Serena’s American History class asks students   to brainstorm ways to improve the democratic system of   government. Serena searches online to help her come up with ideas for   what to write. She comes across the following sentences and copies and pastes   them into her discussion post without any additions or her own commentary:   “We cannot improve on the system of government handed down to us by the   founders of the Republic. There is no way to improve upon that. But, what we   can do is to find new ways to implement that system and realize our   destiny.”Serena submits her discussion post but has a bad feeling about it.   She is not sure what she should have done differently.

Write a paragraph of advice for   Serena explaining why copying and pasting in the way that she did was wrong   and what she should do differently next time.

Poor Paraphrasing
Cara is writing a research paper for her Anthropology class. She notices that   she is using a lot of quotations and wants to mix it up a bit by also   paraphrasing some of her sources’ ideas. One of her sources states, “Almost   all cultures celebrate some form of marriage. However, there are multiple   variables across culture, some of the most noteworthy being average age of   first marriage, common gender roles within marriages, and the role of   romance.” Cara attempts to put these ideas into her own words by writing:   “According to Smith (2004), practically every culture celebrates a certain   type of marriage, but there are many variables such as average age at time of   union, expected gender roles, and the role that romance plays.”

In this scenario, we know that   Cara has good intentions and that she cites her source, so what is she doing   wrong here? What should she do differently? Write a paragraph of advice for   Cara telling her what she should do to fix her poor paraphrasing and how she   should approach this process differently next time.

Pair 2:

Paraphrasing Without Citation
Kelly is researching the representation of females in film for her   Composition final. She wants to discuss the films of Kathryn Bigelow. She   searches for “Kathryn Bigelow” in the Ashford University Library databases   and locates an article by Joel Johnson that discusses Bigelow’s film, The   Hurt Locker. Kelly finds a sentence that she feels perfectly covers what   she wants to say about Bigelow’s filmmaking: “Bigelow is one of the few   female directors who has consistently tackled ‘masculine’ subjects in her films.”   She writes in her paper, “The subjects of Bigelow’s films are often   male-centric, which is rare for a female director” but does not credit the   idea to the source.

Write a paragraph of advice for   Kelly explaining the importance of citing sources. Describe to Kelly what   steps she needs to now take to avoid plagiarizing the author of the article.

Ryan’s Philosophy professor asked for students to explain the word   “semantics” and use it in a sentence. Ryan looks up “semantics” on and finds that it means, “the study of Meaning. It is the   study of linguistic development that examines and classifies changes in   meaning and form of words.” In Ryan’s response to his professor’s request, he   writes, “Semantics focuses on meaning. It is the study of linguistic   development. It looks at and classifies changes in meaning and forms of   words.” Ryan is surprised when his professor gives him a 0 on the discussion   post and warns him not to plagiarize in the future. Ryan argues that all   definitions of “semantics” that he reviewed are almost identical and that the   definition should be considered common knowledge.

Does Ryan have a point, or is   there a different way he should have approached including a definition? Write   a paragraph of advice for Ryan explaining what, if anything, he should have   done differently in this situation.

Pair 3:

Shawn is assigned a paper on biases in the judicial system. Shawn is having   difficulty figuring out where to find sources for this topic. He has searched   online and once briefly in the Ashford University Library databases but has   not found what he is looking for: statistics of the number of people   currently in jail in the United States versus ten years ago. Feeling   overwhelmed and frustrated, Shawn decides that he knows enough about this   topic to guess an average number. He writes, “The number of incarcerated   males in America has increased by 10% in the last ten years.”

Write a paragraph of advice for   Shawn explaining why creating a fact statistic is wrong and what he should do   differently next time. Explain to Shawn what he should have done in this   situation instead of fabricating a statistic.

Wanda and her brother, Gene, are both students at Ashford   University. They share many of the same interests. Both are English   majors, they take most of the same courses (though not the same course   section), and they like to do their homework together because it helps them   share good ideas and also save time. Recently they took an American   Literature class and read The Great Gatsby. Wanda and Gene had to   complete the same final paper topic, so they researched together, reading and   incorporating the same resources into both of their papers. They also   discussed their ideas while writing and ended up both arguing the same main   point in their papers. Several weeks later, Wanda and Gene got letters from   the Office of Academic Integrity saying that they had committed plagiarism.

Write a paragraph of advice to   Wanda and Gene explaining to them what they might have done differently in   this situation to avoid this outcome. In your paragraph, explain whether or   not you believe their actions to be plagiarism.

To maximize the opportunity for   vigorous discussion, you must post to this discussion on at least three   separate days of the week and your posts must total at least 600 words   as you address the questions noted above. Your first post must be completed   by Day 3 (Thursday) and the remainder of your posts must be completed by Day   7 (Monday). You must answer all aspects of the prompt at some point during   the week. Also, be sure to reply to your classmates and instructor.


Description: Discuss Icon

Respond to Peers: Reply to at least two of your classmates who explored a   different scenario than that which you examined. Will the advice they   provided be helpful in the future for the individual in the scenario? What   might your classmates add to their advice to make it even more helpful? What   additional resources could the individuals in the scenarios be directed to   for help?

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Risk Management Worksheet

Risk Management Worksheet

HCS/456 Version 4


Risk Management Worksheet

Complete Parts A and B.

Part A: Risk Management Concepts

Complete the table below.

Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your answers.

Risk Management Concepts Definition Give an example of how the concept is used within risk management in health care.
Conditions of participation    
Accident (medical)    
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law designed to give patients the right over their health information by allowing them to set rules and limits on who gets to view/receive their health information. A patient’s ex-husband calls to obtain personal health information for a patient. He states his ex-wife asked him to call to obtain her results because she is unable to call. The health care employee reviews the patient’s preferred method of communication and disclosure and verified the patient approved the facility to provide personal health information to her ex-husband over the phone.
Incident reporting system    
Informed consent    
Legal health record    
National patient safety goals    

Part B: Factors that Influence Risk Management

Complete the table below.

Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your answers.

Identify 3 to 5 factors that influence risk management in health care. How does the factor selected influence risk management in health care?
Patient safety Patient safety influences risk management in that risk managers must monitor the safety of the patients by mitigating the potential or actual risks to their safety, such as medication errors, etc.








Cite your sources below if applicable. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, log on to the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence.


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Topic: Does The First Amendment Protect Advertisements? “Commercial Speech,” Also Known As Advertising, Is Protected By The 1st Amendment Of The U.S. Constitution. This Type Of Speech Enjoys Somewhat Less 1st Amendment Protection From Governmental Encroac



Advertising is a protected form of speech by the First Amendment. I will support the decision for the courts to regulate commercial speech as if it was unregulated the business practices could turn into an unethical form of expression. I will elaborate on the differences between commercial and non-commercial speech and why one is more federally regulated than another.


Factually state the First Amendment and how it protects commercial and non-commercial speech. Elude to how I will cover in the paper, the difference between the two, why I support the courts stricter form of commercial speech regulation.


Additionally, from above the paper will cover how some may disagree with my point of view, how I can refute or concede to those statements, yet still support why my thesis is the overwhelmingly correct position on the topic.


I will work on tying together all the afore mentioned points and provide some commentary as to how I might envision regulation transpiring in the future due to advancements in technology/web 2.0 technologies and society in itself.



I have decided to cover in my paper the First Amendment and its protection, yet regulation, of commercial speech. Advertising has always intrigued me, and I think this is a wonderful opportunity to learn beyond the surface layer of marketing. I will support why I believe commercial speech should be protected, why it should be regulated more stringently over non-commercial and ultimately where the tweaking of regulation by the FTC may go in the future.

Works Cited:

Middleton, Kent, et al. The Law of Public Communication. Routledge, 2018.

Budzinski, Andrew C. “A Disclosure-Focused Approach to Compelled Commercial Speech.” Michigan Law Review, vol. 112, no. 7, May 2014, pp. 1305–1335. EBSCOhost,

“First Amendment — Commercial Speech — Second Circuit Holds That Prohibiting Truthful Off-Label Promotion of FDA-Approved Drugs by Pharmaceutical Representatives Violates First Amendment. — United States v. Caronia, 703 F.3d 149 (2d Cir. 2012).” Harvard Law Review, no. 2, 2013, p. 795. EBSCOhost,


Myers, Cayce. “Full Length Article: What’s the Legal Definition of PR?: An Analysis of Commercial Speech and Public Relations.” Public Relations Review, vol. 42, Dec. 2016, pp. 821–831. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2016.10.005.

Bennigson, Tom. “Nike Revisited: Can Commercial Corporations Engage in Non-Commercial Speech?” Connecticut Law Review, no. 2, 2006, p. 379. EBSCOhost,

CEBULA, KERRI, and MARK DODDS. “Celebrity Endorsements and Congratulatory Messages: Jordan v. Jewel Food Stores: A Case of Right to Publicity versus Commercial Speech.” Journal of Brand Strategy, vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 2016, pp. 51–56. EBSCOhost,

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Social Work Research- Discussion: Program Evaluation: Benefits And Concerns Of Stakeholders

Dudley (2009) points out that social work practice is usually embedded in programs. While you looked at practice evaluation using single-subject design in Week 3, this week, you shift focus to program evaluation. Program evaluation serves many purposes, including accountability to funders and to the public. Often, funding sources such as government agencies or private foundations requires periodic program evaluations. These evaluations can help provide answers to many different questions, and can contribute to improvement of services. There are a variety of program evaluation models that are appropriate for addressing different questions as well as facilitating the collection and analysis of many different types of data.

To prepare for this Discussion, identify a program within an agency with which you are familiar, which could benefit from process evaluation and outcome evaluation. You do not need to identify the agency in your post. Also, review the different evaluation models highlighted in this week’s resources (needs assessment, program monitoring, client satisfaction study, outcome evaluation, or cost benefit study).

By Day 3

Post a brief summary of the program that you selected. Recommend a program evaluation model that would answer a question relevant to the program. Explain the potential benefits of the program evaluation that you proposed (both process and outcome). Identify 2–3 concerns that stakeholders might have about your proposed evaluation and how you would address those concerns. Then explain 2–3 concerns that stakeholders may have about your proposed program evaluation and how you would address those concerns.

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Assignment: Schizophrenia Over Time: Experiences Living With The Illness

Experiences of schizophrenia are not homogeneous; there is wide variety in onset, course of illness, and combinations of symptoms. Social workers need to be able to understand the different manifestations and pathways of the illness to plan interventions. Social work services play a key role in stabilizing crises, supporting family coping, and influencing overall quality of life and outcomes of individuals with schizophrenia. In this Assignment, you practice applying this necessary individualization.

To prepare: In the Learning Resources, focus on the associated features, development, and course of the illnesses in the schizophrenia spectrum. Also focus on descriptions of the disorder and the way it develops for different individuals.

Choose two articles from the list in the Learning Resources that apply to treatment support and interventions for the schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders chapter in the DSM 5. Choose either Saks or McGough to focus on for this assignment.

By Day 7

Submit a 3- to 4-page paper, supported by at least 4 scholarly resources (not including DSM-5), in which you address the following:

  • Describe Saks’s or McGough’s experiences with schizophrenia. Identify onset, associated features (specifically referencing the positive and negative symptoms), development, and course. 
  • Explain how you would use the Clinician Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity measure and the WHODAS to help confirm your diagnosis.
  • Explain how you would plan treatment and individualize it for Saks or McGough. Support your response with references to scholarly resources. In your explanation, consider the following questions:
    • What are the long-term challenges for someone living with the illness?
    • What social, family, vocational, and medical supports are needed for long-term stabilization?
  • Briefly explain how race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, or other identity characteristics may influence an individual’s experience with schizophrenia.


Required Readings

Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Chapter 5, “Coping with Uncertainty” (pp. 43–56)
Chapter 13, “Diagnosing Psychosis” (pp. 185–215)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013o). Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm02

American Psychiatric Association. (2013b). Assessment measures. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.AssessmentMeasures

Required Media

TED Conferences, LLC (Producer). (2012). A tale of mental illness—from the inside [Video file]. Retrieved from

TEDx Talks. (2017, March 27). I am not a monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU [Video file]. Retrieved from

Osmosis. (2016, March 8). Schizophrenia: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology [Video file]. Retrieved from

Article Choices for Assignment

Select at least 2 articles from the following list for the Assignment.

Atadokht, A., Ebrahimzadeh, S., & Mikaeeli, N. (2019). The effectiveness of humor skills training on positive and negative symptoms of chronic schizophrenia spectrum. Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery, 29(1), 15-21.

Breitborde, N. J. K., Moe, A. M., Ered, A., Ellman, L. M., & Bell, E. K. (2017). Optimizing psychosocial interventions in first-episode psychosis: Current perspectives and future directions. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 10, 119–127. doi:10.2147/PRBM.S111593

Cohen, A. N., Hamilton, A. B., Saks, E. R., Glover, D. L., Glynn, S. M., Brekke, J. S., & Marder, S. R. (2017). How occupationally high-achieving individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia manage their symptoms. Psychiatric Services, 68(4), 324–329. doi:10.1176/

Hernandez, M., Barrio, C., & Yamada, A.-M. (2013). Hope and burden among Latino families of adults with schizophrenia. Family Process, 52(4), 697–708. doi:10.1111/famp.12042

Kung, W. (2016). Tangible needs and external stressors faced by Chinese American families with a member having schizophrenia. Social Work Research, 40(1), 53–63. doi:10.1093/swr/svv047

Mueser, K. T., Penn, D. L., Addington, J., Brunette, M. F., Gingerich, S., Glynn, S. M., … Kane, J. M. (2015). The NAVIGATE program for first-episode psychosis: Rationale, overview, and description of psychosocial components. Psychiatric Services, 66(7), 680–690. doi:10.1176/

Velthorst, E., Fett, A.-K. J., Reichenberg, A., Perlman, G., van Os, J., Bronet, E. J., & Kotov, R. (2017). The 20-year longitudinal trajectories of social functioning in individuals with psychotic disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 174(11), 1075–1085.  doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2016.15111419

Walsh, J., Hochbrueckner, R., Corcoran, J., & Spence, R. (2016). The lived experience of schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-synthesis. Social Work in Mental Health, 14(6), 607–624. doi:10.1080/15332985.2015.1100153

White, C., & Unruh, A. (2013). Unheard voices: Mothers of adult children with schizophrenia speak up. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 32(3), 109–120. doi:10.7870/cjcmh-2013-025

Optional Resources

American Psychiatric Association. (2018). Online assessment measures. Retrieved from

Optional Media

Singer, J. B. (Producer). (2008, November 17). Episode 45—Schizophrenia and social work: Interview with Shaun Eack [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from


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