BUS 591 Week 1 Assignment

Week 1 – Assignment 

Week One Homework Problems

Complete P1-3B and P1-4B from Problems: Set B Chapter 1 and P2-7B from Problems: Set B  Chapter 2. These problems are located under “Additional Exercises and Problems” on the Textbook Student Companion Site. Use the following Workbook Template Week OnePreview the document. Submit your work to your instructor by the posted due date. Show all your work in order to earn full credit.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

BUS591 – Financial Statement and Analysis

Week 1 Homework Assignment Templates

Instructions: Only enter data in the yellow boxes. The remaining areas are already completed for you.

Save the file as follows:  lastnamewk1.docx

Submit to the assignment box before the due date.(Late assignments will receive a late penalty).

Grading Rubric:There are a total of 68 “questions” for you to answer (as determined by the yellow box). Each item is worth 0.06 points for a total of 4.00 points.


P1-3B, Prepare an income   statement, retained earnings statement, and balance sheet; discuss results.





(a)Prepare an income statement   and a retained earnings statement for the month of May and a balance sheet at   May 31, 2014.




Income   Statement


For   the Month Ended May 31, 2014




Account title





Account   title



Account   title



Account   title



Account   title



Total   expenses



Net income






Retained   Earnings Statement


For   the Month Ended May 31, 2014


Retained earnings, May 1




Account title






Account title



Retained earnings, May 31







Balance   Sheet


May   31, 2014




Account title



Account title



Account title



Total   assets




Liabilities   and Stockholders’ Equity




Account   title



Account   title



Total liabilities



Stockholders’ equity


Account   title



Account   title



Total   stockholders’ equity



Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity




(b) Briefly   discuss whether the company’s first month of operations was a success.


Enter text answer here.



(c) Discuss   the company’s decision to distribute a dividend.


Enter text answer here.



P1-4B, Determine items to   be included in a statement of cash flows, prepare a cash flow statement and   discuss the results.





(a)Determine which items   should be included in a statement of cash flows and then prepare the   statement for Preacher Corporation.


Enter text answer here.




Statement   of Cash Flows


For   the Year Ended December 31, 2014


Cash flows from operating activities








Net   cash provided by operating activities



Cash flows from investing activities








Net   cash used by investing activities



Cash flows from financing activities








Net   cash provided by financing activities



Net increase in cash




(b) Comment   on the adequacy of net cash provided by operating activities to fund the   company’s investing activities and dividend payments.


Enter text answer here.



P2-7B, Compute values and   ratios for the following; discuss results.





(a)For each company, compute   these values and ratios:
be   sure to show your computations!


Home Depot



Working   Capital




Current   ratio (round to two decimal places)




Debt   to total assets ratio




Free   cash flow




Earnings   per share





(b) Compare   the liquidity, profitability and solvency of the two companies.


Enter text answer here.

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The Effects Of Business On Consumers And The Environment: Case Study: Perdue Farms

Week 4 – Discussion

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.


The   Effects of Business on Consumers and the Environment: Case Study: Perdue   Farms


This discussion assignment   requires you to submit at least four posts: an initial post, two reply posts   to fellow students in threads other than your own, and a revised post.


Prepare: In preparation for your first post in this discussion,   you will become familiar with the case of Perdue Farms by means of the   material listed under Required Resources (Generally). You will also find more   material under Required Resources (Per Subject Heading) because the specific   task for this discussion is to examine this case with an eye for any one of   the following four subject headings in business ethics: (1) the environment,   (2) advertising, (3) consumer safety and (4) moral responsibility. You must select   one of these subject headings and your selection will be the specific focus   of your work for your discussion. Accordingly, you will be responsible to   complete the readings and videos listed under your chosen subject heading.


Reflect: If you choose the environment subject heading, reflect on   the sheer density of chickens raised at any given time in the Perdue   facilities. The disposal of their discarded remains and their processing for   distribution, either individually and most definitely together, pose a number   of environmental concerns.

If you choose the advertising   subject heading, reflect on how the two videos on Perdue farms present the   sharp contrast between the way the company presents its product and the way   in which it has been discovered to run its chicken farms. Consider whether   this is an example of failure to provide truth in advertising and how you   would support such a stance.

If you choose the consumer safety   subject heading, reflect on the way in which chickens raised in factory farms   risks consumer safety. These might include (a) bacterial contamination, (b)   the effects of antibiotics on the meat that is consumed, or (c) the release   of adrenaline, cortisone, and other chemicals resulting from the acute stress   endured by factory farm animals, which then becomes part of the meat that is   later consumed by humans.

If you choose the moral   responsibility heading, reflect on the stewardship role that may fall upon   humans toward non-human animals. Can we utilize them as mere means to an end   (for entertainment, companionship, or food)? Or do we have special   obligations toward them (e.g., not to mistreat or torture them and to   slaughter them quickly and without stress) because they are sentient beings?

Once you have completed the   indicated readings and videos, reflect on the ethical theories that we have   covered in the discussions thus far and identify one that you want to apply   for your analysis in your discussion post.

Also, reflect on the regulations   (or lack thereof) in the factory farming industry in order to be able to   examine how our nation’s laws affect the operations of the business. You   will need to research the applicable laws on the factory farming industry.

Finally, since Perdue Farms is an   American corporation, reflect on the mixed economic system in the United   States in order to articulate the setting for the operations of factory   farming, and then, be able to analyze the ethical actions of Perdue given   this setting.


Write: In the first part of your initial post, you will need to   introduce the Perdue case within the particular subject heading that you have   chosen. In this introduction, you will also need to (1) articulate the   relevant characteristics of our mixed economic system and (2) present the   regulations for the factory farming industry. These will provide the setting   for you to be able to examine how the nation’s laws affect its operations.

In the second part of your initial   post, present your analysis of the problem in a way that identifies which   entities (Perdue as a corporation, the economic system in the USA, the   regulatory control of the state, or all of these) have a role in the problem   that you have presented. In your analysis, you must assess the negative   effects of the interplay between business activity and one of the following:   the environment, advertising, consumer safety, or corporate social   responsibility. Your focus must be an ethical analysis of this interplay, and   it must be well supported by reliable and/or scholarly sources by clearly   identifying the ethical theory that you are applying in your analysis.


Revise: Read the feedback provided by your professor to your   initial post, either directly to you or to your fellow students. Use this as   an opportunity to learn from your professor, especially with regard to the   best ways to apply the course material and your research to your analysis. On   the basis of what you have learned in this process, post an improved revision   of your initial post that applies the additional knowledge that you have   gained.

Remember that your grade depends   on the quality of your initial and revised responses, not just on the   submission of an attempt at improvement. It is thus to your advantage to post   the best initial post you can and then to also improve that best effort as much   as you can through revision. Taking this process seriously will help you   develop the skills you need to do well on the Final Project.


Requirements for Your Initial   Post:

  • Your initial post should be at least 400 words in        length and have citations and references in APA notation. It should        address the prompt in its entirety. This means that you should not split        your response to the prompt in multiple posts. Your examination should        be both thorough and succinct. This is a combination that demands time        and thought, so give yourself sufficient time to draft and revise.
  • Please be advised that until you post, you will not        see what your fellow students are posting. Once you submit your post,        you will be able to view the posts from your other classmates. You can        then proceed to reply to at least two different threads based on the        required material for this discussion.
  • Your list of references for your initial post should        include the videos and the other required reading material for this        discussion, the Instructor Guidance, and any other announcements        presented to you by your professor. List all the course material that        informed your work in the list of references and cite these too where        appropriate. In addition, your references should include any other        sources that you consult to inform yourself (but not Wikipedia or        similar sources).
  • Your initial post for this discussion should be        submitted no later than the end of Thursday (11:59 pm, U.S. Mountain        time).


Requirements for Replies to Other   Threads:

  • At least two of the four posts required should be in        the form of replies to fellow classmates in threads other than your own.
  • Each of your replies should be at least 200 words        and informed by the course material. As such, the replies must have        citations and references in APA notation. Your list of references for        each reply should include all of the course material that has informed        your reply, in addition to any research that you have obtained on your        own.
  • Your replies should focus on the specific examination        presented by your fellow student, and these should include an        examination of whether or not the characteristics of the ethical theory        and/or economic system were identified well, and whether or not their        application and analysis was also carried out successfully. Providing        such an examination is not an attack on your fellow student but an        attempt to work together with your fellow student toward the better        understanding of the ethical theories employed, as well as their        application.


Requirements for Revising   Your Initial Post:

  • Submit a revision of your initial post by either        replying to your own post, or to the feedback provided to you by your        professor.
  • There is no minimum word requirement for your revised        initial post. But you should always explain the reasons for revising        your post so that it is clear what you are doing. If you are revising        only a few words, or an ethical theory, you should not just submit a        post with vague language such as: “duty ethics works better here” or “I        did not consider the economic system.” It is important to recognize that        no one can read your mind so you need to provide the setting for your        revision (Why? What prompted it? What course material informed you?) ,        and it is important to write in clear language and complete sentences.
  • Your revised initial post is your chance to correct        any oversights or errors in your initial post, or show your improved        understanding of the material and its applications to the case at hand.        You may, for example, come to the realization that another ethical        theory is better than the one that you initially chose. Accordingly,        your revision should indicate that you chose another ethical theory and        an explanation why you find the replacement more suitable. You may also        find the need to revise any relevant portions of your analysis. Or, you        might have realized that your conclusion did not take into account        important factors necessary for your evaluation of the situation.
  • You should maximize the improvement of your initial        post by employing your professor’s feedback as a guide. Keep in mind that you may not always receive direct        feedback from your professor. But your professor will have submitted        feedback in the discussion to other posts. So read your professor’s        feedback whether it is addressed to you directlyor to other fellow        students. This will give you much to think about and apply to your own        post.
  • If your professor or a fellow classmate responds to        your revised initial post, and on this basis, you find good reason to        submit yet another revision, then by all means do so. The more you        improve your initial post, the more you will benefit both in terms of        your learning and most likely your grade.
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Anthropology 115 Online

Fall, 2014 Dr. Monica Bellas

First 9 Weeks E-mail: mbellas@cerritos.edu

Office and Hours: SS19

T 6:15-7:15 p.m., W 3:30-4:30

Th 12:30-1:30 p.m.

This course covers the major subject areas within the field of Physical Anthropology: Evolution, Primates, Paleoanthropology, and Modern Humans. Physical anthropologists study past and present human variation and evolution through the fossil record. Nonhuman primate biology and social behavior are also studied to draw inferences about human variation and evolution, along with the forces of evolution.

To remain in this class/to add this class:

Your first assignment is due the first day of the session, August 18, 2014, by 9:00 p.m. So that I may ascertain how many people are going to actually “take” the class, people who are enrolled must send me the completed form (see the “Course Assignment” section, beginning on page five). Do not send this message to me until August 11, 2104. If you send it earlier than August 11, I will delete it. Failure to send me this completed form by the due date will result in you being dropped from the class; your spot will be given to another student. To access the class website, go to the Cerritos College website (www.cerritos.edu) and click on the TalonNet icon (on the left side of the page). Follow the directions for logging in.

If you are on the waiting list or wish to be added to an unofficial waiting list, you also must complete the first assignment and return it to me via e-mail (mbellas@cerritos.edu) by 9:00 p.m. on August 18, 2014. I will notify you by e-mail no later than August 20, 2014, if you have been added to the class. Please be aware that I am required to add people to the class in the order they appear on the waiting list first, then I will begin adding students from my unofficial waiting list.


There is one required textbook for this course. Chapters should be read before the student reads the lecture notes and completes the written assignments. All exams will be taken through the class website on TalonNet and are free of charge.

Stanford, Craig, John S. Allen, and Susan C. Anton.

Exploring Biological Anthropology: The Essentials, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 2013.

Computer and Internet Requirements

You must have basic computer skills in order to successfully complete this course. This means you must be able to:

· Use web browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape

· Send and receive e-mail, either web-based, through the college, or through your ISP (Internet Service Provider)

· Use a word processing program – Word is preferred, but if you don’t have this program, you must be able to save your work as an .rtf file (Rich text format)

· Manage your files in Windows or MacOS, such as saving, moving, copying, and pasting files

· Successfully negotiate a discussion board

You will also need to be able to troubleshoot software and hardware problems. Failure of your computer is not an excuse for missed assignments.

This course consists of lectures, on-line discussions, written assignments, and online activities. Attendance and participation are extremely important. It is anticipated that students will read all chapters and lectures and will participate in all on-line discussions and written assignments. Students who have consistently “attended” class on-line and demonstrated a desire to learn the material are more likely to receive the “benefit of the doubt” in the case of a borderline grade at the end of the semester.

E-Mail Courtesy

As there will be upwards of 60 students in this section, it is imperative that you follow these directions: Any e-mail sent to me, including written assignments, extra credit, or questions, must have your name and i.d. number listed in the subject lineI will not give credit for any written work without this information in the subject line. If you have a question, I will do my best to reply within 48 hours during the week. In the event you don’t hear back from me within this time frame, PLEASE resend your question.

Scientific Method and Science Viewpoint

This class satisfies the General Education Requirement Area 5 in Biological/Life Sciences. As such, the class is taught from a scientific point of view, using the scientific method (hypotheses building and testing) and scientific facts (verifiable truths). We will be examining biological relationships and behavioral similarities between nonhuman primates (monkeys and apes) and humans, in addition to studying the evolution of hominins (bipedal primates) from the common ancestor we share with chimpanzees and bonobos. While I realize that some of you have a belief system as to how humans were created that may contradict the scientific theory of evolution, in this class you are required to base all of your answers to assignments and test questions on the scientific evidence of evolution, not on your religious ideology. If you find it impossible to segregate your religious beliefs in the context of this course, I would suggest that you drop the class. If you do include your religious ideology in your answer, you will receive a zero on the assignment or test answer.

Writing Skills

This is a college course; as such, you will spend the time necessary to compose essay answers of at least 100 words (use your word count feature in your word processing program to be sure). Failure to do so will result in substantial loss of points. Your essays also must be written in grammatically correct English, have proper spelling, and be logically organized. I will deduct points if your work is not grammatically correct and/or if your spelling is incorrect. Additionally, if your essay is not organized in a logical manner, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

Cheating and Plagiarism

I have a zero tolerance policy for students who cheat or plagiarize, as does the college (see the Academic Honesty/Dishonesty Policy in your class schedule). Cheat or plagiarize in my class and you will receive a failing grade (zero points) on that assignment.

Cheating is defined as follows:

“to deceive or mislead somebody, especially for personal advantage; to break the rules in a game, examination, or contest, in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage” (http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_1861596414/cheat.html, 10/30/03)

If you cheat, you will fail the assignment/test and will be referred to the judicial affairs officer. No exceptions, no excuses. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, making up a source, consulting with another student regarding answers to test questions or written assignments, and/or providing answers to another student. You are to submit your own work.

Plagiarism is a type of academic dishonesty and is defined as follows:

“1. stealing somebody’s work or idea: copying what somebody else has written or taking somebody else’s idea and trying to pass it off as original

2. something plagiarized: something copied from somebody else’s work, or somebody else’s idea that somebody presents as his or her own” (http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/plagiarism.html, 10/30/03)

This means if you copy someone else’s work and claim it as your own, you are plagiarizing. This includes, but is not limited to, cutting and pasting information from a website or an online article without citing the source, copying information directly from a source without placing it in quotation marks and citing the source, summarizing information from a source without citing it, rearranging a few words or sentences from a source and not citing it. If you do plagiarize, you will receive a zero on the assignment. No excuses, no exceptions.


Grades are based on your performance on tests and written activities. Be sure to keep date and time stamped copies of all the work that you submit to me in case it gets “lost” in cyberspace. Each student will be responsible for providing me with proof of a completed assignment in the event that you do not receive credit for your work.


There will be four tests for this course. Tests will consist of multiple choice and true/false questions. The tests will be timed; you may not use your notes or your book for the exam. If you don’t complete the test within one hour (the allotted time), the test will “close” and you won’t be able to complete the questions. I would suggest you watch your time carefully when completing the test. Each test will be worth 50 points. These tests will be available on the TalonNet class website; the study guides will also be available on the class website.

No make-up tests will be given. I drop your lowest test score. If you miss more than one (1) test, you will receive a zero (0) on the second and subsequently missed exams.

Tests will be due by 9:00 p.m. on the second day following the posting of the questions. For example, your first test takes place on August 28, 2014. Your completed answers will be due by 9:00 p.m. on August 29, 2014. I will not accept late tests. It is in your best interests to complete the test as soon as possible and click on the “Submit Answers” button well before the deadline time. All tests will be time-stamped, and if your test is sent after 9:00 p.m. on the due date, you will receive a zero. It will be up to the student to verify with the instructor that the test has been received.

Written Activities:

We will be engaging in two kinds of written activities during the session: individual assignments and group assignments. All of your reading and writing assignments are listed under “Lessons” on the TalonNet website; some will be submitted through the “Assignments” portion of the website while others will be posted to the “Discussion Board.” “Lessons” will direct you as to how to submit your assignment.

Both types of assignments must be completed by 9:00 p.m. on the days they are due. Due dates are the dates I have listed under “Lessons” and in your syllabus. For example, your first assignment is listed under August 18, 2014 and is due no later than 9:00 p.m. on August 18, 2014. Late assignments will not be accepted. It will be up to the student to verify with the instructor that the assignment has been received. All written assignments will be worth 20 points each.

Individual assignments need to be completed at home individually and submitted via the TalonNet class website to the instructor by 9:00 p.m. on the day they are listed in your syllabus. These activities are worth 20 points each. Answers must consist of the following:

· a well-organized, grammatically correct, properly spelled essay of at least 100 words in your own words

The grading scale will be based on the following criteria:

· You failed to answer the question (0-4 points)

· Lots of work is still needed (5-8 points)

· Some key elements are missing (9-12 points)

· Good effort, but still lacking some elements (13-16 points)

· Outstanding (17-20 points)

Group assignments are those written assignments that will be completed as a group. I will e-mail your group members’ names, together with e-mail addresses, by September 2, 2014. You will work as a group to complete the assignment and submit it for grading by 9:00 p.m. on the day listed in your syllabus. I will not accept work by individuals. All of these assignments MUST be completed as a group. Late assignments will not be accepted. Posted answers must consist of the following:

· a well-organized, grammatically correct, properly spelled essay of at least 100 words

· the names of participating group members

How you work with your fellow group members is up to you. I would suggest that you:

· contact each other frequently via e-mail

· don’t wait until the night before the assignment is due to write your answer

· choose a different group leader for each assignment – this person might be responsible for organizing the communications between group members and for posting the final answer to the discussion board

· all agree to the content of the final answer prior to its posting on the discussion board

Group assignments are worth 20 points. I will grade each group answer based on clarity, logic, content, grammar, and spelling for a possible total of twenty (20) points. All contributing members of the group will receive the same score, regardless of their participation in constructing the answer. The grading scale will be based on the following criteria:

· You failed to answer the question (0-4 points)

· Lots of work is still needed (5-8 points)

· Some key elements are missing (9-12 points)

· Good effort, but still lacking some elements (13-16 points)

· Outstanding (17-20 points)

Extra Credit:

You will have the opportunity to earn a total of 25 points in extra credit during the course of the six week session using any combination of the following: For each newspaper/magazine article published within the last two years (provide me with the link via e-mail [mbellas@cerritos.edu]) that deals with some aspect of physical anthropology, you will receive five points.


You may also spend time at the zoo, observing and documenting great ape behavior and the time it occurred for up to 25 points. You must observe the behavior of one of the great apes – a gorilla, an orangutan, a chimpanzee, or a bonobo – and write down the activity the ape engaged in, together with the time it occurred. For instance:

12:00 p.m., chimp jumped on a rock

12:02 p.m., chimp watched the people watching him

12:05 p.m., chimp climbed off the rock and knuckle walked to another chimp

12:06 p.m., chimp began grooming the other individual

and so on.

You may not observe the behavior of more than one of the apes, nor may you switch exhibits (for instance, watch a chimp for an hour, an orangutan for another hour, and a gorilla for ½ hour). Pick one ape and stick with it. E-mail your behavior log to me (mbellas@cerritos.edu); for each ½ hour that you document its behavior, you will receive 5 points.

All extra credit will be due no later than 9:00 p.m. on October 6, 2014. It is in your best interest to send in your extra credit as soon as possible; if your article or website is not acceptable, but you turn in the address prior to the due date, you will have a second chance to resubmit another for extra credit. If you wait until the due date, you won’t have a second chance.

While I do not grade on a curve for your assignments, I do grade on a modified curve for your exams. I will take the highest score for each exam and that will be the total points possible for the exam. Cheating or plagiarism will result in an automatic “F” (zero points) for the assignment or exam and referral to the judicial affairs officer. Your grade will be calculated on the following scale: 90-100 % A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, 59% and below F.

Technical Problems

You may (or may not) experience problems with accessing the website. The server may be down – the reasons are myriad. This is why I have included in this syllabus a schedule of what your assignments are, and when they are due. If you cannot access the website, for whatever reason, please e-mail your assignment directly to my Cerritos account: mbellas@cerritos.eduMake sure you include your name and student identification number in the subject line! Include a short note explaining that you couldn’t access the website. Then contact the Distance Education Office and notify them that the website is down (562-860-2451, extension 2837).

In the event you cannot access the TalonNet website for exam questions on the day they are available, e-mail me immediately. I will then make sure that you do get access to the questions in a timely fashion.

It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all assignments and exams on time, even if the website is down!

Course Syllabus

I am listing your reading and writing assignments here for the class. The assignments will be found on the course website under “Lessons” on the TalonNet class website. Be aware that you must access the website in order to receive all of the information listed here. Additionally, I will only accept assignments that come through the TalonNet class website (unless the website is down – see above).

Week 1 Module One

8/18 E-mail/Discussion Assignment due

If you are enrolled in the class or on the official waiting list:

As we will not be meeting in person for orientation, you must submit the following paragraph via e-mail in order to remain in the class. In other words, I will be using your submission of the following paragraph as a way to check initial attendance (do not submit prior to August 11, 2014). If you do not submit this page to me by 9:00 p.m. on 8/18/14 through the TalonNet class website, I will drop you from the class and begin adding people from the waiting list. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT.

I have read the information contained in the on-line syllabus for the Physical Anthropology (Anth. 115) On-Line class, Fall, 2014, taught by Dr. Monica Bellas. I agree to all the terms and conditions set forth therein, and have had a chance to ask Dr. Bellas about any questions I do have.


(Your Name)

(Your Student Identification Number)


If you are on the official wait list or wish to be added to the class:

Copy and paste the paragraph above, filling in the pertinent information, and send to me via e-mail (mbellas@cerritos.edu) no earlier than August 11, 2014.

Reading: Chapter 1: Introduction: What is Biological Anthropology?

Lecture Notes I and II (on TalonNet website under “Resources”)

8/20 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due

So that all of you understand how to treat others online, go to the following website (http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html ) and read the rules of Netiquette. Summarize these rules in an essay and send to me. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Reading: Chapter 2: Origins of Evolutionary Thought

8/22 Reading: Chapter 3: Genetics: Cells and Molecules

Lecture Notes III and IV (on TalonNet website under “Resources”)

Having problems understanding the basics of genetics? Visit the following website: http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/

Don’t understand the difference between mitosis and meiosis? Visit the following website:


Week 2 Module One cont’d.

8/25 Reading: Chapter 4: Genetics: From Genotype to Phenotype

Lecture Notes V (on TalonNet website under “Resources”)

8/26 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand how important Mendel’s original research was, visit MendelWeb (http://www.mendelweb.org/Mendel.html) and read the first four sections of his paper. What are your overall impressions of Mendel’s research? GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR ESSAY.

Reading: Chapter 5: The Forces of Evolution and the Formation of Species

How does natural selection work in humans? Visit www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/making-fittest-natural-selection-humans. Watch the video on sickle cell anemia (15 minutes).

To better understand how bacteria can acquire drug resistance (besides mutation), go to www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/killer-microbe.html. Click on “Launch Video.” (The video lasts 9 minutes.) Take notes.

8/27 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Visit www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/making-fittest-natural-selection-and-adaptation. Watch the video on the pocket mouse (10 minutes). Explain how natural selection has affected the coat colors of the mice. GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR ESSAY.

8/28 Test 1 (Chaps. 1-5) Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the TalonNet class website to access the exam. Due 8/29/14 at 9:00 p.m.

Week 3 Module Two

9/2 Check your e-mail for your group assignment

Readings: Chapter 7: The Primates

Lecture Notes VI (on website under “Resources”)

Lecture Notes VII (found on website under “Resources”)

Go to www.pbs.org/your-inner-fish/about/overview. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Discover Your Inner Animals.” Be patient, it may take a while to load. On the human figure, click on the “glowing” eye and watch the five minute video on color vision. Be sure to take notes.

9/3 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand the genetic relationships between the great apes and humans, go to www.becominghuman.org. Scroll down the page to “Chromosome Connection.” Do the activity “Comparison of Human and Ape Chromosomes.” When completed, look at chromosomal and gene (“banding”) patters. In the first column, you’ll see that orangutans share the least in common with humans. How closely related are orangutans to gorillas? chimpanzees? How closely related are humans to the gorillas and chimps? What does this tell you about the evolution of today’s great apes and humans?

9/4 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Individually visit the following primate web site (http://www.primates.com/, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Enter”) and investigate the monkey category (make sure your choice is a monkey, not an ape or prosimian). Pick one and read the description, and then use a search engine to find out more information, such as habitat, diet, social behavior, location, etc. Summarize this information. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Readings: Chapter 8: Primate Behavior

Lecture Notes VIIa, VIIb, VIIc (found on website under “Resources”)

Week 4

9/8 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand how closely all primates are related to one another, in your small groups answer the following question: Do monkeys and apes have minds? Discuss the evidence and consider the implications of how we (humans) treat these animals. Group Leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

9/9 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Individually, go to http://www.becominghuman.org. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Learn How We Stood Up,” then “Building Bodies,” then assemble the human and chimp skeletons by clicking and dragging the bones. What are the similarities between these skeletons? the differences? (These should be your observations, not those that are listed in this website.) GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Readings: Chapters 9: Geology and Primate Origins

Lecture Notes VIII (on website under “Resources”)

9/11 Test 2 (Chaps. 7-9) Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the class website to access the exam. Due 9/12/14 at 9:00 p.m.

Week 5 Module 3

9/15 Reading: Chapter 10: Early Hominins and Australopithecus

Lecture Notes IX (on website under “Resources”)

Go to www.pbs.org/your-inner-fish/about/overview. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Discover Your Inner Animals.” Be patient, it may take a while to load. On the human figure, click on the left thigh and watch the five minute video on bipedalism. Don’t forget to take notes.

Go to http://www.becominghuman.org and click on “Watch the documentary.” (Don’t forget to take notes.) Stop it when you get to the information about Homo erectus.

Want to learn more about Australopithecus afarensis? Go to the following websites: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/prehistoric_life/human/human_evolution/mother_of_man1.shtml


9/18 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

In your small group, go to the following website: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/pelvis.html and compare and contrast the postcranial anatomy (in this case, from the waist down) of chimps, Australopithecus africanus and Homo sapiens. Group leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

Go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/prehistoric_life/human/human_evolution/food_for_thought1.shtml and read about how diet influenced the development of the brain. (Don’t forget to take notes.)

Go to Smithsonian Institution (http://www.mnh.si.edu/anthro/humanorigins/ha/a_tree.html) to learn more about hominin phylogeny.

Go to http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/beta/evolution/becoming-human-part-1.html and watch the first “Becoming Human” show.  It runs about 50 minutes; don’t forget to take notes.

Week 6 Module Three cont’d.

9/22 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

In your small group, answer the following questions: Should H. habilis and H. rudolfensis be called human? What criteria would you establish for the use of the term? Group leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

9/23 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand early hypotheses about bipedalism, answer the following question: Why do paleoanthropologists now reject the hypothesis that bipedalism evolved due to the shrinking forests of Africa? Describe at least two other hypotheses that are currently being investigated. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

9/25 Test 3 (Chap. 10) Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the class website to access the exam. Due 9/26/14 by 9:00 p.m.

Week 7 Module Four

9/27 Reading: Chapter 11: Rise of the Genus Homo

Lecture Notes X (on website under “Resources”)

Go to the “Nova” website (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/beta/evolution/becoming-human-part-2.html) and watch the video “Becoming Human: Part 2.” Don’t forget to take notes.

Visit this website to view more pictures of fossil hominins: http://www.msu.edu/~heslipst/contents/ANP440/index.htm

10/1 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand how hominins are grouped together in the same genus and species, go to the site for the Nariokotome Boy (sometimes referred to as Turkana Boy) (http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/15000.html) and describe the aspects that are Homo erectus-like. Compare and contrast him with the skulls from Java and China. (Use your own observations; keep in mind the essay that accompanies these skulls are based on the observations of a Creationist.) GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

(Follow these directions if the link in “Lessons” is not working:

Go to www.talkorigins.org

Click on “Browse the Archive”

Click on “Human Evolution”

Scroll down the screen to “Table of Contents” on the left side of the page

Click on “Hominid Fossils”

At the top of the page, in the box, click on “Homo erectus”

Scroll down the page until you find KNM-WT 15000 and click on that link

Read about the fossil, and then scroll down that page to the following links:

“Compare Turkana Boy with Java Man”

“Compare Turkana Boy with Peking Man”)

Go to the Nova website (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/beta/evolution/little-people-flores.html) and watch the video on the “Little People of Flores.” (Homo floresiensis.) Don’t forget to take notes.

Week 8 Module Four cont’d.

10/6 EXTRA CREDIT DUE by 9:00 p.m.

Reading: Chapter 12: Archaic Homo sapiens and Neandertals

Lecture Notes XI (on website under “Resources”)

Go to this website to test your knowledge about prehistoric life: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/prehistoric_life/games/cavemen/

10/7 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Many would argue that Neanderthals were capable of engaging in ritual behavior. In your small group, go to http://www.waspress.co.uk/journals/beforefarming/journal_20021/abstracts/papers/20021_04_s.pdf and read the arguments for and against these behaviors. Argue for or against this proposition. Group Leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

10/9 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

There have been many hypotheses about Neandertals’ place in the human lineage. Go to www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/decoding-neanderthals.html and click on “Watch the Program.” (The video lasts about one hour. Be sure to take notes.) Answer the following questions: Neandertals have been depicted as brutish, stupid, and violent in both academia and the media. Describe three lines of evidence from the video that refute these notions. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Week 9 Module Four cont’d.

10/13 Reading: Chapter 13: The Origin, Emergence, and Dispersal of Homo sapiens

Why can’t some people consume milk (are lactose intolerant)? Go to www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/making-fitness-got-lactase-co-evolution-genes-and-culture. Watch the video on how the culture and genes interact with one another (15 minutes). If this link doesn’t work, cut and paste the web address into your computer.

10/14 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Visit Lascaux, France (http://www.lascaux.culture.fr/#/en/00.xml).  Be patient, it may take a while to load.  (It should not take more than five minutes to load. Be sure to enable pop-ups on your computer.) Click on “A Visit to the Cave” and then take the Virtual Visit.  Examine the cave paintings.  Keeping in mind Margaret Conkey has proposed the animals that are depicted were not hunted (not evident in the animal bones that were butchered by these people), what were the painters trying to communicate and why?  GO TO “DISCUSSION” and post your answer to the TalonNet Discussion Board and comment on at least two other students’ responses (your comments should be meaningful and not just “I agree with what you said”).

10/15 Reading: Chapter 14: Evolution of the Brain and Behavior

10/16 Test 4 (Chaps. 11-14). Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the class website to access the exam. Due 10/17/14 by 9:00 p.m.


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CRJ 412: International Terrorism (2017 Summer – B) 2017SummerB-X-CRJ412-46070-4685

CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 1


Arizona State University

School of Criminology & Criminal Justice Department

Course Number: CRJ 412: Summer II, June 29th – August 8th, 2017

Course Title: International Terrorism

Credits; 3 Credit Hours

Pre-requisites None


Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, (Ed.D.)

Retired Commander (September 2011) Phoenix Police Department

Work & Cell Phone; 602-332-8380

E-mail ASU or

jeff.hynes@gccaz.edu or jgh3612@icloud.com


When emailing me, please include the course number “CRJ 412” in the subject of your email, so I

can prioritize it over other emails that are not course related.


OFFICE HOURS: Available Monday through Friday 0900 to 1700 and arrangements can be made to

meet at one of the following locations or text, email or call me and any of the numbers or emails

listed please.

ASU West Campus

ASU Downtown Campus

Glendale Community College


This course uses a “Three before Me” policy for student to faculty communications. When questions

arise during the course of this class, please remember to check three sources for an answer before

emailing your instructor:


1. Course Syllabus

2. Announcements in Blackboard

3. The Q & A Forum


This policy will help you in potentially identifying answers before I can get back to you, and it also

helps your instructor from answering similar questions or concerns multiple times.



(https://www.asu.edu/ https://webapp4.asu.edu/myasu/ )

Catalog Description:



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 2

This course provides the student with a systematic examination of the structural, organizational

and political characteristics that affect the topic of international terrorism.

Learning Goals

At the completion of this course, students will be able to: provide you with understanding &

knowledge of the Homeland Security Issue from both an international and international perspective

and the many facets associated within law enforcement profession.

Competencies /Objectives:

1. Be able to describe international threats from both political and religious perspectives

2. Explain the philosophical concepts associated with the will to harm individuals in large


3. Identify & discuss the multiple theoretical approaches to defending against

international threats and examine historical significance of past events

4. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world

5. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and

postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events

6. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world regarding the Middle East,

Africa, Central and East Asia.

7. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and

postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events concerning

Europe, North and South America.

8. From a futurist perspective, explain in detail, through discussions, research and

postings, a specific application of preventative measures against international security


9. From a futurist perspective and from postings and class presentations, explain how the

world is more secure post-9/11 from a threat perspective

10. From a futurist standpoint, explain the role of being a “leader in a changing threat

environment” as it relates to solving short and long-term dynamic issues facing the

international community




CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 3

Textbook eBook Access Site:

REQUIRED BOOKS: eBooks & content access site: You must do this please to be in this class:


CT2Learn is an education company that has published or manages much of the required course

content. To access this content, you will need to subscribe to the CT2Learn content platform.

The past textbook utilized for this class was over $180, so we are saving you a significant amount

of money by using ct2learn.


To subscribe, go to; www.ct2learn.com (external link: www.ct2learn.com ), register and pay for the

course or an annual membership. Once you have completed this step you will have access to all of

your course materials, including required reading content and other resources.


Option 1: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 70 Day Term (Recommended for this course)

ISBN: 9781938087127

Author: Curriculum Tech

Estimated Price: $74.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Option 2: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 140 Day Semester Member

ISBN: 9781938087233

Author: Curriculum Technology

Estimated Price: $124.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Option 3: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 365 Day Full Term

ISBN: 9781938087134

Author: Curriculum Technology

Estimated Price: $224.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Additional weekly readings are listed within each week’s module /content discussion/s and

assignment area.


This course requires that you have access to a computer that can access the internet. You will

need to have access to, and be able to use, the following hardware and software packages:

 A functioning computer, up-to-date within the last 5 years. Please note, mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones are not recommended for use with Blackboard. The Blackboard mobile app can be used for occasionally checking on the course, but the

mobile app will not display the course in its entirety. You must access the course

regularly from a full-featured laptop or desktop computer.



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 4

 A web browser, updated to the most recent version. Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari

are the preferred browsers for accessing Blackboard. Internet Explorer is not recommended for use with Blackboard.

 Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)

 Adobe Flash Player (free)

 Microphone and speaker attached to your computer

 A word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Open Office.

You are responsible for having a reliable computer and internet connection throughout the



The Arizona Board of Regents, the governing board for ASU, NAU, and the U of A, has a policy

for how much time students should invest in their courses: “A minimum of 45 hours of work by

each student is required for each unit of credit.”

Therefore, in a 3-credit course, students should expect to invest 45 hours in class meetings (or

the online equivalent), as well as 90 hours doing homework and assignments—a total of 135 hours

in any given session (A, B, or C).

This translates to 18 hours per week engaging with the learning assignments (i.e.,

readings, online lectures and activities, assignments and assessments, and studying) for an

online classes that meet over a 7.5 week-semester or the shortened condensed summer

schedule. As you register for courses, keep this 135-hour standard in mind because during some

semesters your work and/or family commitments may prevent you from taking a full load of



Assigned week Schedule

Week / Module Assignments Due Dates

Week 1

This is a condensed course and

therefore from the 8 week

version of this course some

content weeks will be

combined as will the

assignments. Please don’t

become overwhelmed we will


1) Discussion Question: Each

posting should be

200 to 300 words and include a


200 words = 70%

Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 5th

by 11:59pm

Response posting &

essay is due on Saturday

by midnight July 8th,



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 5

through this material


This week, we will examine the

concept of terrorism and

begin to describe international

threats from political and

religious perspectives.

We will also continue to

introduce the concept of

terrorism by examining the

structure, strategies and goals

of international terrorist



250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

2) Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing




Total writing pages for

week one:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week One: Total 4

pages of written



Week 2

In our second week of

coursework together, we will

examine the philosophical

concepts associated with the

will to harm individuals in large


We will also examine the

multiple theoretical

approaches to defending

against international threats

by studying the historical

significance of past events.

In addition, we will examine

international threats as they

apply in today’s world,

centering on Europe.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain


1) Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%


Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 12th

by 11:59pm

Response posting &

essay is due Saturday

Midnight 11:59pm, July

15th, 2017

Total writing pages for

Week Two:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Two: Total 4

pages of written





CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 6

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Europe.

we will examine international

threats as they apply in

today’s world, centering on


We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Europe


700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing


Week 3

In our third week of

coursework together, we will

examine international threats

as they apply in today’s world,

centering on the Middle East

and Africa.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on the Middle

East and Africa


Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

2) Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100%; (equals 2

The initial Discussion

Posting is due

on Wednesday by

midnight of July 19th,


The response posting &

essay is due by

Saturday 11:59pm

July 22nd, 2017

Total writing pages for

Week Three:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Three: Total 4

pages of written





CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 7

writing pages)

Week 4

In our fourth week of

coursework together, we will

examine international threats

as they apply in today’s world,

centering on Central Asia and

East Asia.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Central Asia

and East Asia.

We will also wrap up our

examination of international

threats, finishing with North

America and South America.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on North

America and South America


Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing


Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 26th

The response posting &

essay is due by

Saturday 11:59pm

July 29th, 2017


Total writing pages for

Week Four:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Four: Total 4

pages of written



Week 5 Research paper


Cover page &


5 to 7 pages of


5 pages of content = 70%

6 pages of content = 85%

7 pages of content = 100%

content, double spaced,

12 font

(Arial or New Times Roman),

Minimum of 5 sources

Due Saturday August

5th, 2017 by 11:59pm

August 6 – 9th, Final

Course Clarifications

Final Day of Class:

Wednesday August 9th,


Week 5: Total 7 pages

of written expression



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 8


with a table of contents,

Bibliography & cover page.


100 points possible


Total pages of written

expression for CRJ 412

= 23 Pages


Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Critical Thinking Essays/Summaries:

Critical thinking essays/summaries are due at the end of each module week. Critical thinking essays

showcase your knowledge of the competencies based from the materials that have been presented..

Your essay is a summarization of an examined topic from the week’s offered material. At least one

of your references must be from the ct2learn content material.

You are responsible to demonstrate your learning by considering multiple perspectives

and referencing at least three sources of content that have been assigned for the designated week.

Your essay should focus on the following:

1. What you learned about the module competencies presented for the designated week.

2. What new information you gathered from the PowerPoint slides, videos, articles and other

assigned reading.

3. What critical thinking you engaged in and what new connections were made about the topic.

This is your opportunity to tell the instructor what you have learned from the assigned content by

focusing on the criteria listed above. If you wish to research and include sources in addition to the

ct2learn content provided, please feel free to do so and cite that work appropriately. The critical

thinking essays/summaries are graded (50 points each).

Additional Assignment Requirements

Use APA formatting (including a cover page, Running Head, in-text citations and a reference page)

Times New Roman or Arial font in a 12 pt. font, and one-inch margins. See the following guidelines

and utilize the samples provided for APA formatting.

Assignments will be uploaded using Safeassignment, an anti-plagiarism tool selected by the

college. Review the grading rubric for each assignment to earn the maximum points possible. APA

format is required throughout. Your safeassignment scores should not be over 15% please as a goal.

In-text Citations:



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 9


Reference List: Electronic Sources



Cover Page:

Running Head


Your Name

Essay Title

Word Count

Professor’s Name


Page 2:




Reference Page:

3 separate reference/s are required with each essay submission, such as.

Borum, R. (2004). Psychology of Terrorism. Retrieved 17 November 2014 from


A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-first Century, 15 August 2007. Retrieved 16

November 2014 from http://ct2learn.com/els/index.php?cID=1048

Homicide Bombers Overview. Retrieved 16 November 2014 from http://ct2learn.com/els/

index.php /member-home/learning-resources/resources/terrorism-and-homeland-security


Curriculum Technology Ct2learn (2015). Department of Homeland Security – National

Framework, May 29, 2015. Retrieved from: http://ct2learn.com/els/index.php?cID=2253

Your assigned essay/summary should be between 350 to 700 words; remember to correctly cite

your work please. To earn the maximum possible points please attain the 700 word count and utilize

the guiding elements in the matrix below.



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 10

350 Words = 75%

525 Words = 85%

700 Words = 100%

Additional helpful APA Links:






Critical Thinking Essay/Summary Grading Matrix


Criteria Ratings Max


Content The essay

provides a


e summary of

the assigned

week content.

References at

least three


sources from

the module.



the assigned



All sources

used are

current and


20 pts

The essay

provides a


summary of the

assigned week


References at

least three


sources from

the module.



assigned week


All sources used

are current and


16 pts




a general


of the





es less




from the

module or


es are





12 pts

The essay

provides a


summary of





Sources are

not used or




6 pts

The essay

does not








are not

used or

not used



0 pts

20 pts




Writer is

clearly in

command of

Writing is

largely free of




al errors




Errors are



15 pts



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 11

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Social Workers And The LGBTQ Population

The LGBTQ community continues to experience incidences of prejudice and bias. Not only are these prejudices exemplified in interpersonal interactions through slurs and violent acts but also in the policies maintained in social work agencies and institutions. On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court extended marriage rights to same-sex partners. Since this ruling, the federal government has extended all federal and military/veteran benefits to married same-sex couples. Despite this progress, states continue to debate laws and policies that would legalize forms of discrimination toward LGBTQ individuals. Advocacy organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign, provide policy maps showing the different rights provided in different states (see http://www.hrc.org/state_maps). Social workers are expected to fight to eliminate these inequalities throughout communities, programs, and institutions.

To prepare: Consider the following statement:

NASW encourages the adoption of laws that recognize inheritance, insurance, same-sex marriage, child custody, property, and other rights in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships. The Association firmly believes that all federal protections and responsibilities available to legally married people in the United States should be available to people who enter same sex unions (including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same sex marriages).

Submit your reaction to this statement of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Describe what you think is the role of social workers in equal rights and access to LGBTQ populations.


Dessel, A. B., Jacobsen, J., Levy, D. L., McCarty-Caplan, D., Lewis, T. O., & Kaplan, L. E. (2017). LGBTQ topics and Christianity in social work: Tackling the tough questions. Social Work & Christianity, 44(1/2), 11-30.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

National Association of Social Workers’ National Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues. (2015). Sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) and conversion therapy with lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender persons [Position Statement]. Retrieved from https://www.socialworkers.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=yH3UsGQQmYI%3d&portalid=0

Ryan, C. (2009). Supportive families, healthy children: Helping families with lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender children. San Francisco, CA: Family Acceptance Project, Marian Wright Edelman Institute, San Francisco State University. Retrieved from http://familyproject.sfsu.edu/publications.

The Trevor Project. (2016). Glossary. Retrieved from http://www.thetrevorproject.org/pages/glossary#

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Chapter 77, (pp. 379–387)
Chapter 78, (pp. 388–391)
Chapter 79, (pp. 391–397)
Chapter 83, (pp. 406–411)
Chapter 84, (pp. 411–420)

Clinton, H. R. (2011). United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/texttrans/2011/12/20111206180616su0.4842885.html#axzz2zeJtVRfq

It Gets Better Project. (n.d.). It gets better. Retrieved September 6, 2013, from: http://www.itgetsbetter.org/

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Chapter 86, (pp. 432–434)
Chapter 87, (pp. 434–437)
Chapter 88, (pp. 437–443)
Chapter 89, (pp. 443–446)
Chapter 90, (pp. 447–450)

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QUIZ 1 – The Film “The Diving Bell And The Butterfly”

1. Where is the main character Bauby in the beginning of the film?

A In his bedroom at his Paris apartment.
B At the naval hospital in Calais.
C In a moving ambulance.




2. What illness is Bauby suffering from?

A A hear attack
B Terminal cancer
C A stroke




3. Bauby was told by the doctor that he was in a coma for

A 3 weeks
B 3 months
C 6 months




4. The story is largely told from the perspective of

A His doctor
B His speech therapist Henriette.
C Jean Dominique Bauby








5. Jean Dominique Bauby’s job before his illness was

A Editor of fashion magazine “Elle”.
B CEO of an IT company.
C A lawyer.





6. At the end of the film, we learn that Jean Dominique Bauby was able to do the following during his stay at the hospital

A He regained some physical ability thanks for intensive physical therapy.
B He regained sight in his other eye thanks to multiple surgeries.
C He wrote his autobiography “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” by blinking with one eyelid to dictate/write his story.





7. In the beginning of the film, what are the visual details and parts of the dialog between him and his neurologist that confirm that the main character Jean Dominique Bauby suffered significant loss of cognitive (mental) and physical capacities? Give as many examples as possible from the early scenes of the film to illustrate your answer.




8. Discuss two major ideas that you consider important ideas in Tess Jewell’s essay assigned this week, then discuss: why you find them important; what they help you learn or understand better about the issue of “disability”; how “disability” was explored in the film “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”.



9. In your assigned reading for this week, the author Tess Jewell makes the following comment in her essay “Blinding the Screen: Visualizing Disability”:  “bodies are constructed as disabled by the wider social, political, cultural, and economic structures that regulate their existence” (p. 3, of the PDF file).  She also writes: “Bauby’s attempts to transform his own personal tragedy into a tale of self-validation” (p. 4, of the PDF file).


Discuss what you understand by these ideas, then try to illustrate them by using examples from the film to support your answer : Consider what the various ways in which the main character’s absence of physical capacity impacts various parts of his life; consider also the tools and strategies hat the main character Jean Dominique Baudy uses in order to make himself feel alive, to feel like a complete human again, to validate himself or to ensure his existence (his sense of self) is not defined by his physical disability.  Compare his view to that of the medical staff’s efforts to help him “live” and have a “normal” life.

In your answer you will build on what you posted in the discussion forum and consider some perspectives shared by other classmates to provide a more refined answer.




10. Consider who are the characters who affirm and validate Jean Dominique Bauby as a human being, rather than as a “disabled” person, and what characters reflects biased attitudes toward him due to his physical disability.  Consider the attitude of the medical staff as well as his wife who visits him at the hospital.  Give examples from their actions or words to illustrate your ideas.


Consider online discussion posts to produce a more refined answer to this question.



11. In the film, we see a contrast between the outside world of Jean Dominique Bauby’s hospital room and the perception that the medical staff has of him as a disabled patient vs. the inside world of Bauby’s mind.  When the film goes inside Jean Dominique Bauby’s mind, what more do we learn about him and about his life before the illness?  How does going inside JD Bauby’s mind allow us to see him in other lights, and not just as patient or as a disabled person?

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Write A 4 Page Paper

4 Page double speaced reseatch paper.

12 Times New Roman.

APA format.

At least 5 sources.

Read the following and write the paper based on questions.

Implement professional terms used in organizational behavior.


1. Putting yourself in the shoes of Andrea, which of the four justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, interpersonal, informational) is most important in the morning briefing? Should Andrea be honest and informative in explaining corporate actions in the downsizing, or should she be more guarded? What would be the ethical implications of those two options?

2. Drawing discussions on justice and ethics, what advice would you give to Andrea in terms of her use of the bigger compensation budget? Would you give everyone a short-term “retention bonus” or a more permanent raise? Or would you leverage those funds to support the changes in the work structure, especially for those staffers with an especially expanded workload? What would be the ethical implications of those options?

3. Which motivation theories and motivational factors would Andrea apply when combining areas for the staffers? Is there a way to give the new versions of their jobs a higher satisfaction potential than the pre-downsizing versions?

4. How much voice and input would you recommend Andrea give to the staffers, as the Blaze transitions to its “new normal”? What are the pluses of giving such input and what would be the dangers associated with it? How could those dangers be mitigated?


Reenergizing Employees After a Downsizing

(This case study was developed by J. Colquitt, J. Lepine, and M. Wesson)

Andrea Zuckerman is the editor in chief of the Blaze, a small, college-town newspaper owned by a large national conglomerate. After the latest round of downsizing at the Blaze, Andrea is going to hold briefings today to reenergize the remaining employees and inform them about the new changes. In fact, she had been aware of the impending downsizing for some time. However, she had to hold her tongue while the corporate wheels turned. She did not agree with how the corporate consultants had determined who would go, which was largely determined by who had the highest salaries. Moreover, she did not agree with how the news was being delivered—not by her, but by a consultant who would be a complete stranger to all involved. “They are taking away our wisest,” she noted, “and they are taking away those folks’ dignity for good measure.”

Andrea was aware of the reasons behind the downsizing. She was, after all, working in a dying industry. Every newspaper, from the New York Times and Washington Post down to the smallest rag in the smallest town, had a sliver of the readership of a decade ago. First it was 24-hour cable news, then the Internet, then smartphones. Each made newspapers less central to the current events consumption of the folks in a given town. Corporate had tried to stay ahead of these trends when they bought the Blaze, an event that had been marked by a smaller round of downsizing as costs were cut, the paper was scaled back, and Tuesday and Wednesday deliveries were ended. However, there had been hope associated with those changes, with everyone assuming that corporate resources could help the Blaze reinvent itself and leverage new technologies to stay relevant.

This time around, the Blaze is confronting a “new normal.” Its function moving forward will be to serve as a local portal to the broader news resources offered by corporate. When folks in town log on to the Blaze using either their web browser or their smartphone or tablet app, they will see a combination of local stories written by Blaze staff and national and world stories authored by staff at other papers under the corporate umbrella. Eventually the print version of the paper will be a weekend-only phenomenon, and even that will almost certainly end at some point. All these changes mean that the paper will need fewer reporters, photographers, artists, and section editors, not to mention fewer assistants. There may also need to be some restructuring and merging of assignments and duties.

Andrea is worried about what to say to the staff at the morning briefing. As the survivors of a poorly handled layoff, it will be on her to restore some semblance of morale. After all, the last thing the paper needs is its remaining staff giving two weeks’ notice. In fact, they are going to need to be more committed than ever, because more is going to be asked of them than when they were hired. She will have to be somewhat careful with this speech, of course, as the HR person installed by corporate—Jessie Vasquez—will no doubt remind her. Jessie is good at his job in many ways, even if Andrea complains about his general level of risk aversion. Jessie’s primary concerns will revolve around Andrea saying something that could either trigger a wrongful termination suit, or be used as ammunition if such a suit was brought by a staffer against corporate.

The afternoon briefing is going to be more complicated. That is where Andrea hopes to begin charting a course toward the “new normal,” so that everyone understands what they will be in for. The rumor mill has already been working overtime, and many of the scenarios being floated might actually wind up being worse than the eventual status quo. Therefore, it is important to begin discussing the future look of the Blaze quickly, to create some information to go along with the misinformation. Andrea does not want to make decisions about that future course too quickly, as nothing will undermine the staff’s confidence more than a collection of faulty ideas that gets revised a few months into its existence.

There are a lot of things to consider when contemplating the new operations of the Blaze. The paper has historically grouped its functions into five areas: state, city, sports, lifestyle, and business. It seems to Andrea that those five areas will need to get merged into two or three. The reporters, photographers, artists, and editors in those areas will still perform the same duties. They will just do those duties for a broader range of content than they did before. However, Andrea is undecided about groupings. Some groupings seem logical to Andrea, but maybe the staff working in those areas would find other combinations more appealing. Furthermore, it seems like the degree of “enlargement” will vary a bit. Some staffers will be taking on just a little bit more, whereas others will be taking on a lot more. The paper will need both groups to perform their tasks, and perform them well.

There is also the matter of who’s willing and able to shoulder a lot more rather than a little more. Andrea knows from experience that this can be a dicey issue. Some staffers excel at a narrowly defined set of duties but struggle once those duties are expanded. Others seem to lack any limit to what they can take on, at least in the short term. Aside from her own hunches, Andrea does not know how to tell one group from the other. Everyone at the Blaze filled out a bunch of assessments and inventories when corporate acquired the paper, and all that information should be in everyone’s personnel files. It may not offer definitive answers, but it is a good bet that the information would offer at least some insights.

Asking some staffers to take on a lot more while others are asked to take on a little more could be a recipe for controversy. Indeed, Andrea has already been getting complaints about the relative workloads across areas for years! In this regard, corporate might actually help for a change. It turns out that they tend to budget more for compensation-related expenditures in the wake of a downsizing. They have learned from experience that survivors sometimes need a bit of a bump to stay committed, and they have also learned that “downsizees” occasionally need to be hired back, this time at the going rate for the job market. Corporate can justify such expenses because the downsizing still results in a cost savings, even with extra for the survivors factored in. She may have to check with Jessie, but Andrea suspects she could leverage those extra funds in a creative way, to make the new pay structure match up with the new job structure.

Certainly there are a lot of moving parts to the kinds of restructuring that Andrea is contemplating. Although her role as the editor in chief gives her the best “big picture” sense of how all those parts look from 20,000 feet, it is still not clear that she knows everything she needs to know (even with Jessie’s help). On the one hand, it might be helpful to involve the Blaze’s staff in the decision making, as the future course of the paper gets charted. That would give them “buy-in” and ensure that all the bases are covered as a new structure takes shape. On the other hand, keeping reporters, photographers, artists, and editors on the same page is often like herding cats. What if she asks for suggestions and the staffers take off in completely different directions? Once the Pandora’s box of “input” is opened, it is not clear that even Andrea could get it shut again.

Although the new day-to-day work of the Blaze staff is foremost on Andrea’s mind, she cannot help but think of a bigger-picture issue that hangs over everything. Will the staffers still feel the same way about not just their jobs, but their vocations? It was hard enough when the Blaze was first acquired by corporate. Many of the staffers had been attracted to “Blaze 1.0” because it was a small-town operation. They could live in a charming place with a low cost of living, and could do their work the way they wanted to. The more corporate “Blaze 2.0” brought with it a certain degree of standardization, with corporate imposing some common work practices that it had honed in other, mostly bigger papers. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, everyone was still in the newspaper business.

Even if a new structure works out, and even if the compensation issues get solved, the move to “Blaze 3.0” poses a more existential threat. Is everyone still in the newspaper business or are they now in the web portal business? How much of their identity is wrapped up in the feeling of seeing someone read the paper at a coffee shop or pick it up off a doorstep? Finally, what does it mean for the Blaze to focus only on local news, no longer being able to weigh in on world and national events, issues, trends, sports, and buzz? These issues hit home especially deeply for Andrea. Not only was her father in the newspaper business, but also her grandfather was. They used to joke that “ink was in their blood.” One day there might not even be any ink.

Some motivational clichés could be sprinkled into the morning and afternoon briefings, of course. However, Andrea has never been the rah-rah type, and the pain of losing so many colleagues would likely cause such speechifying to fall on deaf ears. Maybe this is how encyclopedia salespeople felt, or typewriter manufacturers, once upon a time. Maybe there is something Andrea could do to retain some of the meaning and “romanticism” in what the Blaze does. The paper has always been so focused on the day-by-day, issue-by-issue pressures of the job. Maybe it has missed some opportunities to do something larger for the town or the nearby campus.

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Laboratory 1 Blood Pressure

Week 4 – Laboratory 1


Blood Pressure
This week, you will log in to eScienceLabs to complete the two lab exercise assignments. These labs cover the cCirculatory and rReproductive sSystems. You will learn about these systems via animations and pre-lab readings for the exercises. The animations will address the anatomy and physiology of blood and the heart, the circulatory system, blood pressure, and the reproductive system.
The pre-lab readings will reinforce the elements of the circulatory system, including the role the respiratory system plays, the branches of the circulatory system, blood pressure, and cardiac output. You will viewView the Blood Pressure Virtual Lab animation before completing the Lab Report data and questions; data from the animation will be used in the Lab Report. Throughout the Blood Pressure lab, you will learn the basics on how to take a blood pressure reading, how blood pressure shows circulatory health,  and what the normal sounds of blood pressure indicate, and how exercise impacts blood pressure.
For this assignment you must:

  • Complete the blood pressure and pulse reading table.
  • Answers questions one through six
  • Your assignment must be formatted according to APA      guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Week 4 Assignment 1: Virtual Lab – Blood Pressure

Submission Instructions: Please complete your answers to the lab questions on this form. Please complete your answers, and SAVE the file in a location which you will be able to find again. Then, attach and submit the completed form to the Week 4 Laboratory dropbox in the Ashford University classroom.

Table 2: Blood Pressure and Pulse Readings



Blood Pressure (mmHg) Systolic/Diastolic

Pulse (Beats/Minute)


Basal   (Normal)


Lying   Down


After   Exercise

Post-Lab Questions:

1. What is systolic pressure? What is diastolic pressure?

2. Why is blood pressure a sensible reading to measure circulatory health?

3. Explain the “lub-dub” sounds of the heartbeat.

4. Why do blood pressure and heart rate change after exercise?

5. How might the results in Table 2 change if someone else preformed the activities? Why?

6. Why is it important for blood to flow in only one direction?

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Task Groups In Social Work

Task Groups in the School Setting: Promoting Children’s Social and

Emotional Learning

Patricia Van Velsor San Francisco State University

Through social and emotional learning (SEL), individuals develop skill in negotiating relationships successfully and expressing emotions appropriately. The socially and emotionally intelligent child reaps benefits in school and later life. Counselors are best qualified to promote children’s SEL and the task group in the classroom provides an excellent opportunity for them to do so. In the task group, students can learn and practice crucial skills in vivo while they work together to complete a task. The counselor’s strategic attention to promoting task completion while facilitating SEL can serve to highlight the benefits of group work in the school learning environment.

Keywords: schools; social and emotional learning; task groups

Because humans are social beings, they spend a great deal of time interacting with others and much of that interaction takes place in groups. As Sonstegard and Bitter (1998) so aptly stated, ‘‘to be human is to ‘live’ in groups’’ (p. 251). The group (e.g., family, peer) serves as the ‘‘primary socializing influence’’ in children’s development (Kulic, Horne, & Dagley, 2004) and the nature of the social environment in those groups leads children down a path toward either prosocial or antisocial behavior and beliefs (Hawkins, Smith, & Catalano, 2004).

Children develop social skills and prosocial behaviors through social and emotional learning (SEL). Although there are various defi- nitions of SEL, Zins, Bloodworth, Weissberg and Walberg (2007) define it succinctly as ‘‘the process through which children enhance their ability to integrate thinking, feeling, and behaving to achieve important life tasks’’ (p. 6). Five competency areas—self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible

Patricia Van Velsor, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling at San Francisco State University. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Patricia Van Velsor, Department of Counseling, San Francisco State University, BH 524, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132. E-mail: pvanvels@sfsu.edu

THE JOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN GROUP WORK, Vol. 34 No. 3, September 2009, 276–292

DOI: 10.1080/01933920903033495

# 2009 ASGW




decision-making—are basic to negotiating school, work, and life responsibilities effectively (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2000–2009).

Social and emotional intelligence, acquired through SEL, has been associated with various positive outcomes in school and life. A socially and emotionally intelligent child is less likely to develop aggressive- ness, depression, and=or violent behaviors (Poulou, 2005). Children who develop social and emotional intelligence are also more resistant to difficulties related to drugs, teen pregnancy, and gangs (Elias et al., 1997). Moreover, variations in children’s social and emotional func- tioning significantly predict current and later academic achievement (Greenberg, Kusché, & Riggs, 2004; Parker et al., 2004).

The small group in the school setting provides an excellent opportu- nity for counselors to enhance children’s positive mental health through SEL. Children can better their social skills, unlearn inappropriate social behaviors, and try out new skills in a safe environment (Akos, Hamm, Mack, & Dunaway, 2007; Thompson & Henderson, 2006). Generally, the small group format used with chil- dren is psychoeducational (Corey & Corey, 2006) and a common approach to SEL in the schools is to pull targeted children out of the classroom to learn about appropriate skills and practice those skills in a small group. Another approach, however, is to make use of the task group, which focuses on the application of group process princi- ples to task completion (Corey & Corey, 2006). If used in the classroom setting, the task group can offer children the opportunity to learn and apply social and emotional skills and behaviors in a real life situation as they work together to accomplish an identified task. Moreover, when conducted in the classroom setting, all children can profit from the opportunity to enhance their social and emotional intelligence. The overall goal is to promote SEL for a broad range of children, which in turn can lead to other positive outcomes.

When considering the task group in the school setting, it makes sense that students could benefit in three ways. First, the task group affords children the opportunity to learn about a topic as they work together on a project of educational importance. Second, students have the chance to acquire valuable social and emotional skills for working in groups related to cooperation, collaboration, and mutual respect. Third, students may well gain a sense of accomplishment when the task is completed, hopefully bolstering self-esteem.

The purpose of this article is to encourage counselors to embrace the task group model in the classroom setting to promote the SEL of students in vivo and to help equip all students with the social and emotional tools necessary to work cooperatively and collaboratively in a group. In order to implement the task group, counselors must




develop a clear understanding of this approach and its multiple benefits in the classroom setting. With this knowledge, counselors can then determine ways to identify appropriate tasks for school groups, and develop strategies to facilitate both task completion and group process for optimal SEL.


Before initiating the task group in schools, it is important to under- stand the goals of a task group. The main goal of the group is completing a task (e.g., a work project, event planning) rather than changing the individual for therapeutic reasons or personal growth (Gladding, 2008). However, successful functioning of the task group requires attention to the principles of group dynamics aimed at accomplishing the task and improving interpersonal interaction in the process (Corey & Corey, 2006; Gladding, 2008). Although teachers may already assign tasks to small groups or make use of small group learning in the classroom, they may lack the necessary skills to facilitate SEL in the group process (Elias, Bruene-Butler, Blum, & Schuyler, 1997). Counselors, however, have training in group dynamics and process and can utilize that knowl- edge to promote SEL as children work together to complete a task.

The task group in a school is different from the typical one in an organization where each member takes responsibility and is accounta- ble for his or her own contribution to the overall effort (Katzenbach & Smith, 2003). Instead children in the schools can benefit from the task group that operates like a team. Although teams, like other task groups, focus on results and develop individual products, teams are more interdependent and more collaborative (Brown, 2009: Gladding 2008; Stanley, 2006). In the team model, there are shared leadership responsibilities and accountability for the team product; that is, the team members do ‘‘real work together’’ (Johnson & Johnson, 2009, p. 527). All students in the schools can benefit from working together and developing the abilities necessary to function as part of a team.

Because all students can profit from refining their social and emotional skills, the task group in the school does not necessarily target students with difficulties. Use of this approach is predicated on the idea that a primary goal of counseling is to help all children ‘‘learn to deal with life’’ (T. Gutkin, personal communication, December 2, 2008). Task groups are indeed a part of life; they are omnipresent in American culture and part of everyday experience (Conyne, Crowell, & Newmeyer, 2008) in schools, churches, work places, and community settings. The skills learned can help children fulfill their roles




successfully in family, school, friend, and work groups (Goleman, 1995). Promoting SEL for all students aligns with the Executive Summary of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA, 2005), which directs school counselors to ‘‘identify and deliver the knowledge and skills all students should acquire’’ (p. 1). Additionally, SEL aligns with the public school’s mission to ‘‘assist in the socializa- tion of the young,’’ identified in a U. S. Supreme Court case (i.e., Wisconsin V. Yoder) (Adelman & Taylor, 2003, p. 85).

Another noteworthy benefit of the task group in the classroom is that it allows students to learn skills in vivo. Although teaching social and emotional skills is important; providing children the opportunity for ‘‘real-world application’’ of those skills is critical (Elias, 2004). During transactions to complete a task, interpersonal exchanges hap- pen naturally in the classroom, that is, authentic interaction occurs. As differences in ideas and issues related to completing the task surface and accompanying affect emerges, counselors can facilitate the interchanges quickly (Barratt & Kerman, 2001). The counselor is at hand to help children manage their emotions, effectively navigate their interactions, and successfully negotiate their differences for opti- mal SEL. For students with behavioral concerns, who may not be able to transfer skills from the counseling group to the classroom (Clark & Breman, 2009), this real world experience may be essential to their social and emotional development.

Students at risk for difficulties may benefit in other ways by culti- vating social and emotional abilities in the classroom. In a counseling group for social skill development, targeted students may have similar difficulties and inadvertently learn inappropriate behaviors from each other. In the classroom setting, however, students with less developed social and emotional skills interact with students at higher skill levels and can learn informally from the modeling of other students. Lopes and Salovey (2004) identified informal learning, where students learn behaviors through ‘‘experience, modeling, and observing’’ as a valuable way to promote SEL (p. 78).

The task group as proposed here may also serve to highlight the usefulness of group work in learning. Social factors often influence learning, because effective learning frequently involves the ability to communicate, interact, and collaborate with co-learners as well as tea- chers, peers, and families (McCombs, 2004; Zins et al., 2007). The task group offers a fertile environment for students to develop positive social relationships as they develop their academic skills. As children learn to collaborate and function interdependently in the task group, a better fit or ‘‘improved ecological concordance’’ between students and their school environment emerges, which in turn can improve student success both in and out of schools (Conyne & Mazza, 2007). Successful




use of the task group by the counselor may then motivate teachers to adopt the small group as part of the learning environment for children.


Although a significant goal in utilizing the task group is to promote social and emotional learning, it is critical for the counselor to identify a project that clearly incorporates an aspect of the school mission. For example, a project might focus on an academic goal of a particular classroom or grade level (e.g., meeting a specific curriculum objective), or a school or community goal (e.g., conducting a service learning activity).

The list of projects that could be implemented to address SEL in a task group is endless and any activity that requires student collabora- tion in a small group could work. As an example, the literature circle, a language arts activity designed to engage students in reflection and critical thinking about reading (Daniels, 2001), could provide an excel- lent opportunity for incorporating SEL; because it can be adapted for all age levels, already uses a small group format, and has been applied in both mathematics (Kridler & Moyer-Packenham, 2008) and science (Straits, 2007). In a typical model, the teacher assigns roles (e.g., facil- itator, illustrator) and has students work on their tasks independently before coming together for discussion. In the task group model, how- ever, the teacher extends the process by assigning a project. The task can be as simple as making a poster to represent the feelings of differ- ent characters in a story or as involved as creating a video to explore character identity development related to the events in the reading. The students then decide on what roles are necessary and how they need to work together to complete the task. Although schools most likely will already have designated readings within their curriculum, the counselor may want to suggest books from the Bibliotherapy Edu- cation Project (http://library.unlv.edu/faculty/research/bibliotherapy/), which offers an excellent list of books that focus on both counseling and education topics.

Counselors who have not been teachers may balk at the idea of focusing a group on an academic task; however, the counselor need not be an expert in an academic area. The teacher provides the aca- demic expertise while the counselor promotes the social and emotional development. The logistics will require close collaboration between the counselor and the teacher to create a suitable arrangement. After the task has been identified, the counselor may circulate among various task groups or work with one group at a time while the teacher works




with the remaining students. In the task group, the counselor can serve as a co-learner while he or she weaves SEL skill development into the process and facilitates group interactions aimed at successful task completion.

Working in the classroom may represent a paradigm shift for counselors. However, it is consistent with a new ‘‘inclusion’’ model of school counseling suggested by Clark and Breman (2009). This model requires that all students receive counseling support through innova- tive interventions in classroom settings and requires counselors to col- laborate and consult closely with teachers. The task group model proposed here complements the Clark and Breman model, because it necessitates collaboration with teachers and other school personnel to identify a suitable project and involves implementation of the task group in the classroom.

The best way to identify an appropriate task is through familiarity with the school context. The school counselor who has been in the school will already have intimate knowledge of school culture, but will still need to spend time observing school activities and soliciting input from others. The counselor new to the school, on the other hand, must become well acquainted with the school environment by getting to know, first students and school personnel (e.g., teachers, administra- tors, teachers), and then parents and community members. What are the educational goals that the teachers share? What is necessary to promote the achievement of the student body? For example, if there are a large number of students living in poverty, what projects would support their unique needs—in the classroom, the school, and the community? Immersion in the culture—both school and surrounding community—allows the counselor not only to identify projects that support the school mission but also to design tasks that are sensitive to values of the population served. Service learning projects that require collaborative efforts offer excellent opportunities for addres- sing community needs and, at the same time, enhancing students’ social and emotional abilities. For example, small groups of younger students may decide on a gift appropriate for a local senior center, design the necessary steps to make their gifts, and finally, create the gifts. Older students may research community needs and then work together in small groups to design and carry out community pro- jects. Although there are a variety of websites that describe school service learning projects, one particularly comprehensive list for both elementary and secondary levels comes from Mesa Service Learning (http://www2.mpsaz.org/msl/about/).

The most important school personnel with whom to collaborate are teachers, because counselors will need their support to carve out time and space for the task group. Common complaints of teachers are that




SEL activities take time away from an already overloaded academic schedule (Elias, Bruene-Butler, Blum, & Schuyler, 2000; Mildener & Keane, 2006). Careful selection of task group focus, however, helps sidestep the criticism that time spent on social and emotional skill development usurps valuable academic time. Rather, teachers view the task as supporting their efforts rather than auxiliary to their academic goals. At the same time, working closely with teachers in the classroom may stimulate more positive attitudes toward SEL activities and small group learning.

With a task identified, a counselor must not only assist children in completing the task, but also help them to understand the importance of the group process in task completion. Effective SEL in the task group requires that children learn cooperation, social skills, and prosocial values (Johnson & Johnson, 2004).


A counselor facilitating a task group with children for optimal SEL must perform a variety of functions. Unfortunately, in a recent survey of 802 school counselors, many participants reported a lack of group training aimed at working with children and adolescents in the schools (Steen, Bauman, & Smith, 2008). Although the following infor- mation is not meant to substitute for group training, it does provide an overview of functions that school counselors should feel comfortable performing in order to facilitate a task group successfully for SEL. The primary functions involve fostering positive interdependence through team building and promoting interpersonal process by setting appropriate structure and bolstering skill development. The literature on process in children’s groups is scant (Leichtentritt & Shechtman, 1998; Shechtman & Yanov, 2001); however, along with the literature on task groups with adults, it provides some direction for the counselor carrying out these functions.

Building a Team

Simply assigning a task and asking children to work together does not assure that they will become a team (Prichard, Bizo, & Stratford, 2006). Therefore it is the responsibility of the counselor to incorporate ways to build group cohesiveness. In an investigation of children’s groups, child participants identified group cohesiveness— encouragement, support, and acceptance from others—as the most important factor in their group experience (Shechtman & Gluk, 2005). Thus, it is important to help children build new relationships




or strengthen existing relationships around working on the task. So, although task completion is primary, failure to attend to relationships of students could result in negative outcomes for task completion and learning.

Students in a school may already have formed relationships; how- ever, counselors will need to develop activities focused on building interdependent relationships and identifying appropriate norms of behavior. Effective task groups devote time to learning about one another, to culture building, and to nurturing collaboration and coop- eration (Hulse-Killacky, Killacky, & Donigian, 2001). Because team building involves learning prosocial behavior, norms should include discussion of respect for others and promotion of other members’ efforts. Clear expectations for task completion and group behavior will enhance student learning related to completing the task and acquiring interpersonal skill in doing so.

Establishing Appropriate Structure

To promote SEL through the interpersonal process of the group, counselors must establish appropriate structure. Counselors can do so by attending to the developmental level of the children in the group (Rosenthal, 2005); younger children need more structure. For all chil- dren, counselors need to provide more structure early in the group’s development. Group facilitators optimize children’s experiences in groups when they provide a safe environment for children to try out behaviors (Mayerson, 2000) and the appropriate level of structure helps provide that safe space.

An ideal structure for a task group involves balancing content and process (Hulse-Killacky, Kraus, & Schumacher, 1999). The content component of a group refers to the information shared; in a task group, the counselor should make sure that all children clearly understand the purpose of the group and the goals related to the task. Addition- ally, the counselor should pay attention to the content that children share to get a sense of each child’s strengths and how he or she can contribute to task completion. Too much attention to content in a task group, however, may actually interfere with progress toward complet- ing the task (Hulse-Killacky et al., 1999). The process component of a task group deserves equal attention. Yalom (2002) defines process as, ‘‘the nature of the relationship between the people in the interaction’’ (p. 109). As it applies to the task group, process refers to the relation- ships between and among children and how those relationships promote or inhibit task completion. By attending to the process, coun- selors can make sure that all children share their ideas, experiences, and thoughts and contribute to accomplishing the task.




In a successful group, the counselor does not attend to the process alone; he or she makes sure that participants also attend to that pro- cess. From the onset of the group, the counselor structures a reflective environment in which children evaluate the interactions and dynamics of the group (Barratt & Kerman, 2001). The counselor fre- quently encourages children to examine their relationships to identify how well they are working together and how they can better their effectiveness (Johnson & Johnson, 2009).

Although structure is essential to group work with children, facili- tators can best promote children’s SEL by knowing when to allow free- dom within the structure. An important value of group work—that it reflects real life most accurately (Akos, 2000)—is lost if a group is too structured. A challenge is finding the balance between permissiveness and appropriate structure and limits. In an exploratory study of dynamics in children’s therapy groups, Mayerson (2000) found that facilitators’ willingness to join the play process, when appropriate, contributed to positive outcomes. Applying this to the task group, a counselor must be flexible and fluid in stepping forward to take the leadership role and stepping back to let the children lead. Johnson and Johnson (2009) maintain that facilitators must decide when to direct the children’s group, be ‘‘a sage on the stage,’’ or to be their assistant, ‘‘a guide on the side’’ (p. 497). Children can lead their own group when they have developed the ability to reflect on their indivi- dual and group behaviors and the skills necessary for working with others.

Bolstering Skill Development

Important for the task group is development of skill in giving feed- back, making decisions together, and solving problems and resolving conflict. The ability to give constructive feedback sets the stage for the other skills. In a task group, timely feedback fosters team develop- ment; because it increases member motivation and provides data to help members work together effectively (Birmingham & McCord, 2004). In a study of interpretative responses—confrontation, interpre- tation, and feedback—of preadolescents in groups, Shechtman and Yanov (2001) found that high quality feedback (i.e., direct and honest personal reaction) precipitated productive responses (i.e., exploration, insight, or change) while high quality interpretation (supportive explanation of one’s behavior, feelings, or thoughts) or confrontation (highlighting incongruencies) precipitated unproductive responses (e.g., resistance, agreement). The authors concluded that minimizing confrontation and maximizing high-quality feedback was most helpful in group work with children.




The challenge in the task group lies in helping children learn to give constructive feedback (i.e., direct and honest personal reaction) that supports task completion. This begins with counselor modeling; simply by listening, paraphrasing, asking open questions, that is, using basic counseling skills, counselors provide a positive example for children and promote SEL. In using these skills, it is important that counselors attend to the age of the children in the group to adapt those skills appropriately (see Van Velsor, 2004). If children learn these skills, they help to create a safe environment and set the stage for giving con- structive feedback to each other related to task completion. Drawing from several task group models, Hulse-Killacky et al. (1999) suggest that members create guidelines for giving and receiving feedback, reflect on behaviors and interactions that support or inhibit the group work, and give clear feedback (i.e., using ‘‘I’’ statements, speaking directly to others). Initially the counselor will model and direct appro- priate communications, but children should eventually learn to provide their own feedback. According to Sonstegard and Bitter (1998), accurate feedback from children may facilitate the group pro- cess better than feedback from counselors.

Along with communication skills, children need to develop the abilities necessary for decision making in task groups. Because good decision making depends on effective processing of emotions (Bechara, Damasio, & Bar-On, 2007), an important step is helping children to develop skill in monitoring emotions that arise when differences occur. In the task group, counselors can guide children in regulating their emotional reactions and applying self-control in interpersonal communication. Regulating emotion and gaining control gives chil- dren access to the clear thinking needed for problem solving (Elias, 2004). Johnson and Johnson (1995) identified a helpful process for problem-solving negotiation, in which children (a) describe what they want and feel along with the rationale for those, (b) listen and commu- nicate understanding of other children’s perspectives, (c) formulate three optional plans, and (d) select a plan from those options. This model provides the opportunity for children to practice perspective- taking, which is foundational to the development of empathy (Shapiro, 1997).

When problem solving among children breaks down and conflict arises, the counselor will need to serve as mediator allowing time for cooling off as necessary, ensuring commitment to mediation, and guid- ing children through the problem-solving process (Johnson & Johnson, 1995). Formalizing the agreement (e.g., with a handshake) is part of both problem solving and conflict resolution procedures.

Once counselors have provided strategies for decision making, problem-solving, and conflict resolution, they must decide when to




let children direct the process and when they need to intercede. Some group facilitators may tend to intervene quickly in any disputes, conflict, or disagreement among children (Rosenthal, 2005) denying them the experience of solving issues on their own, and in turn inhibit- ing their SEL from the process. On the other hand, an environment that encourages creative and collaborative decision making, problem solving, and conflict resolution by children promotes their optimal social and emotional development.


Designing a task group for the classroom will require considerable collaborative planning to identify what works with which students based on academic learning objectives as well as student developmen- tal level and culture. The counselor, in collaboration with the teacher, must decide how much advance psychoeducation the students will need related to decision making, problem solving, and conflict. It is always best to discuss conflict resolution procedures before a heated emotional situation arises.

Implementation would typically begin with a teacher describing an academic assignment. Using the literature circle example, the teacher asks students to rank a list of stories or books based on their interests. The teacher divides students into small groups determined by their choices and, after students have read the literature, they discuss their reactions to and understandings of the reading. Next, the teacher assigns a task for the group focused on student discussion. The scope of the task (e.g., a map of the events of the story, a presentation on the themes in the book) will depend on the age of the students and the teacher’s learning objectives. This assigned task could take place during one class period or over the course of several weeks.

As students begin work on the task in their small groups, the coun- selor’s expertise is tapped. If students are new to teamwork, the coun- selor conducts team building exercises and explains how students must attend to the process as they complete their task. Schmuck and Schmuck (2001) provide some simple process observation sheets for younger students, which could be adapted in various ways for many ages. These questionnaires ask students to identify specific instances of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors evident in the group and promote student analysis of their own experiences and actions (SEL self-awareness competency) and those of others (SEL social awareness competency). The observation sheets serve as stimuli for discussion on group process as students work on their project, and, in turn, the discussion serves as a learning ground for students as




counselors help them give constructive feedback to each other (SEL relationship skill competency).

Eventually, disagreements will arise in some groups over procedures, goals, and relationships (Schmuck & Schmuck, 2001), and such controversies offer, perhaps, the most valuable opportunities for SEL. When students are involved in a passionate discussion that appears to have the potential for escalation, the counselor must decide when, and if, to step in and what intervention might facilitate optimal SEL. Early in a disagreement, the counselor may ask students to listen to each other and then verbalize the opposing perspective, promoting student empathy and sensitivity to others (SEL social awareness competency). If emotions are already heightened, the coun- selor may direct the students to self-monitor and share their feelings related to the interaction before tackling a problem solving procedure. This helps students to accurately assess their feelings (SEL self- awareness competency) and to regulate their emotions (SEL self- management competency). As students become more skilled in decision making and problem solving, the counselor may need only to refer students to the steps of these processes.

There, of course, will be times when conflict arises and students need a cooling off period. In facilitating student cool down, the counse- lor must use a course of action that works harmoniously with the tea- cher’s approach to de-escalation. When students have regained their self-control sufficiently, the counselor secures the commitment of all group members to the negotiation process, leads students through pro- blem solving steps, and helps students formalize their agreement (Johnson & Johnson, 1995). Students in the group can practice a wealth of SEL competencies, and the counselor is on-hand to facilitate the learning process. At the same time, the counselor can serve as a model and consultant to the teacher, who may want to use small groups for cooperative learning at times when the counselor is not pre- sent. The overall goal is to encourage teachers to reinforce student use of SEL skills and attitudes throughout the day as well as in and out of the classroom.


Counselors in the schools are already aware of the connection between social and emotional learning and positive outcomes in school and life. Individuals need social and emotional skills for achieving academic and workplace success and becoming informed and responsi- ble community members (Elias, Arnold, & Hussey, 2003). Counselors’ efforts to promote social and emotional learning (SEL) for all students,




however, are often thwarted by the view of other school personnel that SEL intrudes on the academic mission of the school. The task group proposed unites educational aims with SEL objectives. It transcends the psychoeducational group approach, which tends to focus on cogni- tive behavioral strategies and problem solving, and the counseling group approach, which tends to focus on affect; the task group offers an integrative approach. The counselor facilitates completion of an educational task, and, at the same time, facilitates social and emo- tional skill development in the task completion process. This task group model has benefits for all students and allows students to learn social and emotional skills from each other and practice them in vivo.

A challenging aspect of the task group model is the need for counse- lors to identify and design a task through collaboration with stake- holders. Teachers’ input in this process is crucial because of their knowledge and needed cooperation. However, as counselors become more practiced in the task group, input by other stakeholders (e.g., parents, community members) provides an opportunity to strengthen school-community connections to enhance the social and emotional development of children beyond the school.

Once a counselor has identified a task, he or she can best promote task completion and enhance student SEL through team building, appropriate structure, and skill development. Students can learn the skills of giving feedback, offering empathy, making decisions, and solving problems along with managing emotions and negotiating conflict—skills necessary throughout life for working together coop- eratively and collaboratively to complete a task.

Use of the task group by counselors in the schools, however, requires somewhat of a paradigm shift. Counselors typically focus on a small percentage of students with difficulties or at risk for difficul- ties, and offer group counseling to these students on a pull out basis (i.e., taking students out of class) (Clark & Breman, 2009). The task group is not meant to preclude the counseling group; there will always be a need for groups focused on topics such as divorce and grief. However, the task group in the classroom has potential for use with all students, rather than only a small percentage of them; for promoting the use of the small group in learning; and, perhaps, for repositioning the counselor in a role more central to the school’s educational mission.

Moving from working with a small percentage of students to work- ing with the broader student body will prove challenging. However, counselors can expand their sphere of influence in promoting SEL by training teachers in group process strategies for use in classroom groups. Some teachers are already schooled in cooperative learning and may need only minimal training in group process. Other teachers




may need more extensive training to first understand the value of group work in education and then to learn how to effectively facilitate children’s group process in the classroom. Counselors may begin this process by first working with teachers who are already using groups and cooperative learning. Then, by making their efforts known throughout the school, they can engage other teachers who may be skeptical of the importance of group work and SEL in education.

Counseling in schools is often relegated to the status of an ancillary service (ASCA, 2003) and SEL is sometimes viewed as intruding on the current responsibility of schools for student performance on test- ing and standards (Mildener & Keane, 2006). Small groups in the classroom, and task groups in particular, have great potential for enhancing the learning environment in schools. Counselors with training in group process are in an excellent position to promote task group work specifically, and small group work in general, as an inte- gral part of the school educational mission. The goal for counselors is to enhance student social and emotional development by weaving SEL and small group work into the fabric of the school. The ultimate goal is to provide students with the social and emotional skills neces- sary for success during their school years and beyond.


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Role-Play: Strengths And Weaknesses Of The DSM-5

Though the DSM-5 is the standard manual for mental illness diagnoses, it is not without weakness. In this Assignment, you analyze the strengths and limitations of the DSM-5 diagnostic system, and you differentiate between normal behavior and diagnosable symptoms using the concepts of dimensionality and spectrum.

To prepare: Review the concept of the dimensional approach with the DSM-5 and review the methods that the DSM-5 recommends to individualize where a person fits on a continuum of their illness in terms of subtypes, severity, and functional impairments. You will find these classifications in different parts of the manual and begin to be comfortable looking through it.

Next, imagine the following scenario:

You are a school social worker who has been asked to address a parent-teacher association meeting. Many parents in the audience have children who have been identified for special education services. They are confused about how to understand the diagnoses they are seeing. Others have worries about overdiagnosis. You have been advised that while these parents are generally well-informed, many don’t understand the dimensional or spectrum aspects. All are worried.

You will start with your introductory talk to the parents on these factors. After you provide your explanation, imagine that you open the meeting to questions. You will address the question noted below that is posed by a parent in the audience. Consider your audience, and practice explaining in terms a non-professional might understand. Do NOT read from the book.

Review the questions (in the Assignment instructions below) ahead of time and plan your answer, as you will need to look up and integrate materials to answer the chosen question.

By Day 7

Submit a transcript of the discussion, considering the parents as your audience, in which you do the following:

  • Briefly describe what the DSM-5 is and how it is organized. In your description, define the concepts of spectrum and dimensionality as explained by Paris and in the DSM-5 introduction.
  • Explain why social workers and mental health professionals use diagnoses and what receiving a diagnosis means (and does not mean).
  • Explain general concerns about the risks of overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis versus not diagnosing. Also explain how diagnosis is connected to services.
  • Explain other details that might help your audience understand the strengths and weaknesses of the diagnostic system.
  • Provide a response to the following parental questions:
    • My teenager’s best friend died by suicide this year. It’s been months, and she doesn’t seem over it. Her teachers tell me she should get help for depression, but I think it’s just grief. She talks about her friend all the time and gets very upset. I am worried about her. Is it normal for her to still be feeling this way? I don’t want to put her on medication for normal feelings. What is the difference between grief and depression?
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