chamber dance company rehearsal observation and discussion forum

Answer/address at least three of the questions/ideas listed below via the discussion forum for your section. The first entry must be a minimum of 250 words. You will not be able to view other responses until you have entered yours. At the top of the discussion entry include what was being rehearsed on the day of your observation. Please give the title and date of the choreography. Use full sentences and proofread your work for content, grammar, clarity and accuracy. We strongly suggest you do the assignment right after viewing so your memory will be fresh.

1) Briefly discuss your initial impressions of the dance as it was rehearsed. It may help you to use imagery or simile in describing what you watched.

2)Describe the kind of movement you saw. Did it remind you of anything else? Try to describe one particular moment in detail. Images and metaphor are helpful. Attempt to create a vivid image for the reader. For example, “one dancer traveled on a diagonal slashing his arm fiercely through the space as if clearing brush from a forest trail.” Or “She perched confidently on one leg like a flamingo standing at the water’s edge.” Or, “He stood absolutely still, frozen in space.”

3)How did the dancer or dancers relate to one another and the space in which they danced?

4)Notice the music/sound accompaniment and how it affected your perception and/or understanding of the dance.

5) Based on the information above, how would you interpret the meaning of the dance you observed? What did the dance communicate to you?

6) Who was rehearsing the dancers? How did he/she coach the dancers? Do you see any connections between how rehearsals are run and your dance classes?

7) Discuss the CDC rehearsal in relation to one or both of the topics below as discussed in the article by Muriel Topaz.

8) Discuss your reactions to the CDC rehearsal in general. Did you have any preconceived notions about what you would encounter? If so, were these ideas altered in any way by your experience with the dance and dancers?

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