coaching theories and philosophies slp

The overall Session Long Project (SLP) requires students to develop a Coaching Playbook that may be used in coaching interscholastic, intercollegiate, and/or professional sports. This playbook will serve as a compilation of written materials and projects that reflect an understanding of the course content while providing knowledge and information related to the theories and methods of coaching sports.

Students will begin development of their Playbook by completing the following sections throughout the Session, with one section due each module:

Section 1: Developing a Personal Coaching Style
Section 2: Analyzing the Roles of the Head Coach
Section 3: Organizing a Successful Sport Program
Section 4: Defining a Method for Sport Coaching

Your Module 1 SLP Assignment: Developing a Personal Coaching Style

Establishing your coaching style will be important to your success in the profession. Three styles are generally adapted by coaches to include cooperative, command, and submissive behaviors. A coach’s style will dictate every aspect of the sport program to include attitudes and decisions made by the athletes.

For your Module 1 SLP, you are to pretend you are a finalist for a head coaching position for a sport team of your choice at the level of your choice (interscholastic, intercollegiate, or professional). Create a PowerPoint presentation that you would present to the hiring committee that discusses your chosen coaching style. Your presentation should include information on the items below, but not limited to, the following:

  • Describe your coaching style.
  • How was this style developed?
  • Were there certain coaches you learned from and what did you learn from them?
  • With regards to today’s athlete, why do you feel your chosen style will be effective?
  • Support your choice of coaching style by discussing 1 or 2 well-known coaches whom you admire.

SLP Assignment Expectations

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).

The expected length of your SLP module assignment is approximately 3–4 pages.

Include at least three references, preferably including one which is other than those provided in the assigned readings.

As Master’s-level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature. (Students must conduct additional review of the literature as necessary.)

Your reference list and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

Hint: To ensure a well-organized paper, begin your discussion with an introduction (including purpose statement), and then list the three or four main ideas that you will address. Be sure to include a section for each main idea, and use appropriate headings for each section. Also, include a conclusion.

Please be sure to include ALL assignment tasks.

Note: If any Web link is not working, please report it to the professor immediately.

Background Info

Collins, K., Barber, H., Moore, K., & Laws, A. (2011). The first step: assessing the coaching philosophies of pre-service coaches. Journal of Research Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 6 (2), 21–30.

Czajkowski, Z. (2010). Coach’s work, knowledge, skills and personality. Studies in Physical Culture & Tourism, 17 (2), 131–138.

Robbins, J. E., Houston, E., & Dummer, G. M. (2010). Philosophies and expectations of wheelchair and stand-up collegiate basketball coaches. Journal of Sport Behavior 33(1), 42–62.

Schreiner, E. (2013). Development and execution of coaching philosophies among competitive youth sport coaches. Clemson University, UMI Dissertations Publishing, #1544199.

Selby, E. A. (2009). A qualitative examination of the philosophies of successful NCAA Division I coaches. California State University, Fullerton, UMI Dissertations Publishing, #1468462.

Bartholomaus, B. D. (2012). Athletes’ perceptions of democratic and autocratic coaching behaviors used by high school football coaches (Order No. 1517675). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1029871498).

Connolly, G. J. (2016). APPLYING HUMANISTIC LEARNING THEORY: The “art” of coaching. Strategies, 29(2), 39-41.

Chapter 1 Current Perspectives on Psychological aspects associated with the development and practice of effective coaching and management (p. 1 – 12)

Chapter 2 A Holistic Model of the Coaching Process (p. 13 – 34)

Chapter 3 Effective Coach Learning and Processes of Coaches’ Knowledge Development (p. 35 – 52)

Chapter 4 Learner-Centered Teaching: A Consideration for Revitalizing Coach Education (p. 53 – 70)

Chapter 5 Concept Mapping: Its Use for High Performance Sport Coach Development (p. 71 – 90)

Davis, P. A. (2015). The Psychology of Effective Coaching and Management. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chesney, R. (n.d.). Coaches and their coaching style. [Video File]. Retrieved October 2014 from

Gonzale-Granda Inder, R. (2009). Coaching philosophy. Retrieved October 2014 from…

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