comcast spotlight research questions

Comcast Spotlight research project.

About The Company

How does this company differ from its competitors?

Why do customers choose this company? What value does the company create?

What is the company’s basic philosophy and corporate culture (Is it a people-, service- or product-oriented business)?

What is the average length of time an employee typically stays in the company?

How is the economy affecting this company? How does the company’s future look in light of industry trends?

How does the company make use of technology for internal communication and outside marketing (Use of email, CRM, social media, website, video conferencing, etc.)?

What does the company do to contribute to its employees’ professional development?

What is the employment outlook in the company? How much demand is there for salespeople? How rapidly is the field growing?

Other Important Information:

About The Position

What are the duties/functions/responsibilities of the position job? How could these be classified and broken up into percentages?

What kinds of problems does the position solve for customers?

How is CRM technology used by the salesperson on the job?

What top five (5) skills or talents are essential to being effective in this job?

What is the dress code? Is there flexibility as far as work hours, or working offsite?

What obligations does the company place outside of the ordinary work week? Are there evening meetings, or travel involved?

What are the major frustrations of this job?

What are the advancement opportunities? What is the typical career path/progression in sales?

What is the salary range for various levels in this field? Is there a salary ceiling?

What are the major rewards of this position, aside from things like money, fringe benefits, or travel?

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