comic book fun home 1

***********requirement book:Fun Home**********

So you’ve applied theories to texts, but that’s all been canned to a degree, pre-packaged theories that work well with certain texts. Now it is time to start from scratch.

Research is characterized by bouts of trial and error. You find a book you like, but can’t find any theories or lenses that appear to apply. Sometimes you find a theory but you have a difficult time applying it to a text.

Well, in this case the book has already been selected (Fun Home). But now, you need to find a psychological theory and apply it to Fun Home.

You can’t use Id, Ego, and Superego.

You can’t use Erikson’s 8 psychosocial stages of development.

How do you find a psychological theory? Consider Google searching “Psychological Theories.” You should find plenty.

You could also conduct a more focused search. You know Fun Home deals with gender and sexual identity. So, with that in mind you could Google search “Psychological theories, gender” or “Psychological theories, sexual identity.”


Tell us about the theory. Give us the name of the theory and the theorist who created it. Give us a brief explanation of what the theory means. THEN, tell us how it might be applied to Fun Home.

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