COMM 300 – Assignment 1 – Literature Review

Assignment Subject

Communication Theory: Attribution Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory

Workplace Problem: Communicating Workplace COVID-19 Safety Protocol. Addressing employee and client fears as it relates to COVID-19 safety.  The workplace communication problem I was faced with relates to the pandemic. COVID-19 created organizational changes and challenges, as well as uncertainty, and emotional disruption for my employees. It is difficult to find appropriate communication channels to match the multi-generational workforce to effectively covey messages. For example, communicating evolving safety protocols placed by the state, the building management team, and our organization. Normally, we would communicate HR related information via an in-person team meeting and place posters in the breakroom. Since the team is working remotely, keeping them in the loop on proper procedure has proven problematic. Employee’s are required to wear facial coverings when in the building, take their temperature when entering the office, and report if they have tested positive for COVID. Assuaging employee fears by effectively communicating the safety protocols in place needs to be rectified, so they are comfortable coming into the office on a limited basis

Communication Theory Goals:

· My theory goal is to understand workplace crisis management.

· My goal is to persuade co-workers to follow workplace safety protocols.

· My goal is to change people’s attitudes toward workplace safety.


Assignment Criteria


Content: Based on what you learn, write a 2-page, double-spaced essay in which you explain how the theory that you have chosen relates to your final paper’s research question.

· Your literature review should begin with an introduction that contains your research question, an explanation of its significance, and any other background information setting the context of your research.

· Use the body paragraphs to describe and assess what you learned about the communication theory that you plan to use in your final project.

· The conclusion should summarize the major issues that the researchers reported about the theory; it also should evaluate whether the theory accurately explains or can be used to resolve the workplace* communication problem you are investigating.



· 2 pages

· Double-spaced

· 12 point font

· 1” margins

· APA-style cover page


Do not use any quotes or paraphrases in your writing. Just synthesize and summarize what you learned about your communication theory and critique its utility for your final project.


Literature Review Citations

Charoensukmongkol, P., & Phungsoonthorn, T. (2020, July 21). The effectiveness of supervisor support in lessening perceived uncertainties and emotional exhaustion of university employees during the COVID-19 crisis: the constraining role of organizational intransigence. The Journal of General Psychology. doi:

Coombs, W. T. (2007). Attribution Theory as a guide for post-crisis communication research. Public Relations Review33(2), 135–139.

Coombs, T. (2017). Crisis communication. In M. Allen (Ed.), The sage encyclopedia of communication research methods (Vol. 1, pp. 291-293). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc doi: 10.4135/9781483381411.n108

Groysberg, B., & Abrahams, R. (2020, August 17). What the Stockdale Paradox Tells Us About Crisis Leadership. Retrieved August 21, 2020, from Harvard Business School:

Holtom, B., Edmondson, A., & Niu, D. (2020, July 9). 5 Tips for Communicating with Employees During a Crisis. Retrieved August 21, 2020, from Harvard Business Review:

Honigmann, D., Mendy, A., & Spratt, J. (2020, June 26). Communications get personal: How leaders can engage employees during a return to work. Retrieved August 21, 2020, from McKinsey & Company:

Institute for PR. (2007, October 30). CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS. Retrieved August 21, 2020, from Institute for Public Relations:

McDermott, V. (2009). Attribution theory. In S. W. Littlejohn & K. A. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of communication theory (Vol. 1, pp. 61-63). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781412959384.n23

Thompson, S. (2019). Attribution Theory. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:

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