Communicational Skills/Lynn Simmons

Communicational Skills/Lynn Simmons

(Communicational Skills/Lynn Simmons)

Lynn Simmons is an exceptional communicator, blending empathy, clarity, and adaptability in her interactions. With a background in communication studies and extensive professional experience, Lynn has honed her verbal and written skills, making her a standout in various settings.

In verbal communication, Lynn’s articulation is noteworthy. She communicates with a warm and approachable demeanor, fostering a comfortable environment for effective dialogue. Her active listening skills ensure that she comprehends information accurately, and her thoughtful responses demonstrate a genuine understanding of others’ perspectives.

In written communication, Lynn excels at crafting clear and concise messages. Her proficiency extends to various mediums, including emails, reports, and presentations. Lynn’s written work is not only grammatically sound but also tailored to her audience, reflecting an acute awareness of effective communication strategies.

Adaptability is a hallmark of Lynn’s communicational prowess. Whether interacting with colleagues, superiors, or clients, she adjusts her communication style to suit the context. This adaptability enhances her ability to build rapport and collaborate seamlessly across diverse teams and professional levels.

In summary, Lynn Simmons stands out for her exceptional communicational skills, encompassing verbal eloquence, written proficiency, and adaptability. Her ability to connect with others through effective communication contributes significantly to her success in various professional endeavors.

(Communicational Skills/Lynn Simmons)

Week 4 Journal

Communication Skills Test

Good communication is an essential tool in the 21st century. Employers across the United States consistently rate communication as one of the top priorities for securing and retaining employment. Part of the career counselor’s role is assisting clients in this area. Communication is multifaceted, in that it incorporates writing, speaking, non-verbal skills (i.e., body language and facial expression), and listening. How we communicate is inextricably linked to our level of emotional intelligence. In order for clients to be adequately prepared to seek employment and meet other career-related goals, they must have an understanding of their communication strengths and weaknesses.

Take the Communications Skills Test (see instructions under required readings for this week). After taking the test, address the following questions in your journal submission:

·  What where your scores?

My scores were exceptionally high at a  (91)

·  Did your scores align with how you perceive your communication skills?

Yes! They did.

·  Was the feedback received after taking the test helpful? Why or why not?

They feedback that I received after taking the test was quite helpful because it showed me where I was located on the level of communication with others

·  Can you think of a specific situation when utilizing this tool or the extended version with a client would be beneficial?

Maybe if a client is having relationship difficulties or not able to communicate with others or misunderstanding what others are trying to relay to them.

·  How might this tool help clients meet their career needs?

It would show them where they needed help in their communication with others

Your journal should be a 700- to 1050-words (2- to 3-pages) in length,

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