complete assignments


  • Develop copy for two billboards for a client (one billboard per client, choose two clients from the options below).
  • You should use the basic principles of a billboard (fewer than 7 words, 3 or fewer elements), because people are often moving when they are viewed.
  • Your DO NOT need to layout this document. Simply list your copy for each one in your CB, and indicate which background image you are choosing to correspond with your message.
  • Aside from a logo, do not use slogans your client or copy from existing campaigns. All copy should be completely original.
  • also create creative Brief

Potential Clients:

  • Glaceau Sparkling Fruit Water
  • Carnival Cruise Lines
  • Nature Made Vitamins
  • Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser

Image source credits:

Rural highway:

Starry night:…

Dominican Republic Beach:

Citrus Splash:

Four Berries:…

Sunny Field:…

Blue Abstract:…


  • Develop copy for a digital ad for a client (choose one from the options below). Minimally, you should have a headline and some body copy (up to 35 words).
  • You should select one of the ad sizes from the image below, and explain your choice to me in your assignment with your copy.
  • Explain the accompanying images that you would choose for your ad (be descriptive and specific so I can envision your ideas!)
  • You may also want to explain if you plan to add digital extras (music, movement/motion, video, voice over by an announcer, links). These extras can spill beyond your template size, but they should be able to be closed by the viewer, disappear with a mouse movement/swipe, or be very short in duration. Explain your choices and how they support your brand/product.
  • Your DO NOT need to layout this document, simply list your headline and body copy. And, you should indicate to me what you call to action is for your ad.
  • Aside from a logo, do not use slogans your client or copy from existing campaigns. All copy should be completely original.
  • Must have Creative Brief also

Potential Clients:

  • Lenscrafters Stores
  • Numi Organic Tea
  • Bear Naked Bagged Granolas
  • Coleman Large Wheeled Coolers

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