Complete Leadership Implementation Plan

Complete Leadership Implementation Plan, assignment help

(Complete Leadership Implementation Plan)

Question description

The Organization the Paper Topic is On is: Leadership Albany, GA, you can google this organization (If you feel you can find a better suited organization let me know before starting the paper)

This paper is very important…I need an excellent grade on this paper…Also there should be NO copied content…If you do a great job on this paper I’ll also assign you the Power Point assignment that goes with this paper. Please follow the instructions for this paper very closely!!!! Less than 10% for the content checker.

Public Sector Organizational Transformational Leadership Implementation Plan


All of the readings for PAD 785 provide you with information relating to leadership styles. Your project for this course is to create a transformational implementation plan for an area of an organization. The organization must be part of the public sector, and you may use the organization you are employed in, or another organization that you have information on. Your plan should identify the issues that need to be transformed in the organization, the framework/model of the organization, the mission of the organization, your vision for the organization and the appropriate leadership styles and theories required to implement the change.
Additionally you should identify the goals, and the various components of the plan such as diversity management components, the managerial and leadership strategies required for plan implementation, necessary feedback mechanisms and if the framework of the organization will undergo a change what will the new framework become.

For example, if you were to do this project on the MPA program here at Central Michigan University you would be reviewing the program and the leadership styles within the program, the department of Political Science and Public Administration, the Dean of the College in which the department and program are located and possibly the leadership of the university overall.

Some questions to consider in the plan would be: Who will be responsible for what once the plan is in place? Who will lead the change and in what style?  Why is that style appropriate for your plan? Who will the change impact (stakeholders and players)? Who and/or what organizations will be needed to assist in the change? What are the core values or mission statement of the organization? What are the goals for the plan, when will they be implemented and who will implement them?

Please see the rubric related to the final version of this assignment. Below is a list of some of the components needed in the plan.
• Provided an executive summary of your plan, You will do this component last, but it should come first in your final document.
• Identify within the plan the reason for the need for the change (diagnosis), the actors/stakeholders involved in the process, all partners needed in regards to collaboration, accountability issues.
• Identify core values (ethical) and mission statements of organization and appropriately integrate plan into said values.
• Timing and other mechanical needs addressed.
• Identify costs of the plan and its implementation.
• Clearly identified applicable leadership theories utilized to transform the organization.
• Differentiate between leadership and management roles in the plan.
• Identify and discuss the implementation of the diversity management components in plan.
• Provide information on feedback mechanisms.
• Responsible decision making is identified and applied to the plan.
• Sustainability and needs to sustain change are addressed.
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