Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help



For drawings, you may use your word-processing drawing tools, graphic applications, or scanned hand drawings and insert them in the main document.  Show all of your work.


1.         Chapter 4 – Exercises, pages 185-187: 2(a); 4(a-g); 6(a); 8.


#2) (a) Suppose the main memory of the Pep/8 were completely filled with unary instructions. How many instructions would it contain?



#4) Answer the following questions for the machine language instructions 8B00AC and F70BD3.


(a) What is the opcode in binary?

(b) What does the instruction do?

(c) What is the register-r field in binary?

(d) Which register does it specify?

(e) What is the addressing-aaa field in binary?

(f) Which addressing mode does it specify?

(g) What is the operand specifier in hexadecimal?



#6) Suppose Pep/8 contains the following four hexadecimal values:


A: 19AC

X: FE20

Mem[0A3F]: FF00

Mem[0A41]: 103D


If it has these values before each of the following statements executes, what are the four hexadecimal values after each statement executes?


(a) C90A3F



#8) Determine the output of the following Pep/8 machine-language program if the input is tab. The left column is the memory address of the first byte on the line:


0000    490010

0003     490011

0006    490012

0009    510011

000C   510010

000F    00




2.         Chapter 4 – Problems, page 187: 15.


#15) Write a machine-language program to add the three numbers 2, –3, and 6 and output the sum on the output device. Write it in a format suitable for the loader and execute it on the Pep/8 simulator.

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