Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Article 1:


Hypothetically speaking, you are assigned to a committee of three to decide on a dress code for Campbellsville University Staff and Faculty. Only two of the three votes are required to pass this policy. In this situation you are one of the two agreeing to a dress code. What steps might you take to gain the cooperation of the third party after the policy has been initiated.


The Dress code for Campbellsville University Staff and Faculty should be a Dark Maroon Tuxedo with white shirt which goes with the university corporate identity. We must consider few things before finalizing the dress code such as there shouldn’t be any gender/sex discrimination for selecting the dress code.

Present Study is focusing on the insights of the school teachers, leaders and students about their dress codes as one of the important factors of their education. Education effects each individual in our society, every individual has a right of equality and any type of discrimination will not be accepted at any level regarding the dress codes in schools. The study also focuses on how to contribute to get the solutions for the dress code problem. (Birel, 2016)

In 2009, Ceara Sturgis a senior student at Wesson filed a lawsuit in the following year against the county school district, the superintendent of the school, and the principal for removing her photograph from the year book, many other cases were filed in Indiana and Ohio for wearing the dresses which is associated with the opposite sex. (Johnson, 2017)

As I have been assigned to the committee of three, I will try to convince just one more member of the committee by providing sufficient ideas and examples paving way to the policy implementation and the rules and regulations that follows it. I will do a small-scale survey with the peers at my work place/staff and people with whom I interact to assess Campbellsville employees’s (both in teaching and non-teaching departments) thought process and opinion after sharing my ideas and thereafter I am planning to lay out my work in front of other committee members in negotiating and sorting out the differences.


Article 2:


Hypothetically speaking, you are assigned to a committee of three to decide on a dress code for Campbellsville University Staff and Faculty. Only two of the three votes are required to pass this policy. In this situation you are one of the two agreeing to a dress code. What steps might you take to gain the cooperation of the third party after the policy has been initiated.


University is an educational institution where students learn on different aspects of life apart from their academic programs. Students are supposed to learn how to interact and communicate with others across different settings. The mode of dressing plays an integral role in communication.  A person can be easily judged by his or her dress code. The staffs within the university are expected to serve as role models who are supposed to guide the young students in understanding the dressing influences their professional lives. The implementation of the dress code will provide a critical outline of a specific format within the university which can improve the perceptions among students regarding the need to adopt such measures.

The implementation of the dress code policy is expected to have a positive influence on the development of students who need guidance. Dress code within a professional setup is crucial in achieving a higher level of success or limit their chances of an individual to progress despite having the needed qualifications. Therefore, I will ensure that the students understand how their lives can be improved or ruined through their choice of dressing. An individual who has the authority must be able to dress sharply so that all can see the influence they have.

I will make emphasis on the need to outline essential concepts that define individual well being within a given setting. The reason why the policy has been initiated is to ensure that all the staff serves as a better example to students. The students look at their staff and the example they set regarding how they dress and interact with them. Therefore, adoption of the dress code policy is essential and considers that interests of all stakeholders within the institution. Students seek inspiration from different sources including the staff. Thus they should carry themselves in a much-organized manner to have a positive influence on student development.


Article 3:


Define and briefly discuss the following brainstorming techniques, the delphi technique, brainstorming, or nominal group technique.


Delphi Technique

Delphi Technique is unusual because it is based on group process using written responses from different locations to a bunch of questionnaires rather than a group of people making a decision by meeting physically in one room (Delbecq, 1975). The first question asks people to respond to a question, then the second question depends on the response to the first question, this process continues until all the group of people comes to the same point. The organizer of this event will decide whether to keep the responses from a group of people public or private. Michael Campion used this process when he was editor of the research journal Personnel Psychology to determine the qualities of a research article to become a great article. Using this technique, he gathered written responses from a number of top researchers from around the world and extracted good responses based on his criteria. He was able to finish the total process without even leaving out of his office (Campion, 1993).

Brainstorming Technique

Unlike Delphi technique, Brainstorming is a technique, where people gather together physically and share their ideas without any criticism during the process (Lewicki, 2015). Some research shows that the number of the ideas, the better idea comes at the end. In his process, if we can able to gather a different kind of people together from different backgrounds, then we will get great outcome or great decision at the end. We have another type of brainstorming, that is Wildstorming, where the group of people focuses more on the ideas that are not possible to implement or think, and then they discuss how to make it possible (Scott, 2004).

Nominal Group Technique

Nominal Group Technique is a technique that makes sure all the people in the group participate fully. If I’m not wrong, this technique is somewhat integration of both Delphi and Brainstorming technique. This technique is used people facing problems in solving some problem or generating ideas. This technique involves four steps (Delbecq, 1975). In the first step, each individual in the group write their ideas, then in the second step all the ideas will be shared with them, then in the third step, group members will discuss on each and every idea of theirs and in the fourth or final step, group members will vote for the idea which they will like most. By following this four-step method we can ensure that all the group members participated fully, this avoids the problem of free credits.

Article 4:


Define and briefly discuss the following brainstorming techniques, the delphi technique, brainstorming, or nominal group technique.



Brainstorming is a popular group decision-making technique that is used for generating ideas. In brainstorming, the leader of the session presents a problem or question, clarifies the rules of the session and then the group offers ideas in a round-robin format. Ideas are written down so that every member can see them. Brainstorming does not solve the problem but helps generate creative ideas. As a result, quantity of ideas counts, and members do not criticize ideas. To be successful, the leader of a brainstorming session must understand the problem and be able to create a relaxed and creative air.

Delphi technique

The Delphi method helps the group reach consensus without the influence of strong members of the group and the tendency to rush for a decision at the end of a meeting. It is a structured variant of the traditional expert polls and is usually used in forecasting. In this method, a questionnaire is mailed to a group of experts; administrators aggregate the results and send a second questionnaire with the results of the first round. Several rounds of questionnaires and feedback help respondents reach consensus on the debated issue. The administrators of the Delphi method decide based on the results of the rounds.

Nominal Group Technique

This group decision-making technique is used to identify problems or to evaluate alternatives. In this technique, members of the group spend five to 10 minutes writing their ideas without discussion. Then, they report their ideas individually. Ideas are written on a flip chart, and individuals try to add to the ideas. In the next phase, group members vote or rank the ideas privately. With private voting, strong members of the group can not affect the results. After voting, the group discusses results and generates more ideas. The idea generation, voting and discussion cycle can continue until a satisfactory decision is reached.

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