concept of health and wellness

Assignment 2: Concepts of Health and Wellness

The elderly often function on a health continuum that ranges from premature death to a high level of (mental and physical) wellness. Although the nurse may not be able to reverse a patient’s current health status, identifying and developing a healthcare plan may help the client live at their highest metabolic, physical, and nutritional levels.


Consider the health and wellness challenges faced by the elderly. Develop a nutrition and wellness program for an elderly person in your social circle.

Develop an 8 to 15 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and address the following:

  • Metabolic health challenges and needs
  • Physical health challenges and needs
  • Nutritional challenges and needs
  • Mental health challenges and needs (include social needs)
  • Propose a health program
  • Propose a nutritional program

Please note that you will be expected to present this in class.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, post your responses to the Submissions Area. Support your findings with examples and scholarly references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.ppt.
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Discussed the metabolic health challenges and needs.


Discussed physical health challenges and needs.


Discussed nutritional challenges and needs.


Discussed mental health challenges and needs (include social needs).


Proposed health program.


Proposed nutritional program.


Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements.




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