consider the folowing scenario and describe how a utilitarian deontologist and a virtue ethicist would approach this

**Answer must be at least 300 words, double-space 12pt Time New Roman**

Consider the following scenario, and descsribe how a Utilitarian, Deontologist, and a Virtue ethicist would approach this delimma, noting any differences in their approach and conclusion:

You’ve just taken a job running the IT department for a small school system in rural Wisconsin. The computers are out of date , and currently running Windows 95, which limits what the 2,500 students are able to fo online. There are 100 computers that need to be upgraded to Windows 10, but the school system can’t afford to pay the $20,000 to buy the software licenses for each computer.

You, however, have a personal copy of Windows 10, and know how to copy it to each machine without buying individual licences. If you did this, it would violate the software agreement you made with Microsoft when you bought your personal copy (promising not to install it on other machines), and Microsoft would lose $20,000 in revenue. (Microsoft had $90 billion in revenue last year; the $20,000 would represent 0.00002% fo that total revenue).

**Below are some learning resources my prof provided for us, if you are familiar with the topic, you might not need them**

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