Couple’s Interview 2

Couple’s Interview 2

(Couple’s Interview 2)

In the second couple’s interview, conducted in a cozy café, the atmosphere brimmed with warmth and affection. Sara and Jack, holding hands, shared glimpses of their journey intertwined with laughter and tenderness. Sara, with her sparkling eyes, reminisced about their first encounter at a mutual friend’s party, where Jack’s witty banter instantly captivated her heart. Jack, with a gentle smile, described the surreal moment he realized Sara was the one he wanted to spend his life with.

As they delved deeper, they discussed the challenges they overcame together, strengthening their bond. Sara emphasized the importance of communication and compromise, while Jack praised Sara’s unwavering support during tough times. Their love, built on mutual respect and understanding, radiated through every word they spoke.

Looking ahead, they expressed their shared dreams of traveling the world, starting a family, and growing old together. Their love story, a testament to dedication and partnership, inspired all who listened. With each passing moment, Sara and Jack reaffirmed their commitment to cherish and nurture their love, making every day a celebration of their beautiful journey together.

Couple’s Interview 2

Couple’s Interview: Each student will conduct two comprehensive Couple’s Interview with one couple (not within your own family system). Specific guidelines are listed in the Course Materials section of Blackboard. You can consider the task to be Part A: Conflict Pattern Mapping.  Part B: Hope and Grace Intervention.  Semi-Structured Couple Interview

1. What are the names (first name only), ages, and birth order of all family members?

2. What are the occupations and education levels of all family members (where appropriate)?

3. Give a short marital history. . .dating, engagement, marriage?

4. Describe the marriages of your parents?  In what ways is yours similar and how have you made it different?

5. What have you tried to bring from each of your family of origins and apply it to this marriage?

6. What outside presses have influenced and shape your marriage—work, church, health issues, family demands, etc. ?

7. What are the components of successful marriage?

8. Why, in your views, to people fail?

9. Were there surprises associated with the adjustment to marriage, what did you not expect?

10. How have children (if you have them) changed your marriage, or how will they change your marriage should you seek them?

• Who makes decisions within the family and how are they made?

Describe a time when disagreement existed over a decision and how it was resolved?

11. Is there a pattern to your conflicts?

12. If possible, identify the steps to their pain-defense cycle.

 o Course Resources: o  China Pastors Manuscript-draft 10.10.2016 (2).docx (1.028 MB)  o  Rovers couple genogram.pdf (195.356 KB)  o  McGoldrick’s Genogram descriptions.pdf (45.854 KB)  o  Duba et al Basic Needs Genogram.pdf (468.621 KB)  o  Wiggins Frame The Spiritual Genogram.docx (37.11 KB)  o  De-identified Genogram.pdf (256.846 KB)  o  Tomson Genograms in General practice.pdf (829.671 KB)

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