Course Project

COURSE PROJECT: The Getta Byte—New Billing System Project


<Student’s Name>

DeVry University

MGMT404: Project Management

<Professor’s Name>

Month, Year>


Note to the Student

[This document is a compilation of project document templates used for the creation of a project management plan for an introductory course in project management. The template includes instructions to the student, boilerplate text, and fields that should be replaced with the values specific to the project.


· Blue italicized text enclosed in square brackets ([text]) provides instructions to the document author, or describes the intent, assumptions and context for content included in this document.


· Blue italicized text enclosed in angle brackets (<text>) indicates a field that should be replaced with information specific to a particular project.


· Text and tables in black are provided as boilerplate examples of wording and formats that may be used or modified as appropriate to a specific project. These are offered only as suggestions to assist in developing project documents; they are not mandatory formats.


Before submission of the first draft of this document, delete this “Note to the Student” page and all instructions that are in blue italicized text enclosed in square brackets.


Table of Contents Introduction 2 Part 1 3 Section A: Project Charter 3 Section B: Stakeholder Engagement Plan 4 Part 2 6 Section C: Communication Plan 5 Section D: The Project Scope Statement 6 Part 3 8 Section E: The Project Schedule and Gantt Chart 8 Section F: Resource Allocation and Budgeting 9 Part 4 10 Section G: Risk Management 10 Conclusion 11 References 12














[Note: APA does not required a table of content. But it is a good practice for planning your paper content. Hence, the table of content is optional. (Remove this note before submitting your paper.)]



[Your introduction is a one-page summary of all the main aspects of the project, including:

· Project description (i.e., responding to what is the project about & what are the project goals and objectives),

· key stakeholder project participants (i.e., responding to who are the key stakeholders and organizational departments that will be involved),

· Project management approach (i.e., responding to what is the project management methodology used in this project, and how is the project going to be managed and broken down into major deliverables or phases.)

· A brief discussion of the internal and external enterprise environmental factors that may promote or hinder individual project decisions and the management of people, procedures, processes, and projects. (Hint: Read PMBOK® Guide CH. 2.2 Enterprise Environmental Factors for more information.)]



Section A: The Project Charter

[ 1. Watch the video and read the video transcript located in the Getta Byte – Project Charter section of the Week 1 Canvas lesson

2. Enter the information provided in the video in the sections below.

3. Improve each section by elaborating and expanding on the information provided in the video. Be creative!

4. The text in blue is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information provided in the Week 1 video. Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.]

Project Name [Project name] Project #:
Project Manager [Project Manager name] Start Date

<MM, DD, YY>

End Date

<MM, DD, YY>

Project Sponsor [Project Sponsor name, Owner name, or Customer name]


Project Description:

[What will this project create?]



[The business objectives for this section are described in the Getta Byte video in week 1. Enter the business objectives in this section and come up with at least one or two more objectives. Be creative! Remember: the business objectives are related to the business needs.

If an objective of the project is the cut cost, then specify the goal required to meet this objective. Remember: goals must be measurable.

See example below.

· High level objective – Goal required to meet the objective.]

· Labor cost savings by 25%


Business Need:

[The business need can be found in the business case document and responds to one of these questions: What is the reason to initiate the project? What problem is the project going to solve? What opportunity or benefit will the project accomplish?]



[What are the key milestone dates associated with the Getta Byte project? A milestone could be the completion of a major project deliverable or phase. Milestone dates provides checkpoints for monitoring the project progress. Besides the three-milestone provided in the week 1 Getta Byte video, list at least three more milestones and estimated completion dates. See example below]

Milestones Estimated Completion Timeframe
Ex: Project Kickoff Meeting <MM, DD, YY>




[What is the estimated budget for this project? Complete the table below.

Do not research your project cost ; this is a “top-down” budget estimate. This is an order of magnitude estimate and does not need to be closed to your project’s actual costs when starting the project. In week 5 we will calculate the total cost of the project using the “bottom-up” approach, which is a more accurately budget estimate method]


Estimated Work Cost [It is a time-dependent variable cost related to manpower project resources and the time they are utilized. Equipment when associate with time usage (i.e., hourly rentals) is also classified as work.]  
Estimated Material & Equipment Cost [This cost is a per unit cost. Ex: software license cost, pc cost, etc. It includes the total cost of the material or equipment used in the project.]  
Fixed Cost [Fixed cost is a non-variable of cost and is not time dependent. Ex: Contractor or vendor cost, travel cost, insurance cost, etc.]  


User Acceptance Criteria

[How will this project be judged as a success or failure? What will the key stakeholders use as objective, measurable criteria to judge this success or failure? The acceptance criteria is generally related to the project requirements. It could include all the project requirements, or some of the project requirements. For example, those nice to have requirements may be cut down if needed due to project constrains. In which case, the acceptance criteria will include only the must have requirements.]


High-Level Project Assumptions

[What assumptions are we making with regards to the project? What are we assuming will or will not happen in our project? Besides the information provided in the week 1 Getta Byte video, list at least three other project assumptions.]


High-Level Project Constraints

[What external limits are being placed on the project that constrain our choices?]


Project Exclusions

[What work is part of the project; what work is not? What work is considered outside of this project?]


Major Project Risks

[What are the major risks affecting the execution of the project? Identify two or more risks besides the two risks described in the week 1 Getta Byte – Project Charter section]


Key Stakeholders

[Who are the key people that the project manager has to work with to complete the Getta Byte project?]


Course ProJECT




Getta Bill Software – Billing system Project


Section B: Stakeholder Engagement Plan

[To complete section B of the Word document template, follow the steps below. 

1. Watch the video located in The Getta Byte section of the Week 2 Canvas lesson. The video contains important information to complete the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the Getta Byte project. See timeframe [1:08].

2. Enter the information provided in the video in section B of your word document.

3. The information on the video is incomplete. The student’s job is to improve the stakeholder engagement plan by elaborating and expanding on the information provided in the video.   Be creative!  Make sure to identify at least 3 more stakeholders in addition to the 12 stakeholders listed in the Getta Byte video.

4. For extra help, locate the worksheet “B. Stakeholder Engagement Plan” in the Excel template for this course for instructions on how to complete the stakeholder engagement plan in your Word document. Particularly, pay attention to the prescribed engagement strategies described on the worksheet. 

5. The text in blue is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information provided in the week 2 video. Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.]


Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project Name: Project Manager: Date:
Stakeholder Identification Stakeholder Analysis Engagement Strategy
Stakeholder Role Category Influence High/Low Interest High/Low Key Interests

& Needs


Strategy Strategic Approach Strategy Owner Frequency

& Method

(Based on needs)

Haywood U. Buzzoff CEO Key High High Project deadline & company savings. Needs weekly updates. Manage Keep them involved in decisions. (Face to face) PM Weekly Meetings
[Add rows as needed]                  



Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated 


Part 2

Section C: Communication Plan

[In this section, you will create a simple communications management plan for the execution of the Getta Byte project.

To complete section C of the Word document template, follow the steps below.

1. Watch the video located in The Getta Byte section of the Week 2 Canvas lesson. The video contains important information to complete the Communications Management Plan for the Getta Byte project. See time frame [2:08].

2. Enter the information provided in the video in Section C of your word document.

3. The information on the video is incomplete. The student’s job is to improve the Communications Management Plan by elaborating and expanding on the information provided in the video. Be creative! Make sure to identify and enter at least 3 more Communication Vehicles in addition to the 3 listed in the Getta Byte video.

4. For extra help, locate the worksheet “C. Communications Mgmt. Plan” in the Excel template for this course. The worksheet contains instructions on how to complete the stakeholder engagement plan in your Word document.

5. The text in blue is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information provided in the Week 2 video. Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.]

Project Name:  


Project Manager Name:  


Project Description:  


ID Communication Vehicle Target Audience Description/Purpose Frequency Sender Distribution Vehicle Internal / External? Comments
1 Weekly status meeting Project Team Project status updates Weekly Project Manager Meeting Internal Only Full Team meeting we will invite stakeholders when necessary.



Note: The table below provides information on how to complete each of the columns of the communication management plan.

Instructions For Completing This Document
Complete the Project Name, NC, Project Manager Name, and Project Description fields
For each identified communication, complete the following.
ID: A unique ID number is used to identify the communication within the communication matrix.
Communication Vehicle: This column should be populated with a description of the type of communication that will be conducted.
Target Audience: This field should be populated with a description of the target audience for this communication vehicle.
Description/Purpose: This field should be populated with a description of the purpose of the communication.
Frequency: This field should be populated with the frequency of which the communication will be distributed.
Owner: This field should be populated with the name of the owner of the communication.
Distribution Vehicle: This field should be populated with the type of distribution vehicle that will be used to disseminate the communication.
Internal/External: This field should indicate if the communication is for internal, external, or both internal and external distribution.
Comments: This column should be populated with any additional comments.


Section D: The Project Scope Statement

[To complete the assignment, follow the steps below.

1. Watch the video and complete the “Project Scope Drag and Drop Exercise” located in The Getta Byte – Project Scope section of the Week 3 Canvas lesson

2. Enter the information provided in the video into Section D, corresponding to the Getta Byte – Project Scope Statement of your course project assignment.

3. Improve The Project Scope Statement by elaborating and expanding on the information provided in the video and the drag and drop exercise. Be creative!

4. The text in blue in the template is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information provided in the Week 3 video. Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.]


Project Name [Project name] Project #:
Project Manager [Project Manager name] Start Date

<MM, DD, YY>

End Date

<MM, DD, YY>

Project Sponsor [Project Sponsor name, Owner name, or Customer name]



Project Description

[This section briefly describes the product or the end result of the project. This information can be found on the project charter, or the SOW which is an input to the Develop Project Charter process. This section responds to the following questions: What will the product of the project look like, or what should it be able to do when completed?]


Project Requirements

[This section is typically a detailed amplification of the product description from the project charter. What will the product of the project look like, or what should it be able to do when completed?]


Project Deliverables

[List tangibles that must be completed for this project to be successful. For example, floor installation in a house renovation is a deliverable.]


Project Exclusions

[List what this project will not include or is out of scope. For example, house renovation will not include upgraded appliances.]


Acceptance Criteria

[What must the product be able to do when completed to be acceptable to the customer? What standards or regulations must the product meet? What performance specifications must the product meet to be acceptable to the customer?]


Estimated Project Schedule

[List the milestones associated with the Getta Byte project. A milestone could be the completion of a major project deliverable or phase. Partial information of the project schedule is provided in the “Project Scope Drag and Drop Exercise” located in the week 3 lesson in Canvas. The full project schedule can be found by playing the week 4 Getta Byte video and skipping the recording to minute 2:11. The project schedule shows the milestones and tasks. Use the milestones to complete this section.



Milestones Estimated Completion Timeframe
[Insert milestone information ] [Insert completion timeframe]
[Add additional rows as necessary]  



Resource Requirements

[List the resource requirements (i.e., manpower, material, and fixed cost) as per the Getta Byte video in our week 3 lesson. Manpower includes program developers, data architect, project manager, any team member, etc.]


Estimated Cost of Project


Expense Type Description Estimated Cost
Work /Labor Cost ·






Material & Equipment Cost · $
Fixed Cost · [Contractor A for developing training modules]

· [Trainer ]


$ 5,000.00




Project Constraints

[Besides the two project constraints listed in the week 3 Getta Byte video, list at least 3 other constraints or limiting factors may affect the project?]


Project Assumptions

[Be creative. What other assumptions can you make about the project? Ex: Project Team has the required skills to complete the project.]



Part 3

Section EThe Project Schedule and Gantt Chart

Project Schedule

[Continue working on the word document of your course project and complete Section E (i.e., the Project Schedule and the Gantt Chart. 

To complete the project schedule, follow the steps below. 

1. Watch the video located in The Getta Byte – Billing System Project Schedule section of the week 4 Canvas lesson. The video contains information to complete this section. At time frame [2:17], the video presents the project schedule for the project. It shows how the scope of the project has been broken down into milestones and work packages; it also presents the duration of the project scope and schedule.

2. Enter the task names and task durations provided in the video at time frame [2:17] into Section E of your word document, corresponding to the project schedule. The start date of your course project should be the same as the start date of the session (i.e., Monday of week 1, month, year); hence, do not use the dates presented in the video. To assist you with the dates of the schedule, use the Gantt Chart worksheet in the Excel template.]

WBS Index Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors
1 GETTA BYTE- Billing Project 140      
1.1 Finalize Requirements 10      
1.1.1 Gather requirements from users


5 days


1/3/2022 1/7/2022  
1.1.2 Gather requirements from



5 days 1/10/2022 1/14/2022  
1.2 Purchase Software        



Gantt Chart


[Read the instruction in the “GANTT CHART” worksheet in the MGMT404-Worksheet-Template.xlsx. With the information provided in the week 4 Getta Byte video at time frame [2:17] create the Gantt Chart and complete section E. Print the Gant Chart and activity list in the Gantt Chart worksheet and paste it below, after removing the example below. You must submit your worksheet with the work document for grading.]




Section F : Resource allocation and budgeting

[To complete this section, follow the instructions in the worksheet “F. RESOURCES & BUDGET” tab in the MGMT404_Worksheet_template.xlsx Excel file. Complete the worksheet, print page 1, and paste your work after removing image below. The Excel template is in the course project overview section.]



Section G: Risk Management

[Continue working on your Word document and complete the Risk Management section of your course project – Section G. 

To complete this section, follow the steps below. 

1. Locate the “G. RISK REGISTER” worksheet tab in the Excel template provided for this course.

2. Review the video and the transcript located in The Getta Byte – Risk Management section of the Week 6 Canvas lesson.

3. The video has identified three individual project risks at timeframes [1:16] and [1:30], which has been entered as examples in the Excel worksheet. The Excel worksheet has 4 negative and two positive risks examples in total.  

4. The student’s job is to identify 4 negative risks and 2 positive risks in addition to the examples provided in the Excel template. 

5. The risk register worksheet in the template contains instructions on “HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT”. Follow the instructions.

6. The blue font text in this template is to guide you with the assignment. Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.

Submit your Word document and Excel worksheet after completing Part 4 of your course project.]




[The conclusion should include:

· A summary of the theoretical and technical knowledge learned and applied to manage the course project successfully, and


· A self-evaluation on how successful the project management concepts, techniques, and skills have been applied to the course project. ]




[Enter as a minimum 4 references in APA format. The list below must be part of your reference list.

· The PMBOK® Guide

· The Contemporary Project Management, course textbook

· Recorded lectures.

· Canvas Lectures]

Project Start:


Display Week:1








1Billing System Project

Mon, 3-Jan-22Fri, 22, Jul,22140


1.1M1: Finalized Requirements

1.1.1T1: Gather req. from users0%Mon, 3-Jan-22Fri, 7, Jan,22



1.1.2T2: Gather req. from customers0%Mon, 10-Jan-22Fri, 14, Jan,22



1.2M2: Purchase Softwware

1.2.1T3: Select vendor0%Mon, 17-Jan-22Mon, 14, Feb,22



1.2.2T4: Negotiate contract0%Tue, 15-Feb-22Tue, 1, Mar,22



1.2.3T5: Execute purchase0%Wed, 2-Mar-22Tue, 8, Mar,22




1.3.1T6: Define features0%Wed, 9-Mar-22Tue, 22, Mar,22



T7: Set up test environment0%Wed, 23-Mar-22Tue, 29, Mar,22




Mar 14, 2022Mar 21, 2022Mar 28, 2022Apr 4, 2022Apr 11, 2022Jan 31, 2022Feb 7, 2022Feb 14, 2022Feb 21, 2022Feb 28, 2022Mar 7, 2022

Mon, 3-Jan-22

Mon, 10-Jan-22

Jan 3, 2022Jan 10, 2022Jan 17, 2022Jan 24, 2022


Billing System Project



Project Manager:


Student’s NameJane Doe

Display Week:15








1Billing System Project

Mon, 3-Jan-22Fri, 22, Jul,22140


1.1M1: Finalized Requirements

1.1.1T1: Gather req. from users0%Mon, 3-Jan-22Fri, 7, Jan,22



1.1.2T2: Gather req. from customers0%Mon, 10-Jan-22Fri, 14, Jan,22



1.2M2: Purchase Softwware

1.2.1T3: Select vendor0%Mon, 17-Jan-22Mon, 14, Feb,22



1.2.2T4: Negotiate contract0%Tue, 15-Feb-22Tue, 1, Mar,22



1.2.3T5: Execute purchase0%Wed, 2-Mar-22Tue, 8, Mar,22




1.3.1T6: Define features0%Wed, 9-Mar-22Tue, 22, Mar,22



T7: Set up test environment0%Wed, 23-Mar-22Tue, 29, Mar,22



1.3.3T8: Develop customization0%Wed, 30-Mar-22Tue, 26, Apr,22



T9: Test customization 0%Wed, 27-Apr-22Tue, 10, May,22



T10: Validate data0%Wed, 11-May-22Tue, 17, May,22



T11: Map fields0%Wed, 18-May-22Tue, 24, May,22



T12: Transfer data0%Wed, 25-May-22Wed, 1, Jun,22



T13: Develop Training with vendor0%Thu, 2-Jun-22Wed, 15, Jun,22



T14: Schedule training for CSRs0%Thu, 16-Jun-22Thu, 30, Jun,22



T15: Conduct training0%Fri, 1-Jul-22Fri, 15, Jul,22



1.6.1T16: Release System to production0%Mon, 18-Jul-22Fri, 22, Jul,22





Total (days & hrs)

Jun 20, 2022Jun 27, 2022Jul 4, 2022Jul 11, 2022Jul 18, 2022May 9, 2022May 16, 2022May 23, 2022May 30, 2022Jun 6, 2022Jun 13, 2022Apr 11, 2022Apr 18, 2022Apr 25, 2022May 2, 2022

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