Crisis Counseling

Crisis Counseling

(Crisis Counseling)

Crisis counseling provides immediate support and intervention for individuals experiencing overwhelming distress or trauma. Trained counselors offer a safe space for clients to express their emotions, thoughts, and concerns, helping them to navigate through crisis situations. The primary goal is to stabilize the individual’s emotional state and provide coping strategies to manage the immediate crisis. Crisis counselors employ active listening, empathy, and validation to establish rapport and trust with clients quickly. They assess the individual’s safety and connect them with appropriate resources such as hotlines, support groups, or mental health professionals if needed. Crisis counseling is typically short-term and focused on addressing the immediate needs of the individual, with an emphasis on empowering them to regain a sense of control and resilience. Follow-up support may be provided to ensure ongoing assistance and recovery.

Crisis Counseling

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  *******   (An abstract is required.)*******

Sometimes clients come into the counseling session with an immediate crisis. They need an immediate solution to a problem. Counseling in these situations needs to be focused and goal oriented.

Jamila has been working with her counselor on learning to better manage her 9-year-old son. Last night, her son was hit by a car and is in the hospital. This has created a number of problems:

1.She has to arrange childcare for her daughter so she can stay with her son in the hospital.  2.He will need some special care when he gets home because he will be in a wheelchair. 3.She is fearful that she will lose her job as a teacher’s aide in the local public school.   Write a 500-750-word paper addressing the following: 1.How would you prioritize Jamila’s concerns in the counseling session? What would you address first?

2.What steps would you take in this session to make sure that Jamila has the resources she needs right now?

3.How would you help Jamila develop a plan to manage the current crisis?

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

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