CRJ 412: International Terrorism (2017 Summer – B) 2017SummerB-X-CRJ412-46070-4685

CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 1


Arizona State University

School of Criminology & Criminal Justice Department

Course Number: CRJ 412: Summer II, June 29th – August 8th, 2017

Course Title: International Terrorism

Credits; 3 Credit Hours

Pre-requisites None


Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, (Ed.D.)

Retired Commander (September 2011) Phoenix Police Department

Work & Cell Phone; 602-332-8380

E-mail ASU or or


When emailing me, please include the course number “CRJ 412” in the subject of your email, so I

can prioritize it over other emails that are not course related.


OFFICE HOURS: Available Monday through Friday 0900 to 1700 and arrangements can be made to

meet at one of the following locations or text, email or call me and any of the numbers or emails

listed please.

ASU West Campus

ASU Downtown Campus

Glendale Community College


This course uses a “Three before Me” policy for student to faculty communications. When questions

arise during the course of this class, please remember to check three sources for an answer before

emailing your instructor:


1. Course Syllabus

2. Announcements in Blackboard

3. The Q & A Forum


This policy will help you in potentially identifying answers before I can get back to you, and it also

helps your instructor from answering similar questions or concerns multiple times.



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Catalog Description:



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 2

This course provides the student with a systematic examination of the structural, organizational

and political characteristics that affect the topic of international terrorism.

Learning Goals

At the completion of this course, students will be able to: provide you with understanding &

knowledge of the Homeland Security Issue from both an international and international perspective

and the many facets associated within law enforcement profession.

Competencies /Objectives:

1. Be able to describe international threats from both political and religious perspectives

2. Explain the philosophical concepts associated with the will to harm individuals in large


3. Identify & discuss the multiple theoretical approaches to defending against

international threats and examine historical significance of past events

4. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world

5. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and

postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events

6. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world regarding the Middle East,

Africa, Central and East Asia.

7. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and

postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events concerning

Europe, North and South America.

8. From a futurist perspective, explain in detail, through discussions, research and

postings, a specific application of preventative measures against international security


9. From a futurist perspective and from postings and class presentations, explain how the

world is more secure post-9/11 from a threat perspective

10. From a futurist standpoint, explain the role of being a “leader in a changing threat

environment” as it relates to solving short and long-term dynamic issues facing the

international community




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Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 3

Textbook eBook Access Site:

REQUIRED BOOKS: eBooks & content access site: You must do this please to be in this class:


CT2Learn is an education company that has published or manages much of the required course

content. To access this content, you will need to subscribe to the CT2Learn content platform.

The past textbook utilized for this class was over $180, so we are saving you a significant amount

of money by using ct2learn.


To subscribe, go to; (external link: ), register and pay for the

course or an annual membership. Once you have completed this step you will have access to all of

your course materials, including required reading content and other resources.


Option 1: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 70 Day Term (Recommended for this course)

ISBN: 9781938087127

Author: Curriculum Tech

Estimated Price: $74.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Option 2: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 140 Day Semester Member

ISBN: 9781938087233

Author: Curriculum Technology

Estimated Price: $124.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Option 3: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 365 Day Full Term

ISBN: 9781938087134

Author: Curriculum Technology

Estimated Price: $224.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Additional weekly readings are listed within each week’s module /content discussion/s and

assignment area.


This course requires that you have access to a computer that can access the internet. You will

need to have access to, and be able to use, the following hardware and software packages:

 A functioning computer, up-to-date within the last 5 years. Please note, mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones are not recommended for use with Blackboard. The Blackboard mobile app can be used for occasionally checking on the course, but the

mobile app will not display the course in its entirety. You must access the course

regularly from a full-featured laptop or desktop computer.



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 4

 A web browser, updated to the most recent version. Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari

are the preferred browsers for accessing Blackboard. Internet Explorer is not recommended for use with Blackboard.

 Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)

 Adobe Flash Player (free)

 Microphone and speaker attached to your computer

 A word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Open Office.

You are responsible for having a reliable computer and internet connection throughout the



The Arizona Board of Regents, the governing board for ASU, NAU, and the U of A, has a policy

for how much time students should invest in their courses: “A minimum of 45 hours of work by

each student is required for each unit of credit.”

Therefore, in a 3-credit course, students should expect to invest 45 hours in class meetings (or

the online equivalent), as well as 90 hours doing homework and assignments—a total of 135 hours

in any given session (A, B, or C).

This translates to 18 hours per week engaging with the learning assignments (i.e.,

readings, online lectures and activities, assignments and assessments, and studying) for an

online classes that meet over a 7.5 week-semester or the shortened condensed summer

schedule. As you register for courses, keep this 135-hour standard in mind because during some

semesters your work and/or family commitments may prevent you from taking a full load of



Assigned week Schedule

Week / Module Assignments Due Dates

Week 1

This is a condensed course and

therefore from the 8 week

version of this course some

content weeks will be

combined as will the

assignments. Please don’t

become overwhelmed we will


1) Discussion Question: Each

posting should be

200 to 300 words and include a


200 words = 70%

Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 5th

by 11:59pm

Response posting &

essay is due on Saturday

by midnight July 8th,



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Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 5

through this material


This week, we will examine the

concept of terrorism and

begin to describe international

threats from political and

religious perspectives.

We will also continue to

introduce the concept of

terrorism by examining the

structure, strategies and goals

of international terrorist



250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

2) Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing




Total writing pages for

week one:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week One: Total 4

pages of written



Week 2

In our second week of

coursework together, we will

examine the philosophical

concepts associated with the

will to harm individuals in large


We will also examine the

multiple theoretical

approaches to defending

against international threats

by studying the historical

significance of past events.

In addition, we will examine

international threats as they

apply in today’s world,

centering on Europe.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain


1) Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%


Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 12th

by 11:59pm

Response posting &

essay is due Saturday

Midnight 11:59pm, July

15th, 2017

Total writing pages for

Week Two:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Two: Total 4

pages of written





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Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 6

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Europe.

we will examine international

threats as they apply in

today’s world, centering on


We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Europe


700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing


Week 3

In our third week of

coursework together, we will

examine international threats

as they apply in today’s world,

centering on the Middle East

and Africa.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on the Middle

East and Africa


Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

2) Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100%; (equals 2

The initial Discussion

Posting is due

on Wednesday by

midnight of July 19th,


The response posting &

essay is due by

Saturday 11:59pm

July 22nd, 2017

Total writing pages for

Week Three:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Three: Total 4

pages of written





CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 7

writing pages)

Week 4

In our fourth week of

coursework together, we will

examine international threats

as they apply in today’s world,

centering on Central Asia and

East Asia.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Central Asia

and East Asia.

We will also wrap up our

examination of international

threats, finishing with North

America and South America.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on North

America and South America


Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing


Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 26th

The response posting &

essay is due by

Saturday 11:59pm

July 29th, 2017


Total writing pages for

Week Four:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Four: Total 4

pages of written



Week 5 Research paper


Cover page &


5 to 7 pages of


5 pages of content = 70%

6 pages of content = 85%

7 pages of content = 100%

content, double spaced,

12 font

(Arial or New Times Roman),

Minimum of 5 sources

Due Saturday August

5th, 2017 by 11:59pm

August 6 – 9th, Final

Course Clarifications

Final Day of Class:

Wednesday August 9th,


Week 5: Total 7 pages

of written expression



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Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 8


with a table of contents,

Bibliography & cover page.


100 points possible


Total pages of written

expression for CRJ 412

= 23 Pages


Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Critical Thinking Essays/Summaries:

Critical thinking essays/summaries are due at the end of each module week. Critical thinking essays

showcase your knowledge of the competencies based from the materials that have been presented..

Your essay is a summarization of an examined topic from the week’s offered material. At least one

of your references must be from the ct2learn content material.

You are responsible to demonstrate your learning by considering multiple perspectives

and referencing at least three sources of content that have been assigned for the designated week.

Your essay should focus on the following:

1. What you learned about the module competencies presented for the designated week.

2. What new information you gathered from the PowerPoint slides, videos, articles and other

assigned reading.

3. What critical thinking you engaged in and what new connections were made about the topic.

This is your opportunity to tell the instructor what you have learned from the assigned content by

focusing on the criteria listed above. If you wish to research and include sources in addition to the

ct2learn content provided, please feel free to do so and cite that work appropriately. The critical

thinking essays/summaries are graded (50 points each).

Additional Assignment Requirements

Use APA formatting (including a cover page, Running Head, in-text citations and a reference page)

Times New Roman or Arial font in a 12 pt. font, and one-inch margins. See the following guidelines

and utilize the samples provided for APA formatting.

Assignments will be uploaded using Safeassignment, an anti-plagiarism tool selected by the

college. Review the grading rubric for each assignment to earn the maximum points possible. APA

format is required throughout. Your safeassignment scores should not be over 15% please as a goal.

In-text Citations:



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Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 9

Reference List: Electronic Sources


Cover Page:

Running Head


Your Name

Essay Title

Word Count

Professor’s Name


Page 2:




Reference Page:

3 separate reference/s are required with each essay submission, such as.

Borum, R. (2004). Psychology of Terrorism. Retrieved 17 November 2014 from

A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-first Century, 15 August 2007. Retrieved 16

November 2014 from

Homicide Bombers Overview. Retrieved 16 November 2014 from

index.php /member-home/learning-resources/resources/terrorism-and-homeland-security


Curriculum Technology Ct2learn (2015). Department of Homeland Security – National

Framework, May 29, 2015. Retrieved from:

Your assigned essay/summary should be between 350 to 700 words; remember to correctly cite

your work please. To earn the maximum possible points please attain the 700 word count and utilize

the guiding elements in the matrix below.



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Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 10

350 Words = 75%

525 Words = 85%

700 Words = 100%

Additional helpful APA Links:



Critical Thinking Essay/Summary Grading Matrix


Criteria Ratings Max


Content The essay

provides a


e summary of

the assigned

week content.

References at

least three


sources from

the module.



the assigned



All sources

used are

current and


20 pts

The essay

provides a


summary of the

assigned week


References at

least three


sources from

the module.



assigned week


All sources used

are current and


16 pts




a general


of the





es less




from the

module or


es are





12 pts

The essay

provides a


summary of





Sources are

not used or




6 pts

The essay

does not








are not

used or

not used



0 pts

20 pts




Writer is

clearly in

command of

Writing is

largely free of




al errors




Errors are



15 pts



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 11

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