delivering human services m3 assignment comparison of theory and practice

The essay is intended to again give you an opportunity to compare and contrast theory with practice. It should focus on your focal human service agency.

Discuss in detail:

  1. the nature of the client/agency relationship and the background competencies necessary for effective delivery of services (use information from the course texts then compare with observations of how your agency functions);
  2. an analysis of the impact of the agency’s delivery of human services on the community and the community’s impact on the agency’s delivery of human services (use information from the course texts, then compare with observations of how your agency functions).
  3. The essay must be 5 pages in length and contain appropriate citations and references to the course texts.

The Agency IS: DJJOY= Division of Juvenile Justice and Opportunities for Youth it is run BY THE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES

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