Digital Healthcare Encounters
E-visits from the Patient and Provider Perspective
Digital Healthcare Encounters: Patient-Provider Perspectives
(Digital Healthcare Encounters)
Read the Case Study in “Guided Exercise 10H: Patient Requests an E-Visit” on page 432 in your textbook. Then, use the instructions for “Guided Exercise 10H” (beginning with Step 2 on page 433) and “Critical Thinking Exercise 10J” (beginning on page 436) to complete these exercises in the MyHealthProfessionsLab located in Blackboard. You do not have to complete step 10 in either exercise because you are not actually submitting the work in the lab. After completing these exercises, respond to the following questions.
1. What is meant by patient-centered medical care? Define this term and give examples.
2. Why would a patient choose an E-visit instead of an in-office visit?
3. Howarevirtualofficevisitsconducted?
4. HowisEHRusedtoprovidepatient-careinanE-visit?Basedonyourexperienceintheseexercises,wouldyou
prefer an E-visit? Why, or why not?
5. Do virtual office visits have the same privacy standards as in-office visits? Based on these exercises and what you
have read about E-visits in Chapter 10, would you have any hesitation to utilize a virtual office visit?
Your response must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least your textbook as a source, but other sources may be used if needed. Any information from a source must be cited and referenced in APA style, and your paper should be formatted in accordance to APA guidelines.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.