Discuss how health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns and some of the stakeholders that work on these issues.

2 DQ 2One global health issue that is affecting the international health community is Human trafficking. Human trafficking is not the same as smuggling. “Trafficking” is based on exploitation and does not require movement across borders. “Smuggling” is based on movement and involves moving a person across a country’s border with that person’s consent in violation of immigration laws. Although human smuggling is very different from human trafficking, human smuggling can turn into trafficking if the smuggler uses force, fraud, or coercion to hold people against their will for the purposes of labor or sexual exploitation. Under federal law, every minor induced to engage in commercial sex is a victim of human trafficking, according to Myths, Fight to end Exploitation.People who can be at a hgih risk for human trafficking are victims of domestic violence, emotional abuse, or any form of a traumatic history. They may be afraid to get help or to seek treatment for their abuse history. Children that live in unstable/unpredictable living situations become vulnerable. Many children that run away from home to get away of the abuse from a traumatic experience, are at high risk for human trafficking and being exploited. These people are picked out based on their hope for a better life, if they come from unstable homes, or have a history of sexual and physical abuse. They are kept as victims through threats, and keeping them isolated from everyone they know. They also are at risk for becoming addicts due due getting drugged so they cooperate. Columbus Ohio is a hot spot for human trafficking. The state of Ohio has many programs to help with awareness to prevent human trafficking. They also offer programs for victims of the traffickers to get them on track with housing, education, job opportunities. Getting the community involved is essential for keeping safe neighborhoods. It is the duty of community members to keep an eye out for any suspicious or potential criminal activity. Safe communities promote keeping the neighborhoods a desirable place for people to live, and also promotes safe school systems. A few resources are listed below:Salvation ArmyServes: Single Adults & FamiliesOffers various services for Central Ohio families throughout the year. Their services include: an in-residence rehabilitation program, after school learning centers for youth to get tutoring and homework help, Christmas assistance and food meal boxes; housing and rent assistance, utility assistance, help trafficking survivors and veteran support services. Visit the website for their Family Thrift Store locations in Central Ohio and for more information on each program.Administrative Office966 East Main Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205(614) 221-6561 or (800) 725-2769Blue CampaignThis national public awareness campaign is designed to educate the public, law enforcement and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking and how to appropriately respond to possible cases. Blue Campaign works closely with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to create general awareness training and materials to increase detection of human trafficking and identify victims.To report suspected human trafficking to Federal law enforcement: (866) 347-2423Ohio Human Trafficking Task ForceThe website provides helpful information and resources and a directory of the various anti-human trafficking coalitions throughout Ohio. The Central Ohio Rescue and Restore Coalition services provided include law enforcement, case management, housing assistance, economic assistance, legal assistance, referrals, counseling, addiction recovery, workforce development training, employment for survivors and more.National Human Trafficking Hotline: (888) 373-7888 or text “INFO” or “HELP” to 233733Using 200-300 words APA format with references in supporting the discussion.Select a global health issue affecting the international health community. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger public health care systems (i.e., continents, regions, countries, states, and health departments). Discuss how health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns and some of the stakeholders that work on these issues.

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