discuss question 1

Capital budgeting involves evaluating long-term projects of an organization that entail large initial outflows of cash. Capital budgeting can be part of the master budgeting process. The projects are evaluated in hopes that they will increase net cash flow and positively impact the profitability of the entity. There are various capital budgeting techniques currently used in practice. Some of the techniques include the payback period, the accounting rate of return, the internal rate of return and net present value. The payback period and accounting rate of return do not use the time value of money where as the internal rate of return and net present value utilize present value techniques. The payback period is a quick and easy simple method for organizations to calculate when initial investment will be recouped. Net present value is a capital budgeting technique used to rank investment projects by calculating the financial value of the project. The internal rate of return is another method that uses the time value of money. This method determines the return the organization will receive on the project over its life.

Additional Resources:

Present Value – Susan Crosson

Net Present Value – Susan Crosson

Analytics for Managerial Decision Making


Chapter 10: Time Value of Money


Complete tutorials on Lump Sum, Annuities and Uneven Cash Flows


  1. Discuss the principal objections to the use of the cash payback method for evaluating capital investment proposals. Please use external sources to support all posts.


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