discussion board question 38

3. What are the complexities you are likely to encounter as you build an HVA based on the Liberty County information provided?

here an example of one of my classmate answer but pls come up with new answer rather than this one.

3. What are the complexities you are likely to encounter as you build an HVA based on the Liberty County information provided?

The complexities encountered for building a Hazard/Vulnerability Analysis for Liberty County would be similar to those for many other communities. The HVA is built using information about the region based on past experiences. It also tries to forecast what other hazards have a potential for occuring. As the risks change, so does the HVA.

Liberty County’s HVA addresses many potential hazards. The one they seem to be the most concerned with is terrorism, as it is listed first and they state that they put their hazards in order of highest to lowest risk. There is a degree of complexity with having terrorism as the the highest risk. Liberty County has to consider all of the sports venues, the Liberty Coliseum and their Convention Center. It also has SARA Title III sites and a nuclear power station. Also complicating the preparation for a terrorist attack are the many educational facilities in the area – two universities and six different school districts (elementary and high school). In addition, there are several highways that bisect the county.

Even with the elevated concern with terrorism, the document does not state that they have ever been attacked. This is contrary to most of the other hazards that follow Terrorism which have dates and statistics to back up their claim for an elevated risk to the community. This complicates the preparation because it means there will be a lesser amount of actual first-hand experience by emergency managers and those involved in preparations.

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