Discussion Question

Week 3 Assignment

1. What are some ways you think Panera Bread earns the trust of its public?

2. How does Panera Bread create value for customers?

3. Why does Panera Bread use a SWOT as part of their decision-making process? What information do you think the Panera Bread SWOT contains?

Assignment Expectations

1.Answer the questions using paragraph form

2. Combined, answers should be at least 500 words

3. Use a combination of your own ideas and content from the text keeping in mind the 80/20 rule

4.APA format

5.At least two references and citations



Ron Shaich is President and CEO of Panera, a restaurant centered on fast service, eat-in dining, and very high-quality foods. Panera is part of a trend toward healthier eating and more balanced living. Their menu includes homemade artisan bread, soups, salads, bagels, specialty sandwiches, and a host of hot, frozen, or iced beverages, from coffee and tea to specialty drinks. Panera has a national presence and has been undergoing serious growth since its inception. Shaich emphasizes that while Panera may be growing at a terrific rate, the company is committed to smart growth. Shaich and others are wary of growth that happens too fast, in the wrong geographic regions, or on the wrong pieces of real estate. To ensure every restaurant has the ideal location, design, and personality, an architect or designer is used to design the actual space around the people, the area, customer flow, etc.


The concept, according to Shaich, is centered on real artisan bread made by real bakers, good food that matches the quality of the bread, good people involved in the company at all levels, and an engaging atmosphere in which to serve the foods and let people associate. Panera’s roots are in local, sustainable food systems, and communities where the business can earn the trust of its public.

Week 3








are some ways you think Panera Bread earns the trust of

its public?








does Panera Bread create value for cu








does Panera Bread use a SWOT as part of their decision

making process? What information do you think the Panera Bread

SWOT contains?


Assignment Expectations


1.Answer the questions using paragraph f







, answers should be at least 500 words







a combination of your own ideas and content from the text keeping in mind the

80/20 rule


4.APA format


5.At least two references and citations





Ron Shaich is President and CEO of Panera, a restaurant centered on fast service, eat

in dining,

and very high

quality foods. Panera is part of a trend toward healthier eating and more

balanced living. Their menu includes homemade artisan


, soups, sa

lads, bagels, specialty

sandwiches, and a host of hot, frozen, or iced beverages, from coffee and tea to specialty

drinks. Panera has a national



and has been undergoing serious growth since its

inception. Shaich emphasizes that while Panera may b

e growing at a terrific rate, the company

is committed to smart growth. Shaich and others are wary of growth that happens too fast, in

the wrong geographic regions, or on the wrong pieces of real estate. To ensure every restaurant

has the ideal location, d

esign, and personality, an architect or designer is used to design the

actual space around the people, the area, customer flow, etc.



The concept, according to Shaich, is centered on real artisan bread made by real bakers, good

food that matches the qualit

y of the bread, good people involved in the company at all levels,

and an engaging atmosphere in which to serve the foods and let people associate. Panera’s

roots are in local, sustainable food systems, and communities where the business can earn the



of its public.


Week 3 Assignment

1. What are some ways you think Panera Bread earns the trust of

its public?

2. How does Panera Bread create value for customers?

3. Why does Panera Bread use a SWOT as part of their decision-

making process? What information do you think the Panera Bread

SWOT contains?

Assignment Expectations

1.Answer the questions using paragraph form

2. Combined, answers should be at least 500 words

3. Use a combination of your own ideas and content from the text keeping in mind the

80/20 rule

4.APA format

5.At least two references and citations



Ron Shaich is President and CEO of Panera, a restaurant centered on fast service, eat-in dining,

and very high-quality foods. Panera is part of a trend toward healthier eating and more

balanced living. Their menu includes homemade artisan bread, soups, salads, bagels, specialty

sandwiches, and a host of hot, frozen, or iced beverages, from coffee and tea to specialty

drinks. Panera has a national presence and has been undergoing serious growth since its

inception. Shaich emphasizes that while Panera may be growing at a terrific rate, the company

is committed to smart growth. Shaich and others are wary of growth that happens too fast, in

the wrong geographic regions, or on the wrong pieces of real estate. To ensure every restaurant

has the ideal location, design, and personality, an architect or designer is used to design the

actual space around the people, the area, customer flow, etc.


The concept, according to Shaich, is centered on real artisan bread made by real bakers, good

food that matches the quality of the bread, good people involved in the company at all levels,

and an engaging atmosphere in which to serve the foods and let people associate. Panera’s

roots are in local, sustainable food systems, and communities where the business can earn the

trust of its public.

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