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Discussion post 1: 200 words.For decades now, the topic of CBD and THC, as an adjuvant to therapies for various illness and symptoms, such as Parkinson’s, chronic pain, nausea and pain secondary to chemotherapy, autism, among other conditions, has circulated within healthcare. Medicinal uses of marijuana, hemp, and other derivatives have been noted since the time of the Chinese Empire. Marijuana became an illegal substance in the US in 1937 under the Marihuana Tax Act, though various medical reports stated that there were no studies that showed violence, mental illness, or any other negative side effects. Prior to, you could find marijuana or products containing it in many medicines and drug stores.Since the US declared marijuana as an illegal substance, even in its medicinal uses, the use of marijuana or products deriving from the cannabis plant have become taboo. However, for decades, many medical studies and reports have rallied for the legalization of marijuana and other cannabis products for medicinal use. California because the first state to legalize the growth and distribution for medicinal marijuana.There are multiple terms used interchangeably when discussing cannabis, which to be signifies that there are still a lot of people that do not understand the varying breakdowns of cannabis and each of their individual uses. Selekman & Edelstein (2021) wrote, “The type of cannabinoid, not the species of cannabis, determines its chemical and pharmacologic effects. These include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).”THC is the cannabinoid property that has psychoactive properties. CBD on the other hand, does not. In order for the part it to be considered marijuana, there must be at least 0.3% THC present (Selekman & Edelstein, 2021). CBD can be pulled from both cannabis and hemp. CBD comes in a variety of ways with a variety of spectrums, full, broad, or isolates (Selekman & Edelstein, 2021). CBD itself has numerous properties, including calming, anti-inflammatory, sleep-aid, and appetite stimulation. CBD has been found safe in use with children, adults, and even animals. Of all the many uses of CBD, its biggest is probably found within the chronic medical condition world. Commonly you hear of CBD when discussing pain from chemotherapy, ADHD in children and adults, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, and many others. The condition I chose is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).ASD is a disorder that effects development and communication, on a wide spectrum of symptom severity. Symptoms of ASD range anywhere from minimal to no eye contact, lack of verbal communication, inability to match physical responses to the conversation, repetitive behaviors, and even flat affect. There are many comorbidities to ASD, of which include irritability, anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, insomnia, and other. All of which have been found to benefit from CBD therapy. An Israeli study on CBD and ASD was conducted in 2015. Schleider et al., (2019), noted that through the trial, many participants experienced a decline in aggression, agitation, seizures, with an increase in sleep and appetite. While studies regarding CBD for medicinal uses are still few and far between, the majority of studies have proved promising.Schleider, L. B., Mechoulam, R., Saban, N., Meiri, G., & Novack, V. (2019). Real-life experience of Medical Cannabis treatment in Autism: Analysis of safety and efficacy. Scientific Reports, 9(200). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-37570-ySelekman, J., & Edelstein, J. (2021). Cannabis vs Marijuana, THC vs. CBD — The State of the Science. Pediatric Nursing, 47(2), 59-65.Discussion post 2: 200 words.CBD and THC both come from a plant called cannabis. Cannabis is a plant that makes a substance that is thick and full of compounds called cannabinoids. These substances cause drug-like reactions in the body. CBD and THC are two of the chemicals found in the thick substance produced by cannabis. CBD and THC have different affects on the body although they come from the same plant. Hemp contains higher levels of CBD and marijuana contains higher levels of THC. The major difference is in the way the atoms are arranged in their chemical compounds. That is what makes them have different affects on the body.THC is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana. It gives people the feeling of being high. It binds with receptors in the brain that control pain, mood, and other feelings. That is why you may feel the euphoric feeling. THC helps ease things like multiple sclerosis, nerve pain, Parkinson’s disease, tremors, nausea, and glaucoma. Side effects can include problems concentration, dizziness, vomiting, drowsiness, balance, and memory (Martin 2019).CBD does not cause you to have that high feeling. It is thought to work differently affected elements in the body linked to feelings of wellbeing. CBD is known to help with arthritis, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain. Side effects of CBD may include nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, tiredness, lightheadedness, crankiness, low blood pressure and drowsiness (Martin 2019).CBD is being used to treat anxiety. One study using mice showed that CBD comparable effects to imipramine, an antidepressant medication, in producing antidepressant-like effects. Another study that was similar looked at the effect CBD on humans with social anxiety disorder and found that those who took 400 milligrams of CBD had a significant decrease in subjective anxiety compared to the placebo. One study showed that in a group of 72 adults anxiety decreased in 79% of them (Rumsey 2019). The exact way in which CBD actually lowers anxiety is not understood, but it appears to be related to how the CBD binds to and activates the serotonin receptor, which can result in a calming, mood boosting effect. The dosage needed to get the anti-anxiety effects is not really known. Many studies have used doses ranging from 300 to 400 milligrams per day. Other over-the-counter CBD products have labels that suggest 10 to 15 milligrams per day. The effect that CBD has on anxiety is not clear and much more research is needed for us to get a clear understanding.ReferencesMartin Laura J 2019. CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference? https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/cbd-thc-differenceRumsey A 2019. Can CBD Oil Help With Anxiety? https://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/articles/can-cbd-oil-help-with-anxiety#:~:text=The%20exact%20way%20by%20which%20CBD%20may%20help,dosage%20is%20necessary%20to%20see%20the%20anti-anxiety%20effects.

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