Due In 5 And Half Hrs Journal Article Review No Outside Sources Other Than The Article Itself/ Sociology Of Sports Terminology Must Be Used. Enclosed As Well

Journal Article Critique Guidelines

 The following outline includes general questions or issues to address while reading and critiquing a scholarly journal article. For each of the Roman numeral headings, summarize the article’s content and answer the questions. This will help you to organize your thoughts. Your critique should be clear and succinct. You should include the terms, concepts and theories from the class/text that apply to the topic

I.                  Citation

A.       Provide a full citation for the article (use the APA Style Manual)

II.                 Topic

A.     Briefly describe the topic of the journal article as provided by the author. Is the topic clearly specified? Does the abstract meaningfully summarize the purpose and content of the article? How might this work be integrated into one of the sections in your textbook?

B. Identify the author’s major objective in this article.

C. Identify the important concepts and variables being focused on by the author. Are the definitions for concepts clear?

D.     Does the author seem to be making any assumptions?

E.      Is there bias apparent in the author’s approach?

III.               Theory

A.     Is the author being guided by a particular theoretical perspective or theory? If so, describe the author’s interpretation and use of the theory.

B.     Does the theory seem to be applied appropriately to the issue or topic?

C.     Compare the author’s understanding and use of the theory to how the theory is presented in the text.

IV.              Research Methods

A.     What research design does the author use? Does it seem appropriate for the author’s objective?

B.     Does the author clearly describe the procedures used for this research?

C.     What procedures were used to select subjects for this study? What was the response rate?

D.     Is the study cross-sectional or longitudinal in design?

E.      Are the data clearly and meaningfully presented?

V.                 Discussion and Interpretations

A. Do the data support the author’s conclusions?

B. Is the article thought provoking? What new questions, if any, is the author raising?

C. What is your evaluation of the author’s literature review? How comprehensive is it? Does the author include citations from more than just one perspective or viewpoint?

D. Is the research cited current? Does the author provide historical perspective through the citations?

VI.              Reflection

A.     How has this article expanded upon material presented in the text?

B.     What was the most important thing you learned by reading and critiquing this article?

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